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Silhouette Teaser Weapon

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Today's GW2 news post included an image of the silhouette of what we can assume to be the upcoming Mesmer elite specialization wielding a new weapon for the Mesmer. The points listed below break down why I believe this weapon is a Shortbow, contrary to popular belief.

  • It's a Spear!
    • The handle of the weapon seems to be the center of a mostly symmetrical weapon.
  • It's a Dagger!
    • The image shows a skill animation for casting 5 projectiles. Whenever skill animations are casted from 1-handed weapons, the caster always gestures with the hand using that 1-handed weapon. For example, focus spells cast from the off hand, thrown main hand weapon skills throw from the main hand, etc. If this weapon is a double-ended dagger, then the hand with the dagger should be gesturing during the skill animation. The image instead gestures the opposite hand, which suggests this weapon is a 2-handed weapon.
    • Some players suggest this weapon is not a dagger because daggers are held backwards rather than forwards like a sword. This point does not apply here because this could be a double-ended dagger that points both backwards and forwards.
  • No. It's a Shortbow!
    • The unarmed hand in this image could be pointing directly at us, it could be temporarily and magically amputated, or it could be bent upward in the position of drawing back and then releasing a bow string. If this weapon is in fact a Shortbow, the fuzzy circle located on the hand suggests the bow string and/or arrows are magically conjured. This image would be capturing the moment in motion right after the arrows are shot and the arm wielding the bow is dropped down. Check out the linked image to see my edits of the silhouette highlighting the bow and position of the arms. https://imgur.com/M0oPy1A
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They are bringing things the community has been asking for years, and the spear out of the water is probably the most requested weapon. I doubt that's a dagger. It's too big and looks like the weapon continues behind that character's back. 


And I really doubt they would spoil a single specialization like that, "hey look, mesmer is getting daggers now!". If that was their beloved guardian I could believe.


So my bet is a spear. I would bet for a new profession over a dagger mesmer xpec.

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I hope it's Short Bow, then hopefully GW2 would finally support my idea of giving each elite two weapons instead of one. If they give Mesmers short Bow and the ability to conjure 5 clones instead of 3, they would be supporting my elite speculation.


Heavy Armor- Soliders
-Beserkers use Torch and a main hand Shield 
-Spell Breakers use Dual Daggers and offhand Focus
-Warlord would use Staff and an Offhand Pistol.
-Dragon Hunters use Long Bow and offhand Sword
-Firebrands use main hand Axe and main hand Focus
-Archon could get War Horn and an offhand Scepter.
-Herald uses Shield and Great Sword
-Renegade uses Short Bow and main hand Axe
-Overlord could get Scepter and main hand Phistols.


Medium Armor - Adventurers
-Druid uses Staff and offhand focus.
-Soulbeast uses main hand Dagger and Rifle
-Warden would use Hammer and offhand Shield.
-Scrapper use Hammer and main hand Mace
-Holosmith use main hand Sword and Staff
-Technomancer would get Great Swords and offhand Focus.
-Daredevil use Staff and gets dual Maces
-Deadeye use Rifle and would get offhand Focus
-Inquisitor gets Torch and an offhand Sword


Light Armors- Scholars
-Tempest has Warhorn and gets an offhand Scepter
-Weaver had main hand Sword and would get main hand Focus
-Magnus Long Bow and Great Sword
-Chronomancer has Shield and dual Daggers
-Mirage has main hand Axe and main hand Pistol
-Siren gets War Horn and Short Bow
-Reaper uses Great Sword and Offhand Axe
-Scourge uses Torch and offhand Shield
-Warlock gets Hammer and Rifle

Edited by VocalThought.9835
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33 minutes ago, VocalThought.9835 said:

I hope it's Short Bow, then hopefully GW2 would finally support my idea of giving each elite two weapons instead of one. If they give Mesmers short Bow and the ability to conjure 5 clones instead of 3, they would be supporting my elite speculation.


Heavy Armor- Soliders
-Beserkers use Torch and a main hand Shield 
-Spell Breakers use Dual Daggers and offhand Focus
-Warlord would use Staff and an Offhand Pistol.
-Dragon Hunters use Long Bow and offhand Sword
-Firebrands use main hand Axe and main hand Focus
-Archon could get War Horn and an offhand Scepter.
-Herald uses Shield and Great Sword
-Renegade uses Short Bow and main hand Axe
-Overlord could get Scepter and Dual Pistols.


