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Please make Legendary Equipment not „Account Bound“/ add them to the Gem Store

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If Arenanet ever intends to sell the stat changing functionality of legendary items on the gem store, they would not put up actual legendary quality gear but instead single use items which allow you to select a new stat type for any piece of equipment that they are used on, while keeping any currently applied upgrades and skins intact.

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@snoow.1694 said:

@Excursion.9752 said:Everybody come see my legendary credit card!

I think we are missing the boat on what legendary items that are not gen 1 weapons show. Commitment, effort, and resilience. Why do you think that only gen 1 weapons were ever sold on the TP? Because anet realized their mistake and corrected the ship when they were able. I believe if they could go back in time they would lock the gen 1's down as well. But that cats already out of the bag. This is not a pay to win game and having these type of items for sell would be contrary to that.

It‘s not like these attributes aren‘t rewarded, people would still be able to get legendary equipment the usual way, but fact is there is a big chunk of people, who aren‘t able to play 3 hours a day and farm, some can even only play at weekends because they are busy throughout the week. Offering those people a possibility to access legendary armor would be an inclusive act. Plus it is not like every player can afford to pay 300-500€ for a game. Only hardcore fans who simply don‘t have the time in a busy life would invest that much. Putting this much money into a game to further help development is quite „legendary“ and should be rewarded.

I used to think like you. Seriously I did. I thought I should be able to get anything I wanted if I was willing to pay for it. I have a great job and not much time to play so I can understand those aspects of your argument. I even had some pretty heated back and forth conversations bout it in these forums a few years back. What it boils down to and what changed my mind is Legendary items are like a long term achievement. And selling these types of items to players for cash is disrespectful to the people who have earned them.

Its good to set goals even if you don't have a ton of time to play you can still progress little by little. Right now I am working on my 3rd set of legendary armor. It takes me about a full year to make a set. Trust me its frustrating that I can not go faster but it is what it is. I think you may have to bite the bullet and start focusing what legendary items you want and start working toward them slowly.

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@"lokh.2695" said:How is putting "the ultimate carrot of GW2" into the gemstore the "best content possible". Please elaborate. You don't seem to care about content as your whole point is skipping playing the game so you can credit card swipe to the finishline.

Why would I have to "elaborate" to get stat customization for a price of 2 new Xbox One to you in the first place? Considering the fact that people would be willing to pay such a huge amount for the simple option of stat customization and you being strict against it, I think you should elaborate why making build variety a possibility in PvE/WvW for some people, who would add alot of cash to ArenaNet's bank accounts, would be such a bad idea, just for a handful of players to continue to feel "elitist". By best content possible I mean that ArenaNet would see a huge increase in revenue, which they could use to grow, employ more game designers, publish Guild Wars 2 ads and to host PvP esports events. It could all be possible, but this blind refusal to share a simple, but useful option to a potential player base that would be willing to pay a huge price and the general "P2W" outcry everytime ArenaNet tries to capitalize on something makes it hard.

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I don't think they should be put into the gemstore (although I do think gemstore / BL weapons could lern a thing or two from leg weapons) but I wouldn't mind them being sellable over the TP. 99% of the "legendary journey" essentially boils down to "get cash -> pay up" and almost nobody seems to have a principled issue with raid / content selling anyway.

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@snoow.1694 said:

@"lokh.2695" said:How is putting "the ultimate carrot of GW2" into the gemstore the "best content possible". Please elaborate. You don't seem to care about content as your whole point is skipping playing the game so you can credit card swipe to the finishline.

Why would I have to "elaborate" to get stat customization for a price of 2 new Xbox One to you in the first place? Considering the fact that people would be willing to pay such a huge amount for the simple option of stat customization and you being strict against it, I think you should elaborate why making build variety a possibility in PvE/WvW would be such a bad idea, just for a handful of players to continue feeling "elitist". By best content possible I mean that ArenaNet would see a huge increase in revenue, which they could use to grow, employ more game designers, publish Guild Wars 2 ads and to host PvP esports events. It could all be possible, but this blind refusal to share this simple option to a potential player base that would be willing to pay a huge price and the general "P2W" outcry everytime ArenaNet tries to capitalize on something makes it hard.

