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Obligatory movement speed request


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Taking traits/runes in order to get the 25% movement speed increase is too lucrative of a choice, which limits build diversity for those unwilling to live without the speed increase. For classes/specs with limited access to swiftness, this feels like a somewhat harsh punishment.


TLDR; Making 25% movement speed increase base line would anger no one.

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I disagree. There are many ways to move, and not all rely on passive traits. Some people will use weapon skills to move. You simply need to cater your build to movement if you really want it.

I main a thief. Early game, I always used the 25% speed movement passive. However, once I found my own style for playing it, I found that the 25% speed wasn't worth it. I have a damage skill in place of it now. When I want to move fast, I will use Unhindered Combat or shortbow skill 5. 

If everyone had 25% speed increase as a baseline, then no one would be faster. You're asking that everyone move at the same speed and that no one can get movement advantages. You understand, yes? Your request is a matter of perspective. Forcing everyone to move at the same speed would cause combat to feel stale. We currently have the choice to be faster or slower, and everyone has ways to do it. Some classes will focus on one thing more and be worse at another thing. Play the class that best suits you.

Also, everyone uses mounts now. The only time that we're dismounted is when we're in combat, and running away isn't always the best option. If you really want to move fast, get a roller beetle.

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If you raised the base movement speed but maintained the Swiftness ratios on top of that new speed, it wouldn't be long until that felt just as "slow" as the current one does now. I also think that it would throw a wrench into many aspects of level design (like platforming in jumping puzzles or general navigation through maps) which were based around the current movement system. It's not a coincidence that the Path of Fire and later maps are so huge in comparison to earlier maps: they were designed with mount mobility in mind.

TLDR: As Iokh said, speed is fine.


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I used to view a select few classes as slow and it being a problem but between fractal buffs, mounts in open world and all the runes that give speed. I think this issue is mostly something of the past. Aside from a few small scenarios which are usually big boss fights where you don't really need to go very far anyways.

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- 4/9 classes have strait up signets which grant 25% (ranger, thief, elementalist, necromancer)

- warrior has Warrior Sprint on THE most used trait line on the class (Discipline for Fast Hands)

- Engineer has easy access to super speed AND Mecha Legs

- guardian and mesmer as swiftness machines with access to 25% movement speed traits on 2 elites

- revenant has Impossible Odds on Shiro for easy 50% movement speed


That's before even using runes, mounts or other effects like pact commander's Advanced Logistics for cities.


Movement speed should NOT be an issue for any player in 2021 or beyond.

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22 hours ago, Galmac.4680 said:

What answer do you have for necros? I don't even try to chase enemies or try to run away.

Go here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Swiftness

Select "Necromancer" in the two filter boxes.

Observe that Runes of Speed boost Swiftness quite a bit, and that Reaper has a movement ability in Shroud as well.

This is how you end up with the Speed-runes Reaper build you see fairly often in WvW roaming.


PvE players just leveling their characters could consider Locust Signet as well.

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I am not against it but at the same time what is the point?

Out of combat for open world and WvW there are mounts. I've only done DRMs twice so I can't remember if mounts are usable there.

Inside of combat it is one of the elements used in balancing which means nothing will really change in terms of class balance if it is made baseline assuming the balance team does there job correct. If you think some classes need to be buffed then just say that and stop trying to do it in such a roundabout way.

That leaves dungeons, fractals and raids. Dungeons are abandoned content so we can ignore that. Fractals is covered by the mobility potion. As for raids I don't know but I've never seen "I can't move around quick enough" as a complaint regarding raids.

2 hours ago, mtpelion.4562 said:

I don't think that it should be made baseline, but I do think it should be standardized into a skill for all professions and change the existing traits to do something else. I also think it should be added as a 6th slot Rune bonus for at least 3 rune sets. 

Are you a time traveler? In the future there are already 3 runes sets with +25% movement speed in the 6th slot.

Except for the one ele trait(https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zephyr's_Speed_(elementalist)) the rest of the movement speed traits all do something else in addition the movement speed increase.

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  • 7 months later...
On 12/5/2021 at 10:48 AM, Parktou.4263 said:

TLDR; Making 25% movement speed increase base line would anger no one.

People legitimately install, realize how ridiculously slow character movement is, and are presented with overly complex movement speed boons and quit.  There is zero reason why characters should move around this slow, or why it should be a learned thing to figure out how to move faster.


Also, yes I necro.  Don't care.

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