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Guardian Burn DMG


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@"Whyarewestillhere.8970" said:My problem isn't only that its strong.

Looks like yu can't seem to understand what everyone has been trying to say the entire thread : It's not strong. At all. One simply steps out of the AoEs, then cleanse the Burning, and Burn Guard becomes officially useless.

My problem is that, in my opinion, builds like burn guard are unhealthy for the game - when they are as dominant as burn guard is.

Yawn.Buddy, there are way more troublesome builds than an easy counter-able one like Burn Guard.Explosive Scrapper/Holo, Condi Bunker Renegade, Condi Herald just to name a few.Burn Guard is in no way dominant, and is the least of anyone's worries.

I'd rather have less build diversity, in a (Pvp) game which is actually fun, than 20 "viable" builds like burn guard, flamethrower, decap scrapper and other uninteractive cheese.

The heck? Wanna play an MMORPG with unique classes but prefer stifled build options?Here's an idea then : Uninstall Gw2, and go play Counter Strike.

Here's my twocents of this whole Burn Guard "issue" some people seem to have : If yur so bad at the game that yu can't beat Burn Guard, maybe yu deserve to remain in Silver/Gold where yu belong.

Do I sound like a jerk?Hell yea, but it's the truth.

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@Yasai.3549 said:

@"Whyarewestillhere.8970" said:My problem isn't only that its strong.

Looks like yu can't seem to understand what everyone has been trying to say the entire thread : It's not strong. At all. One simply steps out of the AoEs, then cleanse the Burning, and Burn Guard becomes officially useless.

My problem is that, in my opinion, builds like burn guard are unhealthy for the game - when they are as dominant as burn guard is.

Yawn.Buddy, there are way more troublesome builds than an easy counter-able one like Burn Guard.Explosive Scrapper/Holo, Condi Bunker Renegade, Condi Herald just to name a few.Burn Guard is in no way dominant, and is the least of anyone's worries.

I'd rather have less build diversity, in a (Pvp) game which is actually fun, than 20 "viable" builds like burn guard, flamethrower, decap scrapper and other uninteractive cheese.

The heck? Wanna play an MMORPG with unique classes but prefer stifled build options?Here's an idea then : Uninstall Gw2, and go play Counter Strike.

Here's my twocents of this whole Burn Guard "issue" some people seem to have : If yur so bad at the game that yu can't beat Burn Guard, maybe yu deserve to remain in Silver/Gold where yu belong.

Do I sound like a jerk?Hell yea, but it's the truth.

No, you sound like someone having absolutely no intention of arguing with any kind of honesty.You seem to intentionally take what i said out of context or misinterpret it.Telling someone to "unistall" ,since his opinion is different, also doesn't make you only look like a jerk - it makes you look like an edgy kid being unable to have any kind of meaningful discussion (also pretty sad , considering that you have over 1,5 THOUSAND comments on here).Im also not sure if you meant to attack me (or my "skill") with your talk about silver/gold.But i will give you the benefit of the doubt and pretend that you were just stereotyping - since i never said that i have problems fighting/winning against the build.Still - that doesn't mean i can't still think that the build is unhealthy for the game.But well -I guess i will try one last time treating you like someone trying to actually have a meaningful discussion, even though its probably a waste of time...

I never said that the build is "dominant" in the sense that its being played at the absolute highest level of PvP or is the best build for Tournaments.It's "strong" cause it's "dominating" the lower PvP brackets since its extremly easy to play - while also being extremly effective.This leads to extremly unfun matches for MOST OF THE POPULATION (silver, gold, low plat) , so saying that it's the least of ANYONES worries is just plain wrong.There is a reason why such builds often get talked about here.

If you want to argue that everyone below rating X doesn't matter, fine , but don't come in here and pretend that it doesn't affect the game.Since it definitely does.And while this may come suprising to you - you aren't alone in the game.If unfun builds dominante most of the game (silver/gold/ low plat) then this will affect the population (even more).High level play is also affected by this (well, duh) , since usually people only get better at a game when they invest time into it- and nobody will invest time in a game which isn't fun in the earlier stages.

