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Without Server (world) identity, what are we fighting for?


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On 9/23/2021 at 1:55 AM, SweetPotato.7456 said:

What are we fighting for when the server identity is removed and all that's left is but a label or name plate. 

Remind me of the meme

- Where is it written that this game should be about guild fights?

- In the name Guild Wars?


Nah but rly, this opens a perfect spot for active guilds to form great and active alliances. Also, it puts whole "server" within the hierarchy of authority, resulting in guild officers, commanders etc having more influence over the game, due to guild priviledges. And it's a good thing, it's a blody war after all.


So yep, guild wars it is 😄

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Getting to play with old server friends and guilds will be nice even for a week, rather than what has became of my server, mainly due to transfers, server pairings and how the population algorithm has worked, after they brought in this Server Linking system.

As long as the queues aren't so bad at least, hopefully the week goes smoothly. So yeah forget server pride, with the current state of WvW.

Edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048
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WvW is dead anyway. Its just most of the time cloud vs cloud and which one has more people.


With Alliances it will be more cloud/small scale focused. 


Alliance Guilds will have their own private pubs on their TS, the small scale guilds sitting in their private TS/DC too and the rest will be the unworthy peasants no one wants to play with. 

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16 hours ago, displayname.8315 said:


Magswag filled up their 500 friends.  And not like you can't get a community guild going at any time.  Your friends list is a great place to start.  Way more flexibility in playing with friends than the old servers.


Maybe some decided to actually join a guild.  It's like when your school friend moves away.  Sad but you make new ones.



That's still just a guild and those members next placement are at the leaderships whim.

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I feel that plan just for the sake of playing may not always be the Great motivator for many people. I've always been lackluster in my enthusiasm for World versus World. I've been playing Guild Wars since the original game back in 2005 or 2006 I think and was in on the beta test for Guild Wars 2 and have been playing since then. For level 80 characters of course with my favorite be my necromancer. I feel that if there is to be something worth fighting for it should be either a gold reward of some kind based on actual game level, or a rare item or material or something that would make the hours invested worth it for the player other than just bragging rights of some kind. I thought back in the day that if your server one that server was getting double or triple loot drops or something but I don't remember anymore if that was the case. Maybe that would be the thing, that your server that you're playing on if you win will get for that week extra loot from loot drops that is at the legendary or exotic level? That would be epic as it would allow many players who solo the game to get access potentially to rare materials to create their legendary weapons and armor. Maybe something else along that line.

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With the exception of a handful of us, people stopped playing the game as designed when servers were opened for transfers.  Now, everyone takes the path of least resistance.  Fighting doors, only fighting outnumbered servers with your map que, and they are doing it for easy rank and loot.  Alliances are not going to change any of this.  The only thing you ever see people brag about in chat is the number of bags they got.  Not skilled fights, or tactical brilliance...loot.  Honestly, at this point, I wish they would just remove the scoring system.  Make kills the only thing that contributes to score.  Then, remove ALL loot from guards and players and tie it to reward tracks.  Once that happens, the only thing people will have to fight for is pride and victory, kind of like the game was designed for.

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On 9/23/2021 at 9:01 AM, Daredevil.2745 said:

bandwagonners don't have pride, identity or any kind of honor, and they are 80% of population.

linkings and growing bandwagon mentality of playerbase in this game is the reason why i stopped playing, liek you said there is nothign to fight for, no motivation, allinces will just make few people who still cares leave the game. gw2 wvw is the gamemode for cheap wins and banwagonning

80% of the population? How you figured that out? Consider bandwagon servers are about 2 at the most 3 and then there  are all other servers. So how is that 80%

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3 hours ago, Sunyavadin.7962 said:

This whole system just seems so pointless, like, what motivation do I have in even picking which random name I sign my guild up with this week? How do I pick one with the community I am used to?

Most of my friends in the game are in the same guild(s) as me, though. Some people in my primary guild also play other games together. A lot of us text-chat with each other on Discord during the workday, et cetera. All I need to do to keep playing with those people is press a single button to register them as my WvW guild.

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8 hours ago, Leaa.2943 said:

80% of the population? How you figured that out? Consider bandwagon servers are about 2 at the most 3 and then there  are all other servers. So how is that 80%

In all fairness, a "bandwagoner" is someone who transfers to a place where it is popular to transfer (to "win", to gain access to existing content rather than attempt to build content where it is low, etc.). With that in mind, most servers have bandwagoners. If someone tails the WSR core around, they are bandwagoners. However, if someone comes to these forums and asks where there are alot of nice, social and somewhat casual players and gets directed to stack Gandara deep into full: They are also a bandwagoner.

I don't really care about whatever % of the population it is, but I think it is apt to point out that alot of people here on the forums confuse who- or what a bandwagon(er) is: It is usually not whoever triggers the migration, it is whoever follows the migration. It is especially important to underline in a thread about "server pride", because alot of the people who espouse server pride and points fingers at others are many times the bandwagoners themselves (eg., they have transfered to some relative healthy server at one point [content or tier] and then they drape themselves in that server's "pride"). In fact, having a "server identity" makes people more likely to be or become bandwagoners even though there are indeed some guilds that follow other guilds around.

Edited by subversiontwo.7501
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