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Bubbles = dream dragon ?


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I don't know if we already know this from story or someone pointed this before, but today I noticed something strange : when you wake up the sleeping seraphs in lake doric in order to give them supplies, sometimes they will say something related to dreaming about bubbles : https://i.imgur.com/FuiZCHO.jpeg 


At first I didn't give it much attention and thought it was just a funny joke, because they were dreaming about a friend, but then I noticed that there are different voice lines about bubbles and the seraphs are not just reaping the same one, and remembered that anet likes to meme about "bubbles" the elder dragon of cantha, so here I am. 


Since all elder dragons are masters of one tangible element and one intangible one (wiki : " Jormag is the Elder Dragon of Ice and Persuasion"), and up until now no one had dream (mordremoth had mind), does that mean in the next expansion we will see the great and mighty Bubbles, elder dragon of water and dreams ?


Also, could the Deam of Dreams of the Pale tree somehow be connected to Cantha and Bubbles ?  It shielded the sylvari from mordremoth, and we know that the magics of some elder dragons counter others + the dream is described as being somewhere far away, and on the wiki you can see that "The Dream is described as being like a well in these instances, with the memories and thoughts of sylvari being the water."


Edited by vardeleanu.8972
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also soap bubbles have "rainbow" property, perhaps it can be a some kind rival/nemesis of aurene. 


"It’s because light waves reflected from opposite sides of the thin bubble wall interfere with each other. Some wavelengths (colours) cancel each other out, while others are reinforced. The bubble wall is actually a thin film of water, protected from collapsing by a layer of detergent molecules on each side. And which colours are reinforced depends on the thickness of the water film."



Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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I suspect Bubbles could have a secondary domain over knowledge, memory, or dreams like you propose. If nothing else, there's a connection between water and knowledge/memory via the scrying pool. And all of the quotes attached to the concept art released several months back sound dreamy:

  • I know you and yet I don't
  • Strange familiarity
  • A song half remembered


And all of that art looks very dreamy, too. I won't be surprised if Bubbles has some kind of ability that allows it to warp reality and/or memory somehow, which could account for the lack of information about it. Whenever someone learns too much about Bubbles, their memory of it slowly fades away... Like Taimi in S3E2:


<Character name>: Any idea what's happening with the other Elder Dragons?
Taimi: Nothing on Kralkatorrik, and ditto for... Oh, what's its name? Brain malfunction. Starts with an s...?


So ya never know... Not a done deal, but it's not beyond the realm of possibility.

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Every dragon so far has show opposite traits with the dragon on the other one side of The All. Sometimes these traits are antagonistic, sometimes they are complementary.


Jormag vs Primordus is the most direct and the strongest example, with Jormag having dominion over ice and persuasion, and being characterized a schemer who favoured targeting people's egos to corrupted them, while Primordus' domain was fire, and he was characterized as a mindless brute with its minions being driven by primitive, collective intelligence. You could argue that Zaithan and Mordremoth followed a similar pattern with Zaithan having dominion over death while Mordremoth had a dominion over life and both were into empire-building. Only Kralkatorrik stands alone, with dominion over Crystal and Fury, but also it seems he was related to prophecy with Glint.


My hypothesis is that Bubbles (S) will be Kralkatorrik's opposite. Both stand on opposite sides of The All. As others have already pointed out, we have already been presented with hints that imply that Bubbles is related to memory. In addition, if the Saltspray dragons from Cantha (Kuunavang and Albax among them) are related with Bubbles, then Bubbles could also have powers over luck and fate manipulation. 

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Interesting idea. Mine is also linked to mind/ perception the realm you feel you are in: To me the two aspect of that dragon is memory and secrets. 


Bubbles are used in comic to show what you are thinking about, in some comics or movie bubbles/ crystal balls can also contain memories.


My idea was that the deep sea dragon can vaporize a pink fog that induce cognitive-hazard, a kind of amnesic gas. To manipulate what peoples sees: The town could be full of tentacles and horrors, the peoples would see it normally without monster as example. Conquering the place discretly without fighting. But in water, the breath would act differently and instaure hallucinations and nightmares, making everyone flee. Or gaz not working underwater that is why largos see it and flee. Just a personnal take on the subject.

