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Why are we forced to play a mode if we dont like it?

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@yoni.7015 said:It doesn’t work against these goals.Like it or not but if it discourages people to go for them then yes, it does work against these goals.No, it discourages SOME people.Meaning it still: "does work against these goals"

@yoni.7015 said:Just because some few people complain about that?Given how constant the issue is brought up it doesn't just seem to be "a few" but a more sizeable part of the playerbase. However, that in itself seems to be a rather moot point to bring up as no one here has the exact numbers.No, it is a vocal group on a forum. That is hardly a sizeable part of the playerbase. I'd wager that there are more players who actually have 1 legendary than there are people on the forums complaining about it.The "vocal group on the forum" only shows a miniscule part of the group in question just like how most people don't use the forum in general. But the fact of the matter is there is no data on how many people it discurages from going after them, at all. So everything in this regard is pure speculation which is why it's such a moot point to bring up.

@yoni.7015 said:To get a Legendary should include all aspects of the game.But the is no need for them to, that's just what you want. In fact in some aspect we already have a double standard here and if it goes against their initial goal then like I said they shouldn't.What double-standard?Legendaries which are obviously aimed at the more general PvE players such as Aurora require you to still play WvW while Conflux doesn't require you to play PvE. Also, pretty much all PvE legendaries (unless you can buy them from the TP) require you to play specific sub content while pretty much all WvW legendaries are significantly less restrictive as to which part of the sub content you have to play in order to earn them.
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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@ArchonWing.9480 said:i have no ideas why one would be so upset over an overpridced skin.

Because skins are the endgame?

Yea, but I don't see how looking like the other 100 other people who look exactly the same in Lion's Arch is the way to go at it, assuming you can see them at all in the particle effects. If you can't play proper fashion wars without unlocking like every skin, that's on you. And if you choose to be miserable about it...

Just my opinion.

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@Chaba.5410 said:Not this question again. Legendaries were never meant to be PvE-only gear, but representative of a player's mastery over the entire game. The real answer is you don't need a legendary if you're not going to participate in the entirety of this game. Use ascended gear.

A lot of us who play do NOT enjoy making a doormat out of other players. If that's what you enjoy, do it, but don't put those of us down who want alternatives. I LOVE working with other humans to solve problems, not making war on them.

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@ArchonWing.9480 said:

@ArchonWing.9480 said:i have no ideas why one would be so upset over an overpridced skin.

Because skins are the endgame?

Yea, but I don't see how looking like the other 100 other people who look exactly the same in Lion's Arch is the way to go at it, assuming you can see them at all in the particle effects.Well look at it like this, legendaries are designed to be wanted by the players so that they go after them and continue to play content which would be dead after the initial experience otherwise and the fact that you see "100 other people who look exactly the same" / we see threads like this shows that they (to various degrees) do have the intended effect.

There is also the issue that if you play a ranged build you pretty much have to get a leg weapon if you want to change up your projectile animations / sound effects as almost all non legendary weapons use the standard animations which e.g. leads to situations were you have an energy crystal shooting regular bullets with gunpowder effects...

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@"Trise.2865" said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

So therefore, the legendary are only for exalted "chosen ones" born with fast reflexes and a thirst for blood? I don't think this is what the developers had in mind when they made the game. I have no problem with mode specific skins, none at all, but legendary weapons? It is like the story line with me...not being able to get through that, or to make a legendary are too central to the core of the game to limit people based on the number of buttons they push or the speed that they do it. Think you are a great player? Hate to tell you, but your reflexes are largely genetic/health. You are not great if you act like a jerk.

It would be great to see achievements for those who rez other players, or play a helpful/healing role. Nominations from guilds for the patient people who help noobs, or those of us who are permanent noobs but struggle for goals anyway. Then the fancy pants killer dudes who think they are such hot you-know-what while calling others idiots in map chat might learn that community is how you act towards each other, and THAT is what gives it longevity and viability...then let's find a way to put that in real life, lol.

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@Tails.9372 said:

@ArchonWing.9480 said:i have no ideas why one would be so upset over an overpridced skin.

Because skins are the endgame?

Yea, but I don't see how looking like the other 100 other people who look exactly the same in Lion's Arch is the way to go at it, assuming you can see them at all in the particle effects.Well look at it like this, legendaries are designed to be wanted by the players so that they go after them and continue to play content which would be dead after the initial experience otherwise and the fact that you see "100 other people who look exactly the same" / we see threads like this shows that they (to various degrees) do have the intended effect.

Which is fine. But to fixate on one aspect of it seems pretty shallow to me.

There is also the issue that if you play a ranged build you pretty much have to get a leg weapon if you want to change up your projectile animations / sound effects as almost all non legendary weapons use the standard animations which e.g. leads to situations were you have an energy crystal shooting regular bullets with gunpowder effects...

That seems pretty subjective to me. I personally hate all that visual noise.

