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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. One of my favorite things to say in map chat is: "It's time for the (insert time) double team" when both enemies are in our third. Mostly, because it triggers dumb people who think you're whining, despite all of wvw being a double team. It's literally how RvR works in a 3 way matchup.
  2. I love that people say it takes soo much to set up. Auto attack anything, once, pop 2 signets, instantly down whatever you hit. I've been hit for 30k in minstrels by this build, with no vulnerability stacks. I've also been playing this build all week, and it is pretty ridiculous. I switched to the gun flame version last night, I find it more fun, but does considerably less damage.
  3. If the Charr get uppity, the Asura will just turn off all their waypoints. Good luck getting around.At that point, they will likely just go back to blaming each other for their predicament and then the infighting will start...again.
  4. During one of the "devs play wvw" this was brought up (November I think). Their reply was basically "there's nothing we can do, this is as good as it's gonna get". They said if they find a skill in particular that can be tweeked some to improve it they can try, but that basically the game is what it is. Lag is now just a feature.
  5. Once a day... You either play 24/7, your account is hella lucky or you are exaggeratimg quite a bit I finish all my tickets on 3 accts each week, occasionally 4, and I don't average an ascended drop a day. In fact, I get an ascended drop maybe once every 3 weeks.
  6. The intern that programmed it isn't surprised.Neither are any of the rest of us.
  7. So staff AOE skills need a target? No peppering the tops of walls with Marks from Necros? No barrage from Rangers? No storms from Eles? That would, I think, significantly and negatively affect the game. I agree with all the rest though. I don't think it negatively affects the game. One of the other problems wvw has is walls. Attackers can farm you on them, defenders can die on them, not much else can happen (this assumes equal skill and game mode knowledge by both sides). This thread was about stealth so that's all I included, but I have (several times in the past) included other suggestions for wvw. To help understand why making all weapon skills require a target wouldn't hinder wvw: Remove all siege from wvw, except rams and oil, limit rams to 3 on a gate (if placed outside oil damage range, they can't hit the gate), if you want to take something, you have to walk to it and take it, no longer hiding in fully fortified smc with trebs and waiting to treb it downOnly siege damage contests a structure, this would actually allow attackers to kill gate guards and build rams before the timer startsMaking all weapon skills require a target would make the walls an even fight (no siege on walls, only oil), meaning each side needs to target an enemy AND time their attacks to hit them, instead of the attacker spamming the wall with marks, etc, and the defender having 0 chance to hit ground defenders. With weapon skills requiring a target, both sides would often get a no line of sight to target error, but it evens the playing field, for both sides, and for stealthers. Defenders can't hide inside with tons of siege and repel the attack, attackers can't just treb it down, or aoe the walls and defenders down from the almost certain safety of ground outside. People would actually have to fight other people to take and defend stuff.Remove downstate. Numbers may be the determining factor for every fight, but if a skilled small group can slowly thin out a blob, they should be able to, instead of .1 sec resses being the only reason the blob wins.Just more food for thought, Anet.
  8. Please just pretend Anet never mentioned alliances...they aren't coming. Any solution to bandwagoning and server stacking is never coming. Transfers = gem sales, not much else to say.
  9. Honestly @OP, I would just forget they ever mentioned alliances. It's been 2 years since they were announced, and we now know by their Q1 2020 plans, that they won't even have started working on them by then either. People keep bandwagoning to outblob smaller servers, and those gem sales are likely a big motivator for them to never actually start work on alliances. Can we just move on from this topic, because it's never going to happen.
  10. Don't worry, the following balance patch will read something like this: "We've heard your concerns and we've taken a look at everything problematic. We're going to reduce damage by around 25% on all profession skills and reduce healing and boon support by 50% on all professions. Guardians will be getting a 150% boost to their damage potential and boon output to compensate. We've also buffed all Warrior skills by 100% because we felt they weren't performing how we'd like." Sadly, you are probably quoting some internal memo of theirs for the new balance patch.
  11. Yep. They should remove the mount stomp, and at the same time remove the rally mechanic from wvw.
  12. The spawn guards should 1 shot anyone in their range, instantly, no blocks, stealth or evades possible. That would deter some of the spawn camping by 50 man blobs for lols. Beyond that, we can't really make any changes to npcs until we find out how bad anet is going to screw up the "balancing" of skills. One hand says they understand power creep is out of hand, while the other hand does stuff that continually buffs things to absurd levels, like 50% vs barriers. When they complete their adjustment, than maybe npcs will need a buff.
