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Am I the only 1 who loves underwater combat?

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Love under water combat, come classes are superior in water over others by large margins looking at you Ranger an Engi.
The amount of skills each class has available under water differ to much. Personally I think each class should have some of their skills get a UW variant. Much like necro recently got UW Flesh golem.

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:Interesting, there are a few nay sayers here but the bulk of this thread likes UW content. I'm curious what the actual ratio is in our gaming community of like versus dislike for UW. My guess is that it is favored by more players than not.

ArenaNet have access to a lot of feedback from both inside and outside of the game so my guess is that it is disliked and avoided by more players than not.

If it was liked by more players then we'd see a lot more underwater content being added.

Instead of more content we've seen the complete removal of underwater in PvP and most of the deep water in WvW. We've seen two expansions and five LS seasons where they included hardly any areas with deep water. We've seen no new underwater weapon skins in years.

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I like underwater combat but not on every profession, which is the point of some people calling for a "rework" of underwater combat. It's not to change the dynamics of the environment so much as to give every professions the means to be enjoyable underwater.

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I don't mind underwater combat in this game. But I find it difficult sometimes because at least for me, it's often hard to judge my position relative to the mobs. I think I'm in melee range when I'm not, or they're above or below me in some way that's not where I can hit them, and so forth. Some of that is probably just me, but some of it is definitely the limited graphics of this game not giving me the necessary visual keys.

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@Pifil.5193 said:

@Super Hayes.6890 said:Interesting, there are a few nay sayers here but the bulk of this thread likes UW content. I'm curious what the actual ratio is in our gaming community of like versus dislike for UW. My guess is that it is favored by more players than not.

ArenaNet have access to a lot of feedback from both inside and outside of the game so my guess is that it is disliked and avoided by more players than not.

If it was liked by more players then we'd see a lot more underwater content being added.I'd say that it's rather more like the dungeons case. They know how much stuff they would need to fix to continue with releasing that content. They aren't willing to put so much effort into it. So, they'd rather keep ignoring UW as much as possible, and hope the players will move on and stop asking about it.

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I like the underwater combat in GW2. Yes, it is different than fighting on land and it should be. Granted, underwater combat could use some love to get all classes viable with a decent underwater skillset.

The three characters I have played underwater are Necro, Elementalist and Thief. Necro, with trident, c'mon you can have your own shark. Gotta use those AoEs carefully or you could be ganked by everything in the area. Elementalist, Ice, Ice Baby. Use Ice (water element) with the trident and win. Thief, my favorite, if you are only using the 2 attack you are missing out. Use 4 at range to pull target to you then 5 for devastating damage and then 2 if the target still lives. Thief, using spear, has a fairly well rounded attack set that can take on one or many mobs.

The addition of the underwater skill for the skimmer is great. The animations for entering exiting the water are perfect. The speed of the mount underwater is not bad at all. That speed can get you in and out of trouble quick enough. Using it to just ride around and harvest is fun.

I would like to see underwater content and combat expanded upon.

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@GummyBearSummoner.7941 said:I love underwater combat. I hope we get more of it soon & an overhaul as it’s needed atm. I think the way it currently is is the reason why some players are put off by it. I know underwater content was guild wars selling point & it’s a shame to see it neglected atm. But I’m hopeful they will add more soon

I cant remember underwater combat being one of the selling points care to link to the advertisment that stated this?

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"GummyBearSummoner.7941" said:I love underwater combat. I hope we get more of it soon & an overhaul as it’s needed atm. I think the way it currently is is the reason why some players are put off by it. I know underwater content was guild wars selling point & it’s a shame to see it neglected atm. But I’m hopeful they will add more soon

I cant remember underwater combat being one of the selling points care to link to the advertisment that stated this?

when the game first was being brought to light they had mentioned underwater combat & how we would be able to explore caves & what not. It wasn’t the only selling point but that was a major feature. Especially coming from guild wars where there was no underwater

Here’s one article that shows & discusses it & gives them that free advertisement https://www.pcgamer.com/guild-wars-2-has-complex-unique-underwater-combat-and-weve-played-it/

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I'm fine with it, but I'm never thrilled by my builds sometimes being screwed up because these utilities I love don't work underwater at all for some reason and my underwater weapons feel like hot garbage to use on half the classes I play extensively.

Underwater melee is bad and should feel bad in all circumstances, even if the class and weapon powers are fine.

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My issues with underwater combat as an engineer:

-Harpoon gun sucks. It does crap damage, the abilities are mostly useless other than the net (which is only moderately useless).-I dont have another option for a weapon. All I get is harpoon gun.-I cant use many of my 'good' kits/abilities. I cant use flamethrower, which is what my whole ground build is based around. I cant use thumper turret, which is often my go-to for dealing with tougher enemies on land (it can sort of tank for me, and keeps them disabled for a bit)

All I get, really, are elixir gun (absolutely terrible), grenade kit, and bomb kit. Bomb kit feels weird and ineffective no matter where I'm using it. The odd delay and the fact that I'm dropping bombs on my toes just doesnt do it for me. Grenade kit is inconsistent: sometimes it does really good damage, other times it doesnt. None of these work well for a power build. I dont have a tanking turret either, with thumper turret not being usable underwater, and my flame turret isnt either which means no smoke screen. I also cant use any of my racial abilities as a charr, and only two of my ultimate/elite abilities work (supply/turret drop and the stupid potion that turns you into random stuff).

I think that, if they're going to make underwater combat something you cant bypass entirely, they need to go through and make all abilities/kits work properly underwater by swapping them to an aquatic variant.

For example, why not change my flamethrower kit and flamethrower turret to a steam gun and steam turret underwater that basically do the same thing with different animations? Why not replace thumper turret with a shockwave turret when underwater? Why not replace mortar kit with a torpedo kit underwater?

Also, elite specializations should in some (or many) cases unlock an additional aquatic weapon as well. As an engineer, regardless of elite spec, I only get the harpoon gun underwater - even though holosmith and scrapper are both melee-centric specs. Why not add a spear option when using these specs so we have a melee weapon underwater?

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@Zephyr.5382 said:Wow...I guess I'm in the minority here. I find engi with grenade kit the most--if not only--fun combat option underwater. It's the only time you get auto-targeting grenades (yes, out of necessity, but still...).

Me too...I love grenades that don't require mouse targeting.

Still don't get why the flamethrower and flame turret won't work underwater though, when the fire bomb does and harpoon 4 has a fire dot.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@BlackBullWings.2734 said:I don't mind it too much, but it's issue is that it didn't evolve as the game evolved. so we're left with very outdated skills, in an alternate combat mode that feels somewhat clunky. If they were to remaster the skills a bit it could be golden.

Abit did you misstake that for total overhaul?

what? i dont know what you're asking

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@BlackBullWings.2734 said:

@BlackBullWings.2734 said:I don't mind it too much, but it's issue is that it didn't evolve as the game evolved. so we're left with very outdated skills, in an alternate combat mode that feels somewhat clunky. If they were to remaster the skills a bit it could be golden.

Abit did you misstake that for total overhaul?

what? i dont know what you're asking

You said it need abit to be golden and I suggested you might have confused it with total overhaul of the whole thing.

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