Im obviously also not saying that my opinion on this issue is absolutely the correct one.But if you are honestly interested in furthering a conversation, then maybe you should try to sometimes step out of your bubble (as someone who has played this game for years) - and try to understand how newer players feel (again, not even talking about me).Cause even if something doesn't affect you , doesn't mean it may not be a problem or is bad for the game.

Especially as someone who is investing as much time as you in the forum - disregarding other opinions (without at least trying to understand their point) and attacking people (instead of arguments) just makes every discussion unnecessary toxic and unproductive.

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The burn stacks hurt but I think that’s fine as they have little to none cover condi so it’s a easy a free at times cleanse I.e weapon swap and utility’s just don’t take free dmg from them and u have enough. Also haveing a support war cleanse them for free for you why healing you from your 2nd power focus so I don’t see it as a problem. Only time I cringe is that traps don’t stay off cd when layed and running into their elite combo can be death. But that alone won’t kill you if you got your cds. I hope they don’t nurf anything else because it will just end up we all run around hitting for one and healing for 2.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@Exile.8160 said:Burn is literally the only way a guard can deal dmg right now lol core and FB were over nerf on both dmg and survibability. If burn is nerf they would literally have nothing else to play.

Burn guardian is easy to play compared to marauder guardian....the class does plenty of power dmg...it's just not for the average Joe

If everything else guard had didnt get nerf because of threads like this burm dh wouldnt have been a thing. Power guard will never be a thing because of all the nerf theyve got and the low healthpool in general guards have.

Give them other options before removing the last one they have.

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Coming from wvw,I find it is lethal to people who try to face tank it thinking its the damage that kills and not the discreet little burn icon stack counter.

Tbh that is kind of the problem of burn guard, its burn attacks are not telegraphed because its just piggy backed onto its other skills that may traditionally do big damage or practically no damage. You don't know until you start eating burn damage. This is low level pvp issue where people don't know what other people are playing until they eat bursts and then don't know exactly how that damage is being applied nor what it takes to apply it. Its frustrating kiting a burn guard's aoe only to watch 3 of your allies stand in it knowing you cannot rally them or you will get cleaved out too.

I don't have a solution short of saying, l2p. That doesn't mean its not a more complicated issue than people or even myself are describing.

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Lets put it that way : Burn Guard builds are just way too effective for the brain dead builds they are.Condi on guard got buffed mechanically for PVE instead of Numerically and they don't have down time since they just do PVE rotations on point. One would wonder why aren't more pve builds in pvp, well they are kinda stuck on a weapon set that is required to do the dps and it just deal damage, guard gets its condi from traits so it can run generally what ever.So currently it does the same shit scourge did area denial, but it can do it on side nodes and in teamfights. Also it counters melee to the full extent , how is that fucking fine.Some nerf on the CD so they don't just do plop plops when some skill pops up and let guards use their gray matter to do combos , instead of whack a moll.

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This is such a non-issue. The build is so hard-countered by condi transfer (and just regular condition cleanse) it's actually hilarious. Like for real, if you're having issues with Burn Guard play Condi Herald or Necromancer. Stand in their shit til you have 10+ stacks then transfer and bam, they're dead in less than 3 seconds. Easiest wins ever

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@Exile.8160 said:Burn is literally the only way a guard can deal dmg right now lol core and FB were over nerf on both dmg and survibability. If burn is nerf they would literally have nothing else to play.

Burn guardian is easy to play compared to marauder guardian....the class does plenty of power dmg...it's just not for the average Joe

The nerf to RI was the end of it. It should not be played. I can probably take it to P2, if I started playing spvp again. But in games that I might end up against top 5% players, it does not work.

Burn guardian is not much better. As a guardian main I find the DH variant useless. I do not play troll builds to farm G1 players. IMO the core variant with radiance is the strongest. It has far more consistent damage and much better sustainability and condi cleanse. But, it still very limited.

Gone are the days where guardian had good or fun builds. Just play the dumb AOE burn meta, and farm those G1 players... if your goal is platinum, do not play guardian.