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@Marina Demeretmonde.1064 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

So therefore, the legendary are only for exalted "chosen ones" born with fast reflexes and a thirst for blood? I don't think this is what the developers had in mind when they made the game. I have no problem with mode specific skins, none at all, but legendary weapons? It is like the story line with me...not being able to get through that, or to make a legendary are too central to the core of the game to limit people based on the number of buttons they push or the speed that they do it. Think you are a great player? Hate to tell you, but your reflexes are largely genetic/health. You are not great if you act like a jerk.

I will argue this, I play a healing guardian for WvW, I don't kill people (I can't kill people on a Minstrel Firebrand). I buff the killers on my team, I get credit for their kills. I don't have lightning-fast reflexes. But I can say WvW does not require fast reflexes a thirst for blood. Also in WvW don't expect to get a lot of Mats for drops, so when you are making your legendaries don't think wvw players don't have to leave wvw. Yes, we have our own armor now, a decent time after PvE got their armor. Yes, we got a ring... but that ring requires a mystic tribute none the less.

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@Mazreal Blackknight.1564 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

So therefore, the legendary are only for exalted "chosen ones" born with fast reflexes and a thirst for blood? I don't think this is what the developers had in mind when they made the game. I have no problem with mode specific skins, none at all, but legendary weapons? It is like the story line with me...not being able to get through that, or to make a legendary are too central to the core of the game to limit people based on the number of buttons they push or the speed that they do it. Think you are a great player? Hate to tell you, but your reflexes are largely genetic/health. You are not great if you act like a jerk.

I will argue this, I play a healing guardian for WvW, I don't kill people (I can't kill people on a Minstrel Firebrand). I buff the killers on my team, I get credit for their kills. I don't have lightning-fast reflexes. But I can say WvW does not require fast reflexes a thirst for blood. Also in WvW don't expect to get a lot of Mats for drops, so when you are making your legendaries don't think wvw players don't have to leave wvw. Yes, we have our own armor now, a decent time after PvE got their armor. Yes, we got a ring... but that ring requires a mystic tribute none the less.

To be fair, just because you play a support class doesn't mean you're not bloodthirsty since you're directly aiding those that kill. ;) If someone is opposed to fighting other players, that distinction doesn't really help.

However, it is all rather moot, because legendaries are inherently exclusive items. If everyone had them, that loses their meaning (kinda does already). Some people aren't going to have them, if they're not willing to put forth the time and dedication. (or money lol). Some people are just not in the audience for them, despite whatever rationalizations they might come up with.

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@Marina Demeretmonde.1064 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

So therefore, the legendary are only for exalted "chosen ones" born with fast reflexes and a thirst for blood? I don't think this is what the developers had in mind when they made the game. I have no problem with mode specific skins, none at all, but legendary weapons? It is like the story line with me...not being able to get through that, or to make a legendary are too central to the core of the game to limit people based on the number of buttons they push or the speed that they do it. Think you are a great player? Hate to tell you, but your reflexes are largely genetic/health. You are not great if you act like a jerk.

This has nothing to do with it. The question is "why is x forced on us?". X is not forced on you, therefore, there is no point to the question. (That's what "moot" means) Please understand what you're saying before you react.

It would be great to see achievements for those who rez other players, or play a helpful/healing role. Nominations from guilds for the patient people who help noobs, or those of us who are permanent noobs but struggle for goals anyway. Then the fancy pants killer dudes who think they are such hot you-know-what while calling others idiots in map chat might learn that community is how you act towards each other, and THAT is what gives it longevity and viability...then let's find a way to put that in real life, lol.

There are.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Community#achievement136https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mentoring_Badgehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dynamic_event#Event_participation

Again, please know what you're talking about before starting arguments. It makes you look silly.

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@Tails.9372 said:

No one cares if you forget about creating a legendary againActually the Devs. should. If the goal of the legendary items is to add log term goals for the player and to add replay value to the content then design elements which work aganst these goals shoud be adressed, if not for the current then at least for future content releases.

No, the devs should not care if ONE person forgets about creating a legendary. Do not give credence to the desires of a single person in an MMO. It's simply not practical for Anet do fulfill the wants of every person in this game. Any argument that appeals to what a single person would do is flawed.

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@yoni.7015 said:I thought as well that I didn’t like WvW but when the war claw was released I just started to play it and now I enjoy it a lot and even got the legendary WvW ring. And to be honest you can get the gift of battle really fast.

Same here. I hated WvW and GoB was the only reason I'd ever go there. All that walking around, usually just to get killed outnumbered and walk some more! But the warclaw really cuts back on time spent moving from A to B and I've always enjoyed fighting other players.

So now I'm approaching rank 2000 all from roaming. Never thought that would happen!

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@Marina Demeretmonde.1064 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

So therefore, the legendary are only for exalted "chosen ones" born with fast reflexes and a thirst for blood? I don't think this is what the developers had in mind when they made the game. I have no problem with mode specific skins, none at all, but legendary weapons?

There aren’t ‘mode specific weapon skins’

All of the legendaries require multiple areas.

And the GoB? Probably the easiest to get for someone who has slow reflexes.

If that is in doubt, there have been multiple threads on how to make the process easier.

Good luck to you, from an old guy with declining reflexes.

