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Inventory Wars getting ridiculous

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@lokh.2695 said:

@"kharmin.7683" said:Then do that. Every month, on the first day of the month, pay Anet $20 and buy gems. Or go crazy and pay them $50 every month. It cannot be any more simple.

The good thing about the model ANet has chosen for this game and the general argument in favor of free to play models is exactly this. Whith a set subscription, there's a ceiling what the company can milk from any given player. With the "free to play but buy to convenience" system, there is no ceiling. If you are willing to pay 10'000$(chosing a ridiculous high amount of money to exemplify my point) per month you are free to do so whereas a subscription based model will only allow you to pay whatever the subscription is. Sure, one can think about a system where there is both, but players usually don't want that at all because it feels kinda exploitative to have a monthly fee with microtransactions attached to it.

There's no ceiling what a company can milk from a given player by having a sub. FF14 is the perfect example of this.

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@kharmin.7683 said:Then do that. Every month, on the first day of the month, pay Anet $20 and buy gems. Or go crazy and pay them $50 every month. It cannot be any more simple.

Except buying the stuff in f2p games is more expensive than just giving us a sub for it. For example, I have nearly millions of gold in other MMOs. In GW2, bag space and gold and crafting and flying mounts are way more expensive to buy than if they had them for a sub. The trade-off is that they’re optional.

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@Mortifera.6138 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Then do that. Every month, on the first day of the month, pay Anet $20 and buy gems. Or go crazy and pay them $50 every month. It cannot be any more simple.

Except buying the stuff in f2p games is more expensive than just giving us a sub for it. For example, I have nearly millions of gold in other MMOs. In GW2, bag space and gold and crafting and flying mounts are way more expensive to buy than if they had them for a sub. The trade-off is that they’re optional.

Perhaps, however in F2P games you can choose when to spend your money and how much of it you want to spend whereas with a sub model game you MUST spend the money every month or you will get locked out of whatever the sub provides. Maybe in the long run, subscriptions are more expensive? I know that in my case, it would be because I don't often spend money unless there is something in the game that I really want.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"kharmin.7683" said:Then do that. Every month, on the first day of the month, pay Anet $20 and buy gems. Or go crazy and pay them $50 every month. It cannot be any more simple.

The good thing about the model ANet has chosen for this game and the general argument in favor of free to play models is exactly this. Whith a set subscription, there's a ceiling what the company can milk from any given player. With the "free to play but buy to convenience" system, there is no ceiling. If you are willing to pay 10'000$(chosing a ridiculous high amount of money to exemplify my point) per month you are free to do so whereas a subscription based model will only allow you to pay whatever the subscription is. Sure, one can think about a system where there is both, but players usually don't want that at all because it feels kinda exploitative to have a monthly fee with microtransactions attached to it.

Yet exactly that sub and microtransactions.

I don't get it. GW2 has no subscription, only if you want it to have one. Maybe I'm too tired to get what you're after.

I seem to have missed afew words in my post edited.

Ok, makes a lot more sense now :)Did't know WoW did. How happy are people about it?

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@DD39C89C-1C46-4F28-BDB7-49C86BA96CAD said:I also don't like so much loot (almost everything drops something) and inventory taking items like: some keys or map values (all should be in a wallet), portal scrolls (just make chosen waypoint bought from scroll to cost 0 per teleport), 'eaters' (better collectors in city or separate tab for 'eaters').Yes, we can make mule characters, but it's a workaround.

At least it would be good to have option to auto send resources to bank. Just like now, but without clicking (checkbox to set if we want auto or manual).

Question not on topic....how is it possible your account name is: DD39C89C-1C46-4F28-BDB7-49C86BA96CAD?

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Just buy a couple bag slots in the gem store. I have extra bag tokens from somewhere, I do not need them anymore. How do people fill up? I pick up everything, and sell most of it on the trading post. If not there, a merchant. That keeps my backpack, and bank fairly empty, but my wallet stays full :)

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@"VanWilder.6923" said:I don't know about you. But for me, everything is tradable, consumable. My inventory is always neat and organised

But how much needless effort goes into keeping it that way?

I agree that this map has way too many random items that don't need to be clogging up inventory. We have specific crafting reagents that were implemented without their own designated bank slot with numerous other items, for years, that haven't been able to be deposited. It's annoying! I guess there's some technical limitation to just making a predetermined slot for these items? It doesn't seem to be an issue with map currencies going into material storage, so I don't know why the same can't be done for these other items that are added.

