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With regards to the latest patch


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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:Actually for condi thief, it halved the torment stacks and halved the poison stacks it gets from the venom. It may not have killed the condi teef, however acknowledging that nothing was solved is an incorrect statement as it lost a chunk of its damage as the condi teef relies on poison and that torment. Ranger bird was hit somewhat decently so I will give you the fact they will switch to another pet (seeing how good players will adapt after all). Holo isnt that bad imo and necro is creeping up there for sure.

Imo burn guards also need looked at

I believe people simply want to see the specs/class they hate to be completely deleted so....

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@Walarti.2961 said:

@mistsim.2748 said:condi thieves weren't gonna get killed, CMC said SHAVED. the build wasn't too bad to begin with, and not the most competitive in the higher brackets of play. hardly saw any past plat 1.

condi thief is good now.

winning monthly and 2x condi thief in almost every p2/3 game, often 3-4. yee so hard to see any past plat1. maybe you didn't see any because you didn't get higher than plat1?

i think you are basically a bad.

I don't get your point tho? you said kitten so I called it kitten, I had about 300 ranked games this season, 95% of them was plat2-3 and in almost every game there was condi thief and you say condi thief was "hardly played past plat1", also I mentioned condi thief won monthly so how is it not competetive in higher brackets if it won the highest?

If you are complaining about this spec and wanted it to die completely, you are a bad. That is all. The shave was good, live with it.

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@Supreme.3164 said:

@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:Actually for condi thief, it halved the torment stacks and halved the poison stacks it gets from the venom. It may not have killed the condi teef, however acknowledging that nothing was solved is an incorrect statement as it lost a chunk of its damage as the condi teef relies on poison and that torment. Ranger bird was hit somewhat decently so I will give you the fact they will switch to another pet (seeing how good players will adapt after all). Holo isnt that bad imo and necro is creeping up there for sure.

Imo burn guards also need looked at

I believe people simply want to see the specs/class they hate to be completely deleted so....

This is also true.

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@Walarti.2961 said:

@mistsim.2748 said:condi thieves weren't gonna get killed, CMC said SHAVED. the build wasn't too bad to begin with, and not the most competitive in the higher brackets of play. hardly saw any past plat 1.

condi thief is good now.

winning monthly and 2x condi thief in almost every p2/3 game, often 3-4. yee so hard to see any past plat1. maybe you didn't see any because you didn't get higher than plat1?

i think you are basically a bad.

I don't get your point tho? you said kitten so I called it kitten, I had about 300 ranked games this season, 95% of them was plat2-3 and in almost every game there was condi thief and you say condi thief was "hardly played past plat1", also I mentioned condi thief won monthly so how is it not competetive in higher brackets if it won the highest?

So what? I see 2 necro or revs almost every match. Let's delete them from the game.

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dear oh dear same old same old


build diversity still does not exist unless it is for revenant and necromancer which i am thankful for but no other enjoys this. from rev to warrior to mesmer it is just a sad thing to see. power and condi for core/herald/renegade all function well but a class like mesmer isnt allowed to exist and warrior is just redundant because of how inferior it is to ever class that competes with it.

Tempest's shocking aura share still there to make sure u get stunlocked for enemy revs and other goodies to shred you. honestly shocking aura duration when shared to allies should be halved. it is too good a value when it is aoe to 5 targets. Tempest still remains the only viable support class in pvp. nice build diversity

power herald still lives porting through walls with quickness a bunch of might lifesteal jade daggers and a no animation shiro f2 that is the most dangerous of all their f2s. good luck escaping

thief shadowportal still busted. leeching venoms still busted . confusion on steal isnt gone yet. condi thief isnt going away anytime soon but i will take the damage reduction even when the mechanics that make it cancerous are still around

engi's explosive entrance still busted when it punishes you for playing well and being at a high hp when the trigger is 90% hp. holo surely needs more cc right?condi engi's on any elite and even core is still having the survivability a wet tissue

Firebrand's F2 tome is still a death trap and not worth using over renewed>f3 . the class's value is reduced to just spewing cc and a aoe on point, being target number 1 if no necro exists in sight and nothing else. might as well roll core guard for support at that point. honestly the survivability of a class that picks healing amulets is much worse than most classes that use berserker amulet. Hammer needs a tune up to and Dragonhunter is almost decent but still needs a lil bit more of your love

