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Dallies are amazing. Any one find them fun ?


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As I continue to play guild wars 2 and unlock and complete things, I find daillies give me a sweet reward structure and keeps me busy.

Between daillies and daily chest, HoT mini game exp, and daily instance home farming, I also find it fun to craft items as well as level alts.

I think daillies are the bread of butter for keeping people motivated.

They should make a 4th daily category with crafting or living story.

The extra maps with living story are even more amazing.

I think daillies help with a reward structure and make people happy.

What do you guys think of daillies ?

Also , I am very patient so I horde daily experience, spirit shards, gold, and potions of reward exp for pvp and WvW.

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@Angel.3916 said:What do you guys think of daillies ?

i think GW2 is one of the best games that handle dailies. you're encouraged to do them yet you're not punished (like being behind progression -- Archeage says hi btw :) ) by not doing them (you only miss out 2 gold and 10 AP) and there's multiple ways to achieve the daily (PvE, WvW, PvP).

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I don't focus on doing dailies in any MMO because that becomes very repetitive and boring for me. But that being said, I think the GW2 system of dailies is very good because I am often able to do content that I enjoy and still complete dailies without having to go out and try to do it.

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I like doing the dailies well enough, but I probably approach them in a different manner than most people so they're not so much a chore so much as an excuse. I've got a toon in each "region" of Tyria that I load into to complete each PvE task. Mining in Ascalon? Charr warrior time. Jump puzzle in Maguuma? Sylvari thief or necromancer or Asura Guardian.

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I have plenty of other reasons to play GW2, but on those days when I'm nailed down by a migraine or don't have a lot of time to give to the game, dailies give you a sense that you did something and sometimes they take you back to parts of the game you haven't visited for a long time. I like 'em.

When I hit the daily AP cap, I'm going to be sad, but I'll probably still do dailies here and there.

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The "daily events" in a single zone are one of the worst implementations of any task I've ever seen in any MMO. Players run around the map, competing with other players to get enough tags to get event credit, sometimes wiping whole mob groups with a raptor dismount, or standing at mob spawn points spamming AoE or cleave melee attacks before the mobs even spawn. I avoid this task, especially when it takes place in a low level zone.

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@"Angel.3916" said:What do you guys think of daillies ?

Currently as the system is I can conceivably get a gatherer daily in my home instance, buy some food with my portable provisioner and hit a Vista and I am done.

Dailies keep me occupied for 10 minutes.....tops.

As it stands the current system encourages some behaviors that aren't positive at all such as Power Crept max level players nuking down mobs in lowbie zones screwing over people trying to level, Hotjoin PvP "daily servers" where one team is expected to lose to the other on purpose, Mesmers cheating people through Jumping puzzles with Portal, and gankers in WvW who camp veteran spawns hunting "pve noobs".

If Anet wants to make this system fun and engaging beyond that they should look at:

  1. Removing the silly low effort stuff like "Event Completer" in newbie zones, the awful World Bosses, the "Gatherer" dailies I can finish in my Home Instance, the jumping puzzles that Mesmers cheese other players through, the ridiculous "Big Spender" "Veteran Creature Slayer" and "Monument Master" from WvW ect.
  2. Replacing the ridiculous crap with meaningful activities across game modes such as Winning 3 matches in PvP (no Hotjoins), completing 1 explorable Dungeon Path (instead of low effort story mode), downing 5 people in wvw, and completing a raid/strike.
  3. Replacing the liquid gold reward with some kind of currency for cool long-term rewards like weapon/armor skins...stat selectable armor boxes, clovers...or even some kind of RNG mystery/surprise.

The current system stopped being any kind of fun a long time ago.

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Dailies could be improved somewhat, there's not enough selection I think.

Please bring back Monthlies and add in Weeklies to the mix as well. Give us more "repeatable" things to do, rather than all these one-time-only deep achievement grinds that result in burnout instead of enjoyment.

The cap on AP from Dailies is basically "you want points? do really hard/time consuming/expensive thing". Players don't get rewarded for casual play anymore, at least not past a certain point, and its definitely hurt the game in the last few years.

I didn't realise it until now, though, after putting a 60 hour week into the game for just 500 AP.