ANet didn't exactly do those things before, I don't think they would start just because they would be pulling in revenue from what I would personally classify as scuffed monetization practices.

Employing more game designers wouldn't solve the issues surrounding this game in multiple areas. Making better decisions and actually communicating with their community would.

ESL pulled out of GW2 for a reason back in 2017, and the reasons that I suspect they left for are still here in sPvP. Those reasons I suspect, mind you, are pure conjective on my part and its based around several things including decisions ANet made for Ranked sPvP and when ESL dropped GW2.

ANet has never been great with advertisements...they've tired, they don't really take very well.

Now while the idea is fairly...logical, in actual practice it is not okay. Stat selection is a purely convenient aspect of the game, but it is an aspect of the game, what you are asking for is to entirely take out a longer end goal for players that requires hours, and hours and hours of gameplay to attain. For what? So you and others like you don't have to actually play the game to attain it? You just swipe and you're all set? GW2 doesn't actually have the kind of MMORPG content to warrant that sort of approach...you'd get the legendary gear, burn through whatever content you are hoping to play with it, and not log back in for another 3 to 6 months until the next Living World release (which is exactly what people who have sets and sets of this stuff already do). Also doing it only for the sake of allowing people to "test builds" shouldn't be the mindset taken with it, I know you've justified it by saying ANet could make a ton of money from it, but it would be the wrong way to do things. Yes they are a company, but they are a video game developer, if they spent their focus, and their time, and their passion on actually making good content that will keep people playing, and coming back and actually wanting to spend money on skins and other things on the gem store that will reward them endlessly in regards to revenue. Because it will actually be a good game and not what your suggestion would turn it into;cash grabbing.

@Excursion.9752 said:

@Excursion.9752 said:Everybody come see my legendary credit card!

I think we are missing the boat on what legendary items that are not gen 1 weapons show. Commitment, effort, and resilience. Why do you think that only gen 1 weapons were ever sold on the TP? Because anet realized their mistake and corrected the ship when they were able. I believe if they could go back in time they would lock the gen 1's down as well. But that cats already out of the bag. This is not a pay to win game and having these type of items for sell would be contrary to that.

It‘s not like these attributes aren‘t rewarded, people would still be able to get legendary equipment the usual way, but fact is there is a big chunk of people, who aren‘t able to play 3 hours a day and farm, some can even only play at weekends because they are busy throughout the week. Offering those people a possibility to access legendary armor would be an inclusive act. Plus it is not like every player can afford to pay 300-500€ for a game. Only hardcore fans who simply don‘t have the time in a busy life would invest that much. Putting this much money into a game to further help development is quite „legendary“ and should be rewarded.

I used to think like you. Seriously I did. I thought I should be able to get anything I wanted if I was willing to pay for it. I have a great job and not much time to play so I can understand those aspects of your argument. I even had some pretty heated back and forth conversations bout it in these forums a few years back. What it boils down to and what changed my mind is Legendary items are like a long term achievement. And selling these types of items to players for cash is disrespectful to the people who have earned them.

Its good to set goals even if you don't have a ton of time to play you can still progress little by little. Right now I am working on my 3rd set of legendary armor. It takes me about a full year to make a set. Trust me its frustrating that I can not go faster but it is what it is. I think you may have to bite the bullet and start focusing what legendary items you want and start working toward them slowly.

Excursion makes a good point on this as well.

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@KryTiKaL.3125 said:

@"lokh.2695" said:How is putting "the ultimate carrot of GW2" into the gemstore the "best content possible". Please elaborate. You don't seem to care about content as your whole point is skipping playing the game so you can credit card swipe to the finishline.

Why would I have to "elaborate" to get stat customization for a price of 2 new Xbox One to you in the first place? Considering the fact that people would be willing to pay such a huge amount for the simple option of stat customization and you being strict against it, I think you should elaborate why making build variety a possibility in PvE/WvW would be such a bad idea, just for a handful of players to continue feeling "elitist". By best content possible I mean that ArenaNet would see a huge increase in revenue, which they could use to grow, employ more game designers, publish Guild Wars 2 ads and to host PvP esports events. It could all be possible, but this blind refusal to share this simple option to a potential player base that would be willing to pay a huge price and the general "P2W" outcry everytime ArenaNet tries to capitalize on something makes it hard.