@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:This is such a non-issue. The build is so hard-countered by condi transfer (and just regular condition cleanse) it's actually hilarious. Like for real, if you're having issues with Burn Guard play Condi Herald or Necromancer. Stand in their kitten til you have 10+ stacks then transfer and bam, they're dead in less than 3 seconds. Easiest wins ever

Man, do not let them on the trade secret ?

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@Leafstorm.1349 said:Why is this still a thing?why not?

Why do guardians just hit you once and you have 6+ burn stacks?some bonus for good class and spec

Why is it that you can apply 21+ burn stacks on something instantly?you should train more, 25 is max value

This is literally the bane of this game and the rise for every single bad player ever.we need some boost for bad players to make some fair fight. Feel skilled and exp, and want challenge ? I want, and I take sword and celestial thief. This is depend always from you, not from some one more.

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@Yasai.3549 said:Burn Guards are offset by not having any cover conditions to prevent yu from literally nullifying their damage with a single cleanse.Just step out of the AoEs, and use yur cleanses once in the clear and Burn Guards are a joke.

@Whyarewestillhere.8970 said:I'll never understand why people are defending builds like this.Well i guess only the top 5% games count, since i see burn guards even in plat.Let's just ignore that low effort builds with high reward (like burn guard) are dominating pretty much every game below that.

Gee, i wonder why there aren't many new PvP-players...

Defend it?People are giving advice on how to beat it.

Like bruh, if everyone who encounters just the tiniest problem and begs the devs for nerfs, we wouldn't even have a game left.In fact, it's due to this sort of thing which is causing us to have a really skewed meta atm where only a handful of builds are being played.

What's next?Oh no Mordrem Snipers have this really painful line AoE, Anet please remove it cos it hurts so so so much!

You dont need cover condies. Its a tf build, so your team provides cover condies? Do you literally have a IQ of like 20?

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@Gwaihir.1745 said:This dude has had three spam threads about burn guards deleted this week, maybe he should quit whining and learn to play the game. People have given him tips, now lets see if he can apply them.

Three spam threads? I hardly ever post on the forums. This was the first post about this ever and its taken me over a week to even respond to anyone. Nice try bud. Also, lets just take a moment to say that I dont need your tips. Maybe if you read my signature, you'd see that I have multiple top 100 titles and I didnt get them for nothing lol. So again, nice try.

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So for everyone who is dumb enough to defend this build by saying that it wont work against a real team, well, that is not the problem here. The problem doesnt exist in ATs or anything of the sort. The problem is that when I q into ranked and this build is farming pugs because its braindead and applies mega burning stacks, which are then covered because you know, its a team fight and thats what happens, my pugs are instantly dead. I'm not here for tips. I've multiple top 100 titles and even for ATs, my account is in top 40 for the most emblems held. No, this thread is about literal braindead players being carried by a spec so simple that a rat could play it and climb much higher than what their skill level should ever allow. The build is unhealthy for the game. Actually, one could say that its more unhealthy than nade holo ever was as it takes that little skill. There have been builds that have been this unhealthy in the past such as condi thief being able to apply 20+ stacks of poison etc. and they have been reworked or nerfed. If you really want to see the impact that this spec is having on the game, go back to last season's top 250/100/25/etc. and look at the ratings, then go look right now. T250 is literally sitting at 1500 and T100 is far below P2 lol. Its a joke. People dont want to play this trash. So again, its unhealthy for the game.

