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Yet Another AFK Farming Post...

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3 hours ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:


Well, A-Net advertises their game as you play as you want.

Those guys obey all rules and laws. This is why A-Net is perfectly fine with how things are.

Otherwise they would change it.


Why do you guys always fight upstream when everyone else is nicely cruising downstream.

Those guys do nothing wrong and still you guys want to punish them so badly..... for what exactly?

For many reasons
1. Some of the time these people do this in areas where specific mobs need to be killed to accomplish tasks and their persistant nearly afk farming means no mobs to kill. 
2. For some players it completely removes the immersion of the game world. The unsightly cluster of players nearly afk or afk farming totally breaks with the narrative/feel of the games world. 
3. Some players view it as lazy/scummy behavior that is to be discouraged because youre not actually playing the game just abusing mechanics, or loose TOS guidelines.
4. This type of behavior negatively affects the market on certain items making them super cheap when they shouldnt be, and gives players who arent actually actively contributing to the games community a decent income for what many consider slumming.
5. A portion of semi afkers and afkers are RMT traders who are running as many accounts as they can to earn money efficiently with very little input so they can then sell the Gold online to other players. This type of player is 100% against the TOS, and also by most gaming community standards absolute scum. So when players see someone 'botting', afking, semi afking, they assume they are RMT traders and that they need to be banned permanently. 

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4 hours ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:


Oh geez that breaks my heart.

Just give me a sec, i need a tissue to dry my tears.

Someone who wants to sell to people more expensive than the others is affected by lower prices.


Ever thought about playing the game as intended and not as a farming simulator?




Aren’t you the one that has multiple accounts and farms?  So if it were made so that players could not bot at all as well as obtain loot in the same method the necros do with their minions, would you complain?  What’s to stop someone from throwing back what you just said in your post and tell you to play the game as intended and not as a farming simulator?


What you seem to not grasp, or simply choose to ignore, is a lot of things in this game which are desirable often require gold to acquire or at least if you intend to acquire them in a timely manner. Farming is also very much a part of this game with players doing meta trains, gathering items such as for ascended trinkets, and so on. 

Prices being reduced impacts these players who are playing the game. 



Edited by mythical.6315
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34 minutes ago, Leo.3428 said:

Open World PvE is too peaceful. What if the maps spawned loot-less overpowered abominations every time someone stays put for too long?

(And yes, I am joking. But it would be funny.)

Actually, having individual map "Steve's" running around that decimate AFK players is a great idea IMO, probably the best one I've seen so far ... and they could be made so attentive players can avoid them and avoid safe zones where no farming would take place anyways.  

Edited by Obtena.7952
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12 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Actually, having individual map "Steve's" running around that decimate AFK players is a great idea IMO, probably the best one I've seen so far ... and they could be made so attentive players can avoid them and avoid safe zones where no farming would take place anyways.  

It would make for some epic videos taken from aboard a sky scale…

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9 hours ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

If support advises you to open a thread here, things are a little different. They know their own official documents and the rules they have to follow. In addition, every of these threads is a threat to the game's reputation. The forums are visible to the entire internet, without restrictions - at least that part we use (except for national barriers). So the big question for me is, why would they advise something that could contribute to lower sales-income?

The only thing I can imagine is something like a topic-count requirement. For example, we do our next ban-wave once the pile of complaints has reached 1k topics. Maybe there is an internal rule, which works with the frequency this topic pops up. But on the other hand, the forums are not representative for the game's community - we are a fraction of a fraction, the few of us who dare to post content.

Community wise, the problem cannot be solved. You cannot reason with the players in question. For them, every complaining person is an ungrateful dimwit, who does not appreciate lower TP prices for materials (see above). Looking from that perspective, there is absolutely no excuse why everyone else is not botting XD. But if we do that, they can cut the development-costs massively, lay off everyone but one office and make GW2 a browser-game. You log in once, set up your characters with their tasks, return and count the loot. We have tons of these games on the market. They make good profit and are popular. But most of us did not come here to play browser-game with a Guildwars skin.

The previous attempts also mostly failed - Karmic Retribution. We have a few maps that still give proper loot. The rest only gives proper loot if you deploy your characters for entire days :S. Ruined the experience for normal players. 