Medium Armor - Adventurers
-Druid uses Staff and offhand focus.
-Soulbeast uses main hand Dagger and Rifle
-Warden would use Hammer and offhand Shield.
-Scrapper use Hammer and main hand Mace
-Holosmith use main hand Sword and Staff
-Technomancer would get Great Swords and offhand Focus.
-Daredevil use Staff and gets dual Maces
-Deadeye use Rifle and would get offhand Focus
-Inquisitor gets Torch and an offhand Sword


Light Armors- Scholars
-Tempest has Warhorn and gets an offhand Scepter
-Weaver had main hand Sword and would get main hand Focus
-Magnus Long Bow and Great Sword
-Chronomancer has Shield and dual Daggers
-Mirage has main hand Axe and main hand Pistol
-Siren gets War Horn and Short Bow
-Reaper uses Great Sword and Offhand Axe
-Scourge uses Torch and offhand Shield
-Warlock gets Hammer and Rifle


Why do warrior get shafted with off hand pistol and not dubble.

Since they have no main 1 hand range weapon?

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1 hour ago, Eraden.8740 said:

Really, folks. It's a short spear. It's completely obvious. The size, the shape. Looks like a classic Chinese short spear. What people SHOULD be asking themselves however, is.......is this a red herring meant to throw us off the track?

There are some daggers with pretty long handles (and some pretty long blades as well) in the game, so there's really nothing in the shape to suggest that it's a spear rather than a dagger. One might observe that it's being held in a normal grip rather than the reverse grip normally used for daggers ingame, but that might be an artistic choice.


Bow wasn't a possibility I'd considered, but looking at it, it is possible. Requires the angle to be just right, which is probably why it's not the intuitive conclusion, but I can see it. Particularly if we consider the blades at the top to be arrowheads rather than daggers. I think it's still more likely to be daggers, though.

Edited by draxynnic.3719
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I will be extremely surprised if its a spear, or any other type of new weapon. 


This game already has several daggers long enough that they match the shortest swords and many other over-sized weapons. Meanwhile they've shown no hint at all of adding new weapon types since the game was released. 


It seems far more likely its a long dagger (or something else, like a bow) than that it's a spear and I think expecting spears or any other new weapons based on guesses at a partial outline is setting yourselves up for dissapointment.

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We ARE talking about that purple silhouette right? If so, I still can't fathom how you folks can see a dagger or a pair of daggers. I can see the blade of the spear, The shaft which is being gripped near the head and the base which appears to have tassles (a bit odd for them being there since Chinese spears usually had the fluffy decorations near the head...probably to distract opponents). Everything appears to be perfectly inline. However, as I said before, this might just be a red herring or perhaps a concept drawing that might not go anywhere.

Edited by Eraden.8740
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It’s a one-handed weapon for sure.  You wouldn’t hold a two-handed weapon like how the silhouette is holding it.


It looks like a dagger with another weapon being held.  If you were to drawn a line from the center of the weapon it doesn’t align for the top right and also the left arm isn’t visible indicating an off-hand weapon type. But we will find out in a couple of weeks when they reveal info on the elite specs.

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7 hours ago, VocalThought.9835 said:

-Archon could get War Horn and an offhand Scepter.

when guardian gets only a Warhorn i'm going to be pissed. thats the most boring weapon in the game.

new weapon type like spear would be much better. 

as a "Guardian" with heavy armor and the fantasy of a protection hero of light i dont want to run around with a Horn and a Scepter

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4 hours ago, Eraden.8740 said:

We ARE talking about that purple silhouette right? If so, I still can't fathom how you folks can see a dagger or a pair of daggers. I can see the blade of the spear, The shaft which is being gripped near the head and the base which appears to have tassles (a bit odd for them being there since Chinese spears usually had the fluffy decorations near the head...probably to distract opponents). Everything appears to be perfectly inline. However, as I said before, this might just be a red herring or perhaps a concept drawing that might not go anywhere.

How much difference is there between a dagger and the point of a spear? Sure, there are some particularly minimalist spearpoints that obviously aren't, and some dagger designs that would never work on the end of a spear, but there is definitely an overlap. Just ask the Spellbreakers.


All we can see for certain is that there's something that extends about a handspan behind the hand before it gets lost behind the wielder's body. In the real world, yeah, that'd probably exclude it, but in Tyria, there are possibly more daggers with impractically long grips and pommels than not. Some are so extravagant that they almost seem more like a small sceptre with a bayonet on the back than a purpose-built dagger.