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@Leafstorm.1349 said:So for everyone who is dumb enough to defend this build by saying that it wont work against a real team, well, that is not the problem here. The problem doesnt exist in ATs or anything of the sort. The problem is that when I q into ranked and this build is farming pugs because its braindead and applies mega burning stacks, which are then covered because you know, its a team fight and thats what happens, my pugs are instantly dead. I'm not here for tips. I've multiple top 100 titles and even for ATs, my account is in top 40 for the most emblems held. No, this thread is about literal braindead players being carried by a spec so simple that a rat could play it and climb much higher than what their skill level should ever allow. The build is unhealthy for the game. Actually, one could say that its more unhealthy than nade holo ever was as it takes that little skill. There have been builds that have been this unhealthy in the past such as condi thief being able to apply 20+ stacks of poison etc. and they have been reworked or nerfed. If you really want to see the impact that this spec is having on the game, go back to last season's top 250/100/25/etc. and look at the ratings, then go look right now. T250 is literally sitting at 1500 and T100 is far below P2 lol. Its a joke. People dont want to play this trash. So again, its unhealthy for the game.

So you are saying that a build that requires team fights (for condi cover, since guard has only a small number of condis outside burn) and is incredibly squishy (~15k hp) is the problem? I don't get it. Condi thief was a problem because it had mobility and could provide its own cover. Core guard has one of the worst mobilities out of any class. Your rune almost always has to be 25% ms rune, which don't even function with condi. It also has one invun.. which it needs to channel for. If there ever was a class that could be easily bursted down, its core guard.

The reason core guard is good now is the combination of overall nerfed damage and that ranger is in a bad place. Rangers used to be 90-10 vs guard 1v1. Holo also used to deal with guards easily, but that has also been nerfed. And i say 'good', but i rarely see burn guard above mid gold.

I understand the forum needs something to complain about, but core guard really isn't the target you should be looking at. A few buffs to underperforming classes and burn guard is again at the wayside.

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trapper runes are not really a problem tbh. they are precisely what trapper builds always needed, some defense. trap builds kinda have to run multiple traps to function well enough, but you can't slot defensive utility skills because of it. that's where trapper runes come in handy.

the same goes for burn guard / burn dh.the build is stupid because it deals condi burst damage, when condi should be sustain damage. you can't really change that without making the build useless, so i'm against nerfing it.

also, in teamfights you have a support that can cleanse you and give you resistance. and nothing stops you from slotting a condi cleanse if you see a guardian on the enemy team...

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@Zephoid.4263 said:

@Leafstorm.1349 said:So for everyone who is dumb enough to defend this build by saying that it wont work against a real team, well, that is not the problem here. The problem doesnt exist in ATs or anything of the sort. The problem is that when I q into ranked and this build is farming pugs because its braindead and applies mega burning stacks, which are then covered because you know, its a team fight and thats what happens, my pugs are instantly dead. I'm not here for tips. I've multiple top 100 titles and even for ATs, my account is in top 40 for the most emblems held. No, this thread is about literal braindead players being carried by a spec so simple that a rat could play it and climb much higher than what their skill level should ever allow. The build is unhealthy for the game. Actually, one could say that its more unhealthy than nade holo ever was as it takes that little skill. There have been builds that have been this unhealthy in the past such as condi thief being able to apply 20+ stacks of poison etc. and they have been reworked or nerfed. If you really want to see the impact that this spec is having on the game, go back to last season's top 250/100/25/etc. and look at the ratings, then go look right now. T250 is literally sitting at 1500 and T100 is far below P2 lol. Its a joke. People dont want to play this trash. So again, its unhealthy for the game.

So you are saying that a build that requires team fights (for condi cover, since guard has only a small number of condis outside burn) and is incredibly squishy (~15k hp) is the problem? I don't get it. Condi thief was a problem because it had mobility and could provide its own cover. Core guard has one of the worst mobilities out of any class. Your rune almost always has to be 25% ms rune, which don't even function with condi. It also has one invun.. which it needs to channel for. If there ever was a class that could be easily bursted down, its core guard.

The reason core guard is good now is the combination of overall nerfed damage and that ranger is in a bad place. Rangers used to be 90-10 vs guard 1v1. Holo also used to deal with guards easily, but that has also been nerfed. And i say 'good', but i rarely see burn guard above mid gold.

I understand the forum needs something to complain about, but core guard really isn't the target you should be looking at. A few buffs to underperforming classes and burn guard is again at the wayside.