Edited by hugo.4705
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On 7/13/2021 at 3:17 AM, Zola.6197 said:

I suspect Bubbles could have a secondary domain over knowledge, memory, or dreams like you propose. If nothing else, there's a connection between water and knowledge/memory via the scrying pool. And all of the quotes attached to the concept art released several months back sound dreamy:

  • I know you and yet I don't
  • Strange familiarity
  • A song half remembered


And all of that art looks very dreamy, too. I won't be surprised if Bubbles has some kind of ability that allows it to warp reality and/or memory somehow, which could account for the lack of information about it. Whenever someone learns too much about Bubbles, their memory of it slowly fades away... Like Taimi in S3E2:



So ya never know... Not a done deal, but it's not beyond the realm of possibility.

Water and knowledge, you say ? So a draconic equivalent to Abaddon ? (I'm only talking about Bubbles having SIMILAR properties to Abaddon, I'm not implying Tiki-face is somehow still alive, don't trash me thank you)

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Bubbles being a memory dragon could make sense if they wanted to balance out the other Elder Dragons.


So far we have gotten three "physical" dragons

  • Zhaitan(tactical)
  • Kralktorrik(tormented)
  • Primordus(brute)

And two "mental" Elder Dragons

  • Mordremoth(domination)
  • Jormag(persuasion)

Having Bubbles be a third mental dragon, like one of mental erasure, would make for an interesting continuation. It would also mean every physical based Elder Dragon's opposite was a mental Dragon.

  • Zhaitan/Mordy
  • Primordus/Jormag
  • Kralkatorrik/Bubbles
Edited by Sajuuk Khar.1509
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For those who know guild wars 1.


A part of me tells me that they are going to tie kanaxai and the onis to the deep sea dragon.

As in gw1, it was assumed that the onis were luxons which had been corrupted, I can see kaxanai being a former lieutenant of the deep sea dragon.


all creatures that were in the Jade Sea can be related to him( like this one https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Zhu_Hanuku ). I would not like it but I think it will go towards this


I am even afraid that they will tie the jade winds to the power of the dragon and not dwayna anymore... explaining that the dragon was sleeping under the harvest temple and that it is his power that shiro used.

this would explain why this magic had succeeded in corrupting kuunavang during factions.


Edited by radda.8920
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As others have mentioned, the dragons usually match their opposites in main powers for sure, if not their secondary domains.


we had Zhaitan as Death/Shadow and Mordremoth as Plant/Mind.  Plant can easily be considered life which opposes Zhaitan, but I’m not sure whether mind contrasts shadow.


Jormag and Primordus are the most distant parallels.  Fire and Ice are obviously opposites, and Conflagration and Persuasion are generally different too.  One is direct and straight to war, the other is deceptive and if used well enough, there will never be a war.


So now we have Kralkatorrik, Crystal and Fury, and ‘S’, Water and... unknown. I’ve seen some people saying his other aspect is Torment, but it’s not. Being tormented is just something that happened to him, not his power.  Check the wiki if you think I’m a dirty rotten two-faced liar (this time I’m not!) Back before LS4 I actually thought his second domain would be Air because he brands using his breath and seems to like the sky more than the others.  I figured Air was the counter to Water but then I realized I’m stupid because that’s the counter to Earth... which no dragon has.  I thought maybe Primordus would, but it seems that every dragon’s second domain is a metaphysical thing, not elemental.  Anyway Crystal is a better match to Water because Water is fluid, adaptable, and unbreakable because it just takes the form of anything.  You can’t hurt water with a hammer.  Crystal is solid, unchanging, and definitely breakable.  You *can* hurt crystals with a hammer.  

