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Why Gift of Battle?

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@"Veprovina.4876" said:Just to add something to the points a few people have made regarding getting bullied if they ask for something.


This happened yesterday. So much toxic people in chat because you asked something right?Someone asked in chat to do a daily, and people - who already have it - wanted to help.SO toxic and elitist right?

If you just ask in chat normally, people will help you.So any claims of toxicity are greatly exaggerated just because someone doesn't want to do the content for their Gift of Battle.

Not only that but, the nature of WvW means you have to interact with the community a bit more. Which is a good way to promote interaction between players that want to do the legendary.

Find out what times your server's commanders are active and log in during those times. You'll hit T6 participation in like 5 minutes, and with boosters, you can be done wth Gift of Battle just by following your commander for like 2 play sessions. Big zerg fights usually don't happen unless the commander is actively looking for them, going to the areas that are about to get attacked by an enemy server to fight them, or attacking them yourselves. Those only really happen in guild raids, where you're looking for fights. If you're not in a WvW guild raid with your guild, and are just following a public commander, they usually go attack keeps that are not protected by enemy servers. Some fights will still happen (they're not avoiding them), but if you lose the fight, just waypiont and get back to the group, it's not that hard.

That's the easiest by far method, and the least boring to do the reward track.

If you still perfer going solo, you got a lot of really good tips in this thread how to do it, but as some others have pointed out - they might be boring and grindy.Still, not as grindy as some PvE content can be so, it's still a fast way to do it. If you go the solo route, then do the easy dailies when they're up for the day, and over a regular period of time you'll have enough reward track progress and potions to complete it.

+1 here.

Now... Are there trolls in WvW who troll team chat and are obnoxious? Absolutely.

But if you pop in, you can tell the majority of the community either ignores them or has them blocked.

But as @mindcircus.1506 noted, I see far worse in LA chat.

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Nothing is going to make this enjoyable if it isn't your thing, but having one WvW req which is easily completed solo simply by putting in a few hours of participation is also not unreasonable for a "legendary" quest. So, being that this is unlikely to change at this point, I can only offer advice based on your complaints.

First, keep in mind that participation is all that matters for advancing the reward track and that once you're at T6 you can stay there as long as you contribute any little bit once every 10 minutes or so (Tip: Be sure you don't AFK out from WvW either so that next time you log in your participation is still T6!). That means you don't actually have to kill other players at all. Just kill a guard. That's enough to keep your participation up.

If there is a bored roamer you can't beat who just keeps moving back and forth between the camps adjacent to your spawn, either try to sneak past or simply switch to one of the other maps. It's not like he knows you personally and is out to get you. You just happen to be the only available target in the area he's covering.

If none of this seems like any kind of fun, then do what you can to minimize the grind. The potions you receive from doing WvW dailies grant instant reward track progress. Some dailies like Keep Capturer generally require some time and a squad, but others like Big Spender, Master of Monuments, and Veteran Creature Slayer can be done quickly and easily by a solo player. Make it easy on yourself by checking the dailies and snagging these easy potions. If you're consistent, before long you'll have enough potions stored up to complete an entire reward track instantly and avoid doing actual WvW grind in the future!

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@Dawdler.8521 said:An entire reward track is 75ish pots. You can literally get gift of battle by doing less than 5 minutes of WvW a day and absolutely zero combat. The time it takes will vary on the dailies.

Now if I as a WvWer want to get gift of exploration to make a legendary, please do tell me how I accomplish this without doing any PvE.

Please do.

I am eagerly awaiting your response.

What is this 'pots' people keep talking about?!

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:Just to add something to the points a few people have made regarding getting bullied if they ask for something.


This happened yesterday. So much toxic people in chat because you asked something right?Someone asked in chat to do a daily, and people - who already have it - wanted to help.SO toxic and elitist right?

If you just ask in chat normally, people will help you.So any claims of toxicity are greatly exaggerated just because someone doesn't want to do the content for their Gift of Battle.

Not only that but, the nature of WvW means you have to interact with the community a bit more. Which is a good way to promote interaction between players that want to do the legendary.

Find out what times your server's commanders are active and log in during those times. You'll hit T6 participation in like 5 minutes, and with boosters, you can be done wth Gift of Battle just by following your commander for like 2 play sessions. Big zerg fights usually don't happen unless the commander is actively looking for them, going to the areas that are about to get attacked by an enemy server to fight them, or attacking them yourselves. Those only really happen in guild raids, where you're looking for fights. If you're not in a WvW guild raid with your guild, and are just following a public commander, they usually go attack keeps that are not protected by enemy servers. Some fights will still happen (they're not avoiding them), but if you lose the fight, just waypiont and get back to the group, it's not that hard.

