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Can Charr's back be modified to be straight?


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Welcome to the reason most games stick to mostly human shaped, upright-standing races. Trolls and Worgen in WoW have hunchbacked models with the same graphical issues.

To make an upright Charr look right, they couldn't use the present models. GW2 Charr don't look even remotely natural standing upright; necks are way too long, among other issues. They'd need to create new models closer to GW1 Charr concepts...


...and THEN they would have to redesign literally every skin in the game to fit the new models. That's the kind of major development work that happens in pre-alpha or alpha stages of development, not seven years into stable release. Not gonna happen at this mature stage of GW2's lifespan.

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I find that to be a personal issue. I actually picked charrs as my main race to play as, because they're bestial and brutish looking. If their back were straight, all that would do is make them lose part of their Identity. Mmos lately are tending toward the "Human + Human-looking race" route, which is samey is honestly not enticing at all. Some MMos go the extra mile down by making different types of humans, where the only difference are the stats/skills. I find that atrocious. Guild wars 2 offer me a bit of a safe haven from that, and I'd like to keep it that way.

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@"Jimbru.6014" said:Welcome to the reason most games stick to mostly human shaped, upright-standing races. Trolls and Worgen in WoW have hunchbacked models with the same graphical issues.

To make an upright Charr look right, they couldn't use the present models. GW2 Charr don't look even remotely natural standing upright; necks are way too long, among other issues. They'd need to create new models closer to GW1 Charr concepts...


...and THEN they would have to redesign literally every skin in the game to fit the new models. That's the kind of major development work that happens in pre-alpha or alpha stages of development, not seven years into stable release. Not gonna happen at this mature stage of GW2's lifespan.

And then you realise that wow did that with their aditional race postures n such.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Lonewolf Kai.3682 said:As a person who has all Charr only toons, I resoundingly state my objections and say

why say no to something that could be entirely optional therefor not affect you in the slightest?

Because it would go against established lore.

That and also I’d rather development time be spent elsewhere.

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@"Jimbru.6014" said:Welcome to the reason most games stick to mostly human shaped, upright-standing races. Trolls and Worgen in WoW have hunchbacked models with the same graphical issues.

To make an upright Charr look right, they couldn't use the present models. GW2 Charr don't look even remotely natural standing upright; necks are way too long, among other issues. They'd need to create new models closer to GW1 Charr concepts...


...and THEN they would have to redesign literally every skin in the game to fit the new models. That's the kind of major development work that happens in pre-alpha or alpha stages of development, not seven years into stable release. Not gonna happen at this mature stage of GW2's lifespan.

Man the original concept art for both charr and norn look way better than the models we ended up with in-game.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Lonewolf Kai.3682 said:As a person who has all Charr only toons, I resoundingly state my objections and say

why say no to something that could be entirely optional therefor not affect you in the slightest?

Because it would go against established lore.

Whats the established lore that made fire shaman able to stand straight and not all other charr?

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Game of Bones.8975 said:No it's a part of their biology.A straight spine would be an abnormality.

Nonsense. See Charr in GW1.

Always thought they retconned that, given how -all- charr in GW2 now stand hunched over Even the Shamans in Gw2 use the same model as other Charr just a bit straighter(to the point of looking awkward.) Im glad they stand that way, makes them less human and more unique, sure its small, but it helps.

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As a charr main, no. Their current pose is much more natural and is a refreshing change from other games where "large cat warrior" translates to "human body, cat head, fur, and tail". Nevermind all the developmental time and resources that would be needed to create the new player model, animations, and rigging but also change how every piece of armour and effect in the game would look on the new charr even if it was optional. If they're not going back to redo old backpacks to be dyable, why would they go back and do something that's several times the amount of work that would benefit the fewest amount of players? (I seem to recall Anet saying charr were the least-played race)

Also I want to point out that in your images as "proof" quadrupedal animals can stand upright, 3/4 are sitting, not standing. The only animals that can comfortably walk on two legs are humans and birds. Kangaroos do as well, though they hop, and while other apes and monkeys can walk on two legs, only for short amounts of time and they prefer walking on all four unless there's a need to walk on just two. In a more stylized game you could get away with a super bulky character standing straight on (thinner) digitigrade legs, but GW1 and GW2 have always had a stylized realism style, not purely stylized like some other MMOs have.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@"Game of Bones.8975" said:No it's a part of their biology.A straight spine would be an abnormality.

Nonsense. See Charr in GW1.

Always thought they retconned that, given how -all- charr in GW2 now stand hunched over Even the Shamans in Gw2 use the same model as other Charr just a bit straighter(to the point of looking awkward.) Im glad they stand that way, makes them less human and more unique, sure its small, but it helps.

It was indeed a deliberate retcon, given that they had to start over with designing them so they'd work as a customizable player race. There were a fair number of other changes too, including geographical ones with the "250 years and dragons" handwaving - the main reason a lot of features appeared or disappeared was so they'd work with the new zone layout.

So with charr, it would have been a requirement for simplicity's sake to build them on a single rig, as opposed to the caster/brawler duality in GW1. Whatever the reasons were, they've gone with the hunched rig.

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I was just going to reiterate that the hunched charr is a very gw2 thing. Gw1 had both straight and hunched (not as pronounced) charr. Normally the Axe fiends and the bladestorms [melee] charr seemed to be the most haunched. Martyrs and fire callers were straight-spined. Necros/chaots I think were slightly haunched. Idk, I've been playing a lot of GW1 recently. 10/10 would recommend. :P

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I personally like the way charr look as is i dont want them looking more human shaped which is what would happen if you gave them a straight back all the time.Their necks and faces would need to be reduced for that too which is just no....

You can make capes look good on charr if you got some style even with the arched back.

As far as i understand being hunched over is their natural position but they can choose to stand up straight for certain occasions which is why you saw it in gw1. Seems like i also might have read some place that standing up straight is also very stressful on their backs if they do so for long periods of time.

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