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Explosive entrance needs a nerf

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It makes no sense for holo to do random 4-5k dmg spikes from autoattacks that also blind you without an ICD. Holo does too much dmg for how tanky it is, its like how core ranger was, core ranger side noder has been nerfed but holo is still the same. im hoping for some changes in the next patch

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@Eugchriss.2046 said:It s the next station of the bandwagoning train. Rn it's stuck on the condi herald station.

I have unfortunate news for you:People who pay attention figured just how big damage it had months ago, in the beginning of 2v2.We already asked for nerfs but crev/fb/necro quickly rose and EE was forgotten.I remember one of my earliest complaints about the patch was EE dealing huge damage.

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Holo is currently THE ONLY build that is actually fun to fight in this meta, if they gonna get nerfed lets pray to all heavens that its not a big one.

PS to all engi mains.I always thought that holo was so much better then core due to the fact they have another AMAZING weapon set on top of traits that provide healing and damage, making it all around super dps spec with extra sustain, both due to finishers and regen from heat.What if core engi got extra utility slot? so they can run extra kit to cover what yoloforge does albeit worse, but with ways to make it more interesting? its not like core engi is OP in any gamemode lol.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:Holo is currently THE ONLY build that is actually fun to fight in this meta, if they gonna get nerfed lets pray to all heavens that its not a big one.

PS to all engi mains.I always thought that holo was so much better then core due to the fact they have another AMAZING weapon set on top of traits that provide healing and damage, making it all around super dps spec with extra sustain, both due to finishers and regen from heat.What if core engi got extra utility slot? so they can run extra kit to cover what yoloforge does albeit worse, but with ways to make it more interesting? its not like core engi is OP in any gamemode lol.

that's a cool idea. add the option to take another kit in the elite toolbelt slot.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Holo is currently THE ONLY build that is actually fun to fight in this meta, if they gonna get nerfed lets pray to all heavens that its not a big one.

PS to all engi mains.I always thought that holo was so much better then core due to the fact they have another AMAZING weapon set on top of traits that provide healing and damage, making it all around super dps spec with extra sustain, both due to finishers and regen from heat.What if core engi got extra utility slot? so they can run extra kit to cover what yoloforge does albeit worse, but with ways to make it more interesting? its not like core engi is OP in any gamemode lol.

that's a cool idea. add the option to take another kit in the elite toolbelt slot.

Golem Kit. Engineer needs a GOLEM KIT.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:Holo is currently THE ONLY build that is actually fun to fight in this meta, if they gonna get nerfed lets pray to all heavens that its not a big one.

PS to all engi mains.I always thought that holo was so much better then core due to the fact they have another AMAZING weapon set on top of traits that provide healing and damage, making it all around super dps spec with extra sustain, both due to finishers and regen from heat.What if core engi got extra utility slot? so they can run extra kit to cover what yoloforge does albeit worse, but with ways to make it more interesting? its not like core engi is OP in any gamemode lol.

This doesn't make sense, the very reason those other more fun-to-fight builds aren't in the meta is precisely because oppressive builds like explosives engi and condi rev keep them out.

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@Quadox.7834 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Holo is currently THE ONLY build that is actually fun to fight in this meta, if they gonna get nerfed lets pray to all heavens that its not a big one.

PS to all engi mains.I always thought that holo was so much better then core due to the fact they have another AMAZING weapon set on top of traits that provide healing and damage, making it all around super dps spec with extra sustain, both due to finishers and regen from heat.What if core engi got extra utility slot? so they can run extra kit to cover what yoloforge does albeit worse, but with ways to make it more interesting? its not like core engi is OP in any gamemode lol.

This doesn't make sense, the very reason those other more fun-to-fight builds
in the meta is precisely because oppressive builds like explosives engi and condi rev keep them out.

its almost as if others could be buffed huh?as it is right now they nerf 1 build every 3 months, at this pace it will take them year to make any change whatsoever.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Holo is currently THE ONLY build that is actually fun to fight in this meta, if they gonna get nerfed lets pray to all heavens that its not a big one.

PS to all engi mains.I always thought that holo was so much better then core due to the fact they have another AMAZING weapon set on top of traits that provide healing and damage, making it all around super dps spec with extra sustain, both due to finishers and regen from heat.What if core engi got extra utility slot? so they can run extra kit to cover what yoloforge does albeit worse, but with ways to make it more interesting? its not like core engi is OP in any gamemode lol.

This doesn't make sense, the very reason those other more fun-to-fight builds
in the meta is precisely because oppressive builds like explosives engi and condi rev keep them out.

its almost as if others could be buffed huh?as it is right now they nerf 1 build every 3 months, at this pace it will take them year to make any change whatsoever.

Yes they should balance more often. But explosives engi definitely needs a nerf (I would prefer a rework but I guess that won't happen since they just did that).

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@Quadox.7834 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Holo is currently THE ONLY build that is actually fun to fight in this meta, if they gonna get nerfed lets pray to all heavens that its not a big one.

PS to all engi mains.I always thought that holo was so much better then core due to the fact they have another AMAZING weapon set on top of traits that provide healing and damage, making it all around super dps spec with extra sustain, both due to finishers and regen from heat.What if core engi got extra utility slot? so they can run extra kit to cover what yoloforge does albeit worse, but with ways to make it more interesting? its not like core engi is OP in any gamemode lol.

This doesn't make sense, the very reason those other more fun-to-fight builds
in the meta is precisely because oppressive builds like explosives engi and condi rev keep them out.

its almost as if others could be buffed huh?as it is right now they nerf 1 build every 3 months, at this pace it will take them year to make any change whatsoever.

