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Steam users wont stick with this game if servers remain the same


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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

There’s a difference between saying someone doesn’t have an issue and that the issue is likely not the servers.

Most of these threads/posts are about PvE maps, not WvW. WvW maps are very different from PvE maps due to the number of players that can be one them.

It doesn't matter. PvE or WvW. Point was made, your counter point was made, after that you are distracting from the issue that a paying customer had an issue and they posted a concern. Its ok to counter people spreading blatant mis-information but leave ANet to answer for ANet after your point was made. I am not disputing the different forms of latency. There are a lot of people that will confuse client side, server side and just plan old network latency issues. But I am disputing people coming and just saying it's all client side when ANet has said there are issues. Leave ANet to speak for ANet after you have made your point please. If no one reports any issues when we do get memory leaks its even harder to get it fixed faster if people are in denial that there is an issue they didn't encounter. Compounded with that is their decision on where to move cloud services to. Feedback like this might encourage them to make sure they are getting proper network metrics from their cloud providers to ensure they are teaming up with the best providers for their client base. If I was a new player starting during the world boss event after my system surpassed the recommended specs by that much I too would question if it was worth it. And that's before you get into WvW and a 3 way fight. The golden rule here is, your mileage may vary.

For PvE, where most of the complaints are about,

This is the part where I am convinced you don’t spend much time in the WvW forums.

Rarely does a day go by when there is not an active thread in that sub forum about lag and it’s impact.

Say what you will about your proficiency in browsing, for you to state ‘ I'm basing this off everything that I have seen over at least the past several months when these complaints picked up.’ Just shows how little you spend in the WvW section.

They only picked up in the PvE section. It’s been ongoing in WvW for years.

But yeah...,

As I stated later in the post, I view these forums through recent discussions. Anything regarding WvW, I would see. All keep in mind that I am not saying that there are no complaints in regards to WvW; just that PvE outnumber them.

I just checked the WvW sub-forum, on the first page there's a large thread about server latency and another one at the bottom with about five posts (the last post was Aug 22). That larger thread was actually bumped a few days ago as the posts before it were from June. On the second page is a thread with a handful of posts from around Aug 15th. Nothing on the third page. I also forgot the sticky on the first page which only had 10 posts for all of August. That's nowhere near as much activity about this subject as you see elsewhere on the forums.

@maddoctor.2738 said:

@Blocki.4931 said:The lag happens in endgame zones, not even the current ones. I doubt any of them would encounter any issues.

Dunno where you are from but from me the lag is all over even tyria is unplayable at this time.

@aaron.7850 said:Have you done the world boss rush event? lags happens in any map where there are too many players. Steam will make all starter zones a lag fest.Unless Anet does something about it, the lag will scare away many potential players.

Turn down the graphics settings, such as the character model limit, or run the game on a better PC to get max settings.

Doesn't make any difference my ping is jumping from 250-1000-250-556-600 etc Zero to do with graphics. Never done this for many years and i've been here on and off for 8 years.Also i noticed servers are flipping every few mins in Pof that can't be normal...

Like I said in my reply to the poster, I don't see the number of player affecting network lag. If this were true, adjusting the character model limit should resolve that.

The number of players around you DOES affect network lag. More players = more data to transfer for each of them to all clients. Also, adjusting character model limit doesn't help with network lag because character model limit affects how many players are VISIBLE, but even invisible characters need to be processed by your computer, meaning the server must pass you that data, even if they are invisible. That's because characters that are invisible still affect the game world, as anyone who was unfortunate enough to be in a three-way battle in Stonemist Castle can tell you, seeing nobody around one second then suddenly being dead with 20 people on top of you.

I covered this in another post a few posts up. It's could probably be due to everything that gets sent back and forth between the client and server and any issues with the connection makes it more likely for players to experience these issues. That could explain how players on the exact same map doing the exact same meta don't have any issues while others do.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:I covered this in another post a few posts up. It's could probably be due to everything that gets sent back and forth between the client and server and any issues with the connection makes it more likely for players to experience these issues. That could explain how players on the exact same map doing the exact same meta don't have any issues while others do.

