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Why is there an update everytime I log in?

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It's fairly common for GW2 to get 2-3 smaller updates in the days after a patch to fix bugs, crashes and other problems. This time I think we're getting it more than usual because as well as the festival update and some balance changes there's the on-going DX11 beta where they probably want to launch fixes as soon as they can so they can see what effect they have and how that might affect what they need to do next rather.

Since they don't have to take the game offline to update it I've never found the updates that disruptive. The worst that's happened is last night I found it was slightly harder to get into a Labyrinth farming group because I think I was seeing both ones in the updated version of the game (which I had) and ones in the old version and if I picked an older one I didn't get the option to join them in the map. Normally either I just pick up the update when I log in or when it's convenient I log out to get it and then log back in and carry on.

If you want to know why they've updated it you can check the patch notes. Normally the follow-up updates are fairly boring (a lot just say 'fixed a client crash' or something similar), but sometimes it's worthwhile because it's fixing something you've been having problems with, like a bugged event or the recent update to the Halloween jumping puzzle.

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A: Rabblerabble! This is outrageous!! How could they! I want to speak to the manager! There needs to be a solution to this problem,NAO!!!!!!

B: Uhm...sure here it is. Always has been.  Just a mousclick away.

A: ...


Just to exemplify that, in the time OP made this thread, he/she could have found the solution by themselves. But it's far easier to be outraged than engaged.

Edited by lokh.2695
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2 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

It would be a nice improvement to the launcher to include the relevant patch notes. More useful than ads anyway.

You may be right, although we don’t know what it would take programming wise.


Bu I DO know that it takes far less time to go to the ‘game updates’ thread, and read them, then it takes to come here and create a thread.


And the same amount of time as it takes to come read this thread.

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2 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

It would be a nice improvement to the launcher to include the relevant patch notes. More useful than ads anyway.

On the other hand, if someone has time to complain about the updates, then they easly have the time to click on the relevant subforum/thread to read the patchnotes.

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1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Don't most, if not pretty much all, game launchers provide a link to the latest build or release notes? 

The Elder Scrolls Online one does. Although I had to load it up to check because like GW2 I never use the link on the launcher, I probably already have a web browser open by the time I log in so I just go to the forum and look myself.

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There is literally a section here in the very forums you used to post this "complaint" aptly labeled Game Update Notes that always has update patch notes for even small updates that occasionally fix a server crash.  So... yes... they already have this thing "they should have" and it's existed for years.

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I just want the return to icebrood saga to appear when i see updates 😔



I want to finish the season of dragons achievement line, what is so confusing about that,  most stupid kittening emote ever, big deal you don't like that living world season.

Edited by Healy.9537
Stupid kittening confused emotes
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