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Poll - Should 3v3 stay as a permanant pvp game mode

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I have LONG been begging/dreaming for 3v3 arenas in Gw2 and its finally here. A game mode that I can spent years and years on, not just a few weeks/months.

Some new 3v3 maps (bigger than the original arena maps for 2v2 that they released) would be nice, but it saddens me greatly that currently it is only a mini season. I don't want it to just be 2 weeks, then gone forever/a very long time.

What are your thoughts? The main issue would be population, and also maybe how pvp is balanced for 5v5 conquest.

My argument is that 3v3 will greatly increase the diversity of pvp games (6 players req per match is less than 10). With the balancing, maybe 3v3 could get its own balance changes, or perhaps wouldnt even need them; 5v5 conquest usually the fights are 3v3 anyway, with maybe a +1. I hardly see 5v5 team fights occuring in a match.

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I don't know. 2 vs. 2 felt okay. And I thought 3 vs. 3 would get more interesting. Yeah the maps are a bit small for 3 vs. 3 but I don't think bigger maps will change much - since it is about combat. (No reason to run away and needing bigger sized maps.) The main problem I see is 1 guy always getting focuesd by the enemy team trying to kill him quick. Which isn't so much of a big deal in 2 vs. 2. (And in 5 vs. 5 conquest you have the other objectives.)

I'd say 2 vs. 2 deathmatch,5 vs. 5 conquest... and for 3 vs. 3 another side objective (capture the flag might be nice here ... maybe better than with 5 man teams).

But of course I'm not against having a 3 vs. 3 deathmach for people that want it. (I just can decide not to play it then.)

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I love this mode, winning by killing dudes is what pvp should be, leave running around and objective play to wvw.Plus win or loose the matches are over faster, no longer having to slowly wait for the other team to reach 500 when it's clear they are in the lead after the first 2 minutes of the match.

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At the moment DM is fine as a transitional short season between proper 5v5 seasons.

Of course It sounds nice to have 2 pvp modes at the same time, but GW2 cannot afford it due to not sufficient players base. So the answer is NO.

On top of that they cannot balance game even for 1 game mode let alone two of them.

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Defintely not, this is fine to have as off season. Balance should never be based in gw2 around a deathmatch scenario, its always going to be about conquest by a huge margin. Its funny how these questions always come up, when 2v2 was around someone asked the same thing.

Also comparing gw1 to gw2 pvp is like chalk and cheese there is literally no comparison both games are so inherently different they have nothing in common bar the title of the game and lore thats about it.

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just let people tic a box at the top of the pvp screen like stronghold. one mode pvp will forever hard cap the pvp population, period, end of story.player vs player is nice, never was interested in player vs node. I really could care less about conquest, its been around for years and years and its boring as hell. it still boggles my mind to think that this game really only has 1 pvp mode, its so backwards I can barely comprehend it. look people, the peeps that really want to play dm probably won't take conquest seriously, so forcing them to play it will likely result in lower quality games. so some people won't be forced to play conquest anymore, boo hoo, your queue time goes up by a minute. you will live. meanwhile, the people that actually want to play dm aren't forced to play a mode they don't want to play... jesus how selfish can you be. its staggering. zomg but balance! well guess what... play conquest. problem solved. please leave your omega level entitlement on the node with your leet 1v1 build.

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@Fueki.4753 said:The PvP community already is tiny with just two modes (ranked and unranked).I don't want it to be divided even further.And I prefer Conquest over Death matches by a margin wider than the Atlantic ocean.

You don't want the PvP community to become smaller? As it is right now I did not participate in the last 5v5 conquest season and I most certainly will not in the next one. I'm done with conquest after 8years. So if ur worried about a dwindling population keeping only conquest will also do that. Cuz I'm gone again once this 3v3 awesomeness is over.

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Without a doubt, PvP really becomes horrible and uninteresting with Capture the flag kind of situation since you are more worried about if team mate going far realizes that thief is capping your point, rather than focussing on stopping a res signet with fear or stun/immob.

~I do not want to get waay to lenghty on my point, but 1 is mainly skill based/counter like if if guard sees deadeye and might go more on reflect, if against heavy team and you go for boon corrupt or if you stop a revive signet by unblockable fear/stun etc (change builds to counter opponents). While the other is mainly about position and overwhelming opponents~

But I do get why people do not want deathmatch to be a normal gamemode, if 5v5 would be on ranked, while 2v2 or 3v3 deathmatch would be unranked. I really do think that I would play ranked a lot less than unranked

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@"Quadox.7834" said:it is like christmas food, it loses its flavor and jolly feeling if you eat it every tuesday

What about conquest though? It's been around since day one. You don't think that conquest lost its flavor and jolly feeling after 8 years, 8years everyday not just every tuesday? Well It most certainly did for me.3v3 is new it can't "lose it flavor" as you put it for at least a couple of years.

Also every Tuesday is taco Tuesday for me for years and I can tell you it's one of my favorite days of the week and will never get old no matter how many Tuesdays there are.

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@Eddbopkins.2630 said:

@"Quadox.7834" said:it is like christmas food, it loses its flavor and jolly feeling if you eat it every tuesday

What about conquest though? It's been around since day one. You don't think that conquest lost its flavor and jolly feeling after 8 years, 8years everyday not just every tuesday? Well It most certainly did for me.3v3 is new it can't "lose it flavor" as you put it for at least a couple of years.

Also every Tuesday is taco Tuesday for me for years and I can tell you it's one of my favorite days of the week and will never get old no matter how many Tuesdays there are.

3v3 isn't a main gamemode in almost any game (except battlerite) because it has way less variation and gets samey and stale much quicker than conquest or mobastyle or whatever

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@Quadox.7834 said:

@Quadox.7834 said:it is like christmas food, it loses its flavor and jolly feeling if you eat it every tuesday

What about conquest though? It's been around since day one. You don't think that conquest lost its flavor and jolly feeling after 8 years, 8years everyday not just every tuesday? Well It most certainly did for me.3v3 is new it can't "lose it flavor" as you put it for at least a couple of years.

Also every Tuesday is taco Tuesday for me for years and I can tell you it's one of my favorite days of the week and will never get old no matter how many Tuesdays there are.

3v3 isn't a main gamemode in almost any game (except battlerite) because it has way less variation and gets samey and stale much quicker than conquest or mobastyle or whatever

im not saying 3v3 should be the main game mode. im just saying it shouldnt go away and instead be its own que. the check box idea like strong hold is the best option and im all for that. make it ranked and have a ladder, o man that be so good dont you think? it will expand the competitive aspect in two ladders of fun and exciting challenges, allowing more options for a verity of players to play.

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@Quadox.7834 said:

@Quadox.7834 said:it is like christmas food, it loses its flavor and jolly feeling if you eat it every tuesday

What about conquest though? It's been around since day one. You don't think that conquest lost its flavor and jolly feeling after 8 years, 8years everyday not just every tuesday? Well It most certainly did for me.3v3 is new it can't "lose it flavor" as you put it for at least a couple of years.

Also every Tuesday is taco Tuesday for me for years and I can tell you it's one of my favorite days of the week and will never get old no matter how many Tuesdays there are.

3v3 isn't a main gamemode in almost any game (except battlerite) because it has way less variation and gets samey and stale much quicker than conquest or mobastyle or whatever

To be fair, WoW and most other mmo´s /blade and soul, bdo etc comes to mind) I have played over the years got 3v3 as the standard

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