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Is it worth it


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I'm just now coming back to the after a couple years, I really enjoyed the game when it first came out and played for a while with my friends up until it went to f2p i believe, life got busy and online time took a dive. the other day i felt a little nostalgia when one of the golem power suits popped up in an image search. After a bit of research it seems the game has changed a great deal from it's launch. is it worth buying the expansions and getting back on. Is it worth it?

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Easiest way to find out is to just log into your account and check it out yourself. While you can't access the expansion content (maps of course, but more importantly masteries that cover things like mounts and gliding) you can still get reaquainted with classes, combat system, art style etc. and observe the changes to the game from the inside. If you enjoy what you find it's easy to upgrade the account, and if you don't then at least you know why the game is no longer for you.

For a lengthy list of what has changed since you last played, the wiki has a list of releases and their key features.

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Yes it's worth it, there's loads of stuff to do: everything that was in the game when you left is still there, lots more has been released and there's more coming soon. I don't think there's any barriers to coming back either, your account and characters will still be as you left them, you'll be able to play the core game areas without buying the expansions and although there's been a lot of balance changes I don't think it would have made any of your characters unplayable. (Although when I'm coming back to a game after a long break I like to make a new character so I can rediscover stuff gradually while levelling up and remind myself how it all works instead of trying to jump straight in where I left it.)

I also agree with this:

@"Rasimir.6239" said:Easiest way to find out is to just log into your account and check it out yourself. While you can't access the expansion content (maps of course, but more importantly masteries that cover things like mounts and gliding) you can still get reaquainted with classes, combat system, art style etc. and observe the changes to the game from the inside. If you enjoy what you find it's easy to upgrade the account, and if you don't then at least you know why the game is no longer for you.

For a lengthy list of what has changed since you last played, the wiki has a list of releases and their key features.

You can still play the core game without needing to buy anything (and without the F2P restrictions) so there's no reason not to reinstall and try playing for a bit first, then buy the expansions when you're sure you want to keep playing and want the extra content and features.

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As someone who's played since the 3 day head start, I'd say yes. Definitely come back and check it out. See if you still enjoy it. Personally I take a break from the game here and there but always end up coming back and having fun playing it. The player base isn't as huge as it once was but its rare that you'll find maps completely empty even old story maps. Chat is usually lively and story missions are pretty cool. I would advise just come back with whatever you already have and play around with it for a while, then if you find you still enjoy it, which I think you probably will, go ahead and purchase whichever expacs you need and play those stories and get the LW episodes your missing.

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If you haven't logged in for years now, there isn't much new stuff immediately to do for you.If you want to enjoy the story, and you need to buy the expansions (which are now a bundle) that you need to buy each Living World Episode you didn't log in when it was the newest content for 200 gems.With 8 episodes in Season 2, 6 Episodes in Season 3 and 4 each, as well as the prologue of Season 5.That 21 episodes, 4200 gems.I don't even know if you can unlock Core Tyria masteries without having at least Heart of Thorns.

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@Booman.6071 said:is it worth buying the expansions and getting back on. Is it worth it?

Definitely yes in my opinion.

There is a lot to love about GW2 and a lot to hate. Of course not everyone loves/hates the same things.

But it is still GW2 and the expansions feel also like GW2, there are new beautiful and stunning maps, travelling is so much more fun with gliding (and mushrooms, and the spiderman-skill, and , and and,...) from Heart-of-Thornes and of course the mounts (from Path of Fire) and the new Elite specs extend the core-classes a lot.

But there is one exception: If your main game-type is only WvW: This game-type seems like it is mainly abandoned by the devs/Anet and this is only a shadow what it was years ago.

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@Fueki.4753 said:If you haven't logged in for years now, there isn't much new stuff immediately to do for you.If you want to enjoy the story, and you need to buy the expansions (which are now a bundle) that you need to buy each Living World Episode you didn't log in when it was the newest content for 200 gems.With 8 episodes in Season 2, 6 Episodes in Season 3 and 4 each, as well as the prologue of Season 5.That 21 episodes, 4200 gems.I don't even know if you can unlock Core Tyria masteries without having at least Heart of Thorns.