And more players around mean more data to send between the client and the server, meaning more likely to see issues with more players around. Also, a player with 20 ping that goes up to 100 might not notice the difference, a player going from 120-150 ping to 200 will feel it more, so even if all players are affected by extra lag, those that already had a weaker connection will be more affected by it. Which could explain why players on the same map doing the same meta have issues while others don't. But I'm quite positive, in a situation where a lot of people are affected, everyone is, to some extent.

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I have a decent machine, and the lag I've experienced since returning to the game earlier this year (after a four year hiatus) isn't the same as I get on my laptop with its inferior GPU. On the worse machine, I get the slide show frame rate in big events. On my decent desktop, the frame rate is great, but sometimes there will be signficant delays between key presses and skills activating. During the delay I'm still moving around just fine, and effects are displaying with no problem. I've mostly experienced it the PoF zones as far as I recall, and there are many people remarking on it in chat at the same time.

Same internet connection, different machines, way different effect than graphical lag.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

What has gotten me curious is if the design of a map could impact latency. What I mean by this is all of those visual effects you see from the environment and such. Compare Thunderhead Peaks to Queensdale, for example. Thunderhead Peaks has a lot of extra things going on. Could this design be creating extra calculations, and when you throw those from the players, it creates a lot of data that gets sent back and forth. When you throw in an unstable internet connection into the mix, it then makes the player more susceptible various forms of lag. Perhaps that could explain why some people have issues, regardless of the number of players, on those maps.

I don't know what kind of data gets sent back and forth between the client and the servers. What kind of data is getting sent back and forth to a client that is on a full Queensdale map vs a full Thunderhead Peaks map? This may be off topic but I remember the blue Zepherite crystal that does jumps sometimes failing for me (actually it's been a long complaint of players since LS2) and the mushrooms in SAB W1Z3 (to get to the rift thing) not launching me when I land on them. Maybe all of this goes back to the way the game is coded? I don't know. I've tried to search online in regards to all of this for other games but it seems too specific to get any worthwhile results.

Oh. I just remembered after posting that Anet made some changes to Thunderhead Peaks to help with some issues. Maybe that adds some credence to this.

I wouldn't rule this out either. Plus when you add in people using different draw distances as well it's one more variable in gameplay on top of the other settings that have been mentioned above.

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The lag in places like the Thunderpeaks isn't about graphics settings, or the number of people on your screen, or even about the number of people in the zone, at least in my experience. I have crafted a couple of full sets of diviner's gear in the last month, so I have spent a lot of time there, and I have experienced extreme skill lag in many different situations, including farming the rooms of the dwarven catacombs late at night in between the meta event times, when there was essentially almost no one in the zone. This was always done at the lowest graphics settings; i.e. the best performance option. I will get patches of two to three second skill lag, and can barely use the treasure search special action, and this has happened at times when I appeared to be the only person in the Dwarven Catacombs. I have also done this without a problem, then seen the skill lag come back right when a meta group enters the zone for the next event while I am in the catacombs. It isn't as simple as graphics settings, the number of players in the zone, or the number of players in proximity to your game; there has to be something else going on.

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@Neftex.7594 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Completely different architecture. Completely different infrastructure. This invalidates claims made from 7 years ago with an entirely different set up.

????? moving stuff elsewhere doesnt mean you fixed the issue. if i make a program with non hardware related bug, moving it to different machine wont fix the problem..

So now we're blaming the software? I thought that the complaint was that ANet needed to fix the servers.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

There’s a difference between saying someone doesn’t have an issue and that the issue is likely not the servers.

Most of these threads/posts are about PvE maps, not WvW. WvW maps are very different from PvE maps due to the number of players that can be one them.

It doesn't matter. PvE or WvW. Point was made, your counter point was made, after that you are distracting from the issue that a paying customer had an issue and they posted a concern. Its ok to counter people spreading blatant mis-information but leave ANet to answer for ANet after your point was made. I am not disputing the different forms of latency. There are a lot of people that will confuse client side, server side and just plan old network latency issues. But I am disputing people coming and just saying it's all client side when ANet has said there are issues. Leave ANet to speak for ANet after you have made your point please. If no one reports any issues when we do get memory leaks its even harder to get it fixed faster if people are in denial that there is an issue they didn't encounter. Compounded with that is their decision on where to move cloud services to. Feedback like this might encourage them to make sure they are getting proper network metrics from their cloud providers to ensure they are teaming up with the best providers for their client base. If I was a new player starting during the world boss event after my system surpassed the recommended specs by that much I too would question if it was worth it. And that's before you get into WvW and a 3 way fight. The golden rule here is, your mileage may vary.

