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Guild Wars 3 - Desires and Speculation

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21 minutes ago, LadyEden.7519 said:


😂 The same thing was said 10 years ago, and here we are.


@Brother Dulfite.5793, there have been tons of GW3 threads. They have led nowhere. Why not focus on what you would like to see in GW2 past-EoD? The game is not going to end with the next expansion, so it would be more productive to focus on something real rather than "dream" about something that might or might not happen in the far future.

Because the things I mostly want would require completely redesigning the game, and that makes far more sense on a brand new game.

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55 minutes ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

So why don't they update it then? It looks, to me, the same visually as it did when GW2 launched. Back then it was very impressive looking, now it looks dated. If they haven't updated it at this point, why would we think it is possible they will in the future?

Because that is the visual style Anet chose when they designed the game. Has WoW's (or other MMO's) general visual style changed over the years? (maybe it has, never played WoW) I would hope that upgrading to DX11 wouldn't be a complete makeover. People have built characters and acquired cosmetics based on how they looked when they acquired them. I think many people would be disappointed if they suddenly changed.

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35 minutes ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

Because the things I mostly want would require completely redesigning the game, and that makes far more sense on a brand new game.

This is another issue with these kinds of things. The thought that "If Anet made GW3 they would make a game I would want to play with the things I want in it" or "It would fix all the things wrong with this game". This and a bunch of other things and though processes are woefully naïve.


Unrealistic expectations only lead to disappointment. 


Edited by Sigmoid.7082
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20 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Because that is the visual style Anet chose when they designed the game. Has WoW's (or other MMO's) general visual style changed over the years? (maybe it has, never played WoW) I would hope that upgrading to DX11 wouldn't be a complete makeover. People have built characters and acquired cosmetics based on how they looked when they acquired them. I think many people would be disappointed if they suddenly changed.

DX11 in and of itself is not a graphical upgrade. It's more an engine upgrade/modernization that could enable future graphical changes/updates.

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58 minutes ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

Because the things I mostly want would require completely redesigning the game, and that makes far more sense on a brand new game.


I got that. It's exactly why all the other GW3 threads had been created.


But like I said, this is a completely pointless discussion for the reasons I mentioned earlier. GW3 will likely never happen, and if it happens, certainly not within the next 10 years. By then, your suggestions will long be forgotten and also outdated in terms of what's technically possible.


So it makes much more sense to make suggestions for the current game post-EoD.


Edited by LadyEden.7519
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Older ppl like me dont have more patience for a new game, i would prefer stop playing videos games at all.


Also i dislike "big resets" in general, i more like continue exploring Tyria.


Lots of 40yo+ ppl dont have enthusiasm for "start all over again".


most actual MMOs are boring.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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2 hours ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

1) Make it based on Utopia. 

2) Make the game centered around leaving the world of Tyria and going back to where humans came from in the first place.

3) I want GW3 to be the revelation that Abaddon has been pulling the string all along in GW2 just like he did in all the GW1 games and the return of the best villain in the series.

1) GW1 had an extremely divisive in-game culture with guilds/alliances. GW3 shouldn't force that kind of gameplay, but there should be mode(s) of the game that allow that sort of thing to happen.

2) Not only public housing, but a map where you can see everyone's house on the same server. 

3) Only have skins that are fitting to the world. GW2 has become a massive eyesore over the years

4) A WvW system based on guilds/alliances.



1) Don't start GW3 off with spaghetti code.


So that's my list for now, what would you like to see? 

1) I believe they've recycled many concepts and systems designed for Utopia. In fact Guild Wars 2 exists simply because Utopia went beyond the scope of what Guild Wars 1 was capable of. It's been mentioned in interviews but sadly I don't recall which ones. We may yet still see more things that were original concepts for Utopia, appear in the latest expansion. 
2) Leaving Tyria to find where the human gods and humans came from is something I am also DEEPLY curious about. I think that would work great as a Guild Wars 3, or spin-off game if ever the franchise grew enough. I rarely hear it mentioned and am surprised more people don't speculate about it. Why are the human gods trying to seed the galaxy with humans?
3) There are deep speculations about Abandon; that everything that has occurred from Gw1 till now is directly related to his influence. I also don't believe he is completely gone. For the devs to sprinkle more intimations of the oldest god still being about would be awesome and I don't think it had to wait till "Gw3".

