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More build and gear templates direly needed

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Topic says it all.
6 templates for gear and build simply is not and never was enough, especially with new specialisations coming up in EoD + more build freedom with the legendary armory around the corner.
Please ANET, let me pay you for more templates! T_T And I can't be the only one feeling this way.

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I'd say that it's not more template tabs that we need. It's a build template system that actually works well, instead of something whose primary functionality is to act as a cash grab.

Offering Anet to pay more for the existing system is asking them to design even more of badly designed and heavily overpriced stuff. That's definitely not something we'd want to promote.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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13 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

You know you can just make a new character of the same class? You dont have to be limited to one character. So Anet already lets you pay for it.

Sure, once you decked out your characters in Ascended and especially Legendary Gear and such, nothing is more rewarding to then not actually use them to make varied builds and to have to make new characters to save a handful more builds, because Anet rather designed an extremely feature limited cashgrab than a useful actual Template system. 


While this statement might be more valid once Legendary Armory is in place (if it's not just another layer of monetization on top), the fact still remains that the point of build Templates is swapping on the fly and being able to adapt to different situations with earned gear and crafted builds - without going through 3+ loading screens of logging out, logging into another character, and then getting that character to where they are needed (let alone buying the Character Slot, leveling the character, gearing the character, unlocking all the maps and such, etc. - what a convenience, after having payed the price of a full game for the maximum gear and build slots per character already).


That said, they did already have 3 more slots in place for release and accounted for in the UI, likely held back to not inflate the absurd total unlock cost even further, waiting to release them once the outrage over how terrible this system and it's monetization is died down and the next opportune moment. I'm guessing the 3 extra slots will drop for monetization either with the Legendary Armory or EoD.

Edited by Asum.4960
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Yes, more templates needed.
And more to that, gear storage for WvW and PvE should have different tabs, like PvP-one. Because WvW infusions really conflict with Fractal infusion. Right now you should have one WvW or Fractal dedicated gear template. And we can't unify both infusion versions into one.

I would prefer to have one character with alot of different builds, rather than one dedicated character for certain build. Also new elites will arrive soon - means we will be very limited in our choices.

Edited by Aeon.4583
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19 hours ago, JadenSimic.3941 said:

Topic says it all.
6 templates for gear and build simply is not and never was enough, especially with new specialisations coming up in EoD + more build freedom with the legendary armory around the corner.
Please ANET, let me pay you for more templates! T_T And I can't be the only one feeling this way.

Let's be honest, very few people are actually going to be in full legendary armor.

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  They should instead fix the current template system because for Revenants is TOTALLY NOT WORKING (the game keeps forgetting our skill arrays and randomly resets them to premade), and we paid money for the extra slots as everyone...



Edited by Buran.3796
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I refuse to reward Anet for such a terribly designed system.

It's not even a template system.

It is purely a cash grab.

And its disgusting.

Rather, I would like to have the choice to use arcdps again, which was better in almost every conceivable way.

Don't waste your money, Anet's so called template system is kitten.

It is one of the major contributors to my growing disdain for this game and its developers. Which makes me sad.

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Another system they could try is keeping 6 slots, but make each slot contain 3 builds. A build for each game mode. I don't use PvE builds in WvW or PvP. Some skills and traits in this game are also quite useless in PvE. This would save us keybindings as well as expand the number of builds that we carry. Not a solution for single game mode players, but it would free up a ton of slots for people such as myself. I would regain 3 to 4 slots in each game mode. I wouldn't be forced to choose between dedicating a slot to specific game mode again.

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The current system is terrible.  Poorly conceived, poorly designed and woefully implimented.   I have no faith that Anet could expand or replace it with something that would be useful.   My vote would be to let them allow ARC to manage templates again  - that third party version was vastly more useful. 


I'm expecting very little of value to come out of the upcoming legendary armory.  Like their templates, it sounds good in theory, but if there is a way to cluster it up, they'll find it.  It would be nice to be wrong about that. 


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35 minutes ago, Blockhead Magee.3092 said:

The current system is terrible.  Poorly conceived, poorly designed and woefully implimented.   I have no faith that Anet could expand or replace it with something that would be useful.   My vote would be to let them allow ARC to manage templates again  - that third party version was vastly more useful. 


