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What's your most hated map in Guild Wars 2 so far and why?

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Hmm, not sure there's a map I'd really say I hate anymore. I use to hate Drytop and Bloodstone Fen, but the issues I had with them were alleviated by mounts existing.There are things I find annoying about some maps, like the amount of obnoxious mobs in HoT and PoF areas, stuff like the Spiderman mastery thing in Draconis Mons being picked up just by walking near it and overriding my weapons, or just somewhat negative associations with the map because of what I'm most likely doing if I'm going there, like spamming hearts in Vabbi for Funerary Incenses, but they don't bother me so much that I'd say I hate the map.

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Since the Skyscale collection, which I loathed, I'd say any of the LW4 maps. I haven't been back, that's how much I grew to hate them. I hope the upcoming Skimmer collection for the underwater skill doesn't similarly turn me against any maps, although of course I realize that if it does that's my problem and not a game issue.

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@Raknar.4735 said:

@Raknar.4735 said:Iron Marches, because the meta event never works.Domain of Kourna and Siren's Landing share 2nd place.

Is it eternally stuck or just never works? Because if it's eternally stuck, i know the reason for that. It's the same reason most of the events are stuck in iron marches, the AFK farmers.

It does sometimes work after a new map instance is created, like on patch day.But the NPCs you have to protect during the Meta chain event "Defend the siege devourer while it assists the troops" are stuck/bugged most of the time.

That is because the AFKers get kicked out like everyone else and so the events on the map aren't stuck yet. Of course, they will eventually get there, as the map is permanently open. They only close when the map gets forced to close. This is true for many maps, including all the starter cities. The Entirety of tyria is infested with AFKers and "botters".

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@"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:People are mentioning a lot of maps I love. ^^ Spent a lot of time farming geodes and quartz on Dry Top, and I'm still fond of it.

I hated the PoF desert maps...all of them. Big, flat, empty, boring, undistinctive, and you could not stand still long enough to look at the map without things oozing out of the sand to kill you, could not harvest a tree or ore node without finding it booby-trapped with sand eels and lions.

I hated Draconis Mons at the time I played it, but keep meaning to give it another chance now with the mounts. I have a feeling Skyscale will make it a lot better.

I liked the desert maps!7aqP2e9.jpg

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Hmmm my most hated maps... I'll give my top 3.

  1. Draconis Mons - This map can eat a kitten. I mostly hate this map for the absolutely worst designed time gate achievement in the game for aurora. I legit still go back to the map at least monthly just to tell it I hate it in Map Chat.
  2. Tangled Depths - As the name states, navigating this nightmare of a map is abysmal. It's overly complex and all of the HoT maps have too many mobs. You spend most of your time trying to look at the map and figure out where you're going only to be attacked by some random thing. Thank God for the Skyscale, at least it makes it bearable to traverse this convoluted mess of a map now.
  3. Jahai Bluffs - This map was another monster to complete achievements for Vision. Constant attacks from mobs everywhere with beams, and people hate it so much that it's basically deserted. Until Anet swapped over the daily Living World Achievs to the new system, it was almost impossible to get a group together to take on the Djinn. I'd wait for literal hours trying to find enough people to complete event necessary for the legendary trinket.
  4. Honorable mention Drizzlewood Coast - frantic after meta champ chain? check. ridiculously uncoordinated wvw attempts? check. no waypoints? check. anti-skyscale mobs? check. never ending hidden achievements that you could have completed on your 10th go at the meta instead of your 20th? check. Strike mission that isn't even remotely like a raid? check. Achievement that requires you to do the strike 50 times? check. 1000g achievement weapon collection? check.
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@Delita Silverburg.8632 said:Hmmm my most hated maps... I'll give my top 3.

