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New Balance Patch


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They need to touch other stuff than skills right now. Such as claim buff, certain overpowered/useless tactics, amount of supply, lord hp, siege damage, shield gens and upgrade times.

Overall all I see is nerfs for scrapper superspeed uptime, return of chronos and more weavers. Also 2-shout firebrand will most likely be quite good.

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@lodjur.1284 said:Notes are out and it's looking pretty amazing, another good balance patch following the february one.

are you high?

they declared a new 4-6 week balance cadence, did nothing for 6 months, then pushed out this steaming turd of a balance patch. Melee classes are completely obsolete again because of the scourge buffs, they aren't addressing herald damage and in fact made jalis even better, and no immob nerfs for rangers- they even buffed druid's immob duration.

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Wow, just wow. While there are a few nice minor QoL type changes to lesser used weapons, please do NOT inflict that scourge double shade thing on us again. Scourges are a horrible misdesign for a mode like WvW anyway, and we're getting shade double casting back, coupled with lower CD wells?The game needs less CC, could have been done by lessening some of the stab nerfs. What are we supposed to do with melee classes? Everyone will just bomb their feet....after you have waded through a minefield. Is this supposed to be fun?

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its like they (Arenanet) havent learned anything after pof release, if its about wvw. its a shame, and these resonsible people must be completely blind. or they are "kitten".With ^^, and ;.) , to not be infracted again for being "rude".

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@"lodjur.1284" said:Notes are out and it's looking pretty amazing, another good balance patch following the february one.

what changed? we are just slowly moving back to good old PoF release skills..

o hai we remove necro pulsing all over the placeo hai we just added it back because why not?

then lets not mention (i hope im wrong) necro's if traited correct can turn all healing into barrier if their HP is at max.so fuck me in all this fb/warrior/tempest w/e heal spam a necro going to become a raidboss..amazing.. necro is probably the last thing that should recieve any buffs in WvW lol


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/668003445from 27:00 roy just said it all and enjoy the laughs (just click on twitch logo and it works right lower corner)

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@RisenHowl.2419 said:

@lodjur.1284 said:Notes are out and it's looking pretty amazing, another good balance patch following the february one.

are you high?

I wish.

they declared a new 4-6 week balance cadence, did nothing for 6 months, then pushed out this steaming kitten of a balance patch. Melee classes are completely obsolete again because of the scourge buffs, they aren't addressing herald damage and in fact made jalis even better, and no immob nerfs for rangers- they even buffed druid's immob duration.

It's been like 4 1/2 months since late february. But you're right that it's been a bit slow.

Melee being obsolete sounds like some zerg stuff idc about tbh. I play melee and didnt back when scourge had old shades, not really a problem. Scourge does no dmg anyway.

Do you mean power or condi herald dmg? I assume Power because you mentioned Jalis.

Also Jalis didn't exactly get buffed, it got some very annoying bugs fixed, the mid-air stuff that is. Then it also got the f2 fixed to work with the trait, I guess, but that's fairly minor stuff.

Lack of immob nerf for ranger is awful, correct. The buff to druid condi immob feels strange as well.

Mostly I am happy about.

Revenant mid-air fix. Renegade Shortbow getting another skill.

Scourge getting it's shade back. Even if it still does 0 dmg.

Chrono getting to have real shatters again.

The small supportbrand nerf (not enough and in the wrong place but it's something)

But overall I like the current state of the game even if it has it's issues (like ranger and supportbrand). So I am mostly happy the game isn't reverting to the awful state that it was pre-february. Meaning minor improvements is more than good enough for me.

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@lodjur.1284 said:

@lodjur.1284 said:Notes are out and it's looking pretty amazing, another good balance patch following the february one.

are you high?

I wish.

they declared a new 4-6 week balance cadence, did nothing for 6 months, then pushed out this steaming kitten of a balance patch. Melee classes are completely obsolete again because of the scourge buffs, they aren't addressing herald damage and in fact made jalis even better, and no immob nerfs for rangers- they even buffed druid's immob duration.

It's been like 4 1/2 months since late february. But you're right that it's been a bit slow.

Melee being obsolete sounds like some zerg stuff idc about tbh. I play melee and didnt back when scourge had old shades, not really a problem. Scourge does no dmg anyway.

