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Here because quarantine?

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I've been playing GW2 since release (with breaks, but no major ones) and I'll keep playing it after the lockdown is over. I might be playing it a bit less, but because I've finally managed to get hold of a Nintendo Switch and I've got a lot of games to catch up on.

A few of my real-life friends have started playing during the lockdown. Some were planning on getting GW2 at some point anyway, others started because of it. I think some of them will keep playing but I'm not sure about all of them.

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I play less during the quarantine. I still need to go to work, still have university classes and I have two bachelor's exams in the next four weeks. So I've got plenty to do and the quarantine makes it more difficult (can't go to the library, ...). So I've got less time. I hope I can play more after my exams.

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I came back because of the quarantine, work and RL stuff stopped me from playing for a while previously and I just didn't get back to it, I saw they had a sale for the two expansions so got those, and rolled a new character, I'm having a good time with it so will stick with it this time even when the whole Covid situation ends.

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I've been retired for years now, so that's not a factor. However, I am here less right now because my Mom had a stroke a few weeks ago. Covid has shut down her CCRC's provision of therapy, rehab, and care, so I've been scrambling to find alternate providers and placements and monitor her care all while unable to physically visit her. I have to answer every phone call instead of filtering out spam.

If it weren't for quarantine she might have been found in time to treat the blood clot and be in much better physical shape now. And I might be doing far more game time if I didn't have to be able to pause what I'm doing at any moment.

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@Donari.5237 said:I've been retired for years now, so that's not a factor. However, I am here less right now because my Mom had a stroke a few weeks ago. Covid has shut down her CCRC's provision of therapy, rehab, and care, so I've been scrambling to find alternate providers and placements and monitor her care all while unable to physically visit her. I have to answer every phone call instead of filtering out spam.

If it weren't for quarantine she might have been found in time to treat the blood clot and be in much better physical shape now. And I might be doing far more game time if I didn't have to be able to pause what I'm doing at any moment.

I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all that. I can only imagine how stressful it must be. :'(

I hope you're able to get your mum the care she needs soon.

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I have been unable to play since christmas eve - when my PC died. I can log in on my laptop, but not play. The quarantine has stopped domestic shipping, so my new PC has been sitting in a warehouse in Manila for 2 months. I hope the domestic travel bans lift soon, so they can deliver it, and I can play again.

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I've been playing a long time, only the last couple of months i lost my interest a bit. Recently i am playing a lot again :) Really nice to see some of my friends have returned too! I always play games pandamic or not, so yes i will be playing after this is all over!

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Not playing atm cause Skritt raided the EU servers.But generally same level of activity for a good while now.

The virus has not impacted my life at all tbh, social distancing is something i've done naturally my whole life just because I prefer to keep people I don't know out of my personal space.. same goes for washing hands too, I don't like my hands being dirty, sticky or especially oily so I wash them quite often, especially when im cooking, cleaning etc.Ironically im not a germaphobe or anything.. I just don't like the feeling of having gooey or dirty hands.

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As an old retired guy I was already spending almost all my time at home, much of it playing GW2. So the shutdowns haven't changed my game involvement at all. Early on in the lockdowns when people were first complaining of getting bored, I posted links to GW2 and told people how to find me ingame if they wanted to try it. Got a couple of tentative responses but no one followed through to actually start playing. From my own in-game experience I haven't seen a large surge of newcomers, just a mild increase in the number of newbies asking for help. What I have seen is a general increase in the game population. My tentative conclusion, based on nothing but my own vague observations is that it's not so much a matter of new people coming in as it is already active players having more time to spend ingame.

The increased population is nice in open world PVE. Random PUGs are generally available for whatever is going on in any given map, making it easier to get things done. The place where the larger number of active players has made a negative difference to me is in WvW. My preferred play style there is solo roaming, late at night, when I can quietly go about doing dailies and racking up experience and reward track gains. These days though, the WvW population is so high that I have to go further and further to find something to attack. And I'm getting jumped on by other players a lot quicker than I ever have before in the wee hours of the morning.

Something I've only noticed since the EU servers went down yesterday is how important GW2 has become in my day to day routine. I'll run around ingame for a while, then watch videos for a bit, back to the game for a while and then back to videos for a bit, wash, rinse, repeat. It's a routine that keeps my days happily filled. Now that GW2 is currently unavailable, there is definitely a void there, an itch I can't scratch. I can only video binge for so long and while I have a library of other games available on Steam, none of them seem particularly appealing atm. I want to get back to Tyria. :(

EDIT: Just minutes after I posted this, the EU servers went back online. I've been happily immersed in Tryia again ever since. :)

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