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Realm you’re trying to join is full!

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  • Grimlineman.6759 changed the title to Realm you’re trying to join is full!

ANet reduced the number of players per labyrinth instance on purpose a couple of years ago. They didn't explain why, but if I had to guess I would think that it's either because it makes scaling the events easier (since there will never be a huge zerg trivializing any of the events), or to make sure there are plenty of instances actively played, to allow each player to find an active map with people that have similar goals (farm bosses, farm bags without bosses, whatever). Likely it's even a combination of both.


Unlike meta events and world bosses, the labyrinth has proven to work fine with the low map count over the last couple of years. If you don't find a matching group with an open instance, simply put one up yourself. You'll find that it's easy to lead a group around the labyrinth, and that there are always plenty of people ready to join. If you want to play a certain way (bosses/no bosses, low damage only, casual pace, whatever), then putting up your own group with a matching description will even make it easier to get players to your instance that like to play the same way, too.

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Yes it can be fixed. They can end the event and remove the map. Happy?

Otherwise, that's how the GW2 engine work on a fundamental level. Multiple instances because there's so many players. There is nothing wrong and nothing to "fix".

If you want to see how other games "fix" this, look at New World. It's fantastic to be number 10,000 in queue.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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1 hour ago, Grimlineman.6759 said:

I was thinking about a fix along the lines of an icon next to the group in LFG showing the map the groups in is at or close to capacity.

The problem is that there is no guarantee the whole group is on one map. I'm not sure how much data overhead it would be if each group advertised in the lfg you check is queried as to whether they're all on a full map or not, especially if you want to update the indicator in real time (or close to).


As an example let's look back to the recent festival of the four winds, more specifically the crown pavillion boss blitz. I've frequently joined squads that were spread across different map instances. When the main group finished one boss blitz, squad members on the other maps would call out the status of their map, and many players would jump around different map instances to minimize the downtime between whatever activity they were after (mostly boss blitz, but some were actually using that to e.g. farm centaurs on preparation maps).


Whenever a player changed map instance, the game would query the map they wanted to join in, then give back feedback to the client if that map was full or not. Imagine instead of having to choose to join, the game would indicate whether the other maps were full or not, possibly re-checking every second. The network traffic would explode exponentially, especially if you'd "monitor" the status of several maps at the same time (no matter if you show indicators on an lfg tab or in party/squad view). I've played a few games in my time that weren't careful about the amount of information they send to the clients, and something like that can quickly get out of hand to the point where it has an actual (negative) impact on game performance.


Anyway, all that technical stuff aside, leading labyrinth groups really isn't hard, and most people are fine with "commanders" that do nothing more than run in a circle. If you want to try it out, open a 10-person-squad (you can do that without a commander tag) and advertise on lfg with something like "new to commanding, help welcome". If you have a mentor tag you might also consider popping that, just so other potential commanders coming to the map know that there's somebody busy on there already.

Edited by Rasimir.6239
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An icon showing full instances has been suggested many times before since the mega servers arrived 7 years or so ago. In theory it’s a great idea, but given how quickly populations change in an instance, it may not prove very intuitive. And given GW2’s foundation code is a notorious mess, it’s prob something that isn’t easy to do.

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I usually just go to the bottom find something that has 9 or 10 people and join. Usually I don't have to wait. I assume the top groups are full, because most of the time they are.  You just hit a group that has 9 or 10 people and it'll be big enough to get everything done anyway.

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5 hours ago, Doggie.3184 said:

need an option to filter out groups in full maps

As someone already pointed out, a whole group need not be in the same map instance. Or even on the same map. So, which person's map full state are you going to show? All of them? That...might be doable in theory, but would likely end up a visual mess.

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4 hours ago, Ben K.6238 said:

Instance management in general needs a redesign. If you have to use LFG to get around the instance you're being placed in, it's obviously not doing its job properly.

Pretty much this.

To be clear. LFG is not really a tool for selecting the instance you want to play in. To be frank, there are no tools for self selecting instances, and LFG taxis are just some weird workaround that kind of works, but kind of sucks.

Edited by PseudoNewb.5468
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THIS! Thank you for bringing this up! I am actually livid over this issue. I've spent more time trying to find a group whose instance I can actually join than doing the fricking Labyrinth. A simple indicator would be perfect so I can save my time and energy 'testing' these groups. I get why the instances exist, but their implementation (and the fact you can even wind up with your party split between instances) is bogus at best. When I join a party, I want to JOIN that party not some ghost instance where I'm 'in the party' but on my own. I'm better off just sticking to being antisocial in that case. This needs to be addressed, not changed just addressed somehow so we can join a party and do what we joined to do: GROUP UP.

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18 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I usually just go to the bottom find something that has 9 or 10 people and join. Usually I don't have to wait. I assume the top groups are full, because most of the time they are.  You just hit a group that has 9 or 10 people and it'll be big enough to get everything done anyway.

This. And because so many players are entering the Labyrinth, the group you joined will be 20+ strong in no time so you do not have to be afraid  that your group will be too small ( if that is even a thing here). 

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Every time i enter the labyrinth it's deserted with a few players on a door or doing the race. When i hit-up lfg, all i get is 'map full' which seems to me a bit absurd that a map is full even though the squad is at 25+. If you're going to cut down on map population so harshly, just don't let us make squads with a capacity higher than the map can hold.

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The Labyrinth has emphasized the impact of this situation, but it's something that has existed for a long time.  I really wish there was a map queueing system similar to WvW for when maps are full.  Not only would this prevent the needs to constantly spam click to join, but it would also let you know just how in demand the map is by showing the queue size.

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