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The, I have no legendary thread.

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5 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Not sure how you can talk about how worth it it is, or not.  That's a personal decision based on personal value. For a guy like me who both has too much time and a fair amount of extra income, it's just something I do.  Like a hobby. But my recommendation would only apply to people like me. Those who have significantly less time and money are likely to have a different view on making legendaries. 


I mean it's a skin, footprints, the ability to switch stats any time out of combat. That's all she wrote. Anything else is just a personal decision.

For example, it's my experience that the vast majority of players seldom change their builds. So ascended is much cheaper and it comes down to footsteps or skins. As a sort of completionist, at least in some things, it's worth it to me to get as many as I can. But I'm most likely an outlier.

That's exactly how you'd talk about it. There's no right or wrong answer, but based on this thread it can be helpful for people who aren't sure about making legendaries to hear from people in a similar situation to them and how they decided whether or not to do it. Of course we're not all in the same situation, but it's unlikely any of us is so unique that no one else can relate to our situation and the factors which influenced the decision.


I think this topic also acts as a reminder that it's not one extreme or the other. The players who do have legendaries, even multiple legendaries might only have weapons and only use 1 per character, or they might have a couple of armour pieces, or a weapon and a trinket or whatever and then use ascended or even exotics in the other slots so it's not like there's a hard separation between those with them and those using exotics or ascended.

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

That's exactly how you'd talk about it. There's no right or wrong answer, but based on this thread it can be helpful for people who aren't sure about making legendaries to hear from people in a similar situation to them and how they decided whether or not to do it. Of course we're not all in the same situation, but it's unlikely any of us is so unique that no one else can relate to our situation and the factors which influenced the decision.


I think this topic also acts as a reminder that it's not one extreme or the other. The players who do have legendaries, even multiple legendaries might only have weapons and only use 1 per character, or they might have a couple of armour pieces, or a weapon and a trinket or whatever and then use ascended or even exotics in the other slots so it's not like there's a hard separation between those with them and those using exotics or ascended.

I agree.  For me, if it weren't for skins and footprints, I would have zero legendaries.

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Just now, Vayne.8563 said:

I agree.  For me, if it weren't for skins and footprints, I would have zero legendaries.

Same for me. I made the weapons I've got because I like the skins and effects.


The stat changing is pointless to me because I do it so rarely it would be cheaper to make ascended and either use the mystic forge to change it or replace it entirely. I remember when people thought the big advantage of legendaries was that Anet promised they would always be top tier equipment no matter what that was, but almost 9 years in with ascended still as the top tier I think that's less of a concern.


Even the prospect of the legendary armoury potentially meaning a legendary is the last equipment piece you'll ever need (e.g. if you have a legendary heavy helmet you can use it on all your characters and therefore never need another one) isn't that appealing to me because I'm fine with using exotics so getting new equipment for a character isn't a problem for me.

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On 5/23/2021 at 5:32 PM, WindBlade.8749 said:

i have too much ascended i  don't know what to do with them, my mule characters is full of them rip and all my characters are full ascended with their multiple builds..

As for legendary i only have one characters that have a full legendary armor + half legendery trinkets + some leg weapons, that about it.

So no, i'm not exotic jail.


I started to really play the game about 1 years ago to put things in perspective.

Before that, for years i was someone with 0 knowledge of the game, about 2 gold was my whole fortune, with random rare/masters gears i found hitting my head in the story until it's pass since hp sotry boss don't regen their hp..


Also i was still core ele staff until the start of IBS.


I Didn't knew what a spec or a traitline was so ....
Only play the game time to time when i wanted to advence the story at this era.

I did not get the feeling this thread was meant for people who "only" got  Legendary armor, half of the Legendary trinkets and "some leggy weapons".  And then mention you were only playing for a year.



Edited by Tyncale.1629
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I'm here since Month 1 (on and off over the years) and have no legendary in whatever form, not even a precursor.  The biggest hurdle is the amount of gold needed.


At least I got some cool names that you can't get these days =D

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On 5/23/2021 at 4:11 PM, Zuldari.3940 said:

So I thought it would be fun to see if its just me 🙃 I have ascended on some characters, but not one leggy. I did pick up the start for predator last night, but it will be a few years till I have the gold to complete it lol. So who else is in ascended or exotic jail?

Me, me, me 😄 


Unless they make legendaries without those flashy effects and loud noises, I'll never have a legendary. And I actually don't want one. I mean, yes, it would be nice to be able to select stats freely, but at the same time I don't play that many builds, so I don't need to change stats that often.


That being said, I'm perfectly happy with my full ascended set, and I'd rather work on a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ascended sets with different stats (which is what I'm doing) than working on a legendary that I know in advance I won't like 😉 

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I unlocked all of the pre cursor quests after getting the mastery with  HoT.  Even if you don't finish a legendary, those are fun quests and you get a lot of interesting drops.  They also serve as interesting content during the pre Expac lulls.  Since then, I've finished many for the fun of it and sold them on the TP or built to legendary and sold, depending on the profit given.