For PvE, where most of the complaints are about,

This is the part where I am convinced you don’t spend much time in the WvW forums.

Rarely does a day go by when there is not an active thread in that sub forum about lag and it’s impact.

Say what you will about your proficiency in browsing, for you to state ‘ I'm basing this off everything that I have seen over at least the past several months when these complaints picked up.’ Just shows how little you spend in the WvW section.

They only picked up in the PvE section. It’s been ongoing in WvW for years.

But yeah...,

As I stated later in the post, I view these forums through recent discussions. Anything regarding WvW, I would see. All keep in mind that I am not saying that there are no complaints in regards to WvW; just that PvE outnumber them.

I just checked the WvW sub-forum, on the first page there's a large thread about server latency and another one at the bottom with about five posts (the last post was Aug 22). That larger thread was actually bumped a few days ago as the posts before it were from June. On the second page is a thread with a handful of posts from around Aug 15th. Nothing on the third page. I also forgot the sticky on the first page which only had 10 posts for all of August. That's nowhere near as much activity about this subject as you see elsewhere on the forums.

@Blocki.4931 said:The lag happens in endgame zones, not even the current ones. I doubt any of them would encounter any issues.

Dunno where you are from but from me the lag is all over even tyria is unplayable at this time.

@"aaron.7850" said:Have you done the world boss rush event? lags happens in any map where there are too many players. Steam will make all starter zones a lag fest.Unless Anet does something about it, the lag will scare away many potential players.

Turn down the graphics settings, such as the character model limit, or run the game on a better PC to get max settings.

Doesn't make any difference my ping is jumping from 250-1000-250-556-600 etc Zero to do with graphics. Never done this for many years and i've been here on and off for 8 years.Also i noticed servers are flipping every few mins in Pof that can't be normal...

Like I said in my reply to the poster, I don't see the number of player affecting network lag. If this were true, adjusting the character model limit should resolve that.

The number of players around you DOES affect network lag. More players = more data to transfer for each of them to all clients. Also, adjusting character model limit doesn't help with network lag because character model limit affects how many players are VISIBLE, but even invisible characters need to be processed by your computer, meaning the server must pass you that data, even if they are invisible. That's because characters that are invisible still affect the game world, as anyone who was unfortunate enough to be in a three-way battle in Stonemist Castle can tell you, seeing nobody around one second then suddenly being dead with 20 people on top of you.

Ahhh., so your observation skills are not quite as adept as you might think, as I doubt you are being disingenuous:


Which was started in July, and has been a consistent filter for people to go to. Of course, it’s only 5 pages long with the last comment being August 30th but yeah..

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@Neftex.7594 said:@Ayrilana.1396cba going back through posts and vods from twitch where developers talked about it

its really simple: im on spawn top of the map, 50v50 is happening in the bottom of the map - im nowhere in range to see them so they have 0 impact on my game client, no data about the battle should be getting to me. i try casting skills, theyre not going off or have big delays...BECAUSE THE SERVER CANT HANDLE ALL THE STUFF THATS HAPPENING IN THE MAP INSTANCE

they reduced the map cap to make the battles easier to handle, didnt fix the problem

the only reasons you dont personally experience lags: youre not on full map with people that press more than autoattack, or youre the one not pressing anything else but autoattack so you dont notice skills not working...

I have a rotation that I always do and I have been in maps that are full, people claim lag, but it didn’t impact me. This in on PvE maps. I haven’t been in WvW in a couple of months.

As far as I know (I don't play much OW) the problems are mainly present in PoF, LW4 and early Icebrood maps (WvW aside). You would also be the first person I've heard of that isn't at all affected in those.

The rest of the game (zergs excluded) is completely fine for me at least.