In the past we did have a system that worked to counter this kind of (ab)use, DR. But it does not seem to work with the current problem. Else the phenomenon would not exist, because it would reward nothing. As many good old features, it probably needs a rework to apply to our current situation. Those who benefit from the 'system' will come and tell that DR works totally fine and should not be touched. In fact they might even advise to remove it and let the players decide on their own, how they want to 'play' the game. 

And then there is the problem of monetization, what we mostly ignore on the forums. Those who use the system could reason with this, but they never do. "I keep this game alive with my 50 PAID accounts!"  Every bot, every afk-farmer can only operate with a paid account. F2P accounts do not work as they cannot trade/mail items. The moment the abuse is prevented, we lose those customers. We do not have monthly subscriptions. The game only runs by game-purchases and the gemstore. The drastic increase of afk/bot-accounts may have lead to a lot of income.

This is basically the progress so far. What we still lack is a proper solution. 


I was going to spend more time responding to this particular post, but it's too meaningless to do so.  This is the perfect example of hyperbole and post hoc reasoning.  Nothing here is based on fact.

There has been incidents wherein ArenaNet adjusted game mechanics to dissuade afk farming that became problematic.  Lake Doric is one such example (the centaur siege engines).  They are perfectly capable of implementing solutions as needed.  

The paragraph about monetization is an example of completely horrid business strategy.  If ArenaNet really operated this way, they'd have red-lined years ago.


6 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

^^^ This is the part that always makes me laugh. No one seems to consider the impact that it has on real farmers. Buyers never think of sellers. There are always two sides of the equation. The harm that forum goers don't seem to get is on the other sellers. Note, I am not a farmer so don't have a dog in this show, but the forums quite often are one sided and only think and reply from the buying side which I do have issue with. Having known farmers in this game that was their biggest complaint and why some left. 


The awesome thing about the GW2 market system is that attentive players can always find profitable farms (active not afk(.  If a certain commodity becomes too cheap to be considered worth it for an individual player, that player can always spend time elsewhere (assuming the goal is monetary).  

I witness this all the time because I track the breadbasket of goods on the TP.  Prices fluctuate relative to each other based on where the hot farming spots are.  As those spots change, so too do prices shift.  

If you only do a few things you enjoy, and those things become less lucrative, then you found the segment of players this does apply to.  This is problematic for this particular segment of players.


1 hour ago, Bobbeh Kai.5476 said:

For many reasons
1. Some of the time these people do this in areas where specific mobs need to be killed to accomplish tasks and their persistant nearly afk farming means no mobs to kill. 
2. For some players it completely removes the immersion of the game world. The unsightly cluster of players nearly afk or afk farming totally breaks with the narrative/feel of the games world. 
3. Some players view it as lazy/scummy behavior that is to be discouraged because youre not actually playing the game just abusing mechanics, or loose TOS guidelines.
4. This type of behavior negatively affects the market on certain items making them super cheap when they shouldnt be, and gives players who arent actually actively contributing to the games community a decent income for what many consider slumming.
5. A portion of semi afkers and afkers are RMT traders who are running as many accounts as they can to earn money efficiently with very little input so they can then sell the Gold online to other players. This type of player is 100% against the TOS, and also by most gaming community standards absolute scum. So when players see someone 'botting', afking, semi afking, they assume they are RMT traders and that they need to be banned permanently. 


  1. The game's loot-sharing mechanic makes this much less of a problem.  A single hit will get you experience and loot, unless the build you are running is really that defensive/inefficient.  If it does become an actual problem, ArenaNet can affect changes to to fix the problem.  In short, this normally isn't a problem.  On the few cases that it is, ArenaNet will create the needed solution.  Crying wolf on non-issues makes it much harder for ArenaNet to be aware of actual problems.
  2. I can understand this one.
  3. This isn't really a valid argument.  If it were, then everyone's personal opinion of what is "scummy" will also be valid.  The game would be a ghost town (especially after the "elitist" vs. "casual" war).
  4. You underestimate the vastness of the player population.  Items that become "too cheap" will rise in price as people find out about how cheap it is and start buying up.  The same is true for selling (when prices are "too high" people start offloading onto the tp, driving the price down).  The instances where a commodity was truly problematic, ArenaNet implemented changes in-games, such as recipe adjustments are additional material sinks, to fix the issue.  You have to think over the long-run, not the short-run, if you want to bring up economic arguments.
  5. Seems like something we, as players, cannot truly know for certain.  Such knowledge requires security tools that would break the ToS if we used them.  It would also require physical/electronic surveillance that would be a crime for those without the credentials to conduct such operations.  ArenaNet has the tools and information security specialists to take care of this.  Let them do their job that they are qualified to perform.