1 hour ago, Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

when guardian gets only a Warhorn i'm going to be pissed. thats the most boring weapon in the game.

new weapon type like spear would be much better. 

as a "Guardian" with heavy armor and the fantasy of a protection hero of light i dont want to run around with a Horn and a Scepter

Eh, it fits the "holy leader/paragon" fantasy pretty well. Which is not to say that it's my preferred option, or that the argument couldn't be made that guardian already has plenty of support options and would be better branching off into something else instead, but I don't think it can be said that it doesn't fit the guardian archetype at all.


Besides, at this point it'd be the third elite specialisation, and guardian is one of the few professions where core is also fairly solid. It's okay if there's an elite specialisation that's not to your personal liking.

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Probably means nothing and is nothing more than an illustration. I remember the speculation after the Heart of Thorns trailer dropped. It showed a sylvari with a spear. Many thought we would use spears too.


Still, I’ll guess it’s a Mesmer with a dagger given the look and coloration.

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For all we know, that might simply be a slim and long Sceptre skin.

It could be similar to Coldsnap, albeit longer.


And the daggers on top might be part of the new elite specialization mechanic, thus it wouldn't need to be animated using the weapon.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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13 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:


Why do warrior get shafted with off hand pistol and not dubble.

Since they have no main 1 hand range weapon?

I was being nice about giving offhand pistol to Warriors and Main hand pistol to Revenants. I figured off and for Warrior would maintain the Warrior close distance while at the same time having powerful midrange abilities. Allowing Warrior and Revenant dual weilding pistol isn't a bad idea, but not dubbling or doubling them keeps them unique and stays fitting to a Warrior wanting to do the most damage possible as close, as effective, and as efficiently as possible. Skill wise, it really doesn't mean much for Warrior to have 5 midrange pistol skills, when all the really need is just 2, a Magnum Round and Warning shot.

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Imo the character is facing us, the other hand is pointed directly against us, probably armed with the 2nd dagger. Mesmer is possible, as it is one of the few professions which do not have a dagger weapon yet. Shoes and leggings also lead towards a robe-class, too skinny and fragile for medium or heavy classes. The floating objects above the head might be part of the elite-mechanic, some kind of ammo projectiles that can be launched via the shatter-skills.


The other robe-classes already have daggers as options. Heavy-classes would be either Guardian or Revenant. Does not fit to the Guardian color scheme, but Revenant could be an option as well. The 5 floating daggers could also symbolize the heal, utility and elite-skills which are 5 in total as well. Each of those skills would have its unique effects. Revenant would probably fit even better, since its skills are fixed for each legendary.


Medium Armor? There is one class without a dagger, Engineer? Yeah, no!

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6 hours ago, Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

when guardian gets only a Warhorn i'm going to be pissed. thats the most boring weapon in the game.

new weapon type like spear would be much better. 

as a "Guardian" with heavy armor and the fantasy of a protection hero of light i dont want to run around with a Horn and a Scepter

A War Horn is only as boring as they make it. The abilities would depend on how creative the designers are. I would have Guardian use the War Horn to Summon a Celestial Entity or Mystical Force. The other skill could force enemies back with a blast.

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For me it's a spear or a dagger, my first impression was to bring the silhouette closer to that of the Monkey King ... so maybe the elite specialization will be "A Dancer"?

Also, the outfit seems to look like dancer outfits ... Since mesmer are artists, that's a possibility ...




Edited by rylien.3824
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18 hours ago, ScyeRynn.4218 said:

It's a spear. Too long for dagger handle and unlikely it becomes a shortbow unless that is a legendary in the image.


The most simple result is usually the most likely with ANET in 2021

if it's the most simple result then it's not a spear, a spear would involve them adding a whole new weapon giving them a lot more work than just adding an existing weapon to a class. Also adding spear in cantha would be weird as it would be more expected in elona it was a weapon used by parangons 😅, but not impossible cantha weapons were dagger and wand (scepter) so we already have them both and spear fits chinese theme

Handling seems weird for a 2 handed weapon, way too close to the blade imo. So i'd say dagger and focus on this picture, some dagger are already hold that way (eg:severed dagger, tear of grenth, reaper of soul, jormag's needle) or be a double blade dagger (like centurions claw)

Unless it's an underwater spear in which case all the above is useless 😅

Edited by Fangoth.4503
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