ANet didn't exactly do those things
, I don't think they would start just because they would be pulling in revenue from what I would personally classify as
monetization practices.

Employing more game designers wouldn't solve the issues surrounding this game in
areas. Making better decisions and actually
with their community would.

ESL pulled out of GW2
for a reason
back in 2017, and the reasons that I suspect they left for are
still here
in sPvP. Those reasons I suspect, mind you, are pure conjective on my part and its based around several things including decisions ANet made for Ranked sPvP and
ESL dropped GW2.

ANet has never been great with advertisements...they've tired, they don't really take very well.

Now while the idea is fairly...logical, in actual practice it is
okay. Stat selection
a purely convenient aspect of the game, but it is an aspect of the
, what you are asking for is to entirely take out a longer end goal for players that requires hours, and hours and hours of gameplay to attain. For what? So you and others like you don't have to actually play the game to attain it? You just swipe and you're all set? GW2 doesn't actually have the kind of MMORPG content to warrant that sort of approach...you'd get the legendary gear, burn through whatever content you are hoping to play with it, and not log back in for another 3 to 6 months until the next Living World release (which is exactly what people who have sets and sets of this stuff already do). Also doing it only for the sake of allowing people to "test builds" shouldn't be the mindset taken with it, I know you've justified it by saying ANet could make a ton of money from it, but it would be
the wrong way
to do things. Yes they are a company, but they are a
video game developer
, if they spent their focus, and their time, and their passion on actually making
content that will keep people playing, and coming back and actually
to spend money on skins and other things on the gem store that will reward them endlessly in regards to revenue. Because it will actually be a
good game
and not what your suggestion would turn it into;
cash grabbing

@Excursion.9752 said:Everybody come see my legendary credit card!

I think we are missing the boat on what legendary items that are not gen 1 weapons show. Commitment, effort, and resilience. Why do you think that only gen 1 weapons were ever sold on the TP? Because anet realized their mistake and corrected the ship when they were able. I believe if they could go back in time they would lock the gen 1's down as well. But that cats already out of the bag. This is not a pay to win game and having these type of items for sell would be contrary to that.

It‘s not like these attributes aren‘t rewarded, people would still be able to get legendary equipment the usual way, but fact is there is a big chunk of people, who aren‘t able to play 3 hours a day and farm, some can even only play at weekends because they are busy throughout the week. Offering those people a possibility to access legendary armor would be an inclusive act. Plus it is not like every player can afford to pay 300-500€ for a game. Only hardcore fans who simply don‘t have the time in a busy life would invest that much. Putting this much money into a game to further help development is quite „legendary“ and should be rewarded.

I used to think like you. Seriously I did. I thought I should be able to get anything I wanted if I was willing to pay for it. I have a great job and not much time to play so I can understand those aspects of your argument. I even had some pretty heated back and forth conversations bout it in these forums a few years back. What it boils down to and what changed my mind is Legendary items are like a long term achievement. And selling these types of items to players for cash is disrespectful to the people who have earned them.

Its good to set goals even if you don't have a ton of time to play you can still progress little by little. Right now I am working on my 3rd set of legendary armor. It takes me about a full year to make a set. Trust me its frustrating that I can not go faster but it is what it is. I think you may have to bite the bullet and start focusing what legendary items you want and start working toward them slowly.

Excursion makes a good point on this as well.

I agree with you to a huge part, especially when it comes to improving in terms of communication - however in the end most current and past issues can be broken down to one factor - lack of capacities for a high maintenance game like Guild Wars 2 and they could be solved if ArenaNet would seize important income streams in between expansion releases - mount skins for example were a great idea. In addition to that we shouldn't also forget that the popularity of each class of Gem Store items decreases as time passes, since people will eventually have all the bag/bank space they need, are satisfied with the mounts/gliders in their wardrobes and own matching outfits/fun novelties/permanent gathering tools. ArenaNet WILL eventually have to come up with "new ways" to secure income between expansion releases - stat customization in exchange for a large, but affordable amount of gems (≈500€/$) and players being enabled to get full set consisting of legendary armor, trinkets, runes and sigils that way would be an option that would create a huge demand amongst the community instantly.

