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Why doesn't GW2 have the option of 1x1 duels??

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On 9/8/2021 at 7:17 AM, Cuks.8241 said:

So we duel lovers are in luck since 99% of PVE player base don't answer every week and probably don't care at all. It's only those few that think this is THEIR world and not Anet's online service. 

Also I have information that 75 % of all population want duels and 96 % of PVE only population don't mind or actually want duels. It is common knowledge that duels would increase influx of players by 12 % and increase player retention (yearly) by 8 %.

That's why PvP servers are almost more populated in MMOs like WOW than say PvE servers...oh wait...

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9 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

That's why PvP servers are almost more populated in MMOs like WOW than say PvE servers...oh wait...

Both have duels. Or at least had, haven't played in years. And it was different at the beginning, PVP servers were much more popular, the whole game was based on horde vs alliance. But with time the player base and scope changed and with it the game. For the better? To each his own.

I do hope you don't take my post serious, it's just a parody on how easily people make up statistical data and claim they speak for others. 

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14 pages for this?  For something that seems so simple....


Step 1) Throw up a 1v1 instance/lounge/queue where players can duke it out. 

Step 2) Profit...?


People who want to duel - have at it.  People who aren't interested...don't...um...go?  Problem solved.  I'm not understanding how this doesn't literally work for everyone and if it's such a requested feature, why haven't ANet done it. Apologies if I'm repeating what has already been said and just adding to the post count on this too, but this doesn't even seem like a problem. 


Though I don't like GW2 PVP, I am a PVP enthusiast at heart.  I think there's a place for duels, just not in the open world.  I don't like random "FITE ME BRO!" requests and with the separation of game mechanics, it would likely be problematic.  Making a 1v1 casual arena seems like low hanging fruit.

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44 minutes ago, Golvellius.7856 said:

14 pages for this?  For something that seems so simple....


Step 1) Throw up a 1v1 instance/lounge/queue where players can duke it out. 

Step 2) Profit...?


People who want to duel - have at it.  People who aren't interested...don't...um...go?  Problem solved.  I'm not understanding how this doesn't literally work for everyone and if it's such a requested feature, why haven't ANet done it. Apologies if I'm repeating what has already been said and just adding to the post count on this too, but this doesn't even seem like a problem. 


Though I don't like GW2 PVP, I am a PVP enthusiast at heart.  I think there's a place for duels, just not in the open world.  I don't like random "FITE ME BRO!" requests and with the separation of game mechanics, it would likely be problematic.  Making a 1v1 casual arena seems like low hanging fruit.


This, This and This.

Why they don't have 1vs1 random arena's is far beyond me

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45 minutes ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Two people dueling interrupts PvE experience of an uninvolved  3rd party how?

Atmosphere. I know it's amorphous and subjective, but that doesn't make it unreal.

Like people talking loudly in a library. You can still do everything you need to do at a library, but it does change the experience.

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2 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Both have duels. Or at least had, haven't played in years. And it was different at the beginning, PVP servers were much more popular, the whole game was based on horde vs alliance. But with time the player base and scope changed and with it the game. For the better? To each his own.

I do hope you don't take my post serious, it's just a parody on how easily people make up statistical data and claim they speak for others. 

I don't need to make up statistical data.  Logically, maybe I'm wrong, the people who want 1v1 are the same people who PvP to begin with. In this game it's about 10% of the playerbase. Source?  Mike O'Brien who said so.


So maybe all of that 10% and a tiny bit of the 90% want dueling.  That's not enough people to throw programming resources at, in my opinion, particularly when some unspecified percentage of that 90% are gong to be unhappy with it. Even 60%, which is the number of predominently pure PvE players (again according to O'brien, would still likely leave you with majoirty of people who have no interest in it one way or another OR would be disturbed on it, on the balance of probability.


This isn't about making up numbers. PvP itself is one of the least popular aspects of this game, at least SPvP.  So I'm not sure why you think dueling would be wildly popular as a percentage of the database, particularly because some people have dueling rooms already and some people duel in WvW already. The percentage of people who do that are probably a pretty small percentage of the playerbase (having seen how often those dueling rooms are actually populated).  