I'm expecting very little of value to come out of the upcoming legendary armory.  Like their templates, it sounds good in theory, but if there is a way to cluster it up, they'll find it.  It would be nice to be wrong about that. 


Arcdps is not part of the game and has its own issues, such as decreasing performance and crashes. The equipment templates arcdps put in actually deleted some people's gear.

Current equipment templates are fine and actually superior to arcdps because there is minimal delay, you don't need to restat everything and put infusions back because it is not a workaround anymore. Due to the storage factor the price is sort of reasonable. I personally saved at least 30 slots per character (6 trinket, 6 armor, 2 weapon per set at a minimum for most people). Up to 10 templates were datamined. It also functions for PvP since each equipment template has its own PvP amulet.

Build templates right now are only if you need hot swap builds , as you can copy paste templates on the tabs. Build templates on the other hand could be reevaluated to be account-wide. Build storage could be easily 3x the amount per purchase if kept paid. There's really no reason that a 500 gem purchase only gives you 3 slots of build storage especially when people can just get around it with copy-pasting or previewing a chatcode.

For EoD expansion, I think the best step would be to implement equip template packs (similar to anything that can be bought in multiples such as BL keys or shared inventory slots), where you can full unlock a character's equipment template slots at a discount (prorated if you already have some). Build storage could retroactively unlock 3x the slots at a minimum and give everyone that paid for them that amount (no refund shenanigans , UI change other than more scrolling, or other dev work required : "just a number change").

Edited by Infusion.7149
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2 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Arcdps is not part of the game and has its own issues, such as decreasing performance and crashes. The equipment templates arcdps put in actually deleted some people's gear.

Current equipment templates are fine and actually superior to arcdps because there is minimal delay, you don't need to restat everything and put infusions back because it is not a workaround anymore. Due to the storage factor the price is sort of reasonable. I personally saved at least 30 slots per character (6 trinket, 6 armor, 2 weapon per set at a minimum for most people). Up to 10 templates were datamined. It also functions for PvP since each equipment template has its own PvP amulet.

Build templates right now are only if you need hot swap builds , as you can copy paste templates on the tabs. Build templates on the other hand could be reevaluated to be account-wide. Build storage could be easily 3x the amount per purchase if kept paid. There's really no reason that a 500 gem purchase only gives you 3 slots of build storage especially when people can just get around it with copy-pasting or previewing a chatcode.


You an I will have to disagree.  Current equipment templates are vastly inferior to what arcdps offered.   While I have 'heard' stories of its issues I don't know of anyone who actually had any.   While I don't expect anet to allow its use again, I can still hold out a sliver of hope.  


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On 6/26/2021 at 9:47 PM, Dawdler.8521 said:

You know you can just make a new character of the same class? You dont have to be limited to one character. So Anet already lets you pay for it.


You know that maybe I'd like to just do all my content on one character and be able to swap builds on the go without having to change everything manually every time? You know that you can't use one set of legendary gear on two characters (at least until the armoury)?


It's a terrible solution that doesn't address the actual kitten problem.


I shouldn't have to create character clones to be able to swap to or save all the builds I want, I should be able to just do that on one character.


I can't see them doing anything to change how the system works, but they could at least make more template slots available.

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2 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Arcdps is not part of the game and has its own issues, such as decreasing performance and crashes. The equipment templates arcdps put in actually deleted some people's gear.

Current equipment templates are fine and actually superior to arcdps because there is minimal delay, you don't need to restat everything and put infusions back because it is not a workaround anymore. Due to the storage factor the price is sort of reasonable. I personally saved at least 30 slots per character (6 trinket, 6 armor, 2 weapon per set at a minimum for most people). Up to 10 templates were datamined. It also functions for PvP since each equipment template has its own PvP amulet.

Build templates right now are only if you need hot swap builds , as you can copy paste templates on the tabs. Build templates on the other hand could be reevaluated to be account-wide. Build storage could be easily 3x the amount per purchase if kept paid. There's really no reason that a 500 gem purchase only gives you 3 slots of build storage especially when people can just get around it with copy-pasting or previewing a chatcode.

