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Rez Speed Healing Too High For Current Damage Level

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Lower damage level makes cleaving out bodies hard/near impossible even against 1 person rezzing. This gets exponentially more difficult against multiple rezzers. Stomping is still unreliable in a lot of situations especially now with less stability, etc. and doesn't work against multiple people rezzing. Not sure what the fix to this would be necessarily, besides lower healing on rez.

Would love other thoughts and experiences, especially since the changes are so new

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:I haven't played but I'm just imaging trying to cleave a Ranger LOL!

I haven't tried, but I'm sure it would be awful. Watched my friend with Berserker Ammy use Hundred Blades, Arc Divider, and Gun Flame with 25 stacks of might/Fury on a downed body while the downed body was being rezzed by 1 teammate. The bar on the downed player never dropped below 50% AND the reviver, despite taking a ton of damage as well, didn't die. In the past a combo like that would have killed both, but now it's just completely ineffective in that situation

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@ollbirtan.2915 said:Lul....cleaving....I found it ridiculous how some players blindly insisted on cleaving ----yes...cleave that ranger...or that necro....nice and long. STOMP instead kitten! Especially in a 2v2 scenario with overall lower damage why the kitten would you cleave??

Because not everyone has access to stability, and with the amount of CC skills in the game, stomping becomes nearly impossible for some classes before the downed player gets rezzed

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@"DavyMcB.1603" said:And why is it that cleaving is supposed to surpass the actual finishing mechanic that is intended to deal with down mechanic?

You players are so used to the braindead power creep meta, it’s unreal

Nowhere in my post does it say that it's "supposed to surpass the actual finishing mechanic." Please re-read. Both should be (and historically have been) useful in different ways. The damage decreases put the rez mechanic in an extremely strong spot now (which it hasn't been at in years) which isn't good for the health of the game overall

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@Tayga.3192 said:In 2v2, enemy firebrand revived rev 3 times in a row.

And no, ccs dont work.

How do I see this thread: these who arent bad and struggle to finish the dead because damage went down and reviving is easier than ever VS these who are worse but still can win because of free revives after damage went down.

Passibru solutions: Downedstate penalty like in pve/set revived player health to 20%/decrease revive speed by ~50%? Make finisher faster?

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@Odik.4587 said:

@Tayga.3192 said:In 2v2, enemy firebrand revived rev 3 times in a row.

And no, ccs dont work.

How do I see this thread: these who arent bad and struggle to finish the dead because damage went down and reviving is easier than ever and these who are bad and still can win because of free revives after damage went down

Those who are bad wont beat the good ones regardless of rez

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@Xervite.5493 said:

@"Tayga.3192" said:In 2v2, enemy firebrand revived rev 3 times in a row.

And no, ccs dont work.

How do I see this thread: these who arent bad and struggle to finish the dead because damage went down and reviving is easier than ever and these who are bad and still can win because of free revives after damage went down

Those who are bad wont beat the good ones regardless of rezOk, let me rephrase "these who are worse", not necessarily "real bad"
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@ollbirtan.2915 said:Lul....cleaving....I found it ridiculous how some players blindly insisted on cleaving ----yes...cleave that ranger...or that necro....nice and long. STOMP instead kitten! Especially in a 2v2 scenario with overall lower damage why the kitten would you cleave??

when i used to play this game i was always mad when somone started to stomp a glass cannon, or start stomping on 25% health, so please only stomp when necessary for the sake of your team8s mental health

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@Menyus.4610 said:

@ollbirtan.2915 said:Lul....cleaving....I found it ridiculous how some players blindly insisted on cleaving ----yes...cleave that ranger...or that necro....nice and long. STOMP instead kitten! Especially in a 2v2 scenario with overall lower damage why the kitten would you cleave??

when i used to play this game i was always mad when somone started to stomp a glass cannon, or start stomping on 25% health, so please only stomp when necessary for the sake of your team8s mental health

You misunderstood - prior to new patch of course it was pointless to stomp a squishy class - same goes for ressing, No one in their right mind would have tried to res, let's say, a thief who went down in a 3v3 team fight (of course there could be few exceptional situations). Also, I would get triggered myself when someone would try ressing me when there is a downed enemy next to me - Just cleave so I can rally for kitten's sake!

The 2v2 death-match calls for different mindset and tactics. As ressing traits / skills were heavily hit as well - good luck with that res in a 5v5 ranked.

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Rez may be too powerful, but I would argue that it seems op because people have become lazy in securing downs. Is it really so terrible that you need 2-3 allies cleaving and ccing to guarantee a kill? Conquest is a team game, you shouldnt be able to go on a solo rampage and cleave through 1-2 rezzers. People need to learn to not chase kills they cant finish, and they need to learn how to coordinate attacks with teammates.

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