U do realize ppl are mostly talking about burn dh which has 20k hp and is probably the best build in the meta rn. Also as someone around when condi thief was in its prime I can tell u it’s way better than condi thief ever was. Also ranger has never been a winning MU into guard that is pure delusion. Core guard would destroy both ranger and holo in 1v1 not too long ago, so what are u crying about guard is busted

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Leafstorm.1349 said:So for everyone who is dumb enough to defend this build by saying that it wont work against a real team, well, that is not the problem here. The problem doesnt exist in ATs or anything of the sort. The problem is that when I q into ranked and this build is farming pugs because its braindead and applies mega burning stacks, which are then covered because you know, its a team fight and thats what happens, my pugs are instantly dead. I'm not here for tips. I've multiple top 100 titles and even for ATs, my account is in top 40 for the most emblems held. No, this thread is about literal braindead players being carried by a spec so simple that a rat could play it and climb much higher than what their skill level should ever allow. The build is unhealthy for the game. Actually, one could say that its more unhealthy than nade holo ever was as it takes that little skill. There have been builds that have been this unhealthy in the past such as condi thief being able to apply 20+ stacks of poison etc. and they have been reworked or nerfed. If you really want to see the impact that this spec is having on the game, go back to last season's top 250/100/25/etc. and look at the ratings, then go look right now. T250 is literally sitting at 1500 and T100 is far below P2 lol. Its a joke. People dont want to play this trash. So again, its unhealthy for the game.

So you are saying that a build that requires team fights (for condi cover, since guard has only a small number of condis outside burn) and is incredibly squishy (~15k hp) is the problem? I don't get it. Condi thief was a problem because it had mobility and could provide its own cover. Core guard has one of the worst mobilities out of any class. Your rune almost always has to be 25% ms rune, which don't even function with condi. It also has one invun.. which it needs to channel for. If there ever was a class that could be easily bursted down, its core guard.

The reason core guard is good now is the combination of overall nerfed damage and that ranger is in a bad place. Rangers used to be 90-10 vs guard 1v1. Holo also used to deal with guards easily, but that has also been nerfed. And i say 'good', but i rarely see burn guard above mid gold.

I understand the forum needs something to complain about, but core guard really isn't the target you should be looking at. A few buffs to underperforming classes and burn guard is again at the wayside.

U do realize ppl are mostly talking about burn dh which has 20k hp and is probably the best build in the meta rn. Also as someone around when condi thief was in its prime I can tell u it’s way better than condi thief ever was. Also ranger has never been a winning MU into guard that is pure delusion. Core guard would destroy both ranger and holo in 1v1 not too long ago, so what are u crying about guard is busted

Best build in the meta? You can't be serious. It has almost no cleanse itself and can't touch builds that can cleanse.

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@CutesySylveon.8290 said:

@Leafstorm.1349 said:So for everyone who is dumb enough to defend this build by saying that it wont work against a real team, well, that is not the problem here. The problem doesnt exist in ATs or anything of the sort. The problem is that when I q into ranked and this build is farming pugs because its braindead and applies mega burning stacks, which are then covered because you know, its a team fight and thats what happens, my pugs are instantly dead. I'm not here for tips. I've multiple top 100 titles and even for ATs, my account is in top 40 for the most emblems held. No, this thread is about literal braindead players being carried by a spec so simple that a rat could play it and climb much higher than what their skill level should ever allow. The build is unhealthy for the game. Actually, one could say that its more unhealthy than nade holo ever was as it takes that little skill. There have been builds that have been this unhealthy in the past such as condi thief being able to apply 20+ stacks of poison etc. and they have been reworked or nerfed. If you really want to see the impact that this spec is having on the game, go back to last season's top 250/100/25/etc. and look at the ratings, then go look right now. T250 is literally sitting at 1500 and T100 is far below P2 lol. Its a joke. People dont want to play this trash. So again, its unhealthy for the game.

So you are saying that a build that requires team fights (for condi cover, since guard has only a small number of condis outside burn) and is incredibly squishy (~15k hp) is the problem? I don't get it. Condi thief was a problem because it had mobility and could provide its own cover. Core guard has one of the worst mobilities out of any class. Your rune almost always has to be 25% ms rune, which don't even function with condi. It also has one invun.. which it needs to channel for. If there ever was a class that could be easily bursted down, its core guard.