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Look man, every collection comes with parts that you like and dont. It's party of the job and chore for the reward.Everything in life comes with good and bad parts. You can't really nitpick the sugary parts out, you have to work for your rewards, and some of those chores will make you groan. That's life

And honestly, it's legendary, it's supposed to be a big list of chores, some of which you will hate. If you're not willing to put in any work, did you really deserve that glitterstick with a purple name?

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@Marina Demeretmonde.1064 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

So therefore, the legendary are only for exalted "chosen ones" born with fast reflexes and a thirst for blood?The Gift of Battle can be earned very easily doing nothing but PvE activities on a quiet BL map. Capping camps and sentries, even taking towers on a quiet BL is largely a PvE affair. Progress towards a legendary is no faster or slower doing this than running with a zerg or roaming.

The rhetoric in the rest of your post that paints people who enjoy the game mode as antisocial jerks who are relying on fast reflexes to get over is really ugly stuff.There are a lot of really nice people who enjoy WvW.

Just because you haven't found a way to enjoy it, doesnt make the people who have bad in any way. Venting on people you have clearly never met this way helps no one and adds nothing productive to the conversation.

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@Marina Demeretmonde.1064 said:

@Chaba.5410 said:Not this question again. Legendaries were never meant to be PvE-only gear, but representative of a player's mastery over the entire game. The real answer is you don't need a legendary if you're not going to participate in the entirety of this game. Use ascended gear.

A lot of us who play do NOT enjoy making a doormat out of other players. If that's what you enjoy, do it, but don't put those of us down who want alternatives. I LOVE working with other humans to solve problems, not making war on them.

Are you saying that when I suggested using ascended gear I was putting someone down and didn't give an alternative? Because that's how your response to me was written. You didn't solve any problem with your post. Ascended gear has the same stats at legendary gear. You can even reforge it in the Mystic Forge to change the stats (exotic gear can't be reforged)!

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@Marina Demeretmonde.1064 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

So therefore, the legendary are only for exalted "chosen ones" born with fast reflexes and a thirst for blood?

That's not what Trise said and it's sad you put words into his mouth. No one is required to have legendary equipment since ascended gear gives the same stats. There is no power advantage over ascended. The game doesn't force anyone to make legendary equipment.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:It sucks horribly but it only takes an hour or two to do WvW dailies every single day which is the most efficient way to get the gift of battle. You can just run around only PvEing and ignoring any PvP the entire time too generally.

An hour or two?

You can often get them in minutes and if its camp capture/disruptor/veteran guard killer, it will be significantly faster than PvE dailies. Its possible to get them all in the same camp. There are other super fast, easy dailies too like master of monuments, land claimer, big spender (buy 3 catapults for badges of honour), veteran creature slayer etc.

If you participate in any way beyond that, the GoB reward track goes so quickly. WvW is a broken game mode but there are still many enjoyable things about it and who knows, you might come to like it and catch the bug.

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@Trise.2865 said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

But but every type of player should be able to get any legendary that means players who only enjoy pve, since this is an mmo targeted for both kinds of consumers its only fair thereor the point is not moot sir.

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@ancafr.9274 said:

@Adonai.5071 said:Its more of a Note to devs:

(returning player.) why gift of battle needed for legendaries now only obtainable through reward track? if i hate wvw mode don't force me to play it. this will NOT help make me like wvw at all. it will just suck few days of disgusted playing time and contempt towards the game. Also, if anything it will make me forget about ever creating a new legendary again.

Anet isnt 'forcing' anyone to play their game content you play if u want, but good stuff requires sacrifices whether you like it or not. I HATE Hot map and I was 'forced' to play to get my mistward set, in fact I was ''forced'' to play both expansion maps on laggy cuz I wanted griffon and the mistward set, played both maps on a horrible video card gt 420, i3 4160(upgraded the video card but processor still the same unfortunally).

So you have two options, play their content and get what you want or
not play
and not get what u want, simple as that. I lost around 300G on craft on leatherwork and weaponsmith from 0-500 to get ascend and so far I dont have
one single piece of ascend
huh, except the trinkets I bought with laureus, I just gave up trying to craft ascend cuz is kitten
and some items cannot be bought from market so I decided stay on exotic, i always
craft here and nobody 'forced' me to mess with craft I did it cuz I wanted, lost my gold lesson learned no more crafting.

GW2 crafting system is
opinion cuz we cant buy everything we need, some items must be farmed and those may take weeks even months, they should add to new craft items to make the crafting easier and more accessible for new players who want high end gears, but instead they make it too difficult and discourage players =/.

The crafting system needs a rework as a whole.

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@Ryou.2398 said:

@Trise.2865 said:You aren't required to have Legendary equipment, therefore the argument is moot.

But but every type of player should be able to get any legendary that means players who only enjoy pve, since this is an mmo targeted for both kinds of consumers its only fair thereor the point is not moot sir.

That isn't true, nor does it make sense. That's your opinion perhaps but there is no rules that any player should be able to get a legendary doing only what they are willing to do and nothing of what they aren't.

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