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DirectX 11 Graphics Issues

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Just a quick thank you note! 🥰

Since the latest DX11 beta update, it is running super smoothly on my system. Not a single crash or graphics bug so far. 🙂

Windows 11 Pro (21H1)
ASRock Z490 Extreme4
Intel OctalCore i7-10700K
GeForce RTX 2070 Super
Creative SoundblasterX AE-5

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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Oh hey, I haven't noticed the mount changing to red bug since the dx11 changes recently.  (DXVK, wine-staging 7.3, in the interest of disclosure.) Seems a lot smoother in open world content, although it can get a bit laggy in spots, still. (Some of this is vulkan shader caching on my end.)

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2 problems when I'm on DX11 beta:

- The text's black contourning disapear, making it impossible to read in some circumstances (when multiple texts are superimposed or when the background has the same color as the text). The problem is present regardless of the graphics settings.

- The data displayed during the loading screens (when the game is launched with the -mapLoadInfo option), is unreadable due to the fact that the characters are replaced by some kind of colorful squares.


Edited by Mork.9532
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Kickstart RT is designed from the ground up to provide a simple interface to common implementations of ray tracing techniques used in modern games. It provides API support in Direct3D11/12 & Vulkan. It can be compiled to Windows or Linux platforms including ARM instruction sets.

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Several times today (after the 3/29 patch), it seems like the game would pick a random player on the map and, uhhh, squish them down into a texture file without a mesh, and then blast that file all over the screen. (See picture.)


Something interesting I observed was that I could make the effect go away and come back by panning the camera around. As long as the player wasn't in view, everything was normal. As soon as I turned the camera or they ran into my viewport area, this glitch would return.


Haven't been able to replicate it since restarting the game ca. 11 pm Eastern.



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so, a DX11 feedback update:

reminder on system build: AMD 5900x w/ 32GB DDR4 G.SKill 3600 RAM w/ Asus Crosshair 8 Extreme (x570 chipset) mobo, and 2- RTX 2070 SUpers in NVlink, running 2k (2650x1600) resolution)

i updated BIOS to 0606 and X570 chipset drivers to (GFX drivers are also up to date)

-tested each card individually to make sure it worked for the game fine... on DX11... was perfect: meaning no artifacts. (not commenting on any other DX11 bug because i wasn't paying attention to whether or not those other bugs happened) was seeing 60-70 FPS in most areas, dropping down to mid 20s in zergs.

-tested both cards in SLI, Alternate Frame Rendering 2 mode. both cards boosted their clocks above normal, software showed about 40-50% GPU usage on both cards, gained about 75-100% FPS. (over 100 FPS, sometimes 150s, dropping to mid 40s in zergs)  DX11 showed artifacts (what i previously called a "light show") after a short time, slowly increasing over 2 hours until i turned character model quality to low, but still showed in a lesser extent. this mode in DE meta w/ full squad. 

-reset SLI mode to "Nvidia Recommended", and only the primary card clocked up to boosted clocks (EDIT: showing  60-100% GPU usage), the secondary card primarily handled physics computations (EDIT: showing 20-30% GPU2 usage) , but the clock speed seemed idle. still got 50% more FPS than a solo card, but not as much as AFR2 mode above. (90-120 FPS dropping into mid 40s while in zergs) NO artifacts at all. running several hours in WvW in 30-40 player squads during NA prime time. also fought several map blob squads. also no artifacts.

EDIT: on DX9, both GPUs spool up to full clocks, but still runs fewer frames. i was running through some grass in Shing Jae, on DX9 i was dipping into the 40s, while DX11 dipped into the high 60s. i wonder if the dynamic grass in DX9 and non-dynamic grass in DX11 affected this.

the software and BIOS updates improved performance on my rig by about 10%, but the biggest difference i found was changing SLI mode away from AFR2. and since Nvidia officially stopped supporting SLI, and since DX12 ultra (included with Win11) can use multi-GPU setups without bridge-links, it seems that AFR mode of multi-GPU setups is dead.

and below are a reminder of a "light show" or in other words "artifacts"

On 12/1/2021 at 9:40 PM, Bristingr.5034 said:

After updating the game today, Eye of the North gives me seizure-level graphics.



On 12/8/2021 at 9:06 PM, Forgotten Legend.9281 said:


i call it a "light show." i get it on DX11 only, even on windows 11 pro. DX9 never gives me this. when i see it, it's usually because of a lot of glowy effects on characters, their mounts, or their pets. and the artifacts usually eminate from any character's eyes. another way of saying it: one of the triangle points from an artiufact usually seems to come from some character's eyes.


PS: for those wondering, it's not from any hardware overheating or temperatures, as they're the same with both DX9 and DX11.


Edited by Forgotten Legend.9281
1) a few clarifications; 2) GPU usages
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On 11/30/2021 at 12:09 PM, Nakhiir.8065 said:

I haven't seen anybody mention this yet, but with DX11 on, all groundcover (grasses, flowers, etc.) no longer moves when you, your mount, or a projectile passes through it. As soon as I go back to DX9, I can walk through the same grass and have it react to my character passing through it.


I've asked around and other people are also having this issue, but I have not seen it reported anywhere.

Oh hell I just noticed this!

