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[Proposal] Proper ammo for Gun users

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The idea consists in 3 parts.

1 - Give every single weapon skill a certain amount of ammo instead of a skill recharge time.Which leads to the next one.

2 - In Huntsman and artificer professions would be added the ability to craft ammo for your weapon skills, that you could stack up to 250 each in your inventory.Examples.Normal ammo requirements.Copper + GunpowderNormal ammo for skill 1 could be made infinite by getting max craft level and adding ascended materials to it.Silver Bullets.Silver + Gunpowder

For other ammo, such as rifle nets, would require other materials, such as spider webs + leather strings.

For a higher level of poison arrow shot, for instance, we could add...Steel + Poison Sack.Obviously higher levels of ammo would do more damage.

Other things we could craft as we increase our levels, are intensifier and multiplier.Intensifiers could be crafted and used after to combine with ammo, to intensify damage and condition damage and duration.Multipliers would multiply the amount of chosen ammo you have in your inventory.

3 - Reload time and animations.So as I mentioned.When you ran out of ammo for a certain skill, instead of a skill recharge, by clicking on that skill again, and if you had any ammo left, it would play an animation of your character reloading the weapon.

I haven't given this much thought to be honest.It just occurred to me whilst playing and thought that it could look more realistic, and also give you more value for crafting.

So what do you guys think?Good idea? Not?Your thoughts please.

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yea you punish player using a specific weapon type. then they could also introduce weapons getting broken when used to much and also force longbow and shortbow uses to craft each arrow. I am sure people wouldn't support this.

I am using weapons getting broken and arrows as an example how it would affect other weapons too. you can't expect one group of weapon user to "pay more" than the others.

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@"pninak.1069" said:yea you punish player using a specific weapon type. then they could also introduce weapons getting broken when used to much and also force longbow and shortbow uses to craft each arrow. I am sure people wouldn't support this.

I am using weapons getting broken and arrows as an example how it would affect other weapons too. you can't expect one group of weapon user to "pay more" than the others.

As I said, I haven't given it much thought.But I suppose the same rule would have to be applied to bow users.Also, A quiver should be an option for rangers on character creation, or be available for crafting as a huntsman or leather worker.

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there is also another issue I forgot to mention. the fact that you need crafting in order to be playable. I dislike crafting a lot and did it for my legendary only.

k let's say we got this change. some people would never use the weapons that got this feature and others would have stacks of them in their inventory. price of the components would increase drastically making it very hard for f2p accounts.

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Alright, maybe it's not a very good idea for GW.But as a general gamer who also plays war games, shoot em ups, etc... who doesn’t like seeing your character reload a revolver and rolling that barrel; or changing clips on a handgun?Rhetorical question...

I also forgot the engineer weapon kits.So nevermind, I guess.

Since GW1 though, always found funny rangers getting arrows out of thin air.

Sorry, I'm in a weird mood.

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@SoulGuardian.6203 said:Alright, maybe it's not a very good idea for GW.But as a general gamer who also plays war games, shoot em ups, etc... who doesn’t like seeing your character reload a revolver and rolling that barrel; or changing clips on a handgun?Rhetorical question...

I also forgot the engineer weapon kits.So nevermind, I guess.

Since GW1 though, always found funny rangers getting arrows out of thin air.

Sorry, I'm in a weird mood.

oh wow you like shoot'em ups too? I play them aswell. I mostly play cave arcade games with some doujins inbetween.

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@SoulGuardian.6203 said:

@pninak.1069 said:oh btw. you might be interested in using the action cam. it forces you to actually manually shoot at the target. so no autoaim.

I do actually.Thanks

it is in the advanced settings iirc. I tried it myself. not sure if it allows you to cast skills without skill target when using a mesmer for example. I think if it does it is a powerful tool against perma thiefes.

Now sunset riders I know that one.on twitch there is a tournament coming up named calice cup, where you have 100 players of different skilllevel compete in teams against each other. 10 games total for one month. you might know that one.

