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Players Demand A dev response to Hackerbot cheats and all exploits in wvw


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Yesterday on our borderlands the two servers we fought repeatedly for hours exploited jumping through Bay gate without any siege and attacked the lord and defenders.  We repelled them for about two hours with a golem and about 4 defenders.  They were a small group,  Then the other group came in a zerg and a commander showed up with the numbers to crush them. 

This small group hacked into towers , smc  and used blatant speed hacks, radar hacks, jumping hacks and abilities hacks for hours.


The playing field is so unbalanced allowing these hacks and exploits to continue you have only encouraged the players to continue to cheat and attract more.


Players are beyond pissed off at the lack of response and action from ANET in wvw mode which has apparently been abandoned. 


I've had players blocked and reported for over 6 months and videos and screen shots have been sent to anet displaying the obvious cheating with no response or action taken as the same accounts are still cheating every day and night.


Your promoting lies and a false message about the current state of this game and what's allowed and done about it.


The fact that anyone can google GW2 hacks and download any and all cheating exploits for this game is beyond ridiculous.


Its time to spend some resources and do something once and for all before anyone left who actually plays wvw leaves this pitiful state of the game for good.



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1 hour ago, Jaising.7253 said:

Yesterday on our borderlands the two servers we fought repeatedly for hours exploited jumping through Bay gate without any siege and attacked the lord and defenders.  We repelled them for about two hours with a golem and about 4 defenders.  They were a small group,  Then the other group came in a zerg and a commander showed up with the numbers to crush them. 

This small group hacked into towers , smc  and used blatant speed hacks, radar hacks, jumping hacks and abilities hacks for hours.


The playing field is so unbalanced allowing these hacks and exploits to continue you have only encouraged the players to continue to cheat and attract more.


Players are beyond pissed off at the lack of response and action from ANET in wvw mode which has apparently been abandoned. 


I've had players blocked and reported for over 6 months and videos and screen shots have been sent to anet displaying the obvious cheating with no response or action taken as the same accounts are still cheating every day and night.


Your promoting lies and a false message about the current state of this game and what's allowed and done about it.


The fact that anyone can google GW2 hacks and download any and all cheating exploits for this game is beyond ridiculous.


Its time to spend some resources and do something once and for all before anyone left who actually plays wvw leaves this pitiful state of the game for good.



Good for you. 
You won’t get a response here.  Or anywhere else unfortunately.  

-  They won’t want to admit the hacks exist

-  they won’t tell us if they did anything to police it as they don’t want the hack creators having too much info

-  they don’t really care much about our game mode..,

-  and the ambivalence towards WvW that has infected most of us essentially gives them Carte Blanche not to care.


It only changes if it hits their bottom line.


and we don’t…..




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I think the traditional answer to this, is start making alt accounts and use the bots for PVE, like make bots complete a raid, then they might do something about it.

Though I wouldn't really recommend it 😛


Suspect that it's an issue with how the engine works, that they let the client control most of the movement locally, so they can't use it to control/check certain things. If so it might be near impossible for them to actually stop this. Unless they add more to the client to check that players doesn't have outside interaction (like their failed attempt earlier at adding a monitoring program to peoples computers).

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Had a glitch happen to me yesterday while I was tagged up on EBG. I fell through the map when repairing the SMC gate. Was hilarious, but also sad because I had to port back. Brought up the discussion that supposedly people use this glitch to attack the Keep Lords while being untouchable?

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17 hours ago, Bristingr.5034 said:

Had a glitch happen to me yesterday while I was tagged up on EBG. I fell through the map when repairing the SMC gate. Was hilarious, but also sad because I had to port back. Brought up the discussion that supposedly people use this glitch to attack the Keep Lords while being untouchable?

Happens to a few guildies of mine when they are in a golem hitting gates and fall under the map when gate breaks.

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6 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

Happens to a few guildies of mine when they are in a golem hitting gates and fall under the map when gate breaks.

I hear about the Golem thing and it being the Earth Keep on RBL, but never repairing a gate. If I wasn't tagged up I would have explored the area a bit just to have some fun and see where all I could have gone.

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I'm done spending anymore money on this game, I know they don't care and I'm only one player, but I've spent thousands of dollars since they released this game and not one penny every will be spent until someone gets rid of these devs and starts over.