BTW, you can casually obtain the Gift of Battle from WvW by doing the easy WvW each day.  Most are quick and the reward pots contribute to the reward track (80 will insta-fill a track)  WvW dailies are part of my very casual completion of dailies.  It's faster to do many of those than some of the PvE dailies.  So I do a mix each day.  Easy WvW dailies in order of increasing difficulty:  Veteran creature, land claimer, master of monuments, caravan disruptor, guard killer and camp capturer.


Just look at them as a fun change of pace when you are tired of the same old thing.  Chuka and Chumpawat was the most memorable quest chain so far.

Edited by keenedge.9675
added wvw info
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I have one legendary, Twilight. And I made it the last year or so(I play since the very first year of game) now I want to make pvp lego backpack and whenever I finish that I will go for the pvp lego heavy set. Cuz I don't have a guild to do raids and I find it's quicker in pvp since these years I've been playing a lot of ranked for the "free" ascended items and I have a lot of ascended shards. Maybe in the future I'll make raids with my heavy lego geared characters and try to get the light lego set. About money...it's easy if you do things like fractals or ranked pvp and don't even care to look at your gold(like planning for long terms without caring that much). 


Legendaries are not mandatories but with the incoming legendary armory are very appealing. So if you look to make them and never done a single one remember: take calm and go slow and steady without any stress. Legos are not going anywhere so keep build'em at your own pace.

Have fun! :3

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2 hours ago, Tyncale.1629 said:

I did not get the feeling this thread was meant for people who "only" got  Legendary armor, half of the Legendary trinkets and "some leggy weapons".  And then mention you were only playing for a year.



  This thread is to show how many legendary you have to awnser the op question which is

On 5/23/2021 at 5:11 PM, Zuldari.3940 said:

So I thought it would be fun to see if its just me 🙃

So no it's not for the one that don't have it, it's to estimated how many of people don't have it or have it

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On 5/23/2021 at 7:01 PM, Linken.6345 said:

You could reskin your legendary greatsword with the dreamthistle skin.


Of course, first thing I did with my (so far) only legendary.. craft it, then skin it. You get the legendary for its customizability with stats and rune-swapping, very few legendaries I like.

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I've played since the 3 day head start and I only have Ad infinitum on my main character, rest of the items are ascended. My alts are all exotic gear and some ascended trinkets.


Only reason I went for Ad infinitum was because the item is 90% based on fractal achievements and items that can be obtained through fractals.


Couldn't be bothered to craft any weapons as when I wanted to start crafting Sunrise back in the day, it felt about as much fun to me as grinding my face alongside gravel road, so I stopped and never bothered. I did help my wife with the crafting mats for her to make The Moot.

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On 5/23/2021 at 4:19 PM, sorudo.9054 said:

i have nether a legendary nor any ascended armor/weapon, i am the pinnacle of casual.

Honestly, once you start getting characters in ascended it seems like the boxes drop much more often. At one point I had a whole bank tab filled with ascended gear boxes that I just wound up using and salvaging because I don't need it anymore.

I wish they would make them tradable because they're really not worth salvaging and I know so many new players that would love to have ascended gear but don't know the first clue of how to obtain it. 

Now that we have legendary armor I really don't see the point in having ascended be account bound. It used to be the highest tier available but now we have something higher and it should just be tradable. Make it happen, Anet! You did good with celestial, now let's change ascended! 

It's not overly difficult to obtain sets from pvp, wvw, or get accessories from living world, but it doesn't really hurt anyone to be able to just gift some to someone. 

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So here's a question for you. I picked up the predator from the legendary vendor in LA. This and nevermore are the only 2 I have wanted since I first saw them. I assume the item i picked up to start the gun will make a precurser? Is predator one of the least expensive to make? Im not good at making gold in the time i get to play, I have been logging in to do my dailys every day though.

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18 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I agree.  For me, if it weren't for skins and footprints, I would have zero legendaries.

As you can probably guess from my earlier posts, I'm the opposite. It's the swappable stats that hold the appeal for me

But as I stated before, I believe this shouldn't be locked in to just legendaries.

I know a lot of people in this thread state that they rarely change build, but for me, coming from the first game, I find build-crafting incredibly fun, and think that it's a massive shame it's restricted to a privileged few.

I would spend hours in the first game testing and refining builds for both PvE and PvP, and everyone had the freedom to do so.

It's how we ended up with fun and interesting builds like the low HP monk solo farming ones.

Opening up build flexibility to everyone would see an explosion of build variety.

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1 hour ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

As you can probably guess from my earlier posts, I'm the opposite. It's the swappable stats that hold the appeal for me

But as I stated before, I believe this shouldn't be locked in to just legendaries.

