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Classic GW2 Servers

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@BlackLotus.8349 said:I know that I would love to go back to the original game content (miss you so much old LA), but I'm skeptical that there are enough people who feel the same to justify them doing it.

I miss old LA a lot and prefer it to the current form.

But I don't miss it enough to give up on all of the QoL and features added to the game since launch.

And that's the rub. There might be enough who miss old LA. But not enough who love it so much they'd give up all that was added to the game since launch.

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How much of this is nostalgia? Discovering a new game can be a great experience, unlocking its secrets, learning to master it, all of that.

I don't believe a true GW2 Classic would accomplish that for a veteran player. Instead it would be a lot of eye opening "oh that's right, that was added later" moments. No salvage-all. Dyes per character. And on and on.

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@"Shadowmoon.7986" said:Personally i think it would fun for a "classic week" event game wide. Where all the e specs are disabled for a week, revenants can stay but they can not play renegade or herald.

That would mess with so many peoples builds and stuff though, you'd probably end up with a lot of players just saying I think i'll play something else for the week >.<

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@"Shadowmoon.7986" said:Personally i think it would fun for a "classic week" event game wide. Where all the e specs are disabled for a week, revenants can stay but they can not play renegade or herald.

That would mess with so many peoples builds and stuff though, you'd probably end up with a lot of players just saying I think i'll play something else for the week >.<

Yeah... Please don't make me play base engi again, my keyboard can't take it.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:But because I say I preferred the old way of the Gift of Exploration/Gift of Battle, doesn't mean I would like a GW2 Classic server! Rather the opposite, those two things I mentioned (the "personal" gold and the Gift of Battle changes) are the only thing I'd like to return to the old way!

Sure, not judging. Simply stating that you might have more rose colored memories of what it meant to map complete the WvW maps than was actually the case. I still remember the patch when WvW maps were removed from the world completion. A lot of PvE only players sighed a huge relief.

Sure, I sighed a huge relief. But I let out a lot of curses when I found out (after the fact, as I never followed any WvW news) that you couldn't buy GoB's directly anymore. If I had known in advance (aka, if they hadn't hidden the fact in some obscure WvW update preview notes), I'd have bought about 10 of those... In my eyes, the fact that you can no longer buy those GoB's is worse than the fact that you sometimes had to wait a long time before you could finish the WvW maps. But that's a personal preference.

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@Teratus.2859 said:

@"Shadowmoon.7986" said:Personally i think it would fun for a "classic week" event game wide. Where all the e specs are disabled for a week, revenants can stay but they can not play renegade or herald.

That would mess with so many peoples builds and stuff though, you'd probably end up with a lot of players just saying I think i'll play something else for the week >.<

Not only that, but how many people now rely on either a glider or a mount when they jump off too high areas to get somewhere fast :p I think you'd see a lot of dead people below cliffs :p

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With no offense meant to OP, or anyone for that matter...

... Why ? Why is it that every single time, people have to bring up WoW and argument that "WoW's got this, we should totally get it too" when both games are miles apart in term of gameplay, system, monetization, playerbase and goal ?


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@imjahova.1708 said:

@"Uden Reavstone.3426" said:OP, I don't know when you started to play GW2, but I've been playing since the betas. Trust, pre-HoT GW2 was a terrible game. I honestly don't know why so many people, myself included, loved GW2 back then. We don't need or want a GW2 Classic.

I played Beta, and early access, Pre-HoT was just more simpler and a better experience imo.

Do you build craft, or do you have other people craft builds for you (in other words, get your builds from YouTube, the forums/wiki, build sites, ect.)? I ask, because from the point of view of someone who spends more time build crafting than anything else, Pre-HoT was not, to quote you, "more simpler and a better experience." The old trait and skill systems were confusing and honestly made me not want to play. Don't get me started on leveling up weapons and earning skills and traits. Yeah, no.

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@"Naxos.2503" said:With no offense meant to OP, or anyone for that matter...

... Why ? Why is it that every single time, people have to bring up WoW and argument that "WoW's got this, we should totally get it too" when both games are miles apart in term of gameplay, system, monetization, playerbase and goal ?


It's called the bandwagon mindset. "Someone else did something, therefore everyone needs to do it." It's a very dangerous and stupid mindset, but somehow, it's still a very popular one.

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@"Felipe.1807" said:I know a lot of sPvP player who would rather go back to pre-HoT era...cele meta could be bad, but was way better then what we have now...the 3 full trait lines system kind of killed balance and overpowered elite specs didnt helped either.

Posts like this always remind me of this "exploit":

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@Seera.5916 said:

@BlackLotus.8349 said:I know that I would love to go back to the original game content (miss you so much old LA), but I'm skeptical that there are enough people who feel the same to justify them doing it.

I miss old LA a lot and prefer it to the current form.

But I don't miss it enough to give up on all of the QoL and features added to the game since launch.This. There are things from the original game i miss and i'd like to see back. This does not mean i'd like to see the whole game as i was then.

Also, consequences of some changes (like introducing raids to this game) are already done. They impacted the feel of the whole game, the way devs look at it, and players' expectations. Reverting those changes would not cause those consequences to magically disappear, it's way too late for that.

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i think a mix of the two would be fun (but unlikely), keep the best parts but also have the best parts of classic.it was much better without the whole NPE, being able to choose what your skills do was also much better. (i am still bitter about the part wells are now forced as aim-able, i never used it because of my D/WH build)i miss the old lions arch, i miss the old kessex hills, i miss the game before meta's were the main attraction.

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Really, when you think about it, if they made a own separate server (well, set of map instances really) to put f2p players only on them, that would practically accomplish this. So a system where they made 3 specific servers for only f2p would create a own population ecosystem with people that would play in a world only with other f2p accounts, and thus play more or less identical to the old style gw2 from between 230615 and hot launch (about a month later).

Could still share the TP/Economy, and you'd keep all the qol changes etc over the years. It wouldn't be a pure "classic version", but to be completely honest I wouldn't want to lose those anyways.

I certainly wouldn't recommend this, I don't think it would benefit ANet at all, and splitting the player-base is pretty much the stereotypical "bad thing". As others have pointed out, the business model certainly doesn't fit into it as well as Blizzard's subscription for both system does.

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@"sorudo.9054" said:i think a mix of the two would be fun (but unlikely), keep the best parts but also have the best parts of classic.it was much better without the whole NPE, being able to choose what your skills do was also much better. (i am still bitter about the part wells are now forced as aim-able, i never used it because of my D/WH build)i miss the old lions arch, i miss the old kessex hills, i miss the game before meta's were the main attraction.The problem is that this is entirely subjective. What you believe to be the "best parts of classic" may not be what others believe. How could ANet accommodate everyone's idea of what the best parts are (or were)?

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