Then there's the useless scrolls that just wind up getting deleted or sold on the tp.

Then there's the siege weapons, which would be a lot less bothersome if the scrolls and msc weapon set crafting reagents didn't clog up inventory.

I'm not saying it isn't manageable or game breaking, but they seem to keep repeating similar mistakes over and over again between different releases. One Eternal Ice shards can't be consumed for Volatile Magic but I guess that's intentional as we've moved onto a different living story season?

One release we have consumable items and minimal inventory management beyond the norm, the next we have a thousand turret parts, sigils to unlock a daily door in Sun's Refuge, or Scrolls for some weird, grindy, clunky new achievement system unlocking "special missions."

There's just no consistency. I mean I still love the map, despite it being relatively more dead than maps like Dragonfall was at least, but it does get pretty frustrating trying to stop and manage inventory when you have to race to champions at the end of the meta.

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@Cobrakon.3108 said:I would be happy to have an auto loot option where I never picked up non unique blues, greens, and various materials. For some slaving away on the spice mines of kodor 6 it is perfect for them, for others, we just want to get our achievements, masteries, and have a chance at exotics.

You could buy that permanent salvage kit and only salvage everything except rare items. That would be a solution there exists in game already now. Keep all unID item as place holder (250 stacked) and run salvage to only make room for more of the same colour unID items.

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Who says a subscription comes with unlimited storage? FFXIV certainly doesn't. You can pay them an additional two bucks a month for an additional 175 spots which I refuse to do. It isn't even permanent. And their market is terrible. And their loot is terrible. And housing... That you can't even actually buy. I can't wait until my friends get tired of that mess and return to GW2.

Incidentally strictly because of the FFXIV terribleness I went and got gems and bought keys which I rarely do and out of 25 keys got /6/ fifth slots. Just out of sheer "I want to reward this game for doing things right".

The only thing from there I like is the class swapping. Okay and maybe hairstyles. GW2 does loot, dyes, tp, storage, events, voices, and mounts better.

Also I swear all the stuff dropping from this map plus all the clovers in the reward track... Feels like a sink is approaching. I'm saving it all.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I get very little 'trash' loot. You can send whatever you don't want to me. Tyvm.

I would be very amused to take you serious for a month or two, unfortunately most of the garbage I’ve to delete is account bound.

But I guess you would be already annoyed and return them to sender, if I would just mail you all duplicate recipes I get :)

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@DD39C89C-1C46-4F28-BDB7-49C86BA96CAD said:.At least it would be good to have option to auto send resources to bank. Just like now, but without clicking (checkbox to set if we want auto or manual).

That would be great I would buy that for 2000 gems in the gemshop.

And there are two other inventory manager I would buy for 2000 gems in the gem-shop:

  • an auto-delete list, I can add and remove items to/from it and when they are on the list they are automatically deleted whenever I get them.
  • An auto-use/consume list, I can add and remove items to/from it and when they are on the list they are automatically used/consumed/opened whenever I get them.

probably they even are even worth their gems if they are size restricted to a not to small amount of items (especially on the auto-use list, the amount of different containers is incredible high now)

More bag space isn’t really a solution, you have to clean less often, yes, but cleaning also takes longer.

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It’s just my personal opinion that a steady stream of subs is more assuring financially for a company.

I think the way you piece meal bags together is expensive and ridiculous . If I am a new player trying to decide what class I want I shouldn’t have to buy bag slots 5 times to find the class I like. It would be more Convenient to pay a sub and have the access across all toons as long as I pay.

I know the above sounds dumb to some of you but consider this: Blizzard did a study several years ago and one reason people coming back to the game or new became disengaged was the cluttering of inventory which ended up losing them subs and money so they invested in finding ways to fix this by making bigger bags, adding a material storage, increasing stack sizes, adding void storage and so on.

Also 20 dollars of gems per month doesn’t get you very far when you consider how expensive one bag slot is..

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@Dayra.7405 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I get very little 'trash' loot. You can send whatever you don't want to me. Tyvm.

I would be very amused to take you serious for a month or two, unfortunately most of the garbage I’ve to delete is account bound.