A better way to do it would be to buy the complete packs from the gem store, which have a 20% discount and will be further discounted if you already own any episodes (so you're not paying for something you already have). For all the episodes it's 1,280 gems for Season 2, and 960 each for Season 3 and 4, giving a total cost of 3,200.

Although the OP said they quit around the time F2P came out, which was August 2015, so that's after Season 2, meaning they might well have all those episodes already.

Additional info for the OP, and others: If you're interested in the story the full order is:

  1. Personal story
  2. Season 1 (unavailable)
  3. Season 2
  4. Heart of Thorns
  5. Season 3
  6. Path of Fire
  7. Season 4
  8. Season 5

So there's no need to buy everything at once, you have to buy the expansions together now but you could wait to buy Living Story seasons until you reach that point in the story (to space the payments out a bit). And if you're not interested in the story it's probably better to find out what else is included in each episode and only buy the ones which are useful to you rather than getting stuff you may never use.

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@"Booman.6071" said:I'm just now coming back to the after a couple years, I really enjoyed the game when it first came out and played for a while with my friends up until it went to f2p i believe, life got busy and online time took a dive. the other day i felt a little nostalgia when one of the golem power suits popped up in an image search. After a bit of research it seems the game has changed a great deal from it's launch. is it worth buying the expansions and getting back on. Is it worth it?

Might want to look through this thread for other opinions: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/95888/thinking-of-coming-back-what-is-there-what-do-you-do-in-the-game-usually-other-than-pvp-wvw

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:No; you'll regret all the time you invested when you hit a wall where there's no more progress to be made.

So... pretty much every game ever.

Other games end, they don't run on life support.

You have never experienced an MMORPG on life support. I have and even have seen one shut down (Warhammer Online).

I get you might be burnt out or frustrated with the game, but your comments are beyond shameful both towards the developers as well as an honest question asked. If you have gripes, name them so TC can make an educated opinion.


It depends on how your situation has changed and what you are looking for. Content wise the game has expanded greatly. It has retained its ease of gearing and access ti game modes, if time constraints are an issue. It does lack an expansion last year, which puts it behind competitors.

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:No; you'll regret all the time you invested when you hit a wall where there's no more progress to be made.

So... pretty much every game ever.

Other games end, they don't run on life support.

Now the problem is that it keeps going? Not that progress ends at some point? Which one is it? Either it ends or it doesn't end.

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Yes it is worth it. No games is devoid of issues, esp MMO's which have to cater for so many. It's petered out a bit recently, but there's enough really good content to keep you going for ages with a decent sized population.

If you return though, find a good Guild. Might take a few attempts, but it can be essential for widening your range of activities and finding help for group stuff

Ignore the life support comments or any use of the term "maintenance mode". The game isn't close to either of those points

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I stopped playing for several years and came back about a year and a half ago. I say yes, it's worth it. There's a ton of stuff to do.

Buy Path of Fire, get Heart of Thorns for free, and do the quest to get your raptor. It's a game-changer. :)

Then go back and pick up the core game from the point you left off and work your way thru the story and the maps.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:No; you'll regret all the time you invested when you hit a wall where there's no more progress to be made.

So... pretty much every game ever.

Other games end, they don't run on life support.

You have never experienced an MMORPG on life support. I have and even have seen one shut down (Warhammer Online).

You must have missed the thread where everyone acknowledges that ANet is only doing the "bare bones" of development needed to keep this game running...

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@Mortifera.6138 said:No; you'll regret all the time you invested when you hit a wall where there's no more progress to be made.

So... pretty much every game ever.

Other games end, they don't run on life support.

You have never experienced an MMORPG on life support. I have and even have seen one shut down (Warhammer Online).

You must have missed the thread where everyone acknowledges that ANet is only doing the "bare bones" of development needed to keep this game running...

There is no such thread where "everyone" acknowledges that

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