1) In the recent reveal for the latest expansion Devs discussed the addition of Alliances. We don't yet know how that will be implemented.  I was not a fan of the kind of interaction rivalries created between players during Guild Wars 1 Factions. It ranged from friendly to toxic and I know developers wanted to vanquish that when they set out to make Guild Wars 2. Hence  we are all united against a common enemy. They created World vs. World to help give something of what you mention but with the creation of megaservers and various unbalances, and other issues - WvW didn't not turn out to be as successful. The real answer would be for a closer look and rework of the WvW system. Fingers crossed we will be seeing new modes for pvp with the expansion! 
2) I don't believe we will ever see this. I would rather they re-work our home instance. Because of how they made it, (you have a home instance with the same things unlocked in every city) I doubt true decorating will be a thing. But if we could display our skin collections and achievement trophies like Guild Wars 1 Hall of Monuments,  it would be awesome. I agree with the player housing request because I think Guild Hall decorating is very poor and prohibitive.  
3) It is too late for them to retroactively change what they've already put in to the game to the degree this has been. They have tried to introduce reward sets that were more subtle and received backlash more than once. Their best bet is to include yet another filter option to turn off certain effects. 
4) See answer 1 to this section. 

1) One can hope they choose a different game engine but the code will always have it's quirks. It's part of the magic lol!

What do I want to see?  I want some loose ends to be taken care of - Zojja, Malyck for example. 

Rework miniatures to include different poses/stances. Most just walk back and forth. The humanoid miniatures are especially boring. Have them break out in to dance or talk emote once in a while, or draw their weapons or cast a fake spell!  I want better sound control so I can turn off miniature sounds specifically. (That Toxic snake thing that makes the barfing sound and Ho-Ho-Tron's never ending bell) Bring back Polymok using certain miniatures. 

I want core dungeons to get some polish, to allow for smaller groups (some path require a full party for certain mechanics for example. I would request that be adjusted to party size) maybe also add new achievements for different party sizes. Core dungeons are a great way for players to learn important mechanics so I would ask them to emphasize that. 

I know people hate this idea but separate Raids in to story mode, normal mode and challenge mode. Story mode would not necessarily be face-tanking easy, but dialed down with less rewards. In the other modes, the story elements would be skippable for people who farm raids specifically.  The people who farm it don't give a crap for the story after they've seen/experienced it once or twice and there are people who love the story and will never get to experience it once! I want a solution. 

PVE legendary armor that does not require WvW or Raids for it's creation.  Please make end game content for the slow-burn players who have the heart and skill but not the time.  (Fractals is a great example of hard content for casuals imo) 

Screenshot studio or mode to allow us to pick the pose and lighting and potentially backdrops - this can be a part of the character select screen and have an exportable function for people who want to make 3d prints. (this would have to have a special copywrite agreement)
Speaking of character select screen; fix the lighting glitch that turns my dark skinned character white in the thumbnail. I would love if we could see their inventory at Character Preview along with all the other info we currently get: crafting profession, where they are etc. 

Change the friend/follow/block system. Current system does not deter stalking. I want the option to allow someone to follow or friend me. I want the option to remove a follower. If I block some one I want to disappear to that person and vice versa. Blocking some one should come with a drop down option to report them for the usual TOS breaking stuff. I have blocked so many people for shouting the N-word and other racist crap in MAP chat. I have had to report people for whispering racist things to me randomly when on a dark skinned character. I have blocked people for saying disgusting sexual things in map chat. You get the idea. And if the person is blocked for stalking - that should be an option to report as well. 

Finally for the forums: I do not agree with jamming everyone's requests in to a single thread because after conversation and debate, people's suggestions get buried. So I would have an entire forum just for suggestions instead of a single thread. 

Anyway yeah! Hope you have a good day!

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I would love a GW3, however like other posters have said that might be a while in the future. 


With DX11 I honestly would love a texture update. Seriously. Some of the textures, especially in the old maps are just hard on the eyes. They break the immersiveness and could be reworked. This also wouldn't affect end users with older systems but would be a welcome addition to those with newer ones. 

Some other cool suggestions from other posters as well. 


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46 minutes ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

Older ppl like me dont have more patience for a new game, i would prefer stop playing videos games at all.


Also i dislike "big resets" in general, i more like continue exploring Tyria.


Lots of 40yo+ ppl dont have enthusiasm for "start all over again".


most actual MMOs are boring.

As someone in their 40s I find that you are over reaching with your generalization. I love this franchise and I want to see it grow. No one is asking the game to start over.
If you, personally, aren't interested in aspects of the game growing or changing that is completely alright, but don't stifle a game's direction because of that. Maybe find something more fitting to the pace you are looking for. 

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52 minutes ago, Obfuscate.6430 said:

As someone in their 40s I find that you are over reaching with your generalization. I love this franchise and I want to see it grow. No one is asking the game to start over.
If you, personally, aren't interested in aspects of the game growing or changing that is completely alright, but don't stifle a game's direction because of that. Maybe find something more fitting to the pace you are looking for. 