The reason core guard is good now is the combination of overall nerfed damage and that ranger is in a bad place. Rangers used to be 90-10 vs guard 1v1. Holo also used to deal with guards easily, but that has also been nerfed. And i say 'good', but i rarely see burn guard above mid gold.

I understand the forum needs something to complain about, but core guard really isn't the target you should be looking at. A few buffs to underperforming classes and burn guard is again at the wayside.

U do realize ppl are mostly talking about burn dh which has 20k hp and is probably the best build in the meta rn. Also as someone around when condi thief was in its prime I can tell u it’s way better than condi thief ever was. Also ranger has never been a winning MU into guard that is pure delusion. Core guard would destroy both ranger and holo in 1v1 not too long ago, so what are u crying about guard is busted

Best build in the meta? You can't be serious. It has almost no cleanse itself and can't touch builds that can cleanse.

Well what can u bring that’ll actually counter that? The list is small with basically just a full bunker scourge on it to completely counter it yet 1 trap with a cc followed up by applying your burn will 1 shot the scourge...

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@Dantheman.3589 said:

@Leafstorm.1349 said:So for everyone who is dumb enough to defend this build by saying that it wont work against a real team, well, that is not the problem here. The problem doesnt exist in ATs or anything of the sort. The problem is that when I q into ranked and this build is farming pugs because its braindead and applies mega burning stacks, which are then covered because you know, its a team fight and thats what happens, my pugs are instantly dead. I'm not here for tips. I've multiple top 100 titles and even for ATs, my account is in top 40 for the most emblems held. No, this thread is about literal braindead players being carried by a spec so simple that a rat could play it and climb much higher than what their skill level should ever allow. The build is unhealthy for the game. Actually, one could say that its more unhealthy than nade holo ever was as it takes that little skill. There have been builds that have been this unhealthy in the past such as condi thief being able to apply 20+ stacks of poison etc. and they have been reworked or nerfed. If you really want to see the impact that this spec is having on the game, go back to last season's top 250/100/25/etc. and look at the ratings, then go look right now. T250 is literally sitting at 1500 and T100 is far below P2 lol. Its a joke. People dont want to play this trash. So again, its unhealthy for the game.

So you are saying that a build that requires team fights (for condi cover, since guard has only a small number of condis outside burn) and is incredibly squishy (~15k hp) is the problem? I don't get it. Condi thief was a problem because it had mobility and could provide its own cover. Core guard has one of the worst mobilities out of any class. Your rune almost always has to be 25% ms rune, which don't even function with condi. It also has one invun.. which it needs to channel for. If there ever was a class that could be easily bursted down, its core guard.

The reason core guard is good now is the combination of overall nerfed damage and that ranger is in a bad place. Rangers used to be 90-10 vs guard 1v1. Holo also used to deal with guards easily, but that has also been nerfed. And i say 'good', but i rarely see burn guard above mid gold.

I understand the forum needs something to complain about, but core guard really isn't the target you should be looking at. A few buffs to underperforming classes and burn guard is again at the wayside.

U do realize ppl are mostly talking about burn dh which has 20k hp and is probably the best build in the meta rn. Also as someone around when condi thief was in its prime I can tell u it’s way better than condi thief ever was. Also ranger has never been a winning MU into guard that is pure delusion. Core guard would destroy both ranger and holo in 1v1 not too long ago, so what are u crying about guard is busted

Literally everything beats it 1v1 if played by someone with an iq over 40.

Wait for the stealth to run out, don't run onto where the traps obviously are, kill defenseless DH, take point.

It shouldn't be listed in even top 10 builds, let alone #1. But expecting people to make plays requiring iq over 40 is too much I suppose.

I've yet to come across a burn DH that presented the slightest challenge 1v1, and I play core-zerker greatsword. The only time they're dangerous is in a +1 situation, and the same can be said for literally any class/build.

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