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On average, which is the highest skirmish reward track that you end up completing?


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i've been trying to do 'at least bronze' every week for a while as you get the armor from that tier - really useful for me (multiple characters)

lately though i have a new build for my necro i am using to try and kill zergs, so I've been playing a LOT more - up into diamond last couple weeks

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I fluctuate based on my current game goals and when I hop in for the week. Some weeks I only hop in for a daily and leave before the first tick, other weeks I go through diamond at least twice.

Like this week I only got in two days ago and didn't fight on any outnumbered maps for long, so I may finish gold if I get a chance to play during my kid's nap today.

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Bronze. Only doing the dailies so far ... and trying to get wood (for the additional pip in the following week) at the weekend already at reset. Then the dailies from the following day (+ maybe staying a bit longer if there is some bigger siege and kills/bags to get) get me into silver usually. Middle silver I think. Sometimes I finish silver completely. But most of the time bronze finishd completeley only.

I tried for diamond once. Worked ... but was a lot of work - and lots of time I needed to play. (+ outnumbered from some maps ... what I usually don't play).

I guess with higher rank it is easier (more extra pips from rank) - I am bronze rank somewhere around 210 or so. But I don't care much - since there isn't anything special in those chests. For PvP I always fully complete the track it each season.

On the other hand: WxP gain is sooo much slower and I get only like 1 rank per day I think. (Must really need a boring play style focuse on flipping stuff frequently cause in big defensive fights the enemies give less WxP once killed and if you kill them repeatedly - since the time they stayed alive affects it.)

Edit: With the same amount of time that I spent back then in 2013 ... I might get mithril/platin regularly. (Diamond still a bit too hard without a higher rank.) But since did not play from end 2013 undil June 2019 I have too much stuff to catch up. (And for some reason I decided to start GW1 for the lore ... and achievements/titles - which uses up most of my time at - besides watching anime. When I am finished with Nightfall I will do more in GW2 again and hopefully next year by release of the expansion I'm up to date with at least 1 char ... focusing on PvP/WvW and doing all maps/story with additional chars. :D)

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I will aim for Bronze at least, because that's my set goal each week, even on low game time schedules. Voted for that, because that is the average I always hit should I have game time that week.If I have more time to play (especially on the weekend) I'll finish Silver and very likely Gold. On holidays (which is only a few weeks each year) I can get up to Mithril.If you had asked this question in the past, the average would have been at least one chest category higher, but I have dropped to a very casual level of gameplay in 2020, which effects not only Wvw, but PvE story and achievements.

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Hah, I made this thread to see how casual af I am. I only play this game a few days a week and basically only WvW usually for only an hour or two on non-weekdays, though sometimes stay up if things are juicy. It's completely dependent on whether or not friends or guildies or on.

It is good to see that people are still playing a lot.

@"LetoII.3782" said:Poll is definitely leaning toward most of us being hopeless gw2 junkies

Well I figured you guys were probably sick of "I need a gift of battle"/ "why force us to wvw" topics.

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@ArchonWing.9480 said:Hah, I made this thread to see how casual af I am. I only play this game a few days a week and basically only WvW usually for only an hour or two on non-weekdays, though sometimes stay up if things are juicy. It's completely dependent on whether or not friends or guildies or on.

It is good to see that people are still playing a lot.

@"LetoII.3782" said:Poll is definitely leaning toward most of us being hopeless gw2 junkies

Well I figured you guys were probably sick of "I need a gift of battle"/ "why force us to wvw" topics.

That and "Why nO rELiNks?!" threads...

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@Infusion.7149 said:Your poll is deceptive because you have platinum then diamond. Should be platinum , mithril then diamond.

Oh right, I actually clicked the wrong answer myself lmao (should have been mithril)

It's probably because mithril ore is worthless.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

@ArchonWing.9480 said:Hah, I made this thread to see how casual af I am. I only play this game a few days a week and basically only WvW usually for only an hour or two on non-weekdays, though sometimes stay up if things are juicy. It's completely dependent on whether or not friends or guildies or on.

It is good to see that people are still playing a lot.

@"LetoII.3782" said:Poll is definitely leaning toward most of us being hopeless gw2 junkies

Well I figured you guys were probably sick of "I need a gift of battle"/ "why force us to wvw" topics.

That and "Why nO rELiNks?!" threads...

Oh right, I forgot about that option!

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Anet: "we remove tournaments bc we don't want ppl to play very long"70%+ of Wvw-population "we play verylong anyways smh"

@ArchonWing.9480 i also play it very casually only atm. but still, 1k kills per matchup are doable in just the weekend, and yeah i usually only log in for Wvw. i do pvE only for the better rewards now and then...

i did play not even to mithril for the last month tho, but it has app no effect on our serverpopulation anyways. just need a break from the repetitive format now and then, and our unlinked-status was a good time for that i feel. had like only bronze, wood, gold or so in these, but u get to silver often if u just play relink evening.

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@"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:Anet: "we remove tournaments bc we don't want ppl to play very long"70%+ of Wvw-population "we play verylong anyways smh"

Ok, but cutting the tournament grind did actually change things considerably. Back in the day, there was a ton of frustration and interpersonal messiness related to the server-wide organization required to win Coverage Wars. I know I personally burned out real hard from staying up to try to keep the map from immediately going to shit during our weaker timezones. Easier to just play now without treating it like some horrid little-league regional playoff season, imo.

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@"ASP.8093" if the seasons for tournaments been shorter (so not whole matchup or how long it has been back then) and the servers more stacked up so the "population balance" would exist, it'd be maybe better. also, by now what u got back then as rewards (asc choice chests or so?) wouldn't be that much worth these days tbh...

back in the day was ages ago, Wvw isn't the same as it is now anyways. upgrading is not connected to gold/money and is autoupgrading kinda (not the workers running thing etc)

honestly, ppt is so extremly unimportant now. i see the issues of coverage wars, but hard to say how to fix that. issue is also that more population would need triplelinks, but anets paperservers cannot even sustain regular population often. technically the optimum would be a cross-link between EU and NA, so the respective nighttimes would get coverage kinda. maybe the smallest servers of each could get attached to big links of the other region. but then again, the whole linking system overall is rather not great. they had so many years to fix that, feels pointless to even think too much about it ^^

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