A new game is a new game, not "game grow", theres no difference going into gw3 and going to another mmo/whatsover. 


Game grow is expanding GW2, since everyone knows ANET cant handle 2 games at same pace its GW3 means end of GW2//maintenance mode like GW1.


So the real question is anyone interested in end of GW2? im not.


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1 hour ago, Obfuscate.6430 said:

1) I believe they've recycled many concepts and systems designed for Utopia. In fact Guild Wars 2 exists simply because Utopia went beyond the scope of what Guild Wars 1 was capable of. It's been mentioned in interviews but sadly I don't recall which ones. We may yet still see more things that were original concepts for Utopia, appear in the latest expansion. 

I'm not sure that's entirely accurate. I believe it was through initial working on Utopia that they decided they hated trying to do several things that were underlying game concepts:


1. Balance skills of which there are thousands.

2. Introducing two new professions each campaign.

3. Introducing new tutorials and leveling areas as each campaign became an entry point into the game as opposed to simply being an expansion.

4. And yes, probably technology/engine concerns like no Z axis and other things that limited maybe some ideas they had.


But look back and it was always those first 3 items they always cited. Now me personally, I think they ended up trading one set of "headaches" with GW1 design for another in GW2 design and we saw that in the many iterations and experiments things like Living World took since Season 1 first premiered. And continuing to this day in some game modes needing some TLC, or otherwise being wholly abandoned.


EDIT: And I agree with the posts above. Once ANET moved on to GW2, they wholly abandoned GW1 (but thankfully have kept it running), as the only updates really since GW2 released have been individual QOL contributions from devs on their own time. If a GW3 did come, it will be when they are fully ready to move on from GW2. They have not demonstrated an ability to run 2 MMO's simultaneously, and let's be honest, GW1 was not a full blown MMO. Now I don't fault them for not being able to keep up a new campaign every 6 months for perpetuity, but things like Beyond should have been finished. I don't believe ANET is capable of multiple games now anymore than they were then.

Edited by Faridah.8431
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5 hours ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

I mean, at some point they can't do GW2 anymore, right? End of Dragons sounds a lot like the last expansion, personally. Not only does it have the word "End" in it, but it is ending the cycle that the entire second game is based upon. It would be weird to start a new narrative direction with a new enemy (not Elder Dragons) and not start also with a brand new game. Path of Fire, while focused on Balth, was about his goal of dealing with the dragons.


Aside from narrative reasons, financially it would make them more stable over the next decade to have a brand new game they can update than one 9+ years older. Many of the millions of GW2 players will be attracted to GW3, whereas GW2 has lust its luster to a lot of people despite new content because of how aged it looks and feels at this point.

I don't see why not. We don't always have to fight dragons. PoF wasn't even about fighting a dragon. 


I think the other point is ... Anet doesn't have to develop another GW game either. Maybe the business case points towards something else?

Edited by Obtena.7952
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2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I don't see why not. We don't always have to fight dragons. PoF wasn't even about fighting a dragon. 


I think the other point is ... Anet doesn't have to develop another GW game either. Maybe the business case points towards something else?

I think they were trying to branch out after PoF with other non-GW projects, but that got the kibosh, Mo left, and then they had layoffs and we got IBS.

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2 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

Older ppl like me dont have more patience for a new game, i would prefer stop playing videos games at all.


Also i dislike "big resets" in general, i more like continue exploring Tyria.


Lots of 40yo+ ppl dont have enthusiasm for "start all over again".


most actual MMOs are boring.

I guess you did qualify that as older people *like you*.  I am an older person, clearly not like you.  (To be fair, you could be decades older than me, I'm just 55).  I *adore* the rush of exploring a new game and setting.  Though it's true I do love playing GW2 in part because I know what the heck I'm doing, can play effectively though not anywhere near perfectly, have built up a lot of gear and cosmetics, and have friends to play with.  So the new games I play don't tend to haul me away from maining GW2.


Even so, for me the line would be:  Older people like me have all sorts of patience.  We've been around long enough to not need everything now-now-now or to feel that waiting a month or two for something is stealing a vast fraction of our lives away.  We've seen that nothing lasts forever, and appreciate that new cool things will come along to become our new favorites.

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5 hours ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

End of Dragons sounds a lot like the last expansion, personally. Not only does it have the word "End" 

They clearly stated in the update on July 27th that its not the End.

Its the same deal with FF14 and 'Endwalker' its not the end of FF14 either,
its LITERALLY a title to state its a conclusion of a grander story arch and the start of a new one. 