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While this is an interesting idea I think it adds more complexities thank you 'd like.At first it seems simple enough: Increased rate of fire for bows and firearms while you have ammo - offset by ammo having an acquisition cost and a storage cost.But then there is the disparity between bow/firearms and the rest of the ranged weapons.(staff/scepter/other) - does it really balance out?High ammo count/high rate of fire would be a thing easily abused by very wealthy players.This disparity between the classes of ranged weapons(ammo/non-ammo) creates a disparity between classes, as most classes use either ammo or non-ammo ranged weapons.(Mesmers being the only exception that I can think of)etc...Then you consider other practical aspects -do bow users need to carry a quiver? If so, then firearms users need to carry a bandoleer. Now a quiver is already a back item, but a bandoleer would need to be a new type of back item that displays over a chest piece on all sides.And these back items are also storage for only a specific type of item. Would quivers/bandoleers also have tiers where the higher tiers are able to store more?etc...

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re: who doesn’t like seeing your character reload a revolver and rolling that barrel; or changing clips on a handgun? - No one who likes to stay alive. You're vulnerable and can't fire during reload animations. I do like to see these long, flashy, easily visible reload animations on my opponents, though. ;)

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Many other games do require ammo for weapons that would need it (the ones I'm most familiar with are the various DnD games) and it's ok, but can be annoying. Especially when you're faced with a choice between filling 1/2 your inventory with stacks of arrows or risking running out when you go through a long dungeon. Or trying to balance trips through areas where all the enemies use bows so you can loot plenty of arrows with trips through places where none of them use bows and you use up all the arrows you looted. I don't mind dealing with that but I can't say it's a mechanic I've ever missed when it's not included in a game.

Also I'm not sure how crafting unicorns for the Dreamer would work. Or a quiver for that matter.

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Blizzard already did this at the launch of WoW and then later removed the need for ammo because it would take a lot of time to gather the materials just to play your class as well as it took a lot of inventory space (thousands of arrows for raids). lets not repeat their error.

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@Danikat.8537 said:Also I'm not sure how crafting unicorns for the Dreamer would work.Anticipating the creative solution ANet would have to come up with to make this work actually makes me want this feature :p

Other than that what everybody else said: ammunition for (certain) ranged weapons is more of a nuisance than anything else as it forces you to spend time grinding for materials to craft ammo that then cloggs up your inventory and forces you to return to town regularly to stock up again. No thanks.

@SoulGuardian.6203 said:who doesn’t like seeing your character reload a revolver and rolling that barrel; or changing clips on a handgun?I don't, thank you.

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I see the stay at home order has made people think of random off the wall things.

Before you go on supporting this idea:

  1. How will this ROI on dev time to implement it and all associated animations and troubleshooting possible character clipping? (lol reload revolver, really?)
  2. How will this not annoy the majority casual playerbase to ragequit? especially considering the amount of longbow rangers in PvE if arrows are included
  3. How will this promote class balance?
  4. How will new players with no funds make ammo?
  5. There's an ammo system (charges) already for some skills, how does this improve on that in any meaningful way?
  6. Rifles and pistols are used by 2-3 classes (thief, warrior, engineer) so how would this help the game overall
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@Khailyn.6248 said:Blizzard already did this at the launch of WoW and then later removed the need for ammo because it would take a lot of time to gather the materials just to play your class as well as it took a lot of inventory space (thousands of arrows for raids). lets not repeat their error.


No one back then liked the system. It was a a huge nuisance for hunters to stock up ammunition all the time. It simply does not work and is not wanted in an MMO.

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@"SoulGuardian.6203" said:Alright, maybe it's not a very good idea for GW.But as a general gamer who also plays war games, shoot em ups, etc... who doesn’t like seeing your character reload a revolver and rolling that barrel; or changing clips on a handgun?Rhetorical question...

I also forgot the engineer weapon kits.So nevermind, I guess.

Since GW1 though, always found funny rangers getting arrows out of thin air.

Sorry, I'm in a weird mood.

Hey at least you realized your mistake. This puts you ahead of 99.99% of the other people with their "suggestions".

Although your timing is also especially awful ... go and play Forging Steel while using only the tank to kill things. Then come back and tell us how much you enjoy reloading.

@"Elden Arnaas.4870" said:While this is an interesting idea I think it adds more complexities thank you 'd like.At first it seems simple enough: Increased rate of fire for bows and firearms while you have ammo - offset by ammo having an acquisition cost and a storage cost.But then there is the disparity between bow/firearms and the rest of the ranged weapons.(staff/scepter/other) - does it really balance out?

You just force all weapon types to need some sort of "ammo". Maybe the magical weapons need some sort of "mana stone" and the melee weapon need sharpening. Have as many variations of ammo as possible to waste as much space as possible to "encourage" players to buy more inventory space. That is a typical tactic of crappy F2P games.

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