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Lich Form is the new meta in 2v2


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@"Sunshine.5014" said:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lich_Form

It didn't get touched during the Great Nerf. Pop it together with FB and win any 2v2. Try it out before it gets nerfed :bleep_bloop:

when was the last time Lich Form was viable in PvP?

hint; not monthshow about if i say 2 years+?5 years and 7 years being the most of it

-finally Necromancer Profession have something to be proud of, to stand up for and once again...yet again; we do not deserve anything at all-

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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@"Sunshine.5014" said:

It didn't get touched during the Great Nerf. Pop it together with FB and win any 2v2. Try it out before it gets nerfed :bleep_bloop:

when was the last time Lich Form was viable in PvP?

hint; not monthshow about if i say 2 years+?5 years and 7 years being the most of it

-finally Necromancer Profession have something to be proud of, to stand up for and once again...yet again; we do not deserve anything at all-

Thats not how this works. A build doesnt get to be broken for X months just because it was useless for X months before. If something is broken, you call for nerfs on it. The goal is a PvP enviroment where every class stands a chance, not equalising percieved injustice over time.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:It last way to long and the amount of damage from the 1 skill is outrageous. Just another reason why internal testing is always a failure. A public test server would of picked this up right away.And now we wait the 3-6 months for changes. GRreat!

I don't think it will take 3-6 months. I actually have hope in CMC this time. He might fix it in 2 weeks.

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@Stallic.2397 said:Played two necros today that were both using lich form. Not kidding: the second they popped it, (together!), they won the match.

Completely turned it into an unfair advantage

Yep! Try it out before it gets nerfed! Like, instant win, even when the other side has FB. FB can't blow all the cooldowns and survive for 10s under that.

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@Dadnir.5038 said:If only they could finally get rid of Lich form...Oh! Wait! Following the trend, ANet might just remove the stability from the skill...

I hope they will rework Lich Form, transformation is aweful anyway. Maybe finally a decent spectral elite, so that core can have an alternative to plaguelands or golem. Because let's be honest, anybody with a brain will perma fear the lich with corrupts or just simply cast anti projectile dome and laugh xD

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This isn't a lich problem; it's a 2v2 problem.

2v2 will never be balanced with the way GW2 is designed - specifically the elite skill. A key design of the elite skill is that it will tip fights in your favor, but it's only available for some of the fights. If mesmer wasn't so bad right now, you'd see a lot of Moa in 2v2 because it functions the same way.

Additionally, lich form is intended to be countered by LoS or running away. The 2v2 format maps don't really allow for either.

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