  1. Draconis Mons - This map can eat a kitten. I mostly hate this map for the absolutely worst designed time gate achievement in the game for aurora. I legit still go back to the map at least monthly just to tell it I hate it in Map Chat.
  2. Tangled Depths - As the name states, navigating this nightmare of a map is abysmal. It's overly complex and all of the HoT maps have too many mobs. You spend most of your time trying to look at the map and figure out where you're going only to be attacked by some random thing. Thank God for the Skyscale, at least it makes it bearable to traverse this convoluted mess of a map now.
  3. Jahai Bluffs - This map was another monster to complete achievements for Vision. Constant attacks from mobs everywhere with beams, and people hate it so much that it's basically deserted. Until Anet swapped over the daily Living World Achievs to the new system, it was almost impossible to get a group together to take on the Djinn. I'd wait for literal hours trying to find enough people to complete event necessary for the legendary trinket.
  4. Honorable mention Drizzlewood Coast - frantic after meta champ chain? check. ridiculously uncoordinated wvw attempts? check. no waypoints? check. anti-skyscale mobs? check. never ending hidden achievements that you could have completed on your 10th go at the meta instead of your 20th? check. Strike mission that isn't even remotely like a raid? check. Achievement that requires you to do the strike 50 times? check. 1000g achievement weapon collection? check.

4 wins hands down. And that looks like that's the future unless there is a change, but I doubt the current lead would allow it.

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Tangled Depths. It's just a nightmare to navigate.

I will say, Drizzlewood Coast exhausts me. But, that doesn't mean I don't like it. I think it's a lovely map and I'd love to spend more time in it and exploring it, but it's overpopulated with enemies that give you no rest or any time to "stop and smell the roses." Because of the oversaturation of enemies, the map is exhausting. A little Drizzlewood Coast goes a long way, but is definitely worth all the effort.

My favorite map, where I would live if I existed in this pixel paradise would be Timberline Falls.

Most boring maps, to me they are all the Ascalon maps. It seems to be ever autumn and all the brown ground and stone piles is kind of boring.

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Unlike picking my favorite map, picking my least favorite map is easy:Tangled Depths

There's a really easy way for me to put it: The in-game map makes it harder to navigate.

The in-game map has had the layer system built-in from the beginning (at least as far as I remember). Presumably this feature was to tackle the issue of mapping three-dimensional spaces (since Guild Wars 2 has utilized height for the Grove being vertical, secret underwater caves, and hidden jumping puzzle cliffs from the beginning). This should have made navigating Tangled Depths more or less okay, but it's just plain broken on that map.

There are some roads that appear on every layer, there are roads that appear only on the wrong layer, there are roads that don't seem to appear on any layer, and it just never seems to properly divide up the map like it's supposed to (and does just fine on maps like Verdant Brink). The zone is awesome in theory (though it also has some really nasty Hero Challenges and group-ending events) and really does get across the idea of being in such an overgrown place far from civilization, but as long as the map layers don't work right on it, it just sells that concept too well.

I will give an honorable mention to a concept rather than another zone. One thing that bothers me about the seasonal maps is how much they seem to be built around grinding for achievements for Mastery or the meta-achievement. It takes the joy out of exploring, for me, to know that if I'm not actively working on the meta or certain events, than I'm wasting time I will eventually have to spend to catch back up. I like being able to do things at my own pace, but when I know I'm going to need to do this rare event while it's up or that event 10 times, I have to put on the brakes and go do that even if I don't want to, because it'll be even worse to be looking for those thing when I want the reward and then can't find them.

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@Jokubas.4265 said:Unlike picking my favorite map, picking my least favorite map is easy:Tangled Depths

There's a really easy way for me to put it: The in-game map makes it harder to navigate.

The in-game map has had the layer system built-in from the beginning (at least as far as I remember). Presumably this feature was to tackle the issue of mapping three-dimensional spaces (since Guild Wars 2 has utilized height for the Grove being vertical, secret underwater caves, and hidden jumping puzzle cliffs from the beginning). This should have made navigating Tangled Depths more or less okay, but it's just plain broken on that map.

There are some roads that appear on every layer, there are roads that appear only on the wrong layer, there are roads that don't seem to appear on any layer, and it just never seems to properly divide up the map like it's supposed to (and does just fine on maps like Verdant Brink). The zone is awesome in theory (though it also has some really nasty Hero Challenges and group-ending events) and really does get across the idea of being in such an overgrown place far from civilization, but as long as the map layers don't work right on it, it just sells that concept too well.