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@Asum.4960 said:

@Neftex.7594 said:@Ayrilana.1396cba going back through posts and vods from twitch where developers talked about it

its really simple: im on spawn top of the map, 50v50 is happening in the bottom of the map - im nowhere in range to see them so they have 0 impact on my game client, no data about the battle should be getting to me. i try casting skills, theyre not going off or have big delays...BECAUSE THE SERVER CANT HANDLE ALL THE STUFF THATS HAPPENING IN THE MAP INSTANCE

they reduced the map cap to make the battles easier to handle, didnt fix the problem

the only reasons you dont personally experience lags: youre not on full map with people that press more than autoattack, or youre the one not pressing anything else but autoattack so you dont notice skills not working...

I have a rotation that I always do and I have been in maps that are full, people claim lag, but it didn’t impact me. This in on PvE maps. I haven’t been in WvW in a couple of months.

As far as I know (I don't play much OW) the problems are mainly present in PoF, LW4 and early Icebrood maps (WvW aside). You would also be the first person I've heard of that isn't at all affected in those.

The rest of the game (zergs excluded) is completely fine for me at least.

No real stake in this issue, but I do not experience any skill lag, or any other kind of lag in those, or any other maps.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@kharmin.7683 said:Completely different architecture. Completely different infrastructure. This invalidates claims made from 7 years ago with an entirely different set up.

????? moving stuff elsewhere doesnt mean you fixed the issue. if i make a program with non hardware related bug, moving it to different machine wont fix the problem..

So now we're blaming the software? I thought that the complaint was that ANet needed to fix the servers.

server is both hardware and software...

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@"Asum.4960" said:If I was a new not already heavily invested player coming into the game into this current state (or was a mainly OW player in general), there is no way I would stick around for long.

This is definitely something that needs to be fixed sooner rather than later, not just for existing players, but also for the Steam release not to bomb and backfire in negative press about an unplayaby laggy game.

Same. I won't be recommending GW2 to anyone at the moment because of these "lag" issues, unless they want to upgrade to the very latest hardware and contact their ISP. =)

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@Neftex.7594 said:@Ayrilana.1396cba going back through posts and vods from twitch where developers talked about it

its really simple: im on spawn top of the map, 50v50 is happening in the bottom of the map - im nowhere in range to see them so they have 0 impact on my game client, no data about the battle should be getting to me. i try casting skills, theyre not going off or have big delays...BECAUSE THE SERVER CANT HANDLE ALL THE STUFF THATS HAPPENING IN THE MAP INSTANCE

they reduced the map cap to make the battles easier to handle, didnt fix the problem

the only reasons you dont personally experience lags: youre not on full map with people that press more than autoattack, or youre the one not pressing anything else but autoattack so you dont notice skills not working...

I have a rotation that I always do and I have been in maps that are full, people claim lag, but it didn’t impact me. This in on PvE maps. I haven’t been in WvW in a couple of months.

As far as I know (I don't play much OW) the problems are mainly present in PoF, LW4 and early Icebrood maps (WvW aside). You would also be the first person I've heard of that isn't at all affected in those.

The rest of the game (zergs excluded) is completely fine for me at least.

No real stake in this issue, but I do not experience any skill lag, or any other kind of lag in those, or any other maps.

Just out of curiosity, are you EU or NA? @Ayrilana.1396 as well.

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@Asum.4960 said:

@Neftex.7594 said:@Ayrilana.1396cba going back through posts and vods from twitch where developers talked about it

its really simple: im on spawn top of the map, 50v50 is happening in the bottom of the map - im nowhere in range to see them so they have 0 impact on my game client, no data about the battle should be getting to me. i try casting skills, theyre not going off or have big delays...BECAUSE THE SERVER CANT HANDLE ALL THE STUFF THATS HAPPENING IN THE MAP INSTANCE

they reduced the map cap to make the battles easier to handle, didnt fix the problem

the only reasons you dont personally experience lags: youre not on full map with people that press more than autoattack, or youre the one not pressing anything else but autoattack so you dont notice skills not working...

I have a rotation that I always do and I have been in maps that are full, people claim lag, but it didn’t impact me. This in on PvE maps. I haven’t been in WvW in a couple of months.

As far as I know (I don't play much OW) the problems are mainly present in PoF, LW4 and early Icebrood maps (WvW aside). You would also be the first person I've heard of that isn't at all affected in those.

