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@Fire Attunement.9835 said:Flame Expulsion: After a brief delay, the elementalist releases a fiery explosion at their location that removes up to 10 stacks of might from them. Allies are granted might >for 15 seconds based on the amount of might that was removed, while the damage of the explosion is increased by 10% per stack removed.

I've never been angry about any ele nerfs, but I'm angry about this one.

You're removing our ability to build might stacks for what? Just for group content? Because raids are all that matter? Have you actually thought about what it feels like for people who play by themselves and don't really do raids? Do you think all eles just camp fire unless they're in raids???? It already takes effort to build up a decent might stack without doing prestacking, and now we don't even get to keep it? For what??? What did it hurt? Who did it hurt???? I'm not even asking that we should be able to build and keep 25 stacks effortlessly, but you LITERALLY MADE THE ONLY DAMAGE COEFFICIENT TRAIT IN FIRE REQUIRE 10 MIGHT STACKS. And that's the exact amount you remove. The hell? Are we all supposed to run around with a friend to keep our might up now?? What the hell? Why did you think this was a good idea??? Suppose we get do the work to build up might stacks, now we're supposed to avoid attuning to any other elements or lose them???? Or hey, we build might stacks using arcane trait, OOPS we attuned to fire, oh damn we're going to lose them all. How does that even work??? Do the only ele players in your balance team camp fire?????? What the HELL.

I'm angry about your balance team like I've never been before. I've never complained about balance changes. I want to be positive to you and I've always thought you got more shit than you deserve. But this is like....it's not just a nerf to one or two skills. It's not a nerf to damage overperformance. It's a nerf to the whole playstyle of the class, the constant elemental attunement change, the one thing that made it the best caster class I've ever played. For no reason. It's not as if ele is a mainstay of any game mode atm, it's pretty niche. There's no reason. What the hell, Anet.

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Problem with Chronomancer wasn't just that it can't shatter, but its clones dies too quick and easy. There should be some more buffs for clones hp in order to make chrono viable. Wells are also lacking in pvp, having few seconds delay for effect but also standing on it is so bad and not working. Just make wells similar to scrapper wells, big quality of life.

About Mirage, i think just trait called "Desert Destortion" - when gaining distortion also get mirage cloak, should synergize with "Infinite Horizon" trait, so when you get distortion and mirage cloak, then your clones should get mirage cloak as well if Infinite horizon is traited. That would make mirage viable with just one dodge. Using signet for shatter reset with mimic for triple distortion and up to 9 cubes(mirage mirrors). Also this traits instantly shatters clones and create cubes, problem with cubes are their position. It would be nice if Desert Destortion trait could make 3 cubes in triangle not too close nor not too far from each other so if you shattered 3 clones, you can benefit from all 3 cubes instead of some cubes being on same place so shattering one also shatters another, wasting its effect.

These are for devs since what i said here is deep synergy.

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Like I said in the pvp forum, this balance patch will likely obliterate any faith that the PvP and WvW community you guys at Arena Net tried to create a few months ago. I obviously want to see the "full" patch notes next week but going by everything I have read this is potentially one of the worst balance patches I have seen in years.

Your people clearly do not have the right sources to nerf or buff incredibly obvious Professions/Specs that are dominant and broken beyond measure in both pvp and wvw at the moment. There are many comments here which explain what is very wrong about this patch so I will not try to expand on it at this point.

I am aghast at how terrible of a job this balance patch is, very underwhelming and dissapointing.

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@KryTiKaL.3125 said:

@Mosharn.8357 said:I'm not sure why they keep buffing classes that need nerfs and giving next to nothing to classes that need something.

Warrior changes are welcomed but these wont do anything realistically. Its like trying to put a band-aid on a cut off head. These changes address none of the issues warrior is currently having.

We are forced to take Winds if we're on spellbreaker. Otherwise its rampage. Signet of Rage is really REALLY bad. Might is not an issue for warrior and giving 4 seconds of might is next to pointless on a skill that has a cast time/long cooldown.

Change Signet of Rage to 10 stacks of might for 8 seconds on a 35 second cool down. Or make it 10 stacks of might for 8 seconds, 3 stacks of stability for 5 seconds, and make it a 45 second cooldown. Its bad when utility skills look more appealing than an elite.

300 second cooldown traits do not fit this game. This isn't some Korean mmo or WoW where 5 minute cooldowns make sense. Because of this the defense traitline on warrior is not appealing at all. Warriors are pretty much forced to go strength/discip/x. X being Spellbreaker or Berserker. 300 second cooldowns need to be changed to 150 seconds. That makes more sense for Guild Wars 2. This game has never had absurd cooldown timers like this and putting them in the game makes those things next to useless.