I was like "I thought this game has dynamic grass??"  Good to know it has a cause.  Pretty bad bug 'cause that feature added a lot to the feel of the game 😞

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On 11/30/2021 at 11:09 AM, Nakhiir.8065 said:

I haven't seen anybody mention this yet, but with DX11 on, all groundcover (grasses, flowers, etc.) no longer moves when you, your mount, or a projectile passes through it. As soon as I go back to DX9, I can walk through the same grass and have it react to my character passing through it.


I've asked around and other people are also having this issue, but I have not seen it reported anywhere.

i hadn't noticed this before.... but i can confirm. dynamic grass works on DX9, but not on DX11. and now that i've noticed it, ugh... DX11 won't be the same til this is re-implemented.

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Don't know if it's been mentioned by others, but I get extreme input latency on DX11, which forces me to revert.

I keep switching back to DX11 hoping to see it resolved, but the issue has persisted since the DX11 option has been available.

All of my keyboard commands - WASD, 1-5, spacebar, etc. - all execute after a significant delay.

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Since using DX11 together with reshade (it looks amazing with it) I have had extremely minor issues. Very rarely I would say 1% of the time I did see some textures with weird colors, maybe some a solid purple or some just black. Logging off and on fixes that. But there is one very minor one that is not fixed. When walking through certain grass patches the grass would move like it does with DX9 but with DX11 it does not. Hopefully this will be fixed before DX11 gets out of beta, it's minor but I really miss that nice realistic touch 😊.

Edited by Tony.8659
typing error
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My system has three monitors arranged 1-2-3-4 where 2 is my main monitor and where GW2 is displayed.  When using GW2 in Fullscreen with DX11, I often switch to another application such as Chrome on monitor 1 using Win-Tab keys. GW2 is still visible on monitor 2 and when I move the mouse over the surface of monitor 2 without clicking, GW2 grabs control of the mouse pointer and will not let it keep moving to any other monitor.  When using DX9, this behavior does not occur.  It is quite annoying.

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1) since the last update, on desert BL in WvW.... the map sometimes glitches out and shows 4 map tiles copied of inner fire keep, and those extra 3 tiles cover up the actual map of places in outer fire keep and even the shrines.


2) sometimes i minimize the game to look stuff up on the wiki. whenever i do this, it seems to overwhelm the game coding like it's having memory leaks, until all of a sudden it crashes, and then when i enter the game again, it's a slideshow at 1fps or slower. after several times of this, i had to restart the computer. (it sucks because it's the first time i happened to be in a good met-map for kaineng, and i didn't get credit for the tapestry collection because of the crash during the final boss fight.) i don't know if this is DX11 related, BGFX related (i used to get BGFX crashes when running DX9 after BGFX was implemented), or just core-game-coding oriented. i don't get this crash unless i minimize and then play for awhile afterwords. to clarify, when i minimize the game, i don't close / restart it when i return to playing it.


reminder on build:

AMD ryzen 5900x

Asus Crosshair 8 Extreme mobo

32GB G.skill 3600 RAM (on QVL for Mobo)

RTX 2070 super (x2 in nvidia recommended SLI mode, not afr2)

win11 pro

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The "Full Screen" option doesn't work at all when I'm running game in DX11 mode - instead game is permanently stuck in "Windowed Fullscreen" which means whenever I switch to resolution lower than my computer screen entire screen becomes blurry and unreadable.

Here's short gif showing the problem when I switch from native display resolution to 1/4th of it (5120x2160 -> 2560x1080).


EDIT. Added imgur album with two screenshots taken in DX9 and DX11 modes. In both I have Full Screen 2560x1080 enabled - the only difference is new DX11 renderer not enforcing game to run in true fullscreen mode and running in borderless windowed at my native monitor resolution.


Edited by inbadplace.7329
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2 hours ago, inbadplace.7329 said:

The "Full Screen" option doesn't work at all when I'm running game in DX11 mode - instead game is permanently stuck in "Windowed Fullscreen" which means whenever I switch to resolution lower than my computer screen entire screen becomes blurry and unreadable.

Here's short gif showing the problem when I switch from native display resolution to 1/4th of it (5120x2160 -> 2560x1080).



This is may  be due to how Windows 10 does fullscreen

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1 hour ago, MithranArkanere.8957 said:

This is may  be due to how Windows 10 does fullscreen

From that page:

"With the release of Windows 10, we added Fullscreen Optimizations – which takes full screen exclusive games and runs them instead in a highly optimized borderless windowed format that takes up the entire screen."

Later they give solution how to disable it for specific game but in case of GW2 it doesn't fix the issue.  Even with “Disable Fullscreen Optimizations" option turned on in Compatibility tab - game still runs in windowed borderless instead of true full screen.

Again - this is not the issue with DX9 renderer - that's why I put post about it here in beta graphics issue thread.

If I select "Full Screen - 2560x1080" in DX9 mode - game is running at that exact resolution with crisp UI.

I'm pretty sure it's GW2 issue with how they implemented fullscreen things on their end because I'm not having this issue in any other game like Cyberpunk 2077 and Pathfinder Wrath I'm playing right now.

It really does suck since I read that with DX11 there is nice overall boost to fps and even with my GTX 2080ti it often drops to as low as 15-20fps in cities, wvw or big meta events - even with character model limit set to low 😞

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