Do you mean power or condi herald dmg? I assume Power because you mentioned Jalis.

Also Jalis didn't exactly get buffed, it got some very annoying bugs fixed, the mid-air stuff that is. Then it also got the f2 fixed to work with the trait, I guess, but that's fairly minor stuff.

Lack of immob nerf for ranger is awful, correct. The buff to druid condi immob feels strange as well.

Mostly I am happy about.

Revenant mid-air fix. Renegade Shortbow getting another skill.

Scourge getting it's shade back. Even if it still does 0 dmg.

Chrono getting to have real shatters again.

The small supportbrand nerf (not enough and in the wrong place but it's something)

But overall I like the current state of the game even if it has it's issues (like ranger and supportbrand). So I am mostly happy the game isn't reverting to the awful state that it was pre-february. Meaning minor improvements is more than good enough for me.

sorry for the exaggeration, 4.5 months not 6. You didn't play melee back when scourges had their personal shade because almost no one played melee then. This is how strong of an effect self based shades were, they nullified an entire game mechanic. Bringing them back reverts the wvw meta back to what it was pre-february, a pirate ship where you can't melee push until a group is almost wiped.

Both condi and power herald use jalis, it's only oppressive on power. There's no reason a 900 unit long pulsing stability field should have a 1.5 power coefficient- that's the same amount of damage rev hammer 2 does.

and idk what you're talking about with scourges, they still do great damage. I'm not even running a power setup or well of suffering

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@RisenHowl.2419 said:

@lodjur.1284 said:Notes are out and it's looking pretty amazing, another good balance patch following the february one.

are you high?

I wish.

they declared a new 4-6 week balance cadence, did nothing for 6 months, then pushed out this steaming kitten of a balance patch. Melee classes are completely obsolete again because of the scourge buffs, they aren't addressing herald damage and in fact made jalis even better, and no immob nerfs for rangers- they even buffed druid's immob duration.

It's been like 4 1/2 months since late february. But you're right that it's been a bit slow.

Melee being obsolete sounds like some zerg stuff idc about tbh. I play melee and didnt back when scourge had old shades, not really a problem. Scourge does no dmg anyway.

Do you mean power or condi herald dmg? I assume Power because you mentioned Jalis.

Also Jalis didn't exactly get buffed, it got some very annoying bugs fixed, the mid-air stuff that is. Then it also got the f2 fixed to work with the trait, I guess, but that's fairly minor stuff.

Lack of immob nerf for ranger is awful, correct. The buff to druid condi immob feels strange as well.

Mostly I am happy about.

Revenant mid-air fix. Renegade Shortbow getting another skill.

Scourge getting it's shade back. Even if it still does 0 dmg.

Chrono getting to have real shatters again.

The small supportbrand nerf (not enough and in the wrong place but it's something)

But overall I like the current state of the game even if it has it's issues (like ranger and supportbrand). So I am mostly happy the game isn't reverting to the awful state that it was pre-february. Meaning minor improvements is more than good enough for me.

sorry for the exaggeration, 4.5 months not 6. You didn't play melee back when scourges had their personal shade because almost no one played melee then. This is how strong of an effect self based shades were, they nullified an entire game mechanic. Bringing them back reverts the wvw meta back to what it was pre-february, a pirate ship where you can't melee push until a group is almost wiped.

Both condi and power herald use jalis, it's only oppressive on power. There's no reason a 900 unit long pulsing stability field should have a 1.5 power coefficient- that's the same amount of damage rev hammer 2 does.

and idk what you're talking about with scourges, they still do great damage. I'm not even running a power setup or well of suffering

still freaking OP. all i see is that you're one of top DPS, boonstrip, condi cleanse and surely barrier also. Scourge needs now healing for ally

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@RisenHowl.2419 said:

@lodjur.1284 said:Notes are out and it's looking pretty amazing, another good balance patch following the february one.

are you high?

I wish.

they declared a new 4-6 week balance cadence, did nothing for 6 months, then pushed out this steaming kitten of a balance patch. Melee classes are completely obsolete again because of the scourge buffs, they aren't addressing herald damage and in fact made jalis even better, and no immob nerfs for rangers- they even buffed druid's immob duration.