Edited by Walle.6045
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More like end of the dragon cycle, not end of the game.

I highly doubt we'll see gw3 for a long time if ever, since they got rid of a chunk of staff and other projects and going through some management changes the last couple years. If this expansion sells well, then maybe. Plus players are way too attached to what they've accumulated in gw2, it would be a hard sell to them on gw3 unless you're going to transfers all their stuff over, and the game is different enough from gw2 as that was to gw1.

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usually who were villains in the beginning becomes the good guys in the end.


but what kind of good guys?


will be a chum chum we love you all people?


nah. looks like it's the good guys that will restore the order of things which will be fully understood by those who got duped coz the reason of the story is that their heroes didn't understand the order and considered it as false.


and for them to be perceived as the holders of truth and be justified, they must usurp the ones that protects, yes, the secrets of the order of things..



Edited by alcopaul.2156
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4 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

A new game is a new game, not "game grow", theres no difference going into gw3 and going to another mmo/whatsover. 


Game grow is expanding GW2, since everyone knows ANET cant handle 2 games at same pace its GW3 means end of GW2//maintenance mode like GW1.


So the real question is anyone interested in end of GW2? im not.


Ah I think I misunderstood. I feel that by continuing the story, upgrading the engine and building new systems upon older ideas is expanding upon the game - but if they have to make an entirely new game for that, it is expanding the franchise which is different to a degree. I would welcome both. 

I have to wait till I see the expansion to decide if I am interested in or ready for a Guild Wars 3 if I am entirely honest though. 
But I have to admit, if they did try to bring Guild Wars 1 on to mobile I am ready lol! 

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13 hours ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

So why don't they update it then? It looks, to me, the same visually as it did when GW2 launched. Back then it was very impressive looking, now it looks dated. If they haven't updated it at this point, why would we think it is possible they will in the future?


In case you missed the news that I was refeering to in my post - they are in the process of doing so - first step - porting the engine from DX9 to DX11 - and they said themselves that this first step will allow them for further work in terms of both optimization and graphic fidelity.

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13 hours ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

Because the things I mostly want would require completely redesigning the game, and that makes far more sense on a brand new game.

I will quote to you something i said in the previous GW3 thread:

"People naively think, that if a new game will come, it will have all the stuff they like from GW franchise, but will drop all the stuff they don't like. Not realizing it could also go in the exact opposite direction. "


People thought that GW2 would be an upgrade to GW1. Instead it turned out to be a completely different game (including some significant Lore rewrites, that cause some problems and inconsistences even now). There's still a number of players that did not take some of those changes well.


Gw3, if it ever happens, will be the same. It would most certainly end up as something completely different than you imagine and hope for.

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11 hours ago, Obfuscate.6430 said:

 I rarely hear it mentioned and am surprised more people don't speculate about it. Why are the human gods trying to seed the galaxy with humans?

You probably rarely hear it mentioned because it is one of the Lore things that received major change between GW1 and GW2.

In GW1, the Six were not really human gods in origin. They were creators of Tyria,  that just pulled Humans there from some other place, because they needed a new servitor race (due to their previous servitor race - the Forgotten - slowly dying out).

In the current lore version, they seem to have been doing the very same thing they did in PoF - escaping some calamity (except at that time they apparently had more time to take some of their faithful with them, instead of having to run in a hurry without even packing their stuff, as they did more recently)


11 hours ago, Obfuscate.6430 said:

3) There are deep speculations about Abandon; that everything that has occurred from Gw1 till now is directly related to his influence. I also don't believe he is completely gone.

I was personally more interested in the idea that the main villain behind everything (including Abaddon's fall, and everything that came after) was Glint. Especially after seeing the whole Flameseeker Prophecy stuff she pulled off and how neatly she manipulated everyone involved in that prophecy. Alas, it seems we won't be getting that one after all.


11 hours ago, Obfuscate.6430 said:

For the devs to sprinkle more intimations of the oldest god still being about would be awesome and I don't think it had to wait till "Gw3".

I am quite sure that he is not the oldest of the Six. Everything points to Dwayna and Melandru being those (and those two belonging to some earlier, different race). Abaddon himself, just like Balthazar and Grenth, is just a replacement to an earlier member of that group. So, most likely is Lyssa, although we do not know anything about her origin.


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14 hours ago, Brother Dulfite.5793 said:

Because the things I mostly want would require completely redesigning the game, and that makes far more sense on a brand new game.


You are better off trying out other MMORPGs than hoping for a GW3 in the next 5 - 10 years or if at all.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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