Necro has seen a fair number of nerfs which makes it manageable thanks to its design but has not seen a change in weapons in a long time. Daggers both main and off hand are still bad with no real incentive to use at all with dagger off hand unlike all other off hands is still lacking in lifeforce generation making it worse than anything else. Focus 4 projectile still sinks in the ground, cant track for shit and slower than a grandma on a bike and what makes it worse is that it cannot crit. warhorn's cooldown are too long for what it does and skill 5 needs to be changed completely to give more than just swiftness. warhorn cooldown trait can never be picked at al anywhere in any gamemode because of its placement. minor concerns compared to what other classes need but still this class needs changes to mechanics not numbers for it to be better imo. otherwise not a main concern compared to what other classes need in help and love.

mesmers do not exist. please just disable/ change for pvp only infinite horizon and give it a dodge back. it is even worse than warrior and that should tell you something about how healthy your balance is. Chrono on the team is still worse than fighting 4vs5. you have nothing to lose in buffing mesmer especially when Holo, thief and revenant are alive and well with thief having a better portal than mesmer too.

Ranger and soulbeast are still usable but druid is still in the oven and burnt, please just revive it

warrior needs some sustain and damage back to core and spellbreaker for it to compete for the sidenoder roll and berserker still still a joke and as a concept goes against the balance philosophy of the balance team. Axe needs some damage back! it is just sad when GS f1 does more damage and much easier to land with better cooldown management than axe! Hammer does no damage except on one skill because of the abundance of cc! weapons that are not being used need a buff expecially off hands.

would you guys please tune up the build diversity on all classes to match that of revenant and necro? you dont need to nerf numbers all the time you need to change mechanics and design! whats the plan next? no one knows

/rant end

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With regards to the latest patch....after realizing that Anet had implemented changes to both WvW and PvP....it led me to rethink and to make changes to my previous posting. 'Give credit where it is due'. Sincerely, i was blindsided when i was writing that post after realizing that Anet did take into consideration of applying these changes to WvW and PvP as well

Surely, it is not the major changes the community desperately need but let us not disregard welcoming changes as well


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Come on guys, they took 2 torment stacks off of the condithief burst, how can you say it's not enough? Thats like 200 damage per tick. Now oneshotting as a condithief truely takes skill and effort, because... because 2 less torment stacks, shut up!

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@"Bazsi.2734" said:Come on guys, they took 2 torment stacks off of the condithief burst, how can you say it's not enough? Thats like 200 damage per tick. Now oneshotting as a condithief truely takes skill and effort, because... because 2 less torment stacks, shut up!

They didn't touched the actual burst skills. You are still zeroed by conditions.But i don't think CmC should "fix" thief but condition in general. There is simply too much condition spam + high condi burst. Even if you constantly cleanse conditons (which is not feasible to most builds) you still have to deal with constant ticks from 10 torment or 7 burning because the can get reapplied as soon as you remove them.

They need to fix conditions in PvP. And also fix the condition spam in WvW would be fantastic, It should not be a thing builds cleansing 300 conditions in less than a minute because otherwise they melt to conditions.

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@choovanski.5462 said:

@Ryan.9387 said:Only good players play rev.

i have been saying this since CMC made that comment in the 2nd comment in the thread whenever i could. Great to see that others are finally catching on. :)

it was Cal Cohen who said it, not CMC but ok

scroll up if you don't believe me, the quote is earlier in the thread

You do know they are the same person right?