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The game is mostly about fashion wars now. I think that you might be giving the need or desire for items purely for stat customization a bit too much value in your argument. I'm not sold that a large enough portion of the player base would care about that. Most indicators that we've seen have shown a smaller minority engaged in the end-game content that would want/need stat customization. IMO, the bulk of the players are more casual and probably wouldn't want legendary items for the reason that are suggested in this thread.

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@kharmin.7683 said:The game is mostly about fashion wars now. I think that you might be giving the need or desire for items purely for stat customization a bit too much value in your argument. I'm not sold that a large enough portion of the player base would care about that. Most indicators that we've seen have shown a smaller minority engaged in the end-game content that would want/need stat customization. IMO, the bulk of the players are more casual and probably wouldn't want legendary items for the reason that are suggested in this thread.

I agree with you in the sense that at such a high real world currency price most people wouldn‘t buy a whole set, which in fact would reinforce the „legendary“ aspect. Still people would invest a portion of what the whole set would cost to buy just the legendary runes for real world currency for example while they would craft the rest the usual way. In the end it would be some form of support for everyone, since only a few have a complete set consisting of legendary weapons, armor, backpack, trinkets, runes AND sigils.

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Did ArenaNet feel it was a 'mistake' to offer Gen 1 Legendary weapons on the Trading Post? Or did ArenaNet listen to all the feedback those first 3 years from players that thought it somehow diminished the value of Legendaries?Does ArenaNet want or need the same kind of feedback associated with the high cost of Build Templates, yet again, by offering Legendary items in the Gem Store at a very high price? Would it be worth the undetermined increase in revenue? I'm not sure. I'm not sure there is even much call for such a feature in the Gem Store; remember, the playerbase requested Armor Sets be earned in-game, rather than be offered in the Gem Store, previously.

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This is almost as bad as the suggestion to increase stats on ascended / legendary "because they're hard to get".

The only thing I could see happening is the addition of provisioner tokens to Tyrian Exchange Vouchers as a timegate reduction. Right now you can sort of get around timegating via Charged Quartz because it drops from Wintersday gifts at roughly 0.25 % (a quarter of a percent).

Build equipment diversity is more or less at an all time low unless you play WvW: if you want to pay for legendary equipment functionality it's probably better to just buy equipment templates.

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I really, really hate this idea. I do not think you should be able to buy gear of any kind from the gem store that offers any kind of stats, it should be cosmetic only.

There's a reason that the legendaries all have minimum requirements (completing certain content, having a certain WvW rank, having to play a certain amount of PvP) - they are not supposed to be able to be crafted by everyone - you are supposed to work for them. Letting people buy them for gems (or gold by proxy) diminishes the value of them for everyone that has crafted them. It would also have a shitty effect on the in-game economy - gold->gem price would go up, many materials would become abundant again and crash in price.

Also, ascended gear is stupidly easy to get and very cheap, just create multiple sets if you can't/don't want to go to the effort of crafting legendary gear. No one is forced to play any content that they don't want to, you are not entitled to easy to get gear because you don't like something you have to do for it.

If you dislike how they are acquired then it's better to suggest changes to that rather than just "let me use my credit card please" imo.

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@"Infusion.7149" said:This is almost as bad as the suggestion to increase stats on ascended / legendary "because they're hard to get".

The only thing I could see happening is the addition of provisioner tokens to Tyrian Exchange Vouchers as a timegate reduction. Right now you can sort of get around timegating via Charged Quartz because it drops from Wintersday gifts at roughly 0.25 % (a quarter of a percent).

Build equipment diversity is more or less at an all time low unless you play WvW: if you want to pay for legendary equipment functionality it's probably better to just buy equipment templates.

Sure, offering the possibility to do something as simple as change your stats for the price of a new smartphone goes seemingly „too far“ for a few people. Still, ArenaNet will have to come up with new income streams - I am almost certain stat customization for gems will be a thing and I hope they won‘t really care much about the typical „P2W“ mental breakdown from some of the players as soon as they try to capitalize on an idea

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@Lottie.5370 said:It would also have a kitten effect on the in-game economy - gold->gem price would go up, many materials would become abundant again and crash in price.Exactly. Legendaries are gold (material) sinks. Shifting the requirements to the gem store would heavily inflate the gold currency (as it increases the demand for gems and lowers the demand for crafting materials). That's a no-brainer.