Wishful thinking I know but maybe if more people stop spending money they would sit up and notice.

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I won't ever use any of those cheats because I appreciate my account and the time invested on it. But I'm happy that there are people out there willing to use and abuse said cheats.


The devs's lack of answers and actions against well known WvW problems needs consequences. And if those consequences are people quitting the game and cheaters moving freely in WvW, so be it.

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On 6/30/2021 at 11:36 AM, Jaising.7253 said:

I'm done spending anymore money on this game, I know they don't care and I'm only one player, but I've spent thousands of dollars since they released this game and not one penny every will be spent until someone gets rid of these devs and starts over.


Wishful thinking I know but maybe if more people stop spending money they would sit up and notice.

Thousands ? Jesus lmao

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1 hour ago, Molly Approved.5213 said:

i've seen exploiters and hackers all over wvw. they all really low rank and usually core classes. the prob is whenever you say i saw so and so exploiting into .... or i saw so and so using a  hack everybody trolls you. Everybody so brainwashed by anet about there not being hackers totally ignoring the fact that when anet did that huge ban wave wvw lost a lot of population and then we saw an influx of more low rank core class exploiters. just like now. they keep popping up.

Yeh this is a good point, from the F2P accounts is very difficult to keep those at bay, even with the level limitation. 


If the account get banned they just need to open a new free account and keep griefing players. I still think some client side checks and disconnect those players when cheating/hacking  is a good thing.


But that a very delicate topic because nobody want's to reenter the queue  while playing the game because a client/server communication error. 





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  • 1 year later...
On 6/28/2021 at 3:56 PM, Jaising.7253 said:

Yesterday on our borderlands the two servers we fought repeatedly for hours exploited jumping through Bay gate without any siege and attacked the lord and defenders.  We repelled them for about two hours with a golem and about 4 defenders.  They were a small group,  Then the other group came in a zerg and a commander showed up with the numbers to crush them. 

This small group hacked into towers , smc  and used blatant speed hacks, radar hacks, jumping hacks and abilities hacks for hours.


The playing field is so unbalanced allowing these hacks and exploits to continue you have only encouraged the players to continue to cheat and attract more.


Players are beyond pissed off at the lack of response and action from ANET in wvw mode which has apparently been abandoned. 


I've had players blocked and reported for over 6 months and videos and screen shots have been sent to anet displaying the obvious cheating with no response or action taken as the same accounts are still cheating every day and night.


Your promoting lies and a false message about the current state of this game and what's allowed and done about it.


The fact that anyone can google GW2 hacks and download any and all cheating exploits for this game is beyond ridiculous.


Its time to spend some resources and do something once and for all before anyone left who actually plays wvw leaves this pitiful state of the game for good.





I'm actually playing GW2 way less now and pretty sure at some point this year, I'll be totally gone.  WvW was the only thing keeping me in the game and that's saying a lot given how unbalanced the classes are but when you allow Hackers to have free happy-go-lucky fun at the expense of non-hacking players, you have a game mode that has ZERO "fun factor."


The sad truth is, given how Hackers are doing it now, the "Devs" can't stop it.  I've been to forums where players were using Hacks that could get their account banned and I thought such Hacks were the only ones used but when I came across a Hacker selling a decryption based, memory changing tool....  I knew then the Hacking would never stop because there's no way to stop direct decrytion of the GGI unless you implement such defense while developing the entire game.  As a programmer/web developer/graphics artis, the logic behind making any mmorpg unhackable is not hard to understand.  In fact, it's a simple job but A LOT of work and can't be done later.


Guildwars 2 was NOT developed with such hacking in mind and therefore has no defense against it.


You really only have two options now.....   Find a Hacker selling the undetectable tool and hack yourself, or find a new mmorpg, peroid!  The "Devs" number one job is to keep the servers buzzing and as long as they're doing that, they're never going to care about anything else.


Take a Core Condi Necro for example...  All the following things make such a class and build pathetic in WvW....


- Conditions can easily be cleansed and they are the primary way you deal damage as a Condi.


- When entering Shroud, you lose your right side action tray abilites, which puts you at a huge disadvantage because you don't have extreme DPS Shroud actions.


- Necro's have too much cast time and not enough instant cast abilities.


- Necros have no stability unless you run Scourge and cast Trail of Anguish but it will most likely get stripped.