Warrior condi is a joke as well because of how awful the Arms trait line is. The first 3 make no sense if you're going condi. It seems good in pve but in pvp/wvw you never take precision for condi builds on a warrior unless you want to be squishy. A squishy condi warrior is not useful or playable.

Please look more into warrior changes and actually provide useful changes. We're forced to be slaves in pve. In WvW/PvP other classes do things way better so theres no point to take warrior. In WvW the only good viable build is shout support. If you run other things you struggle to keep up with other classes and have to play your best. Where as the person on the other classes can make a lot of mistakes which you can't punish as hard.

Just pointing it out right now, the 300 second ICD traits are placeholder for the time being until they replace them or completely rework them.
Which unfortunately has not happened at all
, so Defense is basically just dead for the time being until this happens.

Oh! Thanks for providing that. Dang that sucks really badly.

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THE LACK of creativity, inspiration and vision has never been more apparent up until now. It's the first time ever I comment about a balance patch. No offense, I love the game and a lot of what you have done with it. However, this is such lazy work. What really needs balancing is you. Cuz you won't be able to truly bring joy to players if you are going to keep this up. Your version of the "balance patch" feels rushed, improvised, and cut short. I think that all the players complaining are right when they bring forth your unwillingness to truly balance the professions in a way that ALL feels good and rewarding to play NO MATTER the game mode. I don't know who is forcing your hands if someone is actually doing that, but unfortunately, this balance patch doesn't spark much. You're taking things away and then reverting those changes because you are out of ideas. You are screwing up elementalists as if the game has been broken by that class. You are not fixing condi thief in PvP. Sigh...also, what was wrong with having firebrand be a great healer? What a balance patch. What comes to mind about it as a conclusion is that you all must be experiencing a total eclipse in terms of true creativity.

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Most of it looked fine until i saw they bringing back the shades. This is an absolute horrible idea. Scourge even after them taking this away dominates WvW, but at least it was more competitive. Bringing back the dual shades Makes all other classes worthless. ANET if you truly want to understand and improve WvW, don't just visit it, play it! then you can truly see how overpowered scourge is as it is now and how big a mistake bringing back the dual shades is.

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@Mosharn.8357 said:

@Mosharn.8357 said:I'm not sure why they keep buffing classes that need nerfs and giving next to nothing to classes that need something.

Warrior changes are welcomed but these wont do anything realistically. Its like trying to put a band-aid on a cut off head. These changes address none of the issues warrior is currently having.

We are forced to take Winds if we're on spellbreaker. Otherwise its rampage. Signet of Rage is really REALLY bad. Might is not an issue for warrior and giving 4 seconds of might is next to pointless on a skill that has a cast time/long cooldown.

Change Signet of Rage to 10 stacks of might for 8 seconds on a 35 second cool down. Or make it 10 stacks of might for 8 seconds, 3 stacks of stability for 5 seconds, and make it a 45 second cooldown. Its bad when utility skills look more appealing than an elite.

300 second cooldown traits do not fit this game. This isn't some Korean mmo or WoW where 5 minute cooldowns make sense. Because of this the defense traitline on warrior is not appealing at all. Warriors are pretty much forced to go strength/discip/x. X being Spellbreaker or Berserker. 300 second cooldowns need to be changed to 150 seconds. That makes more sense for Guild Wars 2. This game has never had absurd cooldown timers like this and putting them in the game makes those things next to useless.

Warrior condi is a joke as well because of how awful the Arms trait line is. The first 3 make no sense if you're going condi. It seems good in pve but in pvp/wvw you never take precision for condi builds on a warrior unless you want to be squishy. A squishy condi warrior is not useful or playable.

Please look more into warrior changes and actually provide useful changes. We're forced to be slaves in pve. In WvW/PvP other classes do things way better so theres no point to take warrior. In WvW the only good viable build is shout support. If you run other things you struggle to keep up with other classes and have to play your best. Where as the person on the other classes can make a lot of mistakes which you can't punish as hard.

Just pointing it out right now, the 300 second ICD traits are placeholder for the time being until they replace them or completely rework them.
Which unfortunately has not happened at all
, so Defense is basically just dead for the time being until this happens.

Oh! Thanks for providing that. Dang that sucks really badly.

Yeah, no problem. It was something that was discussed when the preview for that patch was shown. It seems as though it was essentially their way of completely removing those traits, and similar ones, entirely from play until they can get reworked or new ones into the game. It would just be nice if they, y'know, would hurry it up already. Would also be nice if they communicated more about the status of it. Warrior is running around with a practically dead trait line, and multiple classes also have similar traits that are just wasted space right now.

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Removing elementalist's ability to stack fury in fire fields essentially removes meaningful fury support from ele entirely, and the changes to Pyromancer's Puissance really don't make up for it at all. Ele can already share a lot of might and doesn't really need to be able to share more, especially not at the expense of its own.

