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Is anyone worried about the new warrior weapon in the upcoming expansion?

Verdict is Vengence.6912

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11 minutes ago, Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485 said:

warrior in the expac will go as follows

Strong when launched


Well just need to say continuously on the forums that warrior is balanced, or that the best players tend to play warrior, or some variation of the stupid things that came out of CMC's mouth post Feb2020.

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6 hours ago, Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485 said:

warrior in the expac will go as follows

Strong when launched


Probably right, they’d never let us dominate the scene for months upon months the way Scourge has… 😢

Edited by crewthief.8649
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Watch it be melee staff. Banner warriors with support beyond tactics traitline or something, "Standard Bearer" or whatever they want to call it. No mainhand weapon currently heals or boons people. If warrior had a spec that applies might + fury it would also increase viability for chrono + scrapper quickness sources. The fury from "For Great Justice!" is too short in PVE.

Warrior has power, condi (berserker), and boon rip/CC/some minor heal support on minstrel spellbreaker. There isn't a full on support spec.


Pistol would probably be uninteresting, scepter would lack a support offhand unless you consider warhorn (swiftness + barrier/condi clear) or shield (a self block) a support weapon. Focus would also be sort of meaningless and I'm not sure what a shortbow would do that longbow or rifle does not whether it is CC or condi.


The weapon is probably the last thing to worry about. If there's a dumb mechanic such as Berserk mode where it means you only have weapon skills + F1 it would be so incredibly boring. That's why I like spellbreaker and hate Berserker spec unless I'm trying to turn my brain off in PVE (scourge is better for that anyway because you don't even need to move and chase things).


edit: Actually it is highly likely to be some sort of melee staff if it's a support spec because if you look at removed warrior banner bundle skills (listed here https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Banner:
* Stab  with 1.0 PVE damage coefficient existed on all banners  -- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stab_(banner_skill)
* Inspire existed on all warrior banners for swiftness -- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Inspire
* Sprint existed on all warrior banners as a movement skill -- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sprint
* Compassionate Banner existed on Banner of Healing and healed for a relatively low amount of 500ish + 0.33* healing power (so with 1500 healing power it would be roughly 1K + regen every 10s) -- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Compassionate_Banner
* Brutal Banner existed on Banner of Strength and had 1.25 coefficient -- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Brutal_Banner
* Furious Banner existed on Banner of Discipline for fury -- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Furious_Rally
* Staggering Banner with knockback (CC) on Banner of Defense --https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Staggering_Banner
* Whirlwind Banner existed on the elite Battle Standard and provided stability every 15s -- https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Whirlwind_Banner


If there's interaction with existing skill types I don't think it will be with shouts (already have them with Vigorous Shouts) , stances (see soulbeasts), banners (doubled standards), physical (peak performance), signets (signet mastery), or the burst (see Berserker/Spellbreaker).

Edited by Infusion.7149
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I actually liked the Daggers lol

My top pick for new Warrior weapon though is Land Spear but that's a long shot.

If i'm being honest I'd actually like Warrior to get Scepter and gain some kind of ranged magic attacks.
I think it would make for an interesting twist on the warrior class and warrior could really use a good ranged weapon.
I know a lot of people want pistol but eh.. guns in fantasy games just don't do it for me.

We can throw fireballs, and shoot lightning from our fingers.. summon dead monsters and teleport.
Guns just feel so primitive in universes like this even when they're supposed to be advanced and new technology.

Would I like to own a Colt 45 or would I like to be able to spew fire from my hands?.. I mean come on that's not even a close contest right lol
Guns are meh in fantasy games, gimme scepter over pistol anyday. 😄

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57 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

That would accomplish 3 things:

1) Create more weapon loadout diversity

2) hopefully knock shield off it's perch in competitive

3) kitten off every thief main.

Trust me thief mains are already watching the necro and guardian mobility with ... great interest.  Warriors with dual skill would be ok and it makes since for weapon masters to eventually catch on.

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On 8/1/2021 at 7:50 PM, Kodama.6453 said:

. If warrior gets mainhand pistol, then they will also get the offhand, since anet mentioned that this is their thing as the weapon masters.

You do realize, they also said with the especs in the new expansion, they are also not going to stick to their old rules, right?

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10 minutes ago, nthmetal.9652 said:

You do realize, they also said with the especs in the new expansion, they are also not going to stick to their old rules, right?

That "breaking some rules" statement Karl made is going to be the source of outlandish speculation when viewed in hindsight. The Virtuoso's profession mechanic is different from the Mesmer, Chronomancer and Mirage in a major way, but this is not exclusive to EoD elite specs. Compare the way Scourge uses life force and shroud to the way Necromancer and Reaper do and realize that PoF elite specs were "breaking rules" as well.

