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This needs to stop


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Premade orginazed Team should never face People Who do random is just bad and a unhealty way to design pvp. And don't give me this there not enoguth players to have 2 separate queues maby if u fix things more will be playin.. Thats normal what happens. Premade orginazed Team always have a bigger advantage than People Who don't and is not fair to the players playin

Edited by Nightcore.5621
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20 minutes ago, Nightcore.5621 said:

Premade orginazed Team should never face People Who do random is just bad and a unhealty way to design pvp. And don't give me this there not enoguth players to have 2 separate queues maby if u fix things more will be playin.. Thats normal what happens. Premade orginazed Team always have a bigger advantage than People Who don't and is not fair to the players playin

Weird, I've heard people wanted full 5man premades in rankeds.

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36 minutes ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

What disadvantages do you have as a random?

League of legends released some data about this, teams there were not full premades facing full premades  had only 30% winrate, so yes, it's pretty obvious what disavantage you have as 5 pugs, but come up with data i think it's better than list them one by one.


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32 minutes ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

People who 5 man are usually in comms. Better rotations and burst/ress timing. Better peel support.

and even something like proper teamcomp selection, and knowing what your teammates can do.
I know my healer is kitten so I wont trust him but I know my sidenoder is amazing so I can repeatedly gank for him etc

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Disagree strongly 


Premade teams DO have an advantage, no doubt about that, but that advantage is perfectly fair in the context of a ranked ladder.

Those premade teams will end up climbing the ranks by beating less organized solo queueing players and eventually get matched up against equally sweaty premades and they will end up where they belong on the ladder

If you deliberately choose to solo queue in a competitive team based gamemode you need to come to terms with the fact that you are playing at a disadvantage and the rank you end up at is the rank you belong in based on the amount of effort you are putting in to win

If you don't take the initiative to form your own premade then you dont deserve to rank as high as the tryhard players that do, simple as that

You might be a plat/legend tier player if you play with equally skilled players, but your solo queue potential rank might be hardstuck in gold, which is perfectly reasonable.

Bottom line, if you aren't going to tryhard than dont expect to beat others that are

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1 hour ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Disagree strongly 


Premade teams DO have an advantage, no doubt about that, but that advantage is perfectly fair in the context of a ranked ladder.

Those premade teams will end up climbing the ranks by beating less organized solo queueing players and eventually get matched up against equally sweaty premades and they will end up where they belong on the ladder

If you deliberately choose to solo queue in a competitive team based gamemode you need to come to terms with the fact that you are playing at a disadvantage and the rank you end up at is the rank you belong in based on the amount of effort you are putting in to win

If you don't take the initiative to form your own premade then you dont deserve to rank as high as the tryhard players that do, simple as that

You might be a plat/legend tier player if you play with equally skilled players, but your solo queue potential rank might be hardstuck in gold, which is perfectly reasonable.

Bottom line, if you aren't going to tryhard than dont expect to beat others that are


I wish we had separate ladder for teams and GvG like in GW1...

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3 hours ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Disagree strongly 


Premade teams DO have an advantage, no doubt about that, but that advantage is perfectly fair in the context of a ranked ladder.

Those premade teams will end up climbing the ranks by beating less organized solo queueing players and eventually get matched up against equally sweaty premades and they will end up where they belong on the ladder

If you deliberately choose to solo queue in a competitive team based gamemode you need to come to terms with the fact that you are playing at a disadvantage and the rank you end up at is the rank you belong in based on the amount of effort you are putting in to win

If you don't take the initiative to form your own premade then you dont deserve to rank as high as the tryhard players that do, simple as that

You might be a plat/legend tier player if you play with equally skilled players, but your solo queue potential rank might be hardstuck in gold, which is perfectly reasonable.

Bottom line, if you aren't going to tryhard than dont expect to beat others that are

That is correct of course, however I do see a merit in lifting the sweaty influence from random queue player’s experience.

of course playing solo is all about just relaxing, so such players don’t ‘deserve’ to climb the ladder. However, getting paired with an organised sweaty group is just not fun. In the current system such pairings occur so a division would be welcome. 

not everyone have time to perfect the game and get a coordinated group (it feels impossible to me nowadays). One could say ‘delete the game’ which is one valid option, but the idea of this thread is the other.