Nerfing Persisting Flames is fair enough, but as far as useful support-oriented alternatives go, we really need something better than this.

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@KryTiKaL.3125 said:

@Mosharn.8357 said:I'm not sure why they keep buffing classes that need nerfs and giving next to nothing to classes that need something.

Warrior changes are welcomed but these wont do anything realistically. Its like trying to put a band-aid on a cut off head. These changes address none of the issues warrior is currently having.

We are forced to take Winds if we're on spellbreaker. Otherwise its rampage. Signet of Rage is really REALLY bad. Might is not an issue for warrior and giving 4 seconds of might is next to pointless on a skill that has a cast time/long cooldown.

Change Signet of Rage to 10 stacks of might for 8 seconds on a 35 second cool down. Or make it 10 stacks of might for 8 seconds, 3 stacks of stability for 5 seconds, and make it a 45 second cooldown. Its bad when utility skills look more appealing than an elite.

300 second cooldown traits do not fit this game. This isn't some Korean mmo or WoW where 5 minute cooldowns make sense. Because of this the defense traitline on warrior is not appealing at all. Warriors are pretty much forced to go strength/discip/x. X being Spellbreaker or Berserker. 300 second cooldowns need to be changed to 150 seconds. That makes more sense for Guild Wars 2. This game has never had absurd cooldown timers like this and putting them in the game makes those things next to useless.

Warrior condi is a joke as well because of how awful the Arms trait line is. The first 3 make no sense if you're going condi. It seems good in pve but in pvp/wvw you never take precision for condi builds on a warrior unless you want to be squishy. A squishy condi warrior is not useful or playable.

Please look more into warrior changes and actually provide useful changes. We're forced to be slaves in pve. In WvW/PvP other classes do things way better so theres no point to take warrior. In WvW the only good viable build is shout support. If you run other things you struggle to keep up with other classes and have to play your best. Where as the person on the other classes can make a lot of mistakes which you can't punish as hard.

Just pointing it out right now, the 300 second ICD traits are placeholder for the time being until they replace them or completely rework them.
Which unfortunately has not happened at all
, so Defense is basically just dead for the time being until this happens.

Oh! Thanks for providing that. Dang that sucks really badly.

Yeah, no problem. It was something that was discussed when the preview for that patch was shown. It seems as though it was essentially their way of completely removing those traits, and similar ones, entirely from play until they can get reworked or new ones into the game. It would just be nice if they, y'know, would hurry it up already. Would also be nice if they communicated more about the status of it. Warrior is running around with a practically dead trait line, and multiple classes also have similar traits that are just wasted space right now.

I really hope they rework arms for condi and defense for being... uh.. defense focused .

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power guardian is fuckedgreat sword is mechanically deficient for pvp, why waste the buff when we have no viable elite skills,hell my heal skill does 2x more damage than any skill on my utility bar and it's used for blind.go power guard/dh a condi firebrand, they have sustain, damage, enough utility to shut you down 1-1pre 2/25 it was work to kill bunker Mesmer, only class I had to leave zerk to run marauder, couldn't +1 a one dodge mirage now days, they give no fucks your there.

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As a primarily solo wvw roamer, the nerf to Speed of Synergy is extremely crippling to dps scrapper. The immediate effect is that any sort of movement debuff makes sticking to targets with hammer impossible. Same for kiting and avoiding damage. Secondly, the uptime on the 5% damage mod from Object in Motion is now severely reduced which is the only damage modifying trait in the scrapper line. While we have decent uptime on swiftness and stability, those two are susceptible to boon strip.

If the shared superspeed is a such a problem, perhaps a solution could be to reduce the duration of the aoe application while keeping the leap finish the same. This way, I believe scrapper can maintain it's identity as the "up in your face" melee bruiser spec that was originally envisioned.

I hope the balance team reconsiders this change as dps scrapper is not really relevant in spvp and is only thought of as a support in organised WvW.

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Chaos Vortex: Increased the number of targets from 5 to 10.

What a joke. You think this is going to make Mirage viable in WvW? I really wanna know the reasoning behind some of these changes. I mean, what is this supposed to accomplish? This projectile never hits enemies anyway, it just gets reflected. Now it's going to hit 10 friendlies? lol.

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Some great changes for necromancer others not so much. Blood bank is a bad idea. Necromancer doesn't need to be even more tanky we need more damage and utility. And I'd say less raw tankiness and more evasiveness.

The new dread trait is really cool but I can't help but feel it's still a bit on the weaker side. This isn't the fault of the trait but our own poor access to fear. If we got a trait to convert wail of doom into a fear that would be great. I don't think we need the doom cooldown reduction on it. Sticking in shroud Is miserable gameplay, especially on core necromancer so if I could avoid it I'd prefer that.

Also, make shroud less miserable, let us use utility in shroud.

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