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AT is dead, Swiss failed hard (EU)


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People leave after 1 game anyway, so swiss tournaments are a complete fail. ATs will be dead within weeks probably. Amazingly bad decision to add swiss tournaments.

3 tournaments in a row we lost 1 game and my team left. So I just quit doing them now. This would not be a problem with single elim. :)

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I used to play PvP pretty seriously, but honestly, I haven't seen much that excited me in a while and I never got around to following this Swiss tournament stuff. Admittedly, I don't even know what exactly the Swiss Tournament really is and that's never been explained or advertised much, so I never saw a point in getting excited over it.

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Problem is its yrs to late unfortunately. Games population is to low now and honestly is probably going to continue baring few small spikes here and there. Unless a huge expansion is not only released but also well advertised this games going to continue to dwindle, especially on the pvp side. Just enjoy what u can out of it for now.

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@Avatar.3568 said:4 pm at, 5 Teams 4 of them are gold or below one p2 team, no competition no fun.yeah we won but it doesn't feel good in any way.bring pls the old system back or change the swiss to 1 upper and 1 lower bracket (for the second chance)

It is almost like the majority of the PvP population is only interested in organized team queue when they can get matched with teams of randoms.

Making the AT tourny results count towards your PvP rating may help.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Problem is its yrs to late unfortunately. Games population is to low now and honestly is probably going to continue baring few small spikes here and there. Unless a huge expansion is not only released but also well advertised this games going to continue to dwindle, especially on the pvp side. Just enjoy what u can out of it for now.

Therein lies another issue in that Anet's marketing of the game has been comically poor.

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@Koen.1327 said:takes way too longi used to play ats daily, but even one takes up to 2 hours without break possible; i have no time for thisThis is half the problem. Not everyone has 2 hours straight to dedicate. Especially many times a week. The ideal time duration for an MMORPG group activity is 30-60 minutes.

The second half is that PUG groups, which used to bolster the AT numbers, tend to not have a high cohesiveness. After a few games, the disparate skill levels frustrate people who would prefer to try their lot with other players.

The solution to all of this is to just allow 1-5 queue in ranked. You get relatively equal skill matching, party members can come and go as needed, and you aren't stuck with the same PUGs over and over if you don't want to be. And it takes 10min off development time to enable!

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Problem is its yrs to late unfortunately. Games population is to low now and honestly is probably going to continue baring few small spikes here and there. Unless a huge expansion is not only released but also well advertised this games going to continue to dwindle, especially on the pvp side. Just enjoy what u can out of it for now.

Ok in few days , dont wonder why i bicker with you .Going from thread to threads spewing l2p and then make these kind of comments .

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More population overall ... could be a solution. And it needs to be interesting for lower tiered players as well. I guess if the population is low ... and only a few percent of total population is platin or higher (I guess <10 percent or so) it will happen as described in post #1 of course. I mean lower tiered players would not join if they always are guaranteed to get roflstomped by platins (unless there could be a match making queue to fill up a whole set of tournament teams of about equal rank) ... leaving only the few high rankers playing by themselves.

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@Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Problem is its yrs to late unfortunately. Games population is to low now and honestly is probably going to continue baring few small spikes here and there. Unless a huge expansion is not only released but also well advertised this games going to continue to dwindle, especially on the pvp side. Just enjoy what u can out of it for now.

Ok in few days , dont wonder why i bicker with you .Going from thread to threads spewing l2p and then make these kind of comments .

Thief is for the unskilled, buff mesmer ?

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A lot of people are claiming a population problem, but you need to compare AT participation in the normal format to the Swiss format. If there is a disparity, then there's a problem unique to the Swiss style.

I know that NA prime time ATs used to have around 16 teams participating.

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Yeah, the participation definitely decreased drastically since the patch. I assumed the original plan was to test swiss only with special tournaments and leave the daily ATs as they are. That would have been the smarter move and would have avoided this situation.

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