- Necros do NOT generate meaningful Boons to help them sustain like other classes do.  No Resistance, no alacrity, no regeneration.  The Boons you do have, are placed wrong on the spec tree so you're most likely not going to spec to use them.


- Necros Marks are practically useless; too easy to dodge, poor "CC" and do practically ZERO damage.  This makes the Staff a wasted weapon of choice.


- Necros have useless specs; what's the point of having conditional damage convert to healing if the healing is so tiny, it has ZERO effect?  You call that a helpful spec!?


- Horrible Elite Skills; The best Elite skills Necros have are too stationary and too small in area of effect.  You can add cast time to that as well.  Just pathetic.  Lich Form is a joke; slow, crazy long cast time and will get you killed.


- Necros are missing abilities where they should be; example...  When entering Shroud, Necros should instantly get at least 10 seconds of stability because what's the point in entering Shroud if you're spending that whole time in it, on the ground, rooted, dazed, lauched, knocked-backed, etc etc?  So basically you're weak out of Shroud and when you go in Shroud, you're still weak....  Wow....


That's what I'm talking about folks....  "Gawd" knows if I was the developer of GW2, it would not only be unhackable, but you would have 99.9 percent perfect class balance.  Know why?  Because I wouldn't just come up with an ability, Boon, etc for a class without having a real answer for it on all other classes.  I wouldn't give a class this and that, without giving another class something similar to serve as a counter.  GW2 "Devs" are just "Devs" and you need more than that if you want to truly create great games of any genre.  I've always said, anyone can make a game but it doesn't mean you're going to be good at it.


Too many Boons in WvW (which is why we have Blobs), too much "CC" going on, too much high Ranged DPS, which is not really fair at all because a player gets to sit in the distance and get their kills....  Who are the people behind such brain dead concepts!?  Ranged attacks should have been "CC" and small "DOTs."  All players should have been required to do their highest damage up close and personal because it's PvP, not player versus flying arrow coming from a million miles to do 30k Hacker damage!


There's no excuse for the pathetic class balance in GW2 and really no excuse for all the hacking other than the fact the game was not developed with true decryption anti-hack security.


Do me a favor folks....  If you don't have a thief, make one and get it to 80.  Unlock all the Elite Specs.  Look at all the traits you have, particularly the ones that make you go invisible.  You'll notice that in PvE, the time you say vanished isn't that long.  Most abilites give like 3 seconds....  Now, go in WvW with that thief and look at the  traits again....  You'll notice that WvW reduce that small time down to like 2 or 1 second of invisiblity.  Notice how when you use Shelter, you can see the house looking thing on screen....  Other players can see that too but here's the thing with Hackers....  When they use Shelter, you won't see anything on screen.  When Hackers use any ability that provides invisibility, they stay invisible until they're ready to show themselves.  You only have so many abilites that vanish you but Hackers constantly go in and out of vanishing.  They do this all the time right in players face but yet, other players act like it's a normal thief thing.  IT IS NOT NORMAL!!!!  That's the worst thing you can do, accept hacking as normal!  Instead, record it and post it in the forums and rant rant rant!   Let the "Devs" know, if changes aren't made, you're moving on.


You're the Boss and you can fire ArenaNet by simple spending your money elsewhere.



Forgive "typos."




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I've seen this shenanigans before. From what *I'VE* personally witnessed, none of it is hacking. All of the stuff I've personally seen with my own eyes was a result of questionable map design. Teleporting to very specific areas, glitching past walls, getting stuck in the floor like that one guy who replied earlier, etc. I've not personally bothered trying to replicate any of it myself, but honestly that is entirely inexcusable. There's a saying of don't attribute to malice that which can easily be explained by incompetence. That's more or less what I've personally seen.


The sort of out of bounds glitches you see in old console games speed runs. Entertaining to watch others do in a single player game. Frustrating as hell to go against in a multiplayer game. Next time all of ya'll see these "hacks" happen, feel free to take a mental note of where it happened. The number of such areas is finite but quite large. Also also: similar vein: how realistic is to be able to break a wall using a catapult underneath the hit box of a wall? Air keep has a few areas you can do that, and it's equally a result of questionable map design.


Fixing those out of bounds glitches should 100% be a high priority on ANet's part. Simply adding a few invisible walls in those areas would do just fine. I know of a few areas that could badly use some.

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