I just don't see the evidence for huge swathes of the population that would be required to add it as a feature, when it's contested by another percentage of the population. All I usually say is my best guess is that there would be more people against it than for it. That's all it is. My best guess. 

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2 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Two people dueling interrupts PvE experience of an uninvolved  3rd party how?


Just because you don't feel that way as a PvPer doesn't mean the PvE people feel the same.

I simply don't want to see dueling right beside me or anywhere i walk.


This interrupts how i perceive the atmosphere and world view in general. 

When looking at an enchanted forest, i don't want 2 guys popping up beating each other up for no reason.


The huge amount of people being opposed to that change alone will keep A-Net from even thinking about a feature like that

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4 hours ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:

It absolutely disrupts the experience of all PvE players around.


So you speak for everyone now? Guess we do not need the forum anymore then.


Honestly though, it doesn't. People in this thread a basically just a loud minority of maybe 5-10 people. I'd be pretty sure that most players wouldn't care.

Still doesn't make it a worthwhile implementation, just saying the the "arguments" in this thread are 99% "I don't want this and most of the other players who do not speak up probably don't want this as well."

Edited by Imba.9451
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29 minutes ago, Imba.9451 said:

So you speak for everyone now? Guess we do not need the forum anymore then.


Honestly though, it doesn't. People in this thread a basically just a loud minority of maybe 5-10 people. I'd be pretty sure that most players wouldn't care.

Still doesn't make it a worthwhile implementation, just saying the the "arguments" in this thread are 99% "I don't want this and most of the other players who do not speak up probably don't want this as well."

It counters the people that say I want this and 99% of the people who do not speak want it aswell thinkers quiet nicely tho.

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1 hour ago, Imba.9451 said:

Honestly though, it doesn't. People in this thread a basically just a loud minority of maybe 5-10 people. I'd be pretty sure that most players wouldn't care.


This is just a description of online forums. If most people don’t like a product, they just put up with it or put it down. We’re a special breed who feel the need to argue about it like it makes a difference 🧐

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5 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Two people dueling interrupts PvE experience of an uninvolved  3rd party how?

Two people dueling on top of a waypoint.  In a bank. Next to a squad waiting to start content.  In the TP.  On top of an RP group that was off in a corner so the duelists maliciously chose to bomb them.  These duels containing all the big flashy effects that annoy people who are *trying* to be in combat, let alone those trying to quietly manage inventory.  Then there's the spammed duel requests, which if blocked lead to spammed goading comments.


Of course at that point the non-duelists aren't uninvolved.  They are very involved.  Just not willingly.

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2 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

Two people dueling on top of a waypoint.  In a bank. Next to a squad waiting to start content.  In the TP.  On top of an RP group that was off in a corner so the duelists maliciously chose to bomb them.  These duels containing all the big flashy effects that annoy people who are *trying* to be in combat, let alone those trying to quietly manage inventory.  Then there's the spammed duel requests, which if blocked lead to spammed goading comments.



4 hours ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:

I simply don't want to see dueling right beside me or anywhere i walk.


This interrupts how i perceive the atmosphere and world view in general. 

When looking at an enchanted forest, i don't want 2 guys popping up beating each other up for no reason.

That's how I feel when I am gloriously walking with my legendary equipment for which I have fought dragons and gods, and then out of the blue I see some  roleplayers emoting "nervously approaches with my hands clasped together, eyes shyly looking downward" cringe, or the crews of people with he same outfit dancing in main cities when I am going to talk to THE QUEEN because there is one more dragon we need to get rid of, or the freaking chairs that stand out like a sore thumb, or the people dressed like they are going to a Love Parade in Berlin, or Tomorrowland, instead of living in a warring world, or the char female that is forever parked in Divinity's Reach and is dressed like her grandmother handed her down her clothes and has a skill on autocast so that her chain sword is permanently buzzing for everyone else's enjoyment. But I understand that to each their own, as long as I am not forced to partake in things I am not interested on. You don't like duel invitations? Block them. Someone messaged you to call you out? You can block them, and then continue "nervously looking around" or whatever you were doing.