That's the easiest by far method, and the least boring to do the reward track.

If you still perfer going solo, you got a lot of really good tips in this thread how to do it, but as some others have pointed out - they might be boring and grindy.Still, not as grindy as some PvE content can be so, it's still a fast way to do it. If you go the solo route, then do the easy dailies when they're up for the day, and over a regular period of time you'll have enough reward track progress and potions to complete it.

+1 here.

Now... Are there trolls in WvW who troll team chat and are obnoxious? Absolutely.

But if you pop in, you can tell the majority of the community either ignores them or has them blocked.

But as @"mindcircus.1506" noted, I see far worse in LA chat.

Those trolls exist yeah, but they're mostly just jokesters or are overly sarcastic or something.No one really takes them seriously, and sometimes even some funny conversations come up from them lol.

It's all about the mindset. If you get triggered by the slightest provocation, then that's what you can expect from others - to push you further because you missed the point.Most of those people aren't bad, just have a dark sense of humor, but will still help others if they ask nicely and say they're new or something.Or you can just ignore them...

I'm reminded of some situation that happened, we were fighting a lord in off peak hours and there was this ranger (soulbeast i think) there. He kept killing us while we were getting smacked around by the lord lol, it was funny. The keep was near the spawn so we kept getting back and killed the lord, and the ranger got away when some more players showed up. Which isn't elitist or toxic, he just got a good use of the situation. I do that too if i run into that situation, fight people that are in the middle of taking our camp. Some professions can deal with that, some can't, depends. It's just how the game works, you have to take advantage of the situation. I mean of course i fight them, i'm not about to let them take our stuff lol, that's what WvW is.

After we took the keep, i was whispered by someone "lol i hope you're new".Now, people who get triggered by everything would have lost it there and then.I just replied "who are you?", that person responded that they watched the fight and how the ranger destroyed us.I replied back with "yeah that was awesome haha, he's really good".And nothing happened. No toxicity, no elitism, nothing.We all went our separate ways after experiencing "a thing" and that was that.

(the following is just in general, not aimed at anyone in particular)

It's all about your mindset. People often forget that.It's not other people's fault, it's how you view them.If you view them in the most negative way from the get go, then that's what you can expect back, and even the innocent stuff will seem bad.If you however, open your mind to other people, you'll see that they're all just trying to have fun, and are sometimes just either edgy or have a dark sense of humor.

Are there toxic people? Yes.But the first person you should check for toxicity is yourself, THEN judge others.

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@"DanielKingston.3947" said:I don't want it handed to me, I am thinking of ways that they could have made alternatives, that's what I said in the beginning. I understand all the advice given to me and I'm executing it but for everyone saying that it isn't toxic and my mindset is the issue, it isn't about that at all. It's simply about WANTING to do WvW to EARN the Gift of Battle and HAVING TO PUT WITH this kind of toxicity in game, what should I do to avoid it, play by myself in a TEAM BASED mode with chat off?

The idea of WvW isn't the problem for me, I actually want to play it but literally every time I'm in this mode regardless of the 4 servers I've already paid to switch to, there's nothing but drama, toxicity and name calling to those who have no clue what they're doing (me for example) which makes earning things like Gift of Battle, unenjoyable, sometimes unobtainable because I cba playing a Team Based mode alone or I just keep getting 1 hit by someone I cannot see. The bottom line is I was expecting "alternatives" to be spoken about but there hasn't been.. A great Alternative would be what Strider suggested for example.

Alternative: You can befriend one that has both GoB and GoE and give him ALL the things to make your precious legendary :)

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@DarkEmiLupus.2876 said:

@"DanielKingston.3947" said:I don't want it handed to me, I am thinking of ways that they could have made alternatives, that's what I said in the beginning. I understand all the advice given to me and I'm executing it but for everyone saying that it isn't toxic and my mindset is the issue, it isn't about that at all. It's simply about WANTING to do WvW to EARN the Gift of Battle and HAVING TO PUT WITH this kind of toxicity in game, what should I do to avoid it, play by myself in a TEAM BASED mode with chat off?