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4 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

That "breaking some rules" statement Karl made is going to be the source of outlandish speculation when viewed in hindsight. 


And that's surely intended. Let us speculate, keep the tension high, surprise us. Don't take anything for granted. I am not worried about what specific weapon warrior gets, for example, I am interested in the overall design of the new spec. Whether it will address any of the currently standing issues (some of which only apply to WvW).

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My problem and fear is that the Warrior pistol skills will be reflected and blocked or just flat out evaded in most PvP type encounters. I also see longer cast times especially post release with nerfs. Pistols have to be fast to even work, or they will end up like Rifle and be super situational.


Willbender looks crazy, Guardian weapon skills do more than Warriors, so the mileage out of the dual swords will be much more than Warriors pistols.


Based on what happened to dual daggers I am not optimistic. Those things are noodles now. I dont want to see Pistols suffer the same fate while everything teleports, blocks, and evades around us.

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47 minutes ago, sneakytails.5629 said:

My problem and fear is that the Warrior pistol skills will be reflected and blocked or just flat out evaded in most PvP type encounters. I also see longer cast times especially post release with nerfs. Pistols have to be fast to even work, or they will end up like Rifle and be super situational.


Willbender looks crazy, Guardian weapon skills do more than Warriors, so the mileage out of the dual swords will be much more than Warriors pistols.


Based on what happened to dual daggers I am not optimistic. Those things are noodles now. I dont want to see Pistols suffer the same fate while everything teleports, blocks, and evades around us.

If it’s fine for ranger it is fine for warrior too.

Just swap to melee

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9 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

If it’s fine for ranger it is fine for warrior too.

Just swap to melee

I dont get where this fear comes form... we have weapon swap, this will at least allow warriors to start using a mid range weapon before closing the game for a kill or to circumvent blocks/reflects.

I just hope we get a shadow outline of the warrior elite spec soon, I really hope im not wrong with my prediction on this one.

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2 minutes ago, Smoosh.2718 said:

I dont get where this fear comes form... we have weapon swap, this will at least allow warriors to start using a mid range weapon before closing the game for a kill or to circumvent blocks/reflects.

I just hope we get a shadow outline of the warrior elite spec soon, I really hope im not wrong with my prediction on this one.

You will see. 

In any case I am pretty sure anet will do something about the projectile hate creep, 2 out of the new specs uses projectiles and that will make a lot of noise when they have to fight against a perma magnetic aura or FB bubbles .

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25 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

If it’s fine for ranger it is fine for warrior too.

Just swap to melee

I see what you did there 😆

Less of an issue with Fast Hands though.



10 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

You will see. 

In any case I am pretty sure anet will do something about the projectile hate creep, 2 out of the new specs uses projectiles and that will make a lot of noise when they have to fight against a perma magnetic aura or FB bubbles .

Apparently warrior has lots of unblockables, so why would we care about the projectile hate creep?

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Just now, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I see what you did there 😆
Less of an issue with Fast Hands though.

Apparently warrior has lots of unblockables, so why would we care about the projectile hate creep?

Ahah good comeback!

if warrior uses pistol/pistol my guess it will be a fast low damage weapon with probably piercing with attacks closer to thief’s unload than to zerkers gun flame. 


If that is the case new spec will work like a ranger and you will feel the pain of running out of unblockables with a couple of autos. 

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16 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Ahah good comeback!

All in good fun 😄

16 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

if warrior uses pistol/pistol my guess it will be a fast low damage weapon with probably piercing with attacks closer to thief’s unload than to zerkers gun flame. 

My thoughts are ranger shortbow AA attack speed but power DPS, and lots of AoEs, though realistically they would be projectile. I think a fair number would be ground targeted though so that can be used to circumvent projectile hate by aiming around or in front of it.

16 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

If that is the case new spec will work like a ranger and you will feel the pain of running out of unblockables with a couple of autos. 

Nah, I'll just aim my ground targeted AoEs around the hate, then use my 5s weapon swap to go into melee, force them out of their safe zone, swap back to pistols and pew pew.

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8 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

All in good fun 😄

My thoughts are ranger shortbow AA attack speed but power DPS, and lots of AoEs, though realistically they would be projectile. I think a fair number would be ground targeted though so that can be used to circumvent projectile hate by aiming around or in front of it.

Nah, I'll just aim my ground targeted AoEs around the hate, then use my 5s weapon swap to go into melee, force them out of their safe zone, swap back to pistols and pew pew.

Yes I mostly agree with your vision but doubt about the AoEs.

By the icon I have suspicions the new spec with get unblockable stacks by using the adrenaline and the utility skills will be literally ammunition where the new spec changes the characteristics of the attacks, like staggering around the target(for some aoe) or applying conditions. 

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