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Describe Guild Wars 2 (In a Nutshell)

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The idea is to briefly describe GW2 in your honest oppinion.No influences from anyone.I would like to see everyone's personal opinion of the game.

If you really wish to go a little further and write an essay, by all means, do it.But as the title implies, please try to keep it short and sweet.(Not mandatory).

Fire it up please.

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That game I log into, flick through several "correctly built" classes and end up not feeling like playing any of them - so stand around in lions arch for an hour or two catching up with guildmates before I get bored and log out. Rinse and repeat until the next living world episode...

Guild Wars 2 is great the first or second time around, but I think the exploration is far more captivating than the combat or instanced content.

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New story, cool, that was fun/lame/short/long,etc. Now what. What to do, what to do? Oh that skin is cool, how do you get it? Wiki it up. Well that's easy to get, or that's going to take way to long for my liking. Hey what's going on over there a tonic party? Spend an hour or so doing that. Get bored af till something new or interesting happens, and search the lfg every 5 mins.

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Game of wikipedia - Every loot I acquired, every quest I do, to learn a new class, even if I just want to buy some ginger, I have to refer to wiki or I'll get lost.

Inconsistency - Such as... not all the secret gardens reset at the same time, not all the trophies which can safely throw away has indication on it, not all the material goes in the bank (such as the four flowers for making primers), and many more that is not on top of my head right now.

Game of useful junks for hoarders - What is that vial of salt for? Idk, but I'm supposed I should let it sit in my bank until I find out. Also let's not mention that Levvi's device/brandstone multitool/ley-infused lodstone that I will never use again but I just can't delete them.

If it ain't clunky, it ain't intended - From class skills, to the system like build template, to the crafting, to the loot system (bag-ception), to the nested questline.... Yay I finally made that weapon! Wait... I have to save it till I have enough mats to make an upgrade version of it? Wait... the collection leads to another different set of collection that is also part of another separate questline?

Quite a few inconveniently convenient items - consumable: it's character bound so you need buy them for each character you use them in the fractal, also you need to minimise it & drag it to the RHS of the screen to use | VIP lounges/portal tomes/portal devices/festival invitations/exalted portal stones/spearmarshal's plea/rolan's safe room pass.....: they're quite convenient to have but because they take up 1 shared inv slot of each of them, most were stored in the bank & were forgotten. I wish universal tome exists.

Forced content somewhat - you want to make this pve weapon? Good luck with JPs/wvw/pvp also.

A lot of exclusively rare items which is supposed to make people grind for it but the 0.000000000001% drop rate is telling me not to bother - because at that rate, even if you grind that for a whole year, still wouldn't drop (tried that for a few months at Rhendak), I've decided that exclusiveness is only meant for people with gold, but not for people who plays the game the normal way.

Game of melee aka anti-range.

Game of 250 (if you know, you know).

Beautiful game though.

Easy to meet great people.

Enjoyable open world meta.

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