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55 minutes ago, Mik.3401 said:

That is correct of course, however I do see a merit in lifting the sweaty influence from random queue player’s experience.

of course playing solo is all about just relaxing, so such players don’t ‘deserve’ to climb the ladder. However, getting paired with an organised sweaty group is just not fun. In the current system such pairings occur so a division would be welcome. 

not everyone have time to perfect the game and get a coordinated group (it feels impossible to me nowadays). One could say ‘delete the game’ which is one valid option, but the idea of this thread is the other.

NO DIVISION, the option is there for everyone.

Many may choose to forgoe that option, but that is not the fault of the players who don't.

There is no reason to subject them to little to no game.

Play with all tools given, or stop complaining.

If players don't care enough to select their team mates, they have NO RIGHT to complain where the RNG places them in the ladder or what team mates they get.

If the option to choose your team is there, and you decline it, it should NOT be the priority of the game to cater the mode to solo randos.

You don't have to find a perfect team, but you can find 1-2 non bot players close to your rating and even without comms take an extra moment to rearrange your comp.

Your games will be drastically better without much effort.

Don't even need to rng, just say into MAP: looking for this and that, btw Im this.

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10 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

League of legends released some data about this, teams there were not full premades facing full premades  had only 30% winrate, so yes, it's pretty obvious what disavantage you have as 5 pugs, but come up with data i think it's better than list them one by one.


Another fact being that when you are on top of the game you can only soloQ. Considering how the ladder works in GW2 it would only be fair to prevent duo the moment you are beyond a certain rank or rating so that the competition really remains.

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1 hour ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

NO DIVISION, the option is there for everyone.

Many may choose to forgoe that option, but that is not the fault of the players who don't.

There is no reason to subject them to little to no game.

Play with all tools given, or stop complaining.

If players don't care enough to select their team mates, they have NO RIGHT to complain where the RNG places them in the ladder or what team mates they get.

If the option to choose your team is there, and you decline it, it should NOT be the priority of the game to cater the mode to solo randos.

You don't have to find a perfect team, but you can find 1-2 non bot players close to your rating and even without comms take an extra moment to rearrange your comp.

Your games will be drastically better without much effort.

Don't even need to rng, just say into MAP: looking for this and that, btw Im this.

You blew it out of proportion and took it to personal level for no reason. I know very well both sides of the game - the sweaty and casual. 
So it’s not about me not knowing how to gather a team, it is just me expressing an opinion - mixing casual and sweaty leads to unfun gaming experience for someone who plays the game after work to relax. That’s it, so. I just agree with the main idea of this topic.

Edited by Mik.3401
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3 minutes ago, Mik.3401 said:

You blew it out of proportion and took it to personal level for no reason. I know very well both sides of the game - the sweaty and casual. 
So it’s not about me not knowing how to gather a team, it is just me expressing an opinion - mixing casual and sweaty leads to unfun gaming experience for someone who plays the game after work to relax. That’s it, so. I just agree with the main idea of this topic.

It wasn't personally you, but the idea you are advocating, and I passionately disagree....


Play PVE to relax, PvP is a competitive environment.

This casual pvp idea, is why the game is practically a dead mode.

Mostly bots, armor and gold farmers.

Log in and play randoms, and want to play casual.

Casual; relaxed and unconcerned.

So, it would seem to me, that who you and others like you play against, shouldn't matter.

It's not a big deal.

But, for the ones who care about winning, and will spend a few moments gathering a few others with goals similar, they should be left alone.

What they should do, is stop showing if it was a premade or not.

That actually is information that does not concern you, just like the ratings went away.

Yeah, it is personal, I believe this solo queue mindset has only sped up the demise of the mode.

We saw it when they did away with duos back in season 11 to 13.

Completely annihilated the veteran player population, just like removing teams annihilated pvp guilds and about half of the population.

Removing team queue was pretty much a Thanos Snap.

Please stop calling it sweaty, it is just people playing the game mode like it was designed to be play: Competitively

If you want to play casual, and don't want to be bothered with forming a team quick, which is super easy, then the outcome of your matches shouldn't matter.

Not everyone wants their team mates to be random.



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12 hours ago, Nightcore.5621 said:

Premade orginazed Team should never face People Who do random is just bad and a unhealty way to design pvp. And don't give me this there not enoguth players to have 2 separate queues maby if u fix things more will be playin.. Thats normal what happens. Premade orginazed Team always have a bigger advantage than People Who don't and is not fair to the players playin

You know, the funny part is, the game preference is to search against other premate teams, if you can't find them in your rating area or in unranked in general in x time you will get into randoms. 