23 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

It would make for some epic videos taken from aboard a sky scale…

Until ArenaNet adds the white mantle anti-air systems on it. 😨


17 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

If AFK farmers are farming materials for so long that it is affecting the price of said materials, why are they farming said materials?  If the prices are so low as to affect sellers, why are these AFK farmers choosing that low-price material to farm? 


This. No notes.


Edited by Rogue.8235
dumb typos
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1 hour ago, Bobbeh Kai.5476 said:

For many reasons
1. Some of the time these people do this in areas where specific mobs need to be killed to accomplish tasks and their persistant nearly afk farming means no mobs to kill. 
2. For some players it completely removes the immersion of the game world. The unsightly cluster of players nearly afk or afk farming totally breaks with the narrative/feel of the games world. 
3. Some players view it as lazy/scummy behavior that is to be discouraged because youre not actually playing the game just abusing mechanics, or loose TOS guidelines.
4. This type of behavior negatively affects the market on certain items making them super cheap when they shouldnt be, and gives players who arent actually actively contributing to the games community a decent income for what many consider slumming.
5. A portion of semi afkers and afkers are RMT traders who are running as many accounts as they can to earn money efficiently with very little input so they can then sell the Gold online to other players. This type of player is 100% against the TOS, and also by most gaming community standards absolute scum. So when players see someone 'botting', afking, semi afking, they assume they are RMT traders and that they need to be banned permanently. 

1: Do you mean Renown Hearts? Usually there are other tasks you can do to complete it.

2: I'd say there are plenty of Single Player games out there if seeing a big group of Engineers or Necromancers breaks immersion.

3: That's someone else's opinion of what Scummy behaviour is. I have my opinions. I do a bit of WvW, two things I don't think people should do is attack a player getting their daily Master of Monuments. If you really want to fight them wait outside the circle, hit them with ranged so they can't WP away as soon as it ticks over. But let them get their daily, it doesn't harm you or your server to do that. Another thing is attacking players waiting for the Warg. They just want their daily. Worst I've seen is killing the player during the Warg fight then leaving it alive, so intentionally preventing the daily for nothing. Just a couple of opinions, some people may find low effoort farming to be scummy behaviour but in my opinion the two examples I gave are more scummy behaviour than that.

4: Remember, if the item becomes too cheap the farmers will stop and try to farm something more expensive. It's got to hold it's value to be worth farming.

5: That's a different issue. It's like saying a portion of people who drive red cars speed. Speeding is against the law. At the same time not all red cars speed. So should all red cars be frowned upon because some red car drivers speed? The RMT low effort farmers are bad because they are RMT, not because they are low effort farmers and not all low effort farmers are RMT. I'm sure a portion of players who "flip" at the trading post are RMT but that doesn't make them all bad.

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3 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

Aren’t you the one that has multiple accounts and farms?  So if it were made so that players could not bot at all as well as obtain loot in the same method the necros do with their minions, would you complain?  What’s to stop someone from throwing back what you just said in your post and tell you to play the game as intended and not as a farming simulator?


What you seem to not grasp, or simply choose to ignore, is a lot of things in this game which are desirable often require gold to acquire or at least if you intend to acquire them in a timely manner. Farming is also very much a part of this game with players doing meta trains, gathering items such as for ascended trinkets, and so on. 

Prices being reduced impacts these players who are playing the game. 




I have exactly 2 accounts, one for playing, one for standing farming.

I usually do a little bit of everything, T4 fractals, then some roaming in old forgotten maps, then standing farming.

Beside that i have beaten the game, i have all legendaries, all outfits that interest me and all my chars are equipped with ascended stuff.


All this is done by actual playing and not bought with gold from farming.

I actually made most of my riches when the frog pearls were unknown to people.

As soon as i get around the 130 Gold mark i trade it for gems and just let it sit.