The idea of WvW isn't the problem for me, I actually want to play it but literally every time I'm in this mode regardless of the 4 servers I've already paid to switch to, there's nothing but drama, toxicity and name calling to those who have no clue what they're doing (me for example) which makes earning things like Gift of Battle, unenjoyable, sometimes unobtainable because I cba playing a Team Based mode alone or I just keep getting 1 hit by someone I cannot see. The bottom line is I was expecting "alternatives" to be spoken about but there hasn't been.. A great Alternative would be what Strider suggested for example.

You can befriend one that has both GoB and GoE and give him ALL the things to make your precious legendary :)

Unless you know that person personally, that has scam written all over it.

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I started playing WvW regularly in January and in my opinion the WvW community is very friendly and the map and team chats are way more civilized than in PvP and even PvE.I would encourage the OP and everyone else to just visit the WvW maps and the game mode. It is actually a lot of fun.

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WvW has the best community in the game for exactly the reason people pointed out. You have to work together over all the maps.The only time people get touchy is when it comes to pulling activators. But there is no reason for one that just wants to get GoB to be involved in that.

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@Jilora.9524 said:Btw you are literally the 1st person ever to complain about this.That's literally not true. GoB complains are a common recurring theme of those forums.

Not saying the problems are not exagerrated, or that getting GoB is not easy, but at least let's not lie about this not being talked about often.

@Randulf.7614 said:It makes perfect sense because ANET want players crossing the modes.That would have been a valid response if they actually remembered WvW even exists. [/sarcasm]

Still, the only response i can give to OP is that it's extremely unlikely GoB acquisition is going to change (especially with the current amount of attention Anet is paying to WvW). So, use the other suggestions that already were offered and perhaps you will find it's not as bad as you think it is.

@Strider Pj.2193 said:How about a WvW reward track that gives me the GoE for map completion for any area. Either for the PoF, HoT or core maps?Sounds sensible.

Or, better yet, allow me to swap with a vendor the GoB for said exploration?That would be a good idea. Perhaps it could even work both ways.

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The OP clearly has no interest in WvW. Still, I agree that the game should motivate players to try each game mode. What makes no sense to me is the continued requirement. Once you have tried a game mode, to the point where you have received a reward like the GOB or other track rewards and been fair and honest about giving the mode a fair try, and then decide you do not want to enter that mode again, How can there be any valid reason to continue to force players into that mode? So, it's do the REQUIRED content, even though you have already given it a fair try and know you will not enjoy it, over and over for each legendary you want to make. How can players reenter the mode without feeling a distinct predjudice towards it. It's clear from the posts here that players feel that way about different game modes. Rather than pit players againsty each other in the forums, it makes a world of sense to me to establish a set amount of completed content in a game mode and then reward the player with other ways to acheive the reward they seek, in the other game modes. Constant disagreement and accusations in the forums does little to motive new players to join us and these required modes for rewards, may be doing more damage to the game than good. I am glad each game mode exists for those of us who enjoy them, but find it unrealistic to believe we all will love each and every mode.

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@Tumult.2578 said:Once you have tried a game mode, to the point where you have received a reward like the GOB or other track rewards and been fair and honest about giving the mode a fair try, and then decide you do not want to enter that mode again, How can there be any valid reason to continue to force players into that mode? So, it's do the REQUIRED content, even though you have already given it a fair try and know you will not enjoy it, over and over for each legendary you want to make. How can players reenter the mode without feeling a distinct predjudice towards it. It's clear from the posts here that players feel that way about different game modes. Rather than pit players againsty each other in the forums, it makes a world of sense to me to establish a set amount of completed content in a game mode and then reward the player with other ways to acheive the reward they seek, in the other game modes.

So, do one raid and the armor should be obtainable through other means?

Do one fractal and it opens a reward track for fractal rewards ?

Map completion allowed through a reward track?

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@Tumult.2578 said:The OP clearly has no interest in WvW. Still, I agree that the game should motivate players to try each game mode. What makes no sense to me is the continued requirement. Once you have tried a game mode, to the point where you have received a reward like the GOB or other track rewards and been fair and honest about giving the mode a fair try, and then decide you do not want to enter that mode again, How can there be any valid reason to continue to force players into that mode? So, it's do the REQUIRED content, even though you have already given it a fair try and know you will not enjoy it, over and over for each legendary you want to make. How can players reenter the mode without feeling a distinct predjudice towards it. It's clear from the posts here that players feel that way about different game modes. Rather than pit players againsty each other in the forums, it makes a world of sense to me to establish a set amount of completed content in a game mode and then reward the player with other ways to acheive the reward they seek, in the other game modes. Constant disagreement and accusations in the forums does little to motive new players to join us and these required modes for rewards, may be doing more damage to the game than good. I am glad each game mode exists for those of us who enjoy them, but find it unrealistic to believe we all will love each and every mode.