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@choovanski.5462 said:

@Ryan.9387 said:Only good players play rev.

i have been saying this since CMC made that comment in the 2nd comment in the thread whenever i could. Great to see that others are finally catching on. :)

it was Cal Cohen who said it, not CMC but ok

scroll up if you don't believe me, the quote is earlier in the thread

I laughed way too hard at this....what did you think CMC stood for? lol

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@Gamadorn.2670 said:

@"Ryan.9387" said:Only good players play rev.

i have been saying this since CMC made that comment in the 2nd comment in the thread whenever i could. Great to see that others are finally catching on. :)

it was Cal Cohen who said it, not CMC but ok

scroll up if you don't believe me, the quote is earlier in the thread

I laughed way too hard at this....what did you think CMC stood for? lol

ill accept the egg on my face


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@anduriell.6280 said:

@"Bazsi.2734" said:Come on guys, they took 2 torment stacks off of the condithief burst, how can you say it's not enough? Thats like 200 damage per tick. Now oneshotting as a condithief truely takes skill and effort, because... because 2 less torment stacks, shut up!

They didn't touched the actual burst skills. You are still zeroed by conditions.But i don't think CmC should "fix" thief but condition in general. There is simply too much condition spam + high condi burst. Even if you constantly cleanse conditons (which is not feasible to most builds) you still have to deal with constant ticks from 10 torment or 7 burning because the can get reapplied as soon as you remove them.

They need to fix conditions in PvP. And also fix the condition spam in WvW would be fantastic, It should not be a thing builds cleansing 300 conditions in less than a minute because otherwise they melt to conditions.

They did though. The venom share burst was the “big damage.”

Each stack of poison from venom is about 1500-1600 Damage over time. If you ignore cleanses, which are variable and can be baited, they reduced the total of self + share to 3 others (not even the maximum but a common occurrence with Thieves Guild) by 12 stacks of poison, or roughly 16,000 damage over 6-8 seconds. So just back of the envelope calculations means they cut the burst potential by at least 2k/second.

The confusion on steal lasts such a short time you are better off waiting for it to expire than cleansing. If they landed that much other stuff to force a cleanse then the confusion damage won’t be significant compared to the benefit of cleansing.

You also miss the point about conditions as a “problem” imo. Of course they will be reapplied if you keep getting hit by skulls from a condi build. That’s how they do their damage.

Condi builds—they can either rely on “Condi burst” or “sustained Condi.” Despite some lobbying by the forum users Anet still wants to have some condi burst builds in the game. Classic example would be burn guard or some condi trapper ranger builds, and yes, condi venom thief even with some nerfs to burst. In the “burst case” the builds hope to overwhelm you by baiting cleanse or preventing cleanse while they load you up with spike condi. This kind of build has “skills to dodge” because the spike is either concentrated in a few skills and/or short application period.

The second type of condi build is never going to worry about individual cleanses because no one skill is a big source of damage. Effectively, the second case relies on overwhelming cleanse through slow and sustained application and there are no “important skills” to dodge. Ironically, this is what forum users think condi “should” be while also wanted condi application skills to have a tell so they know what to dodge. But, you can’t have it both ways because condi that is “must dodge” also “must burst.”

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@"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:I'll just say it, CMC is probably one of the worst things that have happened to this game's balance.

At least some people had hope for awhile, that dark times of imbalance are finally over. For awhile I thought so too, but then I watched one of the streams featuring cmc gameplay. Video reaction:

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@Widmo.3186 said:

@"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:I'll just say it, CMC is probably one of the worst things that have happened to this game's balance.

At least some people had hope for awhile, that dark times of imbalance are finally over. For awhile I thought so too, but then I watched one of the streams featuring cmc gameplay. Video reaction:

Was that the stream of him playing full signet warrior that someone mentioned on here before?

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@Widmo.3186 said:

@"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:I'll just say it, CMC is probably one of the worst things that have happened to this game's balance.

At least some people had hope for awhile, that dark times of imbalance are finally over. For awhile I thought so too, but then I watched one of the streams featuring cmc gameplay. Video reaction:

Basically my reaction at the clown fiesta from ANET when they nerf a class. BRING OUT THE POPCORN!! yeah thats right i said it, i take entertainment out of watching the drama ensue.

Might as well since there is only so much you can care when they mutilate classes you care about, so you separate to stop caring.

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@Ryan.9387 said:Only good players play rev.

just take a break from the game i'm assuming by end of the summer or 2020 we'll have a new meta and actual proper patches where we figure out how to resolve certain issues!

Just remember removing amulets was meant to balance Prot holo+Ranger I'm sure it's everything been working perfectly fine.

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