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Mesmer needs buff


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@"Avatar.3568" said:first: i play ranger not mesmer.second: mesmer are just food and a legit free kill in 2vs2 or conquest !!third: kitten what to buff but pls buff the class is dead !!!!! (listen to the players)

listen to players?? how about returning Mesmer Profession identity back to they are supposed to be without the Toxic Bad Design and without being a Toxic killing machine??https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Mesmer

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Buffing mesmer without addressing the problems that still persist but nerfed down into irrelevancy is a bad idea. What are those Pharma?

Mantra of pain still giving 12 stacks of might.Continuum Split still lets you double up on anything even if chrono is dead, means if it ever comes back it doubles the power of whatever is strong while making balance by cool down irrelevant.Mirage cloak is still, imo, a bad mechanic even if it's nerfed down to 1 dodge.

Don't get me wrong, there were some really (in my opinion) dumb changes over time like mantra of concentration becoming 60s CD making it one of the worst stability skills in the game, no IP on chrono makes it unplayable without clone spam...which no-one wants and many utility skills in a very weird place for various reasons.

Having said that one thing I have to praise the balance team for is increasing mesmer identity a little with bountiful blades and adding more boon removal to domination. Perhaps if chaos was more about transferring conditions from yourself to enemies (sort of how mallyx was supposed to work) it might cement mesmer as kind of this manipulation class again but the above absolutely need changing before anything else can happen as these aspects are simply too strong.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:Id just be happy with the 2 dodges back. Played my DPS mirage for the 1st tiem since patch (mained it since shortly after its release) and maaaaaaaaaaaan. Renders my runes and sigils almost moot lol.

Instead of just dodge meme we have just dont dodge meme.what a time to be alive.

Im fine with all the other nerfs/balances, I WANT MY 2nd DODGE! :p :p

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"crepuscular.9047" said:2v2 doesnt give an accurate picture of what needs to be balanced in a 5v5 match

reread what OP wrote.

Even IF OP was talking about only 2v2s, Please explain what could possibly be balanced in 2v2 yet be unbalanced in 5v5 conquest?Far as I see it might as well balance all of PvP around the 2v2.

Also ya, Mirage only needs it's 2 evades back.Regardless of what other classes need to be nerfed and what not, unless we're seeing massive nerfs to things like: Ranger's "Natural Vigor" or the plethora of options afforded to thief, including multiple evades and "in combat mobility" across weapon sets, or the innate survivability of things like war, rev. Otherwise; Mirage shouldn't have "less" for an archetype designed to survive in head to head combat... Even with the "normal amount of dodges" Mirage still comes up short unless speccing for mirrors, which are a terrible mechanic, and does not compete with simple "on demand access" to evades/block/etc (besides the fact it's counter intuitive to a play style that can drop target but then gives a big diamond sign saying "OH I'M GOING OVER HERE IF I WANT TO DODGE YOUR CLEAVE!")

Unless we're expecting a rework for a mirage as a whole. But honestly unless we're getting something good like more target drops, more illusion protection or clone HP to try and fool players, or more readily available mobility; we only need the two dodges back or else power mirage is just an inferior thief that doesn't have the luxury to spec into stealth or even defensive lines like it's core counterpart, since baseline it doesn't do enough with Dom/Duel, and the mirage line offers nothing substantial to power.

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Also “Mesmer” being the title I think should be amended, normal Mes is at least functional with super speed, but personally I’d much rather play thief for a safer more reliable build.

It’s Chrono and Mirage that need buffs. They should have their trade offs restored and then be taken back to the drawing board.

Frankly for chrono losing distortion and not being affected by singer of illusions is enough of a drawback. Illusionary persona should be reinstated.

If we’re sticking with the reduced endurance for mirage, at the very least it should have its defensive toys back with vigor and jaunts restored, on top of blinding dissipation. In fact nomads endurance should just be A passive like Natural Vigor OR make mirage clock 1+1/4 with regular vigor access, giving value to the lack of “on demand” and not force people to take the stupid mirror trait.

But preferably just give the second evade back, and if a trade off is needed change illusion’s condis to utility condis.

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I think alot of what makes people hate Mesmer is the Stealth mechanic they share with Thief, even if they implement it much better and without some of the weaknesses since Clones kind of fill in the void it creates on Thief. If you think about it, most toxic builds wouldn't be so bad if you could see it coming, or if the Mesmer couldn't just disappear when you manage to counter it and it fails.

Yes you can blame skills like Mantra of Pain but they're pretty okay in a direct fight. And Chronomancer only got nerfed so bad because they had the Firebrand problem of making groups virtually undefeatable when played right.

I don't know what the solutions are, though..

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