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1 hour ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:

Did you miss the 14 pages of "get the kitten out with dueling"?


Why is a "No" so kitten different to accept for you guys?

Why is your "no" more important than their "yes"? Why can't you accept their "yes" instead? Probably for similar reasons, eh? 🤔 

I don't even care about dueling, but pretending that it would somehow be disruptive for pve, where people fight mobs constantly AND are able to spam skills even without any target is just as silly as it is false.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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It must be so hard to put a right click>duel option and apply pvp flag and conditions to the two players in the open world for a set duration and range.  Anyone thinking this even requires significant dev time and taxes resources: I just laugh at you.

No need duel arena, instance, isolation, teleport or anything else. Stop making it cumbersome and weird.


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5 hours ago, Imba.9451 said:

So you speak for everyone now? Guess we do not need the forum anymore then.


Honestly though, it doesn't. People in this thread a basically just a loud minority of maybe 5-10 people. I'd be pretty sure that most players wouldn't care.

Still doesn't make it a worthwhile implementation, just saying the the "arguments" in this thread are 99% "I don't want this and most of the other players who do not speak up probably don't want this as well."

So if 10% want this and 10% don't want this and 80% don't care, why in fact is it worth investing programming time into?

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14 minutes ago, fatihso.7258 said:

It must be so hard to put a right click>duel option and apply pvp flag and conditions to the two players in the open world for a set duration and range.  Anyone thinking this even requires significant dev time and taxes resources: I just laugh at you.

No need duel arena, instance, isolation, teleport or anything else. Stop making it cumbersome and weird.


You obviously aren't a programmer. With legacy code in an 9 year old game, things you wouldn't think would cause problems or intereact are in fact, things that get changed. It's too big and too complex a program for anything to be really easy. People who think this way shouldn't be laughing at anyone.

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6 hours ago, Roads.5130 said:



That's how I feel when I am gloriously walking with my legendary equipment for which I have fought dragons and gods, and then out of the blue I see some  roleplayers emoting "nervously approaches with my hands clasped together, eyes shyly looking downward" cringe, or the crews of people with he same outfit dancing in main cities when I am going to talk to THE QUEEN because there is one more dragon we need to get rid of, or the freaking chairs that stand out like a sore thumb, or the people dressed like they are going to a Love Parade in Berlin, or Tomorrowland, instead of living in a warring world, or the char female that is forever parked in Divinity's Reach and is dressed like her grandmother handed her down her clothes and has a skill on autocast so that her chain sword is permanently buzzing for everyone else's enjoyment. But I understand that to each their own, as long as I am not forced to partake in things I am not interested on. You don't like duel invitations? Block them. Someone messaged you to call you out? You can block them, and then continue "nervously looking around" or whatever you were doing.


I’m sorry we can’t live in your edgelord world where you are a godslayer. I’m glad you’ve learned to tolerate other people. Learn to tolerate the lack of duelling.

P.S., It is not lost on me that you spend some time deriding cringe Roleplayers for breaking your immersion as you solo roleplay your character as if they are the only Commander/Dragonslayer in Tyria.

Edited by shrew.3059
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2 hours ago, shrew.3059 said:


I’m sorry we can’t live in your edgelord world where you are a godslayer. I’m glad you’ve learned to tolerate other people. Learn to tolerate the lack of duelling.

*chugs a beer and smashes it on the desk* I can't give two kittens about being a godslayer, cringe players spamming chat with whatever fantasy they have going on, the lack of duels nor your opinion.

My point is that the fact that some people say dueling is something they don't want to see does not make it a valid argument against it. I really don't want to see roleplayers, but as long as I can block them I am ok with them existing, as I learned to tolerate people doing their cringe, they should learn to tolerate people who want to duel. "But...but..but I'm trying to quietly sort my inventoryghh" God forbid you take a waypoint to a quieter place.

Edited by Roads.5130
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