So. A noncoporeal quality that is the opposite of Fury.  The main one people have mentioned here is Knowledge/Secrets.  That works, because Fury could represent acting without thinking, on emotion.  Meanwhile Secrets or Knowledge would be acting with wisdom, using what you know to carefully choose the right course of action.  Alternatively, the other popular suggestion is Fear.  Fear also makes sense - while Fury is aggression, being dominant and offensive.  Fear is the opposite; instead of attacking and being angry, you’re running and definitely not dominating any fights.  I think Fear and Fury positioned against each other would probably just cancel out.  It’s hard to feel both at once (but not impossible I suppose).


Both are great choices but personally I think mixing fear and water is the best for that whole fear of the unknown, endless deep vibe.  And what little we’ve heard of its minions, they’re tentacles horrors.  So slightly more likely I think that the dragon will have fear.  And if it does then I doubt it will have an ability to do anything with dreams.  That was more Mordremoth 

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I am starting a theory in which the DSD has power over water and time, because it has been very elusive all this time but I don't think it is the only threat we'll face. I suspect Lyssa to be involved and hiding among mortals, if this is true then she could have absorbed the wild magic released from the clash of the last two Elder Dragons.

There is enough room for lore to make 3 more expansions.

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12 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

At the end of the stream is a concept pic with a tower and what looks like a dragon far off and either a long tail or a tentacle. 

Tower highly resembles the Harvest Temple to me. There's a couple pillar-like cliffs/structures to the side, which resemble the background in the Factions CGI trailer.


That makes me think the dragon is meant to represent Kuunavang, since she lived in the Harvest Temple. Though it's a bit large compared to the tower to be Kuunavang unless she grew between games (entirely possible, both lorewise and retcon-wise).


The "long tail or a tentacle" in the front reminds me of the Jade Maw's neck texture, and doesn't seem to have the same frills/spines as the dragon in the distance.

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7 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

That makes me think the dragon is meant to represent Kuunavang, since she lived in the Harvest Temple. Though it's a bit large compared to the tower to be Kuunavang unless she grew between games (entirely possible, both lorewise and retcon-wise).


Not sure if we are talking about the same picture, but the dragon does not seem friendly. It is likely some boss-like entity.

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On 7/13/2021 at 7:23 AM, Legion.4198 said:

Every dragon so far has show opposite traits with the dragon on the other one side of The All. Sometimes these traits are antagonistic, sometimes they are complementary.


Jormag vs Primordus is the most direct and the strongest example, with Jormag having dominion over ice and persuasion, and being characterized a schemer who favoured targeting people's egos to corrupted them, while Primordus' domain was fire, and he was characterized as a mindless brute with its minions being driven by primitive, collective intelligence. You could argue that Zaithan and Mordremoth followed a similar pattern with Zaithan having dominion over death while Mordremoth had a dominion over life and both were into empire-building. Only Kralkatorrik stands alone, with dominion over Crystal and Fury, but also it seems he was related to prophecy with Glint.


My hypothesis is that Bubbles (S) will be Kralkatorrik's opposite. Both stand on opposite sides of The All. As others have already pointed out, we have already been presented with hints that imply that Bubbles is related to memory. In addition, if the Saltspray dragons from Cantha (Kuunavang and Albax among them) are related with Bubbles, then Bubbles could also have powers over luck and fate manipulation. 

I think you can even see Zhaitan and Mordremoth as opposites.


Both were building empires, but very differently. Zhaitan wanted an empire of the dead, were no one has to say goodbye to their loved ones and everything stays the same for eternity. It was about stagnation.

Mordremoth was about growth. He wanted to cover the entire planet in his vines, change it into a jungle.


So I think it makes sense to see all dragons as some kind of opposites of each other.

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On 7/28/2021 at 8:50 AM, NotTooFoolish.7412 said:


Not sure if we are talking about the same picture, but the dragon does not seem friendly. It is likely some boss-like entity.

I'm referring to this piece

As to "does not seem friendly", do keep in mind Kuunavang indirectly threatened to eat the PC... because the PC politely declined a gift in return for "freeing" (aka beating the kitten out of) Kuunavang from Shiro's influence.

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