The rest of the game (zergs excluded) is completely fine for me at least.

No real stake in this issue, but I do not experience any skill lag, or any other kind of lag in those, or any other maps.

Just out of curiosity, are you EU or NA? @Ayrilana.1396 as well.

NA. West Coast.

My connection goes to Seattle > Colorado > Texas > Virginia

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Neftex.7594 said:@"Ayrilana.1396"cba going back through posts and vods from twitch where developers talked about itEDIT: for future reference, heres one post from archive of the ORIGINAL forum:

That archived post is from 2013. GW2 has moved to AWS since then.

and? doesnt change anything about the fact that its server side problem... we still have skill lag and now even pve lags on top of it, whats your point?

Completely different architecture. Completely different infrastructure. This invalidates claims made from 7 years ago with an entirely different set up.

Maybe; but the bottom line is that cheapness+lack of commitment to quality service is a constant. Thus, the end result of poor service is the same.

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To be honest, this started since quarantine. For all we know, it could be related to compatibility issues between worldwide networks and the tools they're using to route their access to their servers from home. I'm spitballing here, but it's -clear- there is an issue that is not user based. It's either in between or server side, when that many users from both sides of the ocean experience lag at the same time on the same instance at complete opposite ends of the server distance. Let's just hope whatever it is gets cleared along with the pandemic at this point.

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I don't experience lag and skill activation delay except in newer content. The only issues I have game wide is the "lost connection to server" issue that doesn't effect my gameplay at all, as well as the loss of framerate from my lack of SSD.

The influx of players might do something, but all this is a new launcher to take players to the exact same game.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@"aaron.7850" said:Have you done the world boss rush event? lags happens in any map where there are too many players. Steam will make all starter zones a lag fest.Unless Anet does something about it, the lag will scare away many potential players.

Turn down the graphics settings, such as the character model limit, or run the game on a better PC to get max settings.

Even on time machine PCs, this game runs pretty bad, like on lions arch, even without zergs.

We really need a game engine update:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOg4C3_S1Pw

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@GummyBearSummoner.7941 said:Guild wars 2 is the only game that gives me as much lag. All my other games have run perfectly smooth

I can confirm that. Not a single game in my life ever behaved like this. While in other games there can be much more than 50 ppl on map.EU region (Blacktide) => when we have either WB Rush or dailies in especially Desert Highlands / Vabbi => skill-activating lag jumps to insane numbers.My comp is good enough, having 50-60 fps. But ping is jumping from 50 to 3000 at same time. That makes it clear.Nothing to do with graphics settings, but a hard server delay. For some reason certain maps are much more affected by lags then others.Nothing to do with ISP either. Obviously it doesnt cause long 3000 ping spikes

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@Naxos.2503 said:To be honest, this started since quarantine. For all we know, it could be related to compatibility issues between worldwide networks and the tools they're using to route their access to their servers from home. I'm spitballing here, but it's -clear- there is an issue that is not user based.

Again mileage will vary. Was seeing this before covid, start seeing it around more mounts, mount skins and infusions.

You will have some issues where it is client side, some where its connection, but I agree I think we have also had some added in due to changes in game. ANet can address; cloud providers, cloud resources & software (client/server). Everything else, they can't. Example why I don't just rule out client side, installed new anti-ransom software. Suddenly GW2 would stall. AFter reviewing found that the ransomware protection would burst check transactions which now caused game stalls, especially in WvW where zergs came together. That's not ANet's software and wouldn't expect them to handle that. But that would be an issue client-side in one sense. Now I would question the amount of data moving around though that would trigger the ransomware detection logic to have it check.

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@Zizekent.2398 said:

@"aaron.7850" said:Have you done the world boss rush event? lags happens in any map where there are too many players. Steam will make all starter zones a lag fest.Unless Anet does something about it, the lag will scare away many potential players.

Turn down the graphics settings, such as the character model limit, or run the game on a better PC to get max settings.

Even on time machine PCs, this game runs pretty bad, like on lions arch, even without zergs.

We really need a game engine update:

Anet won’t fix bugs in old content so I doubt they’d commit the resources to revamp the game engine.

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