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@"mindcircus.1506" said:

  1. Removing the silly low effort stuff like "Event Completer" in newbie zones,I disagree here because new players should still have the opportunity to complete daily events. However, I do understand the sentiment that drives your point. I'm not sure how it can be solved, but I don't believe that this should be the answer.
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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"mindcircus.1506" said:
  1. Removing the silly low effort stuff like "Event Completer" in newbie zones,I disagree here because new players should still have the opportunity to complete daily events. However, I do understand the sentiment that drives your point. I'm not sure how it can be solved, but I don't believe that this should be the answer.There are plenty of better ways to incentivize and reward lower level players than sending them to Snowden Drifts to compete for tagging mobs with power crept level 80s using mount engages.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

  1. Removing the silly low effort stuff like "Event Completer" in newbie zones,I disagree here because new players should still have the opportunity to complete daily events. However, I do understand the sentiment that drives your point. I'm not sure how it can be solved, but I don't believe that this should be the answer.There are plenty of better ways to incentivize and reward lower level players than sending them to Snowden Drifts to compete for tagging mobs with power crept level 80s using mount engages.

True. One could make low zones' events not count for daily for higher level players. I just don't think that taking this option away from new players would be the right move.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

  1. Removing the silly low effort stuff like "Event Completer" in newbie zones,I disagree here because new players should still have the opportunity to complete daily events. However, I do understand the sentiment that drives your point. I'm not sure how it can be solved, but I don't believe that this should be the answer.There are plenty of better ways to incentivize and reward lower level players than sending them to Snowden Drifts to compete for tagging mobs with power crept level 80s using mount engages.

True. One could make low zones' events not count for daily for higher level players. I just don't think that taking this option away from new players would be the right move.Replacing a rewarding activity with another that doesn't induce frustration is not taking anything away, it's an improvement.
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@mindcircus.1506 said:Dailies keep me occupied for 10 minutes.....tops.

so in 10 minutes you complete each and every JP, find every special chest in the world, get gold in every adventure, finish the daily activity, loot tarir, beat the chak gerent, slay mordremoth and kralkatorrik, beat every world boss (including triple trouble!), gather a full home instance, harvest maximum guild synthesizers, visit every farm (including every rich metal node!), et cetera et cetera?

this game has hundreds if not thousands of dailies, more than anyone could complete in a day, that is good.

however, i do not like the daily system aside the part in the achievements tab. i am missing dedicated daily quest NPCs, a daily journal and - especially - dedicated daily limiters. the only real dedicated daily limiters i know of are the 4 daily crafts and what is their effect? they are worth it. daily limiters are good and i want a lot more daily limiters, especially in crafting, but they can also be applied to opening specific containers, doing specific tasks like salvaging gear or mystic forge recipes.before you say that there are daily limited purchases, i don't see those as daily limiters, more like actual dailies. a limiter limits a task without any reward, making an action worth doing it because it will be hard to satisfy the natural demand and you can't rush it when you need it, raising the actual demand.

daily limiters make useless things useful.

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@WorldofBay.8160 said:

@"mindcircus.1506" said:Dailies keep me occupied for 10 minutes.....tops.

so in 10 minutes you complete each and every JP, find every special chest in the world, get gold in every adventure, finish the daily activity, loot tarir, beat the chak gerent, slay mordremoth and kralkatorrik, beat every world boss (including triple trouble!), gather a full home instance, harvest maximum guild synthesizers, visit every farm (including every rich metal node!), et cetera et cetera?You've backpeddaled from The Daily System to "things I can do every day".Strange way to make your point.

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@mindcircus.1506 said:

@mindcircus.1506 said:Dailies keep me occupied for 10 minutes.....tops.

so in 10 minutes you complete each and every JP, find every special chest in the world, get gold in every adventure, finish the daily activity, loot tarir, beat the chak gerent, slay mordremoth and kralkatorrik, beat every world boss (including triple trouble!), gather a full home instance, harvest maximum guild synthesizers, visit every farm (including every rich metal node!), et cetera et cetera?You've backpeddaled from The Daily System to "things I can do every day".Strange way to make your point.

so a daily for you is only stuff with the word "daily" in its name? i'm sorry but that is not what daily stands for.a daily is a task that gives a special reward limited on a daily basis (or is only possible a limited number of times on a daily basis). all things i listed give their special reward once a day (unless i am misinformed about some). so all of them are dailies. it might not be the most obvious thing but all the core tyria world boss trains, the pact supply agent trains, the PoF bounty trains, all those things are daily trains.there is a daily iron farm, there are several (at least 3) daily flax farms, there are loads of daily hearts. there is huge load of dailies in this game.

even if you only count the things actually named daily there still is a LS3 map, a LS4 map, LS5 maps, fractals, current events (krait) and more each day which certainly does take over 10 minutes.which dailies you do and which you don't is entirely your choice but you can't say that all dailies are done in 10 minutes, because at the very least world bosses are time-gated and need you to play for more than 1 hour to get each of them in a train.

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