And if the player has not been 'fair and honest about giving the mode a fair try'? As evidenced in this thread, one can obtain the Gift of Battle without ever stepping foot in WvW, albeit that method does take quite some time.

How will the game differentiate?

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@Tumult.2578 said:The OP clearly has no interest in WvW. Still, I agree that the game should motivate players to try each game mode. What makes no sense to me is the continued requirement. Once you have tried a game mode, to the point where you have received a reward like the GOB or other track rewards and been fair and honest about giving the mode a fair try, and then decide you do not want to enter that mode again, How can there be any valid reason to continue to force players into that mode? So, it's do the REQUIRED content, even though you have already given it a fair try and know you will not enjoy it, over and over for each legendary you want to make. How can players reenter the mode without feeling a distinct predjudice towards it. It's clear from the posts here that players feel that way about different game modes. Rather than pit players againsty each other in the forums, it makes a world of sense to me to establish a set amount of completed content in a game mode and then reward the player with other ways to acheive the reward they seek, in the other game modes. Constant disagreement and accusations in the forums does little to motive new players to join us and these required modes for rewards, may be doing more damage to the game than good. I am glad each game mode exists for those of us who enjoy them, but find it unrealistic to believe we all will love each and every mode.

No one forces you to do it. No one is forced to get a legendary. You want a legendary? Then do the stuff that is required.

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@"Nilkemia.8507" said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

In before "why do i have to do sPvP for my legendary?" threads.

Those are PvE people, and have misconceptions about competitive modes, so nothing anet does except hands the item to them will make them stop complaining.If anyone would actually try playing, they'd see that it's not so bad.

"Alternative paths for everything!!!"How about no, and if you want to do the hard thing to craft - you do the hard content that's not in your comfort zone and how anet intended it.We don't need to have everything obtainable in every mode.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@"Nilkemia.8507" said:There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented.

In before "why do i have to do sPvP for my legendary?" threads.

Those are PvE people, and have misconceptions about competitive modes, so nothing anet does except hands the item to them will make them stop complaining.If anyone would actually try playing, they'd see that it's not so bad.

"Alternative paths for everything!!!"How about no, and if you want to do the hard thing to craft - you do the hard content that's not in your comfort zone and how anet intended it.We don't need to have everything obtainable in every mode.

Honestly, if the Gift of Battle should get an alternative method, it should be through PvP.

Like you can get it through either WvW or PvP.

I don't think there should be a PvE equivalent as there is basically already a way to turn the WvW method into a PvE method.

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@DanielKingston.3947 said:So I'm on a low populated server, no commanders, no teamwork and it's full of toxicity in the team chat, I can't get a SINGLE kill because I'm being 1 hit by a camping thief on the borders of my spawn point.

  1. If the server was low populated, it would have been linked with one of a higher populace by now.
  2. When the map feels empty to you, switch to a different map. It's nearly impossible that none will have squads from your server on them, unless it's at a time where people are usually at work.
  3. Use map chat to find public squads. Ask your squad or in team chat for your server's TS/Discord IP, then join and be pleasantly surprised. Enjoy the experience!
  4. Look up common WvW builds that suit the current meta. It can't hurt to go in better prepared.
  5. And last, but not least: if there is a lot of nonsense going on in team chat, simply deactivate it for the time being. Each server has a few trolls, and that's exactly where you will find them. Alternatively, and for the sake of future communication, block those specific players. Most WvW players aren't like that, these players aren't representative for the game mode. (If you want to experience real toxicity, try a few games of PvP...)
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@Dawdler.8521 said:An entire reward track is 75ish pots. You can literally get gift of battle by doing less than 5 minutes of WvW a day and absolutely zero combat. The time it takes will vary on the dailies.

Now if I as a WvWer want to get gift of exploration to make a legendary, please do tell me how I accomplish this without doing any PvE.

Please do.

I am eagerly awaiting your response.

new generation legendaries requires insane grind of HoT/POF also.

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