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Eternal Ice Shards - let us do SOMETHING with them!

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The least valuable currency ever seen in the game. Nothing really to trade them for once you've done Illuminated weapons. Nothing to spend them on. Even the 32-slot bag only needs 40 shards. Thousands and thousands and THOUSANDS cluttering our bags.

Please, in the next patch, let's be able to vend 'em. Or swap 'em. Or convert 'em. Or craft something useful with 'em. SOMETHING!

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:Convert to LS4 currencies, convert that to VM, and then exchange them for shipments.

I've also been using the currency conversion to go back and complete achievements that require those currencies, since some of the maps they come from are horrid to farm. It's possible more uses will come out as Icebrood continues, but for now I have enough uses for them.

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The accessory chews through 56,000 karma and just 375 shards - when I'm pulling in 1,000 a day just doing regular stuff.

Being able to vend for cash would work. So would a straight VM conversion. Having to convert a currency, then convert it again, just to generate value - was surely not their original plan - particularly such a common drop.

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@Roche.7491 said:Wow! That’s a dream. How do you do a thousand a day?

Actively do the metas and work on the achievements in that map. When I was working toward the new weapon set, I was farming the events and the light puzzles. There are three light puzzles that are through gates that are really not that hard(even for me) and they give the large chests, plus there are Norn chests scattered everywhere, plus there are chests on that map all over.

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@Etria.3642 said:

@Roche.7491 said:Wow! That’s a dream. How do you do a thousand a day?

Actively do the metas and work on the achievements in that map. When I was working toward the new weapon set, I was farming the events and the light puzzles. There are three light puzzles that are through gates that are really not that hard(even for me) and they give the large chests, plus there are Norn chests scattered everywhere, plus there are chests on that map all over.

Add to that the strikes give a fair bit daily aswell.

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There are plenty of uses for them though. I now find it hilarious that people were complaining about their accumulation being too difficult at the last release.

You can convert them straight to S4 currencies, then eat them for magic, and then buy trophy shipments for lots of gold.

You can also get ascended amulets and accessories.

Obsidian shards are far more worthless - only having value if you want to craft legendaries.

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@Etria.3642 said:

@Roche.7491 said:Wow! That’s a dream. How do you do a thousand a day?

Actively do the metas and work on the achievements in that map. When I was working toward the new weapon set, I was farming the events and the light puzzles. There are three light puzzles that are through gates that are really not that hard(even for me) and they give the large chests, plus there are Norn chests scattered everywhere, plus there are chests on that map all over.

  • hundreds from daily strike missions.
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@Blocki.4931 said:

@Roche.7491 said:Wow! That’s a dream. How do you do a thousand a day?

Actively do the metas and work on the achievements in that map. When I was working toward the new weapon set, I was farming the events and the light puzzles. There are three light puzzles that are through gates that are really not that hard(even for me) and they give the large chests, plus there are Norn chests scattered everywhere, plus there are chests on that map all over.

  • hundreds from daily strike missions.

Public strikes are always empty. Incan only do meta but only by chance. How to get them regularly?

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@Roche.7491 said:

@Roche.7491 said:Wow! That’s a dream. How do you do a thousand a day?

Actively do the metas and work on the achievements in that map. When I was working toward the new weapon set, I was farming the events and the light puzzles. There are three light puzzles that are through gates that are really not that hard(even for me) and they give the large chests, plus there are Norn chests scattered everywhere, plus there are chests on that map all over.

  • hundreds from daily strike missions.

Public strikes are always empty. Incan only do meta but only by chance. How to get them regularly?

Look in LFG, takes like 5 seconds to find a group there. Public is really bad, never use it. No control about the group, you can't even see how many people are in there half the time. Voice and Claw, Fraenir and Shiverpeaks Pass are extremely easy and give good rewards for the time investment.

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@"Sanity Obscure.6054" said:You can convert them straight to S4 currencies, then eat them for magic, and then buy trophy shipments for lots of gold.

This is what I do.

Obsidian shards are far more worthless - only having value if you want to craft legendaries.

I would be utterly delighted if all of those materials could be sold on the TP. I'd even accept a vendor. I got two gobblers but the others are kind of in the "Effort not worth reward" category for me so I still have a pile of the stuff getting tossed.

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@pninak.1069 said:you got an ascended amulett and accessory with selectable stats. those cost 375 ice shards each.

Great if you have no use for them, though, because all your characters are already fully equipped with ascended and legendary gear since long before The Icebrood Saga launched.

I keep buying the Campfire Treats, but once I have a full stack of 250 I will stop buying more. I would appreciate a useful alternative for the currency as well.

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