For EoD expansion, I think the best step would be to implement equip template packs (similar to anything that can be bought in multiples such as BL keys or shared inventory slots), where you can full unlock a character's equipment template slots at a discount (prorated if you already have some). Build storage could retroactively unlock 3x the slots at a minimum and give everyone that paid for them that amount (no refund shenanigans , UI change other than more scrolling, or other dev work required : "just a number change").


In 2+ years of using Arc I never noticed a performance decrease, and crashes only occurred for me after patches with not updated versions. 


The delay in Arc, if I recall correctly, was added on Anet's behest, so people couldn't dip out of combat, instantly swap and jump back in on different builds - what is stranger is that they didn't implement the same restriction for their own version (then again, it seems the only design goal was monetization). 


As for the gear storage, especially if you had legendary gear, it wasn't an issue at all. Even a single 20 slot invisible bag was enough for me to store gear and rune combinations making up up to 30 builds on some characters (with legendary Armor). 

Saving 20-40 inventory slots hardly was worth the 40€/$ "Template" cost per character in my eyes, considering a bag slot is 5€/$. 


As for the gear deletion, I've never heard of that outside of some early on fearmongering/horror story. In over 2 years of using it along everybody else I raided and played Fractals with at the time, I've never heard of a single piece of gear being actually deleted, and I can't imagine that having been more than one in a million at most without causing any sort of outrage. 


Sure, having to wait for a day or two after a patch for Arc to update was slightly inconvenient (although Anet's version has it's own problems especially with Revenant), but in turn we had endless and free build storage with actual templates to load after making adaptive in the moment changes, rather than two to six measly autosave loadouts for the price of a full game. 


Imo there isn't even the slightest contest between Arc Templates and Anet Loadouts about which one was vastly superior. 


Arc went as far as providing a whole new endgame to GW2 for me, allowing me as a build crafter to make and save a vast array of builds to play with for every situation, keeping the game fresh and interesting through building up this library of builds. 

To see years of build craft getting deleted and then being charged 40€/$ per character to get 6 builds back was maybe one of my biggest disappointments with this franchise in the 15+ years I've been playing it.

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18 minutes ago, Asum.4960 said:


In 2+ years of using Arc I never noticed a performance decrease, and crashes only occurred for me after patches with not updated versions. 


The delay in Arc, if I recall correctly, was added on Anet's behest, so people couldn't dip out of combat, instantly swap and jump back in on different builds - what is stranger is that they didn't implement the same restriction for their own version (then again, it seems the only design goal was monetization). 


As for the gear storage, especially if you had legendary gear, it wasn't an issue at all. Even a single 20 slot invisible bag was enough for me to store gear and rune combinations making up up to 30 builds on some characters (with legendary Armor). 

Saving 20-40 inventory slots hardly was worth the 40€/$ "Template" cost per character in my eyes, considering a bag slot is 5€/$. 


As for the gear deletion, I've never heard of that outside of some early on fearmongering/horror story. In over 2 years of using it along everybody else I raided and played Fractals with at the time, I've never heard of a single piece of gear being actually deleted, and I can't imagine that having been more than one in a million at most without causing any sort of outrage. 


Sure, having to wait for a day or two after a patch for Arc to update was slightly inconvenient (although Anet's version has it's own problems especially with Revenant), but in turn we had endless and free build storage with actual templates to load after making adaptive in the moment changes, rather than two to six measly autosave loadouts for the price of a full game. 


Imo there isn't even the slightest contest between Arc Templates and Anet Loadouts about which one was vastly superior. 


Arc went as far as providing a whole new endgame to GW2 for me, allowing me as a build crafter to make and save a vast array of builds to play with for every situation, keeping the game fresh and interesting through building up this library of builds. 

To see years of build craft getting deleted and then being charged 40€/$ per character to get 6 builds back was maybe one of my biggest disappointments with this franchise in the 15+ years I've been playing it.

And if only Delta was allowed to fully utilize legendary runes and sigils, with his templates we would have been able to create infinite amount of FREE templates. Oh well...

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9 minutes ago, Asum.4960 said:


In 2+ years of using Arc I never noticed a performance decrease, and crashes only occurred for me after patches with not updated versions. 


The delay in Arc, if I recall correctly, was added on Anet's behest, so people couldn't dip out of combat, instantly swap and jump back in on different builds - what is stranger is that they didn't implement the same restriction for their own version (then again, it seems the only design goal was monetization). 