But I guess you would be already annoyed and return them to sender, if I would just mail you all duplicate recipes I get :)

Hmm. I've yet to get a recipe from this new map (other than the weapon recipes which are purchased or chosen).

That is the topic of this thread; items unwanted in Drizzlewood Coast.

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@Dayra.7405 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I get very little 'trash' loot. You can send whatever you don't want to me. Tyvm.

I would be very amused to take you serious for a month or two, unfortunately most of the garbage I’ve to delete is account bound.

But I guess you would be already annoyed and return them to sender, if I would just mail you all duplicate recipes I get :)

Mail them to me 5 silver a pop is a steal for the no time at all it take to open mails.

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:I get very little 'trash' loot. You can send whatever you don't want to me. Tyvm.

I would be very amused to take you serious for a month or two, unfortunately most of the garbage I’ve to delete is account bound.

But I guess you would be already annoyed and return them to sender, if I would just mail you all duplicate recipes I get :)

Hmm. I've yet to get a recipe from this new map (other than the weapon recipes which are purchased or chosen).

That is the topic of this thread; items unwanted in Drizzlewood Coast.

Think they mean the special mission scrolls that drop and take up 4-5 slots but are sold for 5 silver each.

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@zaekeon.5128 said:It’s just my personal opinion that a steady stream of subs is more assuring financially for a company.

I think the way you piece meal bags together is expensive and ridiculous . If I am a new player trying to decide what class I want I shouldn’t have to buy bag slots 5 times to find the class I like. It would be more Convenient to pay a sub and have the access across all toons as long as I pay.

I know the above sounds dumb to some of you but consider this: Blizzard did a study several years ago and one reason people coming back to the game or new became disengaged was the cluttering of inventory which ended up losing them subs and money so they invested in finding ways to fix this by making bigger bags, adding a material storage, increasing stack sizes, adding void storage and so on.

Also 20 dollars of gems per month doesn’t get you very far when you consider how expensive one bag slot is..

Exactly inventory management is a huge con in even single player rpgs, when your spending 25 percent of the time managing it, it needs to be more like 10 to 15 percent instead. Also people are to smart to fall for tons of currencies and pointless inventory items these days, it is obvious what they stand for in most games now it is 2020 it is time to cut these things down.

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@"Etria.3642" said:Who says a subscription comes with unlimited storage? FFXIV certainly doesn't. You can pay them an additional two bucks a month for an additional 175 spots which I refuse to do. It isn't even permanent. And their market is terrible. And their loot is terrible. And housing... That you can't even actually buy. I can't wait until my friends get tired of that mess and return to GW2.

Incidentally strictly because of the FFXIV terribleness I went and got gems and bought keys which I rarely do and out of 25 keys got /6/ fifth slots. Just out of sheer "I want to reward this game for doing things right".

The only thing from there I like is the class swapping. Okay and maybe hairstyles. GW2 does loot, dyes, tp, storage, events, voices, and mounts better.

Also I swear all the stuff dropping from this map plus all the clovers in the reward track... Feels like a sink is approaching. I'm saving it all.

There has been plenty of mmos with nearly unlimited though if not unlimited.

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@Ryou.2398 said:

@zaekeon.5128 said:It’s just my personal opinion that a steady stream of subs is more assuring financially for a company.

I think the way you piece meal bags together is expensive and ridiculous . If I am a new player trying to decide what class I want I shouldn’t have to buy bag slots 5 times to find the class I like. It would be more Convenient to pay a sub and have the access across all toons as long as I pay.

I know the above sounds dumb to some of you but consider this: Blizzard did a study several years ago and one reason people coming back to the game or new became disengaged was the cluttering of inventory which ended up losing them subs and money so they invested in finding ways to fix this by making bigger bags, adding a material storage, increasing stack sizes, adding void storage and so on.

Also 20 dollars of gems per month doesn’t get you very far when you consider how expensive one bag slot is..

Exactly inventory management is a huge con in even single player rpgs, when your spending 25 percent of the time managing it, it needs to be more like 10 to 15 percent instead. Also people are to smart to fall for tons of currencies and pointless inventory items these days, it is obvious what they stand for in most games now it is 2020 it is time to cut these things down.

Rather take a new currency then make new stuff so expensive that new players will have to play along time just to get it while veterans like me just show up and buy it if we want it.

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