And now you come in here and tell me, i am not playing the game as you want me to.


All that for exactly what reason?

I am not playing more legal or illegal and more or less active than other players and still your burning hate

makes you so blind that you still demand people like me getting banned without any reasoning or evidence.


Beside that, if you are so desperate to get that super cool item, get your wallet and do A-Net a real favour. Buy Gems

But i guess supporting A-Net and the game in whole suddenly is not so important anymore.







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4 hours ago, Bobbeh Kai.5476 said:

For many reasons
1. Some of the time these people do this in areas where specific mobs need to be killed to accomplish tasks and their persistant nearly afk farming means no mobs to kill. 
2. For some players it completely removes the immersion of the game world. The unsightly cluster of players nearly afk or afk farming totally breaks with the narrative/feel of the games world. 
3. Some players view it as lazy/scummy behavior that is to be discouraged because youre not actually playing the game just abusing mechanics, or loose TOS guidelines.
4. This type of behavior negatively affects the market on certain items making them super cheap when they shouldnt be, and gives players who arent actually actively contributing to the games community a decent income for what many consider slumming.
5. A portion of semi afkers and afkers are RMT traders who are running as many accounts as they can to earn money efficiently with very little input so they can then sell the Gold online to other players. This type of player is 100% against the TOS, and also by most gaming community standards absolute scum. So when players see someone 'botting', afking, semi afking, they assume they are RMT traders and that they need to be banned permanently. 



This is all opinion or speculating and has nothing to do with rules or law.


If you are so interested in right and wrong why don't you go against the real illegal players.

The whole game mode of PvP is illegal and all players who participate should be banned.


I would even join you since this is a real cause.

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34 minutes ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:



This is all opinion or speculating and has nothing to do with rules or law.


If you are so interested in right and wrong why don't you go against the real illegal players.

The whole game mode of PvP is illegal and all players who participate should be banned.


I would even join you since this is a real cause.

And you’re basing this on what?  Your own misinformed opinion?

Edited by mythical.6315
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41 minutes ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:


I have exactly 2 accounts, one for playing, one for standing farming.

I usually do a little bit of everything, T4 fractals, then some roaming in old forgotten maps, then standing farming.

Beside that i have beaten the game, i have all legendaries, all outfits that interest me and all my chars are equipped with ascended stuff.


All this is done by actual playing and not bought with gold from farming.

I actually made most of my riches when the frog pearls were unknown to people.

As soon as i get around the 130 Gold mark i trade it for gems and just let it sit.


And now you come in here and tell me, i am not playing the game as you want me to.


All that for exactly what reason?

I am not playing more legal or illegal and more or less active than other players and still your burning hate

makes you so blind that you still demand people like me getting banned without any reasoning or evidence.


Beside that, if you are so desperate to get that super cool item, get your wallet and do A-Net a real favour. Buy Gems

But i guess supporting A-Net and the game in whole suddenly is not so important anymore.







You’re the one dictating how someone should play the game. I only flipped it around to show the hypocrisy. 

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9 hours ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:


Oh geez that breaks my heart.

Just give me a sec, i need a tissue to dry my tears.

Someone who wants to sell to people more expensive than the others is affected by lower prices.


Ever thought about playing the game as intended and not as a farming simulator?





Wait, now you have my attention. So someone that has stated they play the game with their toes while reading a book calls out a player for actively farming? Yeah, no, now I am starting to think what you are doing is in question. You really do seem to support botting and AFK farming based on your posts. The game was not meant to be played with ones toes. If you consider that active, while calling out active farmers as over working it, yeah, not so much. I am not saying you are macroing, but if I was a GM I would be wondering. 



Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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1 hour ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:



This is all opinion or speculating and has nothing to do with rules or law.


If you are so interested in right and wrong why don't you go against the real illegal players.

The whole game mode of PvP is illegal and all players who participate should be banned.


I would even join you since this is a real cause.


Why do you still make this about you? You have said many times you are actively playing, multi-boxing/multi-accounts or not, others have said they are talking about the non-active players? So why are you attacking posters that are telling Anet they risk losing other accounts? AFK farming and botting should not be supported in any form. 

