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Friends list feels

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I've been around since Beta, so my friends list has lots of old friends on there. Sometimes I go through it and I remember someone, and that makes me both happy and sad: happy that I got to spend time with them, and sad that they may have moved on. It doesn't mean the game is bad, just that most people move on after a couple of years.

Does anyone go through their old friends on their friends list to get feels? Or is it just me?

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@sokeenoppa.5384 said:I have all my old gw2 friends as discord friends and we play other games together.

You haven't drifted apart over time? I've changed a lot since 7 years ago.

Not with those that I considered friends. Ofc my friend list also has some players that I hardly even knew. But the ones that I raided with in GW with discord are still my friends and we play other games and chat alot even tho they dont play this game anymore.

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Do I miss having more people I could talk to and call on to play with? Absolutely.Do I miss specific people on my Friends List? Not really...

Most of the "missing" people on my Friends list were either a) never really my friends, or b) RL friends who weren't that into it in the first place. The ones that aren't those, I don't have to miss, because I still keep in touch periodically. Turns out most of them are out living their best lives, and I'm jealous but happy for them.

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My friends list is really more of an 'acquaintances' list, where its mostly either a comm that ran fun meta squads, or players that I've randomly partied up with to help with world completion, or to help explain stuff to newer players. But I sort of know what you mean as there's some players on there where I had a great time with, for example when HoT first came out I asked for help at a HP in map chat in TD, someone came and we partied up, then after we continued to explore for a bit, then just bounced up to some high up ledge and sat down to admire the view while having a chill chat for 30mins or so before deciding to head onto the meta. That person is still on my friends list and occasionally when I see them online I wonder if they'd want to team up to do some exploring again, but I always think it'd be a bit weird to drop a message after years of not actually having done anything.

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Can't say I've had that feeling in any game I've played. My friends list is usually almost always empty. Occasionally I'll have somebody on it that I never really ever talked to that was in a mutual guild, but I don't stay in guilds long and eventually I'll leave and delete them off the friends list when I do. I'm pretty anti-social both in and out of game.

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Ou Man, I met the greatest People in gw2 and tbh I would love to meet all these people in real life. The most of us played guild wars 1 and I think we all have something great in common to get along and most likely be friends. It’s sad to see some people went away without saying good bye.

Im in a what’s app group with my guild mates I met 8 years ago and some of us have seen each other in real life as well over the years. There is daily Someone who writes something and we are always in contact even if are not playing gw2. The magic of guild wars I would say

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I would really love that we can categorize friends in this list. I use it for all sort of purposes. So for now, what I do is that I set a nickname with input like "WvW tag", "Guild Name", and so on... It helps me identify on first look. But that's lot of work and it has an enormous disadvantage: Once we set a nickname, we can no more see the game ID...

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@sokeenoppa.5384 said:I have all my old gw2 friends as discord friends and we play other games together.

GW2 needs to improve friendlist, it needs more customization.FacebookFacetimeDiscordBioetc.Additional optionsThat the user gives out. If they don't want to share Facebook, they don't share it.

Right now its too old, its like 1990s Everquest friendlist, GW2 needs to be up to date.Its 2020 for crying out loud.Get with the times GW2.

So many apps out there, GW2 needs to learn about API and Integration and start applying it.

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I'm an extrovert and quite social irl, but gaming has always been a somewhat solitary activity for me. Some of this is due to age (for most of my youth multiplayer meant actually being at someone else's house to grab a controller plugged into the same console), and the rest is due to my social circle (just don't have many gamers in my life and I'm not going to go out of my way to get more in there).

I the only reason I stick with any game is for the game itself, and I have absolutely zero concern for who else is playing it. The only feeling I get when looking at the friends list is "there's no reason for this many people to be on it" lol.

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I removed a lot of old people who havent been online in years, some I knew wouldn't come back to the game others were people I met in game.

I don't see the point in keeping a cluttered list tbh, half the people on my list I don't even remember either unless I have set a nickname for them to remind me who they are...

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I felt that way in GW1, on the rare occasion I login I still go to LA to stand on the hill, and let map know I'm the fucking king.On a positive note, I found a very missed old friend on steam by his GW1 username, he'd almost forgotten the game, he went back to finish, as well as started GW2.GW2 friends list was no different really, except I only add people who send salty pm's so I know when they are online to hunt them in pvp/wvw.my followers list is 70% people who I wish logged in to play with them again.I made a personal guild, good friends joined who are all inactive/banned now, I pick up pugs who may need some of the guild utility but aren't interested in doing guild things/chat, many of them are inactive, but I don't kick inactives, someday I may be gone, and if they return I know they'll at least have a guild.

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Yes its a bit sad for me as all the people on my list are friends that i enticed to try gw2.

They all quit, game too hard, takes way too long to unlock skills, etc. One bud even said i lied to them about difficulty by the time they got to orr.

Heck, i even purchased the game for one guy.

It really does take way to long to make a player feel invested in the game though.

About the time they start feeling decent, they go to orr, then worse yet (for new players) hot.

I had one friend make it that far and got annihilated by epic...uhhh pocket raptors, then a silly mushroom that he could not even scratch. Lol. He left.

I wish they would just sink a 1k hrs or so, they can see it can be fun if geared well.

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@uberkingkong.8041 said:

@sokeenoppa.5384 said:I have all my old gw2 friends as discord friends and we play other games together.

GW2 needs to improve friendlist, it needs more customization.FacebookFacetimeDiscordBioetc.Additional optionsThat the user gives out. If they don't want to share Facebook, they don't share it.

Right now its too old, its like 1990s Everquest friendlist, GW2 needs to be up to date.Its 2020 for crying out loud.Get with the times GW2.

So many apps out there, GW2 needs to learn about API and
and start applying it.

How about a NO, unlike some MMOs where you must accept a friend invitation, GW2's friend list is open for anyone to addBy integrating real life identity they are asking for trouble, players could have their identity stolen for criminal activities, get swatted, etc

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