I know a lot of people in this thread state that they rarely change build, but for me, coming from the first game, I find build-crafting incredibly fun, and think that it's a massive shame it's restricted to a privileged few.

I would spend hours in the first game testing and refining builds for both PvE and PvP, and everyone had the freedom to do so.

It's how we ended up with fun and interesting builds like the low HP monk solo farming ones.

Opening up build flexibility to everyone would see an explosion of build variety.

Just for the record, I come from the first game too. But my theory crafting involved finding one build that worked for everything instead of constantly changing. lol

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I don't like most of the skins. (Actually dislike a lot of them. Especially the big greatswords.) Slowly working on Bolt though.

The only legendary I have ... is the PvP backpack cause gift-wise it was super cheap compared to all the other legendaries. (Even the other ones where you get lots of stuff from achievements have more expensive other gifts needed to craft. And the weapons of course are most expensive.)

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1 hour ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

As you can probably guess from my earlier posts, I'm the opposite. It's the swappable stats that hold the appeal for me

But as I stated before, I believe this shouldn't be locked in to just legendaries.

I know a lot of people in this thread state that they rarely change build, but for me, coming from the first game, I find build-crafting incredibly fun, and think that it's a massive shame it's restricted to a privileged few.

I would spend hours in the first game testing and refining builds for both PvE and PvP, and everyone had the freedom to do so.

It's how we ended up with fun and interesting builds like the low HP monk solo farming ones.

Opening up build flexibility to everyone would see an explosion of build variety.

You can change the stats on ascended equipment using the Mystic Forge. Or you can use exotics to experiment and only switch to ascended when you need to get exact numbers or when you've chosen something to use. Some people can even do the majority of their theory crafting outside the game using build calculators and only need to try a few as proof it works as expected.


People were experimenting with builds and theory crafting for years before legendary armour and trinkets existed (and in the year or so when legendary weapons had exotic stats and could only be swapped by transmuting them). I imagine it does make it a bit quicker to swap between builds but it's by no means required.

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2 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

As you can probably guess from my earlier posts, I'm the opposite. It's the swappable stats that hold the appeal for me

But as I stated before, I believe this shouldn't be locked in to just legendaries.

I know a lot of people in this thread state that they rarely change build, but for me, coming from the first game, I find build-crafting incredibly fun, and think that it's a massive shame it's restricted to a privileged few.

I would spend hours in the first game testing and refining builds for both PvE and PvP, and everyone had the freedom to do so.

It's how we ended up with fun and interesting builds like the low HP monk solo farming ones.

Opening up build flexibility to everyone would see an explosion of build variety.

Agreed 😉 

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On 5/27/2021 at 8:53 AM, Vayne.8563 said:

Not sure how you can talk about how worth it it is, or not.  That's a personal decision based on personal value. For a guy like me who both has too much time and a fair amount of extra income, it's just something I do.  Like a hobby. But my recommendation would only apply to people like me. Those who have significantly less time and money are likely to have a different view on making legendaries. 


I mean it's a skin, footprints, the ability to switch stats any time out of combat. That's all she wrote. Anything else is just a personal decision.

For example, it's my experience that the vast majority of players seldom change their builds. So ascended is much cheaper and it comes down to footsteps or skins. As a sort of completionist, at least in some things, it's worth it to me to get as many as I can. But I'm most likely an outlier.

You also get to save sigils and runes. When replacing them. Up until the armory that’s pretty huge. So for a while they’ve had a bit of value associated with them, albeit a pretty decent grind as well. But as I’ve mentioned in a few posts if you’re just playing the game you’re going to get quite a bit of the mats just doing any activity.

Edited by Clex Mix.7624
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I hardly see myself working for one unless it is a skin I must own. 

If I have it I would be too lazy to swap it in out of characters. 
I like the stats swopping to try out different effects of various stats. 

Would been nice if they come in color channels to booster my fashion game

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Full ascended, inc. one of each usable class weapon with Drakkar's Hoard in the bank to cover the new elite spec.

No active alts, no legendaries, no intention of getting one, definitely cba replaying all the LW stuff I enjoyed last year, just hibernating until EoD. (minus daily login stuff)

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On 5/28/2021 at 12:15 AM, Bast.7253 said:

Honestly, once you start getting characters in ascended it seems like the boxes drop much more often. At one point I had a whole bank tab filled with ascended gear boxes that I just wound up using and salvaging because I don't need it anymore.

I wish they would make them tradable because they're really not worth salvaging and I know so many new players that would love to have ascended gear but don't know the first clue of how to obtain it. 

Now that we have legendary armor I really don't see the point in having ascended be account bound. It used to be the highest tier available but now we have something higher and it should just be tradable. Make it happen, Anet! You did good with celestial, now let's change ascended! 

It's not overly difficult to obtain sets from pvp, wvw, or get accessories from living world, but it doesn't really hurt anyone to be able to just gift some to someone. 

i don't do anything PvP so it's not possible for me.

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