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Remove Infusions Before Legendary Armor?

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So quick question and also concern about Legendary Armoury and socketed infusions. Can i be 100% sure that when patch hit i wont miss infusions socketed in legendary armour and trinket pieces? I have about 10 infusions socketed and they are not cheap. I just want to be sure that by some erron in programing or smt i will loose them.Should i take them off day before patch? I really dont want to prove to support that i lost infusions in case for some reason they vanish from armour and trinket pieces.

Edited by Crusader.7460
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10 minutes ago, Crusader.7460 said:

So quick question and also concern about Legendary Armoury and socketed infusions. Can i be 100% sure that when patch hit i wont miss infusions socketed in legendary armour and trinket pieces? I have about 10 infusions socketed and they are not cheap. I just want to be sure that by some erron in programing or smt i will loose them.Should i take them off day before patch? I really dont want to prove to support that i lost infusions in case for some reason they vanish from armour and trinket pieces.

I think you answered your own question. As far as 100%, you don't have a 100% chance of not being killed by a Coconut at some point. Programming has a bit more variables to it then having than that so..... ask yourself what will make you more comfortable. That said it's not unfair to assume ANet would have your back if something is overlooked.  

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So, with the arrival of the legendary armory should we REMOVE our infusions BEFORE it comes? In other words, will we lose our infusions when legendary armory is instigated (and possibly automatically puts our legendary gear within it) if we have not removed them beforehand? Or will we have to manually put our legendary gear in the armory when it comes and have to remove our infusions before we possibly manually place them in the armory?

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Its probably more safe to remove them before the update. While you are at it, remove runes and sigils aswell. The blog post says that all legendary items will be put into the armory automatically once you log on to the char that has them afaik.

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I really don't understand why it should be placed in Armory automatically and how it will happen 😄
I have mesmer with full set of Fractal +5+9s  with many build variations. Not only there is a question of where infusions will go, but also what will happen with gear template. I didn't really saved all my gear stat combos to recreate them when armory comes and if my mesmer will be strip naked.

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38 minutes ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

I'm sure they'll just be dumped into your inventory. The devs wouldn't risk losing thousands of gold worth of infusions from each player, that'd be reckless.

Yeah, imagine a player who wasn't able to log in until after the armory is implemented only to find they lost 10,000+ gold in infusions.(Chak infusion, etc)

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1 hour ago, Heibi.4251 said:

Yeah, imagine a player who wasn't able to log in until after the armory is implemented only to find they lost 10,000+ gold in infusions.(Chak infusion, etc)

It's not that far out of the question. Way back in the earlier GW2 days, before the wardrobe system, you used to be able to unbind legendary weapons by transmuting them with unbound items and then splitting them. When the new system was implemented, all of the legendaries that were transmuted to a non-legendary item were lost. (They did warn us though, but if you were not able to log in and unsplit the items before the change, you were screwed)


Not to say I expect that to happen in this instance, just saying.

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6 minutes ago, Mateus.5148 said:

They can always send them by mail

I couldn't imagine mail system to work like that... Mail from anet are either predefined templates that is applicable to any and all players... Mail system is player specific only when u buy something in gemstore...


But it could be possible and I could be wrong idk

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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That's a possibility I didn't consider...


I suspect that as long as you make sure the legendary equipment is in an equipment template at the time, it should be fine. The system will go "okay, there's already an instance of the equipment with these modifiers in this template, it can stay there" and leave it alone. I doubt ArenaNet wants to face a backlash when people have to reconfigure all of their equipment templates (especially people who have bought extra), so they'll try to make the transition happen in a way that doesn't affect existing templates. 


Legendary equipment in inventory or bank might be more problematic, since that probably will be yeeted straight into the armoury. So my plan is to make sure that all my legendary gear is in a template when the changeover happens. 

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6 hours ago, knite.1542 said:

It's not that far out of the question. Way back in the earlier GW2 days, before the wardrobe system, you used to be able to unbind legendary weapons by transmuting them with unbound items and then splitting them. When the new system was implemented, all of the legendaries that were transmuted to a non-legendary item were lost. (They did warn us though, but if you were not able to log in and unsplit the items before the change, you were screwed)


Not to say I expect that to happen in this instance, just saying.

This was one time the Anet support got me fuming. This is exactly my story, so many skins has been lost. They did not handle it at all, so I’m pretty positive they may not handle this one as well indeed.

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1 hour ago, Modliszka.5027 said:

Why they should be removed at all? They can be equiped as they are. Only added to armory like skins.

Yup, I think that's what will happen. Legendary gear added to armory while the eq templates stay like they are.

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49 minutes ago, Ayrilana.1396 said:

I’d personally remove all upgrades and infusions from legendary equipment just to be safe. In the off chance that the system causes you to lose them, I don’t believe your odds of getting them back would be all that high. 

Do as you think is best for you. But if you loose anything I am sure posting a ticket to support will solve matter. All my tickets were answered and problems solved. It may take time for sure. But I will take the risk, as I'm too lazy to remove 5 gear templates with different runes infusions and so on.

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