As you can see there are not enaugh players to fill this. 

If it's unranked it's showing even more because there is no rating that counts. 

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12 hours ago, Nightcore.5621 said:

Premade orginazed Team should never face People Who do random is just bad and a unhealty way to design pvp. And don't give me this there not enoguth players to have 2 separate queues maby if u fix things more will be playin.. Thats normal what happens. Premade orginazed Team always have a bigger advantage than People Who don't and is not fair to the players playin

They need to make it so you can’t change class after your queue pops too. 

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1 hour ago, Trepidation Lost.3469 said:

Simple fix would be to let people queue in a solo Q only and a team queue only. 

Simpler fix is to stop showing people who was teamed up, and this complaint will go away.


People always looking for an excuse why the lose, but often more times than not, it can be found with a glance in the mirror.

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If you deliberately choose to solo queue in a competitive team based gamemode you need to come to terms with the fact that you are playing at a disadvantage and the rank you end up at is the rank you belong in based on the amount of effort you are putting in to win

I really don't feel like arguing this much further but  ^ that. If you don't want to make a team, but want to be recognized on a leaderboard for a game that is based around team play, you are willingly nerfing yourself. To me, that feels something like insisting people who raid get broken up so you have a chance to make it on leaderboards by soloing the content. 

Of course, I am sure there are a significant people who will still think like that, and there are significant problems in allowing premades that I dont think the community can endure at this time (like pugstomping if queue is merged/the community not being dense enough to entertain both a pug-only queue and a team only queue), but that train of thought objectively baffles me at its core.

I wish the game was more balanced so 1v1 was available for leaderboards without being a joke, but alas

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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What community? There's no community apart from the wintrade tryhards. Back in days people would sit out a match when the opposing team have an afk. Can you imagine that! We don't see that happen anymore of course. Nowadays it's about winning by whatever means so that you can get that precious spot in the leaderboard, wintrade if necessary.


Bring in a 5 man only queue or whatever.  As long as there's a separate solo only queue to separate us from the wintrade tryhards I am happy.

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On 12/18/2021 at 11:36 AM, Kayberz.5346 said:

Bottom line, if you aren't going to tryhard than dont expect to beat others that are

Anyone that SoloQs is probably trying a lot harder than anyone who teams.

That's not even the point of it either. SoloQ is an entirely different ball game opposed to Teams and it appeals to a lot of people because its more convenient.

Even if it is more casual, if there was a separate SoloQ ladder that would not affect you or TeamQ at all.


Which makes it all the more scary that some people are so vehemently for forcing people to play TeamQ. Almost like a father trying way too hard to get his son to like baseball. Some real 'my way or the highway' kitten.


Probably just another case of people wanting to play with an advantage over others and calling it 'competitive' and 'fair' to stroke their egos and ensure they land with the same virtual titles they've held onto for years now. 😴


21 hours ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Simpler fix is to stop showing people who was teamed up, and this complaint will go away.


People always looking for an excuse why the lose, but often more times than not, it can be found with a glance in the mirror.

Nothing more simple than censoring random information to protect people's egos.


Granted, it probably is pretty embarrassing to win a game 500-0 as a 5-stack against a bunch of random SoloQ players. 

If that were me, I wouldn't want anyone to see that either. 

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12 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Anyone that SoloQs is probably trying a lot harder than anyone who teams.

That's not even the point of it either. SoloQ is an entirely different ball game opposed to Teams and it appeals to a lot of people because its more convenient.

Even if it is more casual, if there was a separate SoloQ ladder that would not affect you or TeamQ at all.


Which makes it all the more scary that some people are so vehemently for forcing people to play TeamQ. Almost like a father trying way too hard to get his son to like baseball. Some real 'my way or the highway' kitten.


Probably just another case of people wanting to play with an advantage over others and calling it 'competitive' and 'fair' to stroke their egos and ensure they land with the same virtual titles they've held onto for years now. 😴


Nothing more simple than censoring random information to protect people's egos.


Granted, it probably is pretty embarrassing to win a game 500-0 as a 5-stack against a bunch of random SoloQ players. 

If that were me, I wouldn't want anyone to see that either. 


But we have been on the casual highway for years, and the road is a deadend.


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