It's been like 4 1/2 months since late february. But you're right that it's been a bit slow.

Melee being obsolete sounds like some zerg stuff idc about tbh. I play melee and didnt back when scourge had old shades, not really a problem. Scourge does no dmg anyway.

Do you mean power or condi herald dmg? I assume Power because you mentioned Jalis.

Also Jalis didn't exactly get buffed, it got some very annoying bugs fixed, the mid-air stuff that is. Then it also got the f2 fixed to work with the trait, I guess, but that's fairly minor stuff.

Lack of immob nerf for ranger is awful, correct. The buff to druid condi immob feels strange as well.

Mostly I am happy about.

Revenant mid-air fix. Renegade Shortbow getting another skill.

Scourge getting it's shade back. Even if it still does 0 dmg.

Chrono getting to have real shatters again.

The small supportbrand nerf (not enough and in the wrong place but it's something)

But overall I like the current state of the game even if it has it's issues (like ranger and supportbrand). So I am mostly happy the game isn't reverting to the awful state that it was pre-february. Meaning minor improvements is more than good enough for me.

sorry for the exaggeration, 4.5 months not 6. You didn't play melee back when scourges had their personal shade because almost no one played melee then. This is how strong of an effect self based shades were, they nullified an entire game mechanic. Bringing them back reverts the wvw meta back to what it was pre-february, a pirate ship where you can't melee push until a group is almost wiped.

I actually did. But I don't zerg and in smallscale (ie enemy groupsize of like 5-15, personal groupsize of 3-5) melee definitively isn't held back by scourge and scourge would essentially count as a melee build (or at least close ranged).

I actually swapped from scourge because the dmg got so bad, long before the shade changes and swapped to Condi Ren (as my "main" so to speak, obviously I play a bit of everything), a very melee-y build.

Both condi and power herald use jalis, it's only oppressive on power. There's no reason a 900 unit long pulsing stability field should have a 1.5 power coefficient- that's the same amount of damage rev hammer 2 does.

Condi herald generally doesnt use jalis,, Condi herald is generally Dragon+Demon.

Condi renegade does run Demon+Dwarf generally tho (though they're extremely rare).

I haven't had any issues with getting nuked by Inspiring Reinforcement, I have barely seen it on my dmg taken in ARC, but I honestly couldn't care less if it got 0.01 power scaling like CC skills do. I knew that it had very high power scaling, it just literally wasn't even on my mind when you mentioned jalis due to the fact that I have just never taken any real amount of dmg from it.

Just hope the Stab/CD/Energy Cost/Weakness remains the same.

and idk what you're talking about with scourges, they still do great damage. I'm not even running a power setup or well of suffering

Meh, As I said I don't really zerg.

You do play notably better than the rest of that zerg, but I very much doubt that "you should" be outdpsing everyone in a zerg setting as condi scourge. That better players do more dmg than worse ones is kinda expected tho. I am very certain that you (or me for that matter) could get top dmg in that zerg with almost anything that has any sort of dmg.

Either way, from my point of view it's a good thing as scourge will continue to be bad where I play anyway and could use some love.

It will always be extremely strong in zergs tho, whether they change the shade or nah, delete AoE caps completely from all (ie all classes) offensive skills and it would probably be much less of an issue

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we didn't expect anything, and Anet fulfills our expectations like usual.

as others said, the whole combat system worked before, and before and before every balance patch every happened. people adapt, and extreme meta changes rarely happen.

meanwhile, everything around is extremly outdated. literally everything that's not specifically classes is what players been asking for, because anything Anet touches "balance" u have to fear your skill aiming will be trash next time u play. and as mentioned, the changes are not extremly impactful. okay, gotta wait a bit longer for skill reload. okay fights take 10 times as long. okay okay w/e

where's the cleaned out textures without blocking and glitching map objects? where's the 50% removal of npc animals and the full setting of them to be (green) friendly, so we can blast up stealth in peace / mount up in peace (since we have to deal yet with that "new content" burden called warclaw since over a year now)

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@lodjur.1284 said:

@lodjur.1284 said:Notes are out and it's looking pretty amazing, another good balance patch following the february one.

are you high?