I will give an honorable mention to a concept rather than another zone. One thing that bothers me about the seasonal maps is how much they seem to be built around grinding for achievements for Mastery or the meta-achievement. It takes the joy out of exploring, for me, to know that if I'm not actively working on the meta or certain events, than I'm wasting time I will eventually have to spend to catch back up. I like being able to do things at my own pace, but when I know I'm going to need to do this rare event while it's up or that event 10 times, I have to put on the brakes and go do that even if I don't want to, because it'll be even worse to be looking for those thing when I want the reward and then can't find them.

If you pay attention to the up/down arrows and icons indicating layer transitions (e.g. cave entrances/exits, ramps, stairs), you should be able to follow any road wherever it goes by shifting the layer view up or down according to the arrow indicator. The problem is that objectives marked on the map (e.g. HPs, MPs, POIs, etc.) aren't necessarily located conveniently to a marked path. Thus you can follow the marked pathways through Tangled Depths all day long and still never find what you're looking for!

If you ever wanted a true exploration challenge, you've found it! The map isn't broken. It's just useless! You can use it to get around, but it's the unmarked paths that matter most in Tangled Depths! There's nothing to do but ignore the map and explore until it starts to make sense!

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@Eekasqueak.7850 said:Bitterfrost frontier is pretty awful with the cold proc spam, amount of junk getting added to your inventory and the section that's pretty inaccessible without making that elixir.

Yes, but:

  • the mobs are harmless
  • its chestrun mechanic gives good loot
  • it has an easy-to-acquire LW3 map currency that will get you ascended rings, accessories, backpack and aquabreather
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@Harak.8397 said:

@Alteron.3561 said:Probably Thunderhead peaks right now.. almost unplayable when you freeze and lag for minutes at a time through any events

Great to hear from others on this. I thought my internet connection was having problems.

Gotta lower your graphics. I have found that my computer can handle any map with low LOD and minimal animation graphics. It's all the visual noise bogging down your CPU.

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@Delita Silverburg.8632 said:

@Alteron.3561 said:Probably Thunderhead peaks right now.. almost unplayable when you freeze and lag for minutes at a time through any events

Great to hear from others on this. I thought my internet connection was having problems.

Gotta lower your graphics. I have found that my computer can handle any map with low LOD and minimal animation graphics. It's all the visual noise bogging down your CPU.

The issue they speak of is a known problem in eu. It is not a gfx setting problem. Certain PoF and ls4 maps are currently unplayable for a wide range of players

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DragonfallThe sad excuse of a map, the developers tried to bodge as many elements together as technically possible. It is a very nice farming-hell, give you credit for that. But it is a giant mess. The mobility-system is one of the worst I have ever seen, it can easily compete with Belsavis from ToR. How many do we have on this map?

  • Waypoints
  • Shrines from Siren's Landing
  • Thermal Tubes from Ember Bay
  • Ley Lines
  • Mounts
  • Skyscale pathing with volatile magic lines

Not to mention all the references they bodged together. Difficulty management is also a mess. The Skyscale treasure-hunt, requiring you to "explore" the entire map several times in a row. Regarding the final boss, Octovine Mechanic 'sigh' featuring two of the rarest creatures in the entire game, Hydra and Forgotten. Reminded me of the end of

, where every character turns into a cow.

About Tangled Depths, which was mentioned quite a few times in this thread:The map itself is not that bad. The real problem comes with the map/minimap, you cannot rely on. The tool that is designed to aid you in every map and navigate you, confuses you in this map. The reason is quite simple. Due to the nature of the map, being so tangled and switching between height-levels frequently, the minimap always switches its view when you cross a certain vertical height. That works perfectly fine in every other map, but not there.

The different views of the minimap should be tied to the path you are walking on at that moment and only switch if you move from one path to another. Navigating through TD with the minimap feels like driving a car. Then suddenly the person next to you tries to help you and turns down the sun-shield.

If that problem was solved, the map would be a lot more appealing to players.

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Dry Top

Dividing the map into segments that can only be accessed through a narrow tunnel in the cellar of a house or a small vine bridge may have worked well for the story, but it's just awful for playing on the map normally. Mounts have improved the situation a bit since you can now fly over many of the obstacles that made traversing these bottlenecks mandatory, but the bad impression has been there for years and won't go away that easily. I know there are waypoints, however a map that can only be traversed by waypointing may as well be multiple maps.

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