  13. It's been commented on endlessly. Yes, stealth needs a rework. There are several things though that would need to happen. Stealth needs to be permanent, turn it on and you are stealthed until in combat. It should not require casting over and over to maintain.Combat prevents stealth, deadeye would still need a get out of combat elite, not sure if 1 or 2 charges works.Stealth needs to reduce movement speed, so that you can never move full speed while stealthed, with traits, etc, maybe 80% movespeed....this does not apply just to thief, but stealth in general, every class should move slower stealthed, you are, after all, trying to be stealthy.Stealthed players are visible if standing right on top of you, meaning you still have a fraction of a second to respond before backstabbed.Other things that would have to happen: Every weapon skill from every class now requires a target to cast. Utility skills could still be cast without a target, but weapon skills from EVERY class would require a target to use. No free casting aoe spam everywhere to find stealthed players, weapon skills should require a target. It also means they can't be used to run away from fights too.With those set, now they need to rework all the traits and skills for thieves to adjust to stealth being a permanent thing till in combat, and all the other supporting traits need a new purpose. Traits from other classes need to be fixed now as well with regards to stealth. That's why this isn't ever going to happen.
  14. It's not that hard, especially if you have a decent gaming mouse that you can assign your key buttons to. If you can play thief not-atrociously you can core shatter. I'm not saying macros shouldnt absolutely be punished or that people absolutely don't use them, but I'm not sure its as prevalent as 9 out of every 10 core mesmers, especially with all the kitten that can go wrong if you get +1 during your burst or an AOE gets laid under you and you need to bail. I'm not saying that 90% of the mesmers playing are macro'ing, I'm saying that 90% of the insta-deaths would not happen. I main a mesmer, the combo is fairly easy to do. But, due to the current server lag (which appears from time to time) there is no way to be perfect every time without using a macro. Sometimes I blow people up, often the shatter lags behind and the damage is abysmal. If the game disconnected a player the second a macro was used, I'm betting a ton of these insta-deaths would go away (and so would the complaint about the build).
  15. nobody uses macro to 1shot lol. it takes longer to look for macros then to learn the combo properly Lots of people keep saying that, and yet both in streams, videos, and even in game (watch their toon do all the wrong things after being moa'd cause they are stuck waiting for the macro to finish), it keeps happening. This is like the people that say no one trolls in wvw cause it isn't worth the time, yet you can literally see it every day.
  16. There are a lot of players who have decent refliexes, but with server side skill lag this problem could be easily solved by the game alt-f4'ing anyone who uses a macro. I would bet 90+% of the instakills would vanish from all competitive modes if the game just disconnected a player the second they hit a macro.
  17. Only partly related to minions, but I wish they would make corpses work like in GW1. You need a corpse to make a minion or place a well. Consume corpse was great for health and mobility. So many things they changed and not for the better.
  18. Rush is a 5th skill upon equipping a greatsword on warrior.I'm not even playing a glass build and got hit for 17.5k last night.This is more than 100% of the HP of a lot of builds out there. So, does OP think this should be toned down too? Did you have barrier up or were at 90% health? The only way Rush hit for that high is if the warrior had Warrior's cunning traited and you satisfied one of those two conditions in addition to the warrior being a Beserker in Berserk mode and had 3 stacks of berserker's power up and Peak Performance up. I hit for 9-10k with rush in Berserk regularly, but that is without all the modifiers up that I mentioned. No barrier, have 29k health in the build and was at 25k. I dodged bull rush (his opener) and was hit with throw axe (4k) and rush (17.5k) literally in the same instant, and in that order (possibly lag as it was pretty bad that night). Used my next dodge to avoid a sup battle maul (+1) and was downed by arc divider. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time anyway, but had never been hit that hard by that skill. Even then, I think the damage on it is fine. There are a ton of skills/builds that overperform, spinal shivers and rush aren't on that list.
  19. This would be a HUGE QoL improvement. We have a small, family and friend guild, and struggle to get a third person. With all the changes being made to the game, there is no longer a reason to prevent small guilds from being able to level their guild halls.
  20. It's usually abbreviated as LS5. But, it isn't living season 5, they've said as much. Now they are doing sagas. This one is IBS (imo). Edit: checking now I guess anet would abbreviate it TIS, since they have it as The Icebrood Saga (didn't think of Ice Brood as one word).My bad.
  21. They would have to stream it too. Watching giant bandwagon blobs hop maps for hours to avoid each other and continue to pvdoor. Not sure how they determine the winner of that though. Right now, the winner is the one that gets to stay in lower tiers farming 10 people and doors with their map que.
  22. Can't take a joke? No, he's right.All 330 million of us are super annoying and Europeans don't have ego issues whatsoever, just love and consideration for nigh on 3000 years now...L O kitten L.
  23. Can we just replace the entire guild with heroes or henchman of our choosing? I mean, I am the commander and it's supposed to be my guild. I would be ok with a system like in Gw1 where I can choose who I want to go do story stuff with. This would be a tremendous QoL improvement. Also, has anyone else noticed that the Ice Brood Saga would be abbreviated as IBS, which also stands for irritable bowel syndrome?
  24. Well, that is the first decent news we've had. It beats them moving us from tier 3 or 4 (where TC should be) up to tier 1 because they can't do math and use 3 year old numbers at relink. Every relink it's the same thing. They put us in T1 or 2 where we don't have the numbers or coverage to compete, and then it takes 4-7 weeks to finally get where we should be, and boom, they drop us back in T1.
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