Yes they should balance more often. But explosives engi definitely needs a nerf (I would prefer a rework but I guess that won't happen since they just did that).

I dont disagree, I just hope engi is still good afterwards since its one of the builds that I dont mind fighting.

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Welp, it is just one of those stupid designs. Holosmith is not totally overperforming atm even though this trait is stupid and definitely pushes their build forward way more than it should.

But as long as Anet does not consistently enter in a "small frequent updates" mode, not sure you will live long enough to see this getting adjusted. Changes are so random that I am not even sure they have an internal "professions change/balance route sheet"; someday they will nerf a class to the ground and forget about it for the next 3 years, then buff it again to absurb levels. That's how it rolls, bois!

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:Holo is currently THE ONLY build that is actually fun to fight in this meta, if they gonna get nerfed lets pray to all heavens that its not a big one.

PS to all engi mains.I always thought that holo was so much better then core due to the fact they have another AMAZING weapon set on top of traits that provide healing and damage, making it all around super dps spec with extra sustain, both due to finishers and regen from heat.What if core engi got extra utility slot? so they can run extra kit to cover what yoloforge does albeit worse, but with ways to make it more interesting? its not like core engi is OP in any gamemode lol.

Well, the problem besides UI and button mapping is that Im not sure that would really be of much use to Core Engineer. You already run Grenade Kit most of the time, and none of the other kits are that great. Id rather have a second mainhand weapon in core Engineer. Pistol is useless for power, so you cant use shield as a power build, while Holo can use sword (which is a big deal actually).

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Holo is currently THE ONLY build that is actually fun to fight in this meta, if they gonna get nerfed lets pray to all heavens that its not a big one.

PS to all engi mains.I always thought that holo was so much better then core due to the fact they have another AMAZING weapon set on top of traits that provide healing and damage, making it all around super dps spec with extra sustain, both due to finishers and regen from heat.What if core engi got extra utility slot? so they can run extra kit to cover what yoloforge does albeit worse, but with ways to make it more interesting? its not like core engi is OP in any gamemode lol.

Well, the problem besides UI and button mapping is that Im not sure that would really be of much use to Core Engineer. You already run Grenade Kit most of the time, and none of the other kits are that great. Id rather have a second mainhand weapon in core Engineer. Pistol is useless for power, so you cant use shield as a power build, while Holo can use sword (which is a big deal actually).

similar thing with mesmer, I would like to play core condi, and while scepter is acceptable condi weapon staff is absolutely not.and as for extra slot for engi it doesnt have to be extra kit, for all I care you could use rocket boots and try to be a roamerbut then again holo is faster due to stupid holo leap low cd and perma swiftness lol.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Holo is currently THE ONLY build that is actually fun to fight in this meta, if they gonna get nerfed lets pray to all heavens that its not a big one.

PS to all engi mains.I always thought that holo was so much better then core due to the fact they have another AMAZING weapon set on top of traits that provide healing and damage, making it all around super dps spec with extra sustain, both due to finishers and regen from heat.What if core engi got extra utility slot? so they can run extra kit to cover what yoloforge does albeit worse, but with ways to make it more interesting? its not like core engi is OP in any gamemode lol.

Well, the problem besides UI and button mapping is that Im not sure that would really be of much use to Core Engineer. You already run Grenade Kit most of the time, and none of the other kits are that great. Id rather have a second mainhand weapon in core Engineer. Pistol is useless for power, so you cant use shield as a power build, while Holo can use sword (which is a big deal actually).

similar thing with mesmer, I would like to play core condi, and while scepter is acceptable condi weapon staff is absolutely not.and as for extra slot for engi it doesnt have to be extra kit, for all I care you could use rocket boots and try to be a roamerbut then again holo is faster due to stupid holo leap low cd and perma swiftness lol.

I mean, perma-swiftness is something core engineer actually has. You use Tools, and in it you pick Streamlined Kits, so youve got that, youre just missing the dash. Which is pretty relevant I suppose. But yeah, some classes could use a second pass over their core weaponsets. Id like to see something like Engineer getting a Mace as well as a core weapon.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:Holo is currently THE ONLY build that is actually fun to fight in this meta, if they gonna get nerfed lets pray to all heavens that its not a big one.

PS to all engi mains.I always thought that holo was so much better then core due to the fact they have another AMAZING weapon set on top of traits that provide healing and damage, making it all around super dps spec with extra sustain, both due to finishers and regen from heat.What if core engi got extra utility slot? so they can run extra kit to cover what yoloforge does albeit worse, but with ways to make it more interesting? its not like core engi is OP in any gamemode lol.

They want the game to be all unkillable stuff with no dmg

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So, I would petition that any “nerfs” made to holo would be done specifically to holo traits and skills. If you nerf explosives, you also nerf core engi and scrap pretty badly, and neither of those classes are over-performing even in the the slightest. In fact they both honestly could use buffs just to be viable in this meta. I don’t currently think that holo is on the “overperforming” side of things by much- but sure, they might could use some slight nerfs to damage and sustain. Here’s a simple example (not that I am proposing it) of how to issue a nerf at the holo level without also nerfing core/scrap as well: have holo’s minor adept (which gives them access to forge) contain a trade off that states something like “your explosions deal 20% less damage”. This would prevent the “beating a dead horse” effect that many underperforming specs have to deal with as Anet tries to tone down over-performing elite specs. Obviously, if a core skill/trait is being oppressive across the board, sure, nerf it- but with a balancing mentality that focuses on adjusting at the elite-spec level first, and core level last, I think Anet’s balancing initiatives would be a lot more effective at actually achieving balance.

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