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What (if anything) do you buy from the Black Lion Trading Company?

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I used to buy almost everything during the first 4-5 years of the game.

Now...nothing really. The occasional skin, but that's maybe a couple of purchases a year. I can't really justify the prices anymore given I could use the money for actual full games and rpg books. Then again, the game also doesn't grab my time in the same way as it used to. Which is a combination of a dissatisfaction in the direction of the game and also a realisation Ive played it way too much anyway and I've prob burned out a little. I still play every week, but in short bursts. As a result, I feel less like I;m getting moneys worth out of things so highly priced.

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@Randulf.7614 said:I used to buy almost everything during the first 4-5 years of the game.

My first character was a ranger (fav class from GW1) and I bought a few quiver skins (Rox's, the fiery one, the cool one, and that other one...you know that one with the special things that did nothing in-game). You know when the last time I showed a back item, let alone one of the quivers, was probably 3-6 months after the purchase.

If I had Warbringer (or Warcry) that might be a different story.

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Can't tell if the op is asking about gem store or tp, but gemstore it's always storage, and only when I have gold I can't find a use for and gem prices are low. TP it's just kind of w/e. I have buy orders in on dyes and skins rn, just bc they're cheap and I don't have them . . .

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Gemstore: character slots, when I actually have the gold to convert to gems...they're so expensive, even on sale. But, as an incorrigible RP-wannabe and altoholic, I can never have enough. I'd like to buy mount skins[1] and outfits, but it's either that or character slots, so...

Trading post: dyes...occasionally gear (usually for the skins, not the actual gear itself)...that's about it.

[1]Problem is, the one mount skin I really want is locked behind that first RNG-only license. Boo. :( Oh well.

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Gem store: I've bought small amounts of lots of QoL things over the years, 8 character slots, 6 bank tabs, an extra bag slot for my main character...But I probably spend more on mini pets, mount skins, outfits and other cosmetics. Only things I don't buy are consumables like transmutation charges or revive orbs, I get enough of them from in-game sources.

Trading post: whatever I want and can't be bothered farming. I recently bought literally thousands of mithril and elder wood for the Claw of the Khan-Ur, and gem stones for the amalgamated gems. I buy mini pets when I'm not saving gold for a big purchase, and go through phases of buying dyes or skins.

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I probably spent 4-5k gold changing to gems and buying stuff from the store.

I do not have anything that I currently want to buy from the store. I already have a couple of glider and mount skins. I will not buy any additional ones. I very rarely buy outfits.

I want to buy more shares slots. I already have 9. So it is an unneeded luxury. I would buy armors, if they are ever added.

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Mostly utility items (primers, XP buffs, perpetual gathering tools, etc.) and vanity items (glider skins, selected mount skins, maybe a weapon skin or two). When they are on sale, I might pick up a few character slots or bag slots. I've maxed out my bank tabs and shared slots. Otherwise, I just keep an eye out for new things.

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