You could basically remove the trading post at this point.

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Seriously, if you just want to swipe your credit card and run around Tyria looking all shiny and proclaim that you have a legendary weapon/gear/trinket, then what‘s the point of playing the game apart from showing off?

Legendaries are a feat of dedication, commitment and effort. Saying that you do not have the time to invest into it is a slap in the faces of those who have as much time as you do but grinded at it to get their first legendary even though it took them a year to finish it.

Other downfalls of offering legendaries for sale have been mentioned enough time, so I won‘t go into it.

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@snoow.1694 said:

@"Infusion.7149" said:This is almost as bad as the suggestion to increase stats on ascended / legendary "because they're hard to get".

The only thing I could see happening is the addition of provisioner tokens to Tyrian Exchange Vouchers as a timegate reduction. Right now you can sort of get around timegating via Charged Quartz because it drops from Wintersday gifts at roughly 0.25 % (a quarter of a percent).

Build equipment diversity is more or less at an all time low unless you play WvW: if you want to pay for legendary equipment functionality it's probably better to just buy equipment templates.

Sure, offering the possibility to do something as simple as change your stats for the price of a new smartphone goes seemingly „too far“ for a few people. Still, ArenaNet will have to come up with new income streams - I am almost certain stat customization for gems will be a thing and I hope they won‘t really care much about the typical „P2W“ mental breakdown from some of the players as soon as they try to capitalize on an idea

You want stat customization ? That already exists. It is called buying slots of gear templates. You don’t even need legendary gear: all you need to do is to buy the slots with your credit card and equip each slots with a different armor/weapon/trinket set of stats.

You are concerned about them generating new income streams ? I honestly don’t know why should be. There is plenty of other opportunity for income like the regular skins of mounts, gliders, outfits that are sold directly through the gemstore or obtained through rng with loot boxes. Heck, for next expansion, they could even implement housing. If I were you, I wouldn’t worry.

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Since you can already buy most of the things needed to obtain legendaries, I'm not sure what the point is here. Takes the raid armor: you can buy gems, convert to gold, buy mystic coins, buy your raid clear. Map completion and gifts of battle are not required for this armor. Use more gems to buy more gold and buy the items needed. About the only thing that is time-gated in raid armor at all are the provisioners tokens, and they have made it even easier and faster to get those. Buy the items needed to convert, swoop to all vendors, and roughly a week later maybe less you'll have enough for your armor set.

There is zero reason whatsoever to add this to the gem store.

Yes, for gen 2 weapons more is required, for the pvp and wvw armor, more is required, but since the reasoning given was just stat swapping, you can get that from gen 1 and raid armor.

Trinkets may be a bit tougher but honestly? Play the game.

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@snoow.1694 said:I understand, that we want to promote to play each aspect of the game and that it is meant as endgame content, but it should be possible to sell the legendary armor pieces, runes, sigils & trinkets on the Trading Post for gold or ArenaNet could decide to offer, new, less visual pleasing legendary gear straight at the Gem Store for around 2000 gems per piece.The majority of people wouldn’t ever be able to buy them in masses, people would still be able to craft the rest if they feel like doing so, it would make legendary gear more accessable for more people and it would generate alot of profit for ArenaNet since alot of people would buy gems with real world money and convert them to gold in order to get them.I feel like no one should be forced to play game modes they don‘t like just to get access to the gear they dream of. Have a great day guys :-)

a really bad idea.

a) legendaries of all kind are optional. Also most people don't swap stats around muchb) it would be 'pay to win'. Nobody wants that.

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Tbh, that would be p2w and it would be so obvious for everyone in and outside the game.If you see MMORPGs reviews videos you'll see that western people try to avoid playing those which has some advantage for the people that throws the big green buckets. They do fine in asian countries do to their mentality but in western countries it's extensively forbidden.

Most of those hadn't done good in western MMO market and GW2 wouldn't be the exception.

"mimimimimi, those who say it's p2w are super crying children toddlers who don't want the grown ass men to buy with real money their shiny OP ultraplus master items".Ok, I dare you, I double dare you(catch the reference) to have fun in GW2 when those super crying children toddlers leave the game forever and you and your 10 wallet friends try to beg ANET to not shut the servers due to inactivity.

Edit: wrong word in one phrase

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