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Warriors Aren't Meant To Be Rangers


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Hey everyone,

First of all, Happy Wintersday, I hope you're keeping yourself and your mount nice and warm!

Now lets get into it. There is currently a HUGE problem with PvP. I normally don't come to the forums, but after playing this game since release, I've finally encountered a serious problem with one of the classes in this game. Rifle. Warrior. That's right, you heard me, Warriors can for some reason use Rifles. And its B R O K E N. I was playing PvP the other day (on EU) and was rotating to help my team mates at home who were having trouble catching a tricky soulbeast named bonce or something. Anyways, I got there, and I'm playing a pretty tanky build, something I made myself, here's the link if you want so I wasn't really worried about dying, plus I had 3 other team mates there. However we just couldn't seem to kill this ranger!! He might have been cheating idk, but after about 2 minutes of chasing him around the node we almost had him. And then it happened. Out of NOWHERE, BOOM, I was dead. No warning, no aoe indicator, nothing. This Charr just one shot me from what had to be 2k + range with a RIFLE. ON WARRIOR. Why is that fair? How is that balanced??? And I even saw him doing it to a team mate who was blocking??? So this rifle shot is unblockable as well? Hello? There's no other skill in the game that can do that much damage in one go, at that range, not to mention being unblockable, not to mention being on a class that has no business doing ranged damage. Warriors are meant to be tanky frontline classes that can soak up lots of damage, not dish it out. But here's the worst part: I went to NA after getting tired of dying to random BS on EU, and you won't believe it. There was a rifle warrior there too!! This time it was an absolutely hideous norn, but it still played the exact same way. One shots from across the map without any real warning signs and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I don't know how I can continue to PvP with builds like this in the game. Please someone tell me there is a change coming for this, or its a bug that allows warriors to use rifle. Also does anyone know why banners aren't working anymore? Or is that just me?

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That Berserker build is very gimmicky, if the Gunflame doesn't land, the whole build falls apart. It's only Unblockable if they took a signet, the build you're discussing has barely any room to survive after frontloading all of its damage. Rifle is also just terrible after blowing your gunflame, the unblockable will wear off and you'll probably get Volley'd in the face.

So basically this is a noob killer build. But a good player in Plat will run circles around you whilst laughing if you bring rifle berserker to the party.

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There's much that could be said with this post, but I will keep simple.

One thing : Gunflame/kill shot should have some indicator that he's aiming for you. A lot of times warriors will hide in the shadows from behind, at max range. You won't see it until either your whole team wipes during the first mid fight, or when you get one shot during a 1v1 that you didn't even know was happening.

With deadeye, a simple change was put to reduce surprise. A mark was put at the enemies feet as notification, before any burst initiates. Having a notification on just warriors one skill could help with these complaints.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:That Berserker build is very gimmicky, if the Gunflame doesn't land, the whole build falls apart. It's only Unblockable if they took a signet, the build you're discussing has barely any room to survive after frontloading all of its damage. Rifle is also just terrible after blowing your gunflame, the unblockable will wear off and you'll probably get Volley'd in the face.

So basically this is a noob killer build. But a good player in Plat will run circles around you whilst laughing if you bring rifle berserker to the party.

Reguardless, a skill with no tell that can hit you from 1,500 range for 14k~ is not good balance. Even anet knows this, that's why deadeye has a big obvious tell and ranger's knockback/rapid fire combo at least gives you a second or so to react . No, the warrior kneeling is not a good tell because you still don't know for sure who he's aiming for and often time they will do this from quite far way so you wont notice them kneeling anyways. If I get in a fight where I'm aware of them? Easy, like you said they don't have good survivability. When I'm in a 1v1 or team fight and they sneak around the corner from 1,500 range and gunflame with no tell? Not really much I can do about that except hope I notice them. I'm not saying it's going to win you higher ranked games but it's another annoying 1 shot build to throw on the ever growing pile of 1 shot builds. However, ranked sPvP is just a meme anyways so without other changes it really doesn't matter.

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@"Stallic.2397" said:There's much that could be said with this post, but I will keep simple.

One thing : Gunflame should have some indicator that he's aiming for you. A lot of times warriors will hide in the shadows from behind, at max range. You won't see it until either your whole team wipes during the first mid fight, or when you get one shot during a 1v1 that you didn't even know was happening.

With deadeye, a simple change was put to reduce surprise. A mark was put at the enemies feet as notification, before any burst initiates. Having a notification on just warriors one skill could help with these complaints.

Sorry but Warriors don't have stealth, there's no "hide in the shadows". There IS an indicator to see if Gunflame is coming. The Berserker is lit up bright red like a fire engine. Literally just LoS him, he's clumsy on his rifle if you can close the gap. It's a total gimmick build and it's not even good, especially not in PvP. In WvW it's actually strong though, in good hands.

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@ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

@"Stallic.2397" said:There's much that could be said with this post, but I will keep simple.

One thing : Gunflame should have some indicator that he's aiming for you. A lot of times warriors will hide in the shadows from behind, at max range. You won't see it until either your whole team wipes during the first mid fight, or when you get one shot during a 1v1 that you didn't even know was happening.

With deadeye, a simple change was put to reduce surprise. A mark was put at the enemies feet as notification, before any burst initiates. Having a notification on just warriors one skill could help with these complaints.

Sorry but Warriors don't have stealth, there's no "hide in the shadows". There IS an indicator to see if Gunflame is coming. The Berserker is lit up bright red like a fire engine. Literally just LoS him, he's clumsy on his rifle if you can close the gap. It's a total gimmick build and it's not even good, especially not in PvP. In WvW it's actually strong though, in good hands.

It's a complete meme build. I've dodged Gunflame/ kill shot more than once before. All it takes is timing

But most deaths from this build are from behind, where the player isn't even on the computer screen. Even if zoomed out at max.

A simple red line targeting the rifle to the enemy would suffice. If the warrior wants to bait a dodge, he could aim, stow weapon, then aim again.

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Hello Doc Holiday this Boomer Charr has been running around 1 shotting people for awhile now and I'm not too sure why or how this build hasn't been nerfed yet. Its honestly broken and very unfun to play against! I hope ANET really gives this build the big nerf hammer soon! :rage:

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