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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4 hours ago, Rogue.8235 said:

<Lots, see above>



@Rogue.8235, I am not disagreeing that there are opportunities for players out there that are paying attention. I am supporting the active farmers over the AFK and botting farmers. I am not saying I agree with what they are farming or not. Again, not a farmer in this game. But to spin it on you. Once an AFK farmer knew your market and could AFK 24 hrs vesrus your 1, you would be good with it? I doubt that based on your post. 

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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11 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

If AFK farmers are farming materials for so long that it is affecting the price of said materials, why are they farming said materials?  If the prices are so low as to affect sellers, why are these AFK farmers choosing that low-price material to farm? 

Seems an odd choice. 

Because it's still profitable to sell the contents of Material shipments. When it becomes not profitable, they stop.

And there's 5 different volatile magic shipments, if one starts being too low to bother, others don't... 


Also, they do cost 1 gold per shipment, so, the prices can only get so low before they start being not worth it, so the prices will never drop as low to completely invalidate shipments because no one will sell their materials on TP below what they would add up to 1g for what they would potentially get out of the shipment. That static 1g price is keeping the prices on TP up. So it's always profitable to sell. And when it isn't, there's other shipments to buy.


In the end, people have been doing that for a long time, afk farming and all, and not once was there a crash of said materials, no one broke the TP and T6 mats were always worth selling. 

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12 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

And you’re basing this on what?  Your own misinformed opinion?


1. Some of the time these people do this in areas where specific mobs need to be killed to accomplish tasks and their persistant nearly afk farming means no mobs to kill. 
2. For some players it completely removes the immersion of the game world. The unsightly cluster of players nearly afk or afk farming totally breaks with the narrative/feel of the games world. 
3. Some players view it as lazy/scummy behavior that is to be discouraged because youre not actually playing the game just abusing mechanics, or loose TOS guidelines.
4. This type of behavior negatively affects the market on certain items making them super cheap when they shouldnt be, and gives players who arent actually actively contributing to the games community a decent income for what many consider slumming.
5. A portion of semi afkers and afkers are RMT traders who are running as many accounts as they can to earn money efficiently with very little input so they can then sell the Gold online to other players. This type of player is 100% against the TOS, and also by most gaming community standards absolute scum. So when players see someone 'botting', afking, semi afking, they assume they are RMT traders and that they need to be banned permanently. 



I marked the parts in every sentence that made me say it's purely opinion and speculation


All points you make have always those key elements

Some people, a portion, they assume, they view it, most gaming communities, many consider, semi AFK..... and so on

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12 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

You’re the one dictating how someone should play the game. I only flipped it around to show the hypocrisy. 


ah ok...

Never seen me running around in forums asking for other people getting banned for not playing how i like it.

If someone asks me, everyone can do whatever they want.

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12 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


Wait, now you have my attention. So someone that has stated they play the game with their toes while reading a book calls out a player for actively farming? Yeah, no, now I am starting to think what you are doing is in question. You really do seem to support botting and AFK farming based on your posts. The game was not meant to be played with ones toes. If you consider that active, while calling out active farmers as over working it, yeah, not so much. I am not saying you are macroing, but if I was a GM I would be wondering. 




It is irrelevant what i consider active, according to A-Net i am active.

That's good enough for me.


Beside that i don't call out any farmers at all. I just saying, if they would play the game as intended, they wouldn't cry on a daily base about the trade market prices.

And let's be honest, this is what all that jazz is about, lower prices because someone else is farming more effective and this needs to be removed.


My personal opinion about AFk farming or botting is also irrelevant sine A-Net has crystal clear rules regarding that topic, i don't need an own opinion.


And last but not least, if you would be a GM, can wonder as much as you want to, it is not changing the fact that i am one of the most rule and law obeying player in the whole game

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12 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


Why do you still make this about you? You have said many times you are actively playing, multi-boxing/multi-accounts or not, others have said they are talking about the non-active players? So why are you attacking posters that are telling Anet they risk losing other accounts? AFK farming and botting should not be supported in any form. 


AFK farming and/or Botting is not supported in any form at all.


Where did you get the idea from that it is supported?


I am absolutely sure that A-Net is well aware of reality and if accounts are lost or not.

If this losing accounts in droves would happen, they would adjust gameplay or rules of conducts.

Edited by Kurrilino.2706
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