I wish.

they declared a new 4-6 week balance cadence, did nothing for 6 months, then pushed out this steaming kitten of a balance patch. Melee classes are completely obsolete again because of the scourge buffs, they aren't addressing herald damage and in fact made jalis even better, and no immob nerfs for rangers- they even buffed druid's immob duration.

It's been like 4 1/2 months since late february. But you're right that it's been a bit slow.

Melee being obsolete sounds like some zerg stuff idc about tbh. I play melee and didnt back when scourge had old shades, not really a problem. Scourge does no dmg anyway.

Do you mean power or condi herald dmg? I assume Power because you mentioned Jalis.

Also Jalis didn't exactly get buffed, it got some very annoying bugs fixed, the mid-air stuff that is. Then it also got the f2 fixed to work with the trait, I guess, but that's fairly minor stuff.

Lack of immob nerf for ranger is awful, correct. The buff to druid condi immob feels strange as well.

Mostly I am happy about.

Revenant mid-air fix. Renegade Shortbow getting another skill.

Scourge getting it's shade back. Even if it still does 0 dmg.

Chrono getting to have real shatters again.

The small supportbrand nerf (not enough and in the wrong place but it's something)

But overall I like the current state of the game even if it has it's issues (like ranger and supportbrand). So I am mostly happy the game isn't reverting to the awful state that it was pre-february. Meaning minor improvements is more than good enough for me.

sorry for the exaggeration, 4.5 months not 6. You didn't play melee back when scourges had their personal shade because almost no one played melee then. This is how strong of an effect self based shades were, they nullified an entire game mechanic. Bringing them back reverts the wvw meta back to what it was pre-february, a pirate ship where you can't melee push until a group is almost wiped.

I actually did. But I don't zerg and in smallscale (ie enemy groupsize of like 5-15, personal groupsize of 3-5) melee definitively isn't held back by scourge and scourge would essentially count as a melee build (or at least close ranged).

It's not oppressive in small scale, it's very oppressive when you have 10+ of them all in one place. As soon as they hit f2-5 each is putting out 5-6k burst, or 50k+, with an additional 1.5-2k pulsing damage from f5 every second afterwards. The people in melee range get flattened for being near the enemy zerg, the people at the shades' location get flattened the same way. A coordinated bomb can one shot small groups. And since the damage comes in small packets, with corrupts and CC tied in, you can't aegis your way through for a successful melee push.

Both condi and power herald use jalis, it's only oppressive on power. There's no reason a 900 unit long pulsing stability field should have a 1.5 power coefficient- that's the same amount of damage rev hammer 2 does.

Condi herald generally doesnt use jalis,, Condi herald is generally Dragon+Demon.

Condi renegade does run Demon+Dwarf generally tho (though they're extremely rare).

I haven't had any issues with getting nuked by Inspiring Reinforcement, I have barely seen it on my dmg taken in ARC, but I honestly couldn't care less if it got 0.01 power scaling like CC skills do. I knew that it had very high power scaling, it just literally wasn't even on my mind when you mentioned jalis due to the fact that I have just never taken any real amount of dmg from it.

You don't fight in zergs, which is where it's most popular =/

Just hope the Stab/CD/Energy Cost/Weakness remains the same.

I'd be down with reducing the cost to 20 energy and dropping the damage by half, right now though this utility does far too much

and idk what you're talking about with scourges, they still do great damage. I'm not even running a power setup or well of suffering

Meh, As I said I don't really zerg.

You do play notably better than the rest of that zerg, but I very much doubt that "you should" be outdpsing everyone in a zerg setting as condi scourge. That better players do more dmg than worse ones is kinda expected tho. I am very certain that you (or me for that matter) could get top dmg in that zerg with almost anything that has any sort of dmg.

Either way, from my point of view it's a good thing as scourge will continue to be bad where I play anyway and could use some love.

It will always be extremely strong in zergs tho, whether they change the shade or nah, delete AoE caps completely from all (ie all classes) offensive skills and it would probably be much less of an issue

scourge is in a good spot for the first time since pof dropped. it's not great for 5v5 where you can get jumped easily, but it's alright in 1v1s and very strong in zergs. The issue is both the number of targets and the effect of stacking them. In anything over 30v30, melee isn't an option at all solely because of how effective it is to stack scourges and bomb when the enemy squad pushes.

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