As for the gear storage, especially if you had legendary gear, it wasn't an issue at all. Even a single 20 slot invisible bag was enough for me to store gear and rune combinations making up up to 30 builds on some characters (with legendary Armor). 

Saving 20-40 inventory slots hardly was worth the 40€/$ "Template" cost per character in my eyes, considering a bag slot is 5€/$. 


As for the gear deletion, I've never heard of that outside of some early on fearmongering/horror story. In over 2 years of using it along everybody else I raided and played Fractals with at the time, I've never heard of a single piece of gear being actually deleted, and I can't imagine that having been more than one in a million at most without causing any sort of outrage. 


Sure, having to wait for a day or two after a patch for Arc to update was slightly inconvenient (although Anet's version has it's own problems especially with Revenant), but in turn we had endless and free build storage with actual templates to load after making adaptive in the moment changes, rather than two to six measly autosave loadouts for the price of a full game. 


Imo there isn't even the slightest contest between Arc Templates and Anet Loadouts about which one was vastly superior. 


Arc went as far as providing a whole new endgame to GW2 for me, allowing me as a build crafter to make and save a vast array of builds to play with for every situation, keeping the game fresh and interesting through building up this library of builds. 

To see years of build craft getting deleted and then being charged 40€/$ per character to get 6 builds back was maybe one of my biggest disappointments with this franchise in the 15+ years I've been playing it.


You don't need to argue which is better, Anet already stated which was better by the fact once they released their own system that the acrdps version was no longer being allowed. This tells you everything you need to know.


They didn't follow their own rules they forced on the acrdps version, it's more restricted in features and the prices they are charging for a SINGLE tab on ONE toon is just outrageous and a clear money grab.


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6 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Arcdps is not part of the game and has its own issues, such as decreasing performance and crashes.

Decreasing performance was something Anet asked to introduce in order to intentionally lower QoL of the tool. And it's not like the Anet's version doesn't come with its own set of issues (need i say "Revenants"?).



The equipment templates arcdps put in actually deleted some people's gear.

The "don't mail me if it deletes your inventory" warning on ARC site was just that - a warning. As far as i know, this never actually happened.



Current equipment templates are fine and actually superior to arcdps because there is minimal delay, you don't need to restat everything and put infusions back because it is not a workaround anymore.

Arc was fully capable of doing all that. Some things didn't work only because Anet asked Delta to intentionally cripple the tool.



3 hours ago, TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said:

You don't need to argue which is better, Anet already stated which was better by the fact once they released their own system that the acrdps version was no longer being allowed. This tells you everything you need to know.

Yes. that and the design of Anet's templates tell me all i need to know - they had to killl the competing tool, because they wanted to sell theirs for a lot of RL money, and how can you sell a vastly inferior product when there's a better-working (and completely free) one around?



They didn't follow their own rules they forced on the acrdps version, it's more restricted in features and the prices they are charging for a SINGLE tab on ONE toon is just outrageous and a clear money grab.

Yeah. Precisely. They had to kill Arc in order to be able to sell their sorry excuse of a template system.


Too bad that the players that actually had a real need of the system became a casualty of this cash grab attempt.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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The system we got isn't a "template" but actually a "loadout". Yes, there is a difference.


One lets us swap between preset options quickly. The other dumps the data every time we put something in the slot, which makes us have to reassign upgrades every time we want to swap weapons. Problems that only become apparent when you use legendaries on different loadouts and want to swap weapons.

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  • 7 months later...

Embarrassing - We still only have 6 (Only if you pay LoL) loadout spots for traits/gear - We're on 3rd expansion now. 

I'm not a fan of Lost Ark - but at least they allow you to enjoy the character you made instead of creating 5 of the same profession so you can play how you want, when you want.

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On 2/26/2022 at 12:46 PM, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

your not investing in the loadout in isolation, and the thread was about getting loadout for free.

(Noticed that edit you've made). No, it was not. The thread was about:

On 6/26/2021 at 7:45 PM, JadenSimic.3941 said:

Please ANET, let me pay you for more templates!

And, as i said already, to me this translates to "Please, Anet, let me pay you for turning this game into an overmonetized nightmare"

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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