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Are Warrior Mains Masochistic?

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18 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

Warrior is in dire need of reverting some CD's to their original states. Balanced Stance, Shake It Off and Dolyak Signet really, same for Elementalist with Arcane Shield and Armor of Earth.


Ranger never had theirs changed which still baffles me to this day for how low they are. That's just one thing in the pile of exceptions it keeps getting.


Revenant had it's energy increased which I always agree'd with while most hated me for even agreeing but Riposting Shadows was stupid OP.


Then there's Poison just being plain overpowered because Resistance/Resolution doesn't stop Healing debuff, currently as it's stand being the only condition that has only cleansing as a counter.

Oh no, how dare you say ranger needs nerf. Our ranger god here will write a thousand hollow words to prove otherwise.

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Gw2 pvp community is prob the only community I've been in as far as mmo pvp where anytime thee most strait forward, no gimmick, highly telegraphed skilled class is strong its rally'd against to have it nerfed or stay nerfed, while the pvp scene is filled with classes like scourges, core necros, teefs, Mirage,holo, and guards. I really don't get it but then again I stopped trying to understand the community long ago, as I said maybe cuz its a f2p game it draws the playerbase it does I donno but at this point they may as well keep going in the direction the community wants which seems like they are, I mean they handed out mobility like candy over last 5 years and now their handing out teleports for eod lol. Once they bring up the power level of the new specs of the ones mentioned above at the communities requests the game will become even more gimmicky, just as the community wants 🙂

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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5 hours ago, Zizekent.2398 said:


I don't think Warrior is okay but not for the reason people say it is. Damage on Warrior is not lackluster, sustain however really needs to be addressed, comparatively to everything else there is, the only reason spellbreaker can remain alive is because of FC itself is acting as a big buffer to mitigate so much damage, everything else is just overly nerfed while you have other classes that can make plenty mistakes and not suffer for it.


Then you have people saying Spellbreaker deals no damage but they keep using Dagger when Axe is meant to be the one dealing most damage. Arguably the burst is nerfed but the Axe skills are still really strong, normally that's where Anet wanted to balance things out but given all good utility was rendered useless on Warrior, what can you do.


Seeing most stunbreaks return to 40 seconds cooldown, I can guaranteed you Warrior would be doing better in general. Shake It Off itself really needs to be reverted to it's prior way as well, nobody asked for 4 conditions on a 75 CD and if Warriors really want to assume support, Soldier Rune exist.

On Berserker's behalf, they could DEFINITELY make Cleansing Ire better with it or change the trait to apply Resistance/Ignore/Remove Blindness prior to burst because holy that trait is not worth having while as Berserker and honestly being that Warrior greatest weakness is Blindness as a whole, it'd be nice to have a reliable counter for it.


Edited by Shao.7236
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1 hour ago, Shao.7236 said:

I don't think Warrior is okay but not for the reason people say it is. Damage on Warrior is not lackluster, sustain however really needs to be addressed, comparatively to everything else there is, the only reason spellbreaker can remain alive is because of FC itself is acting as a big buffer to mitigate so much damage, everything else is just overly nerfed while you have other classes that can make plenty mistakes and not suffer for it.


Then you have people saying Spellbreaker deals no damage but they keep using Dagger when Axe is meant to be the one dealing most damage. Arguably the burst is nerfed but the Axe skills are still really strong, normally that's where Anet wanted to balance things out but given all good utility was rendered useless on Warrior, what can you do.


Seeing most stunbreaks return to 40 seconds cooldown, I can guaranteed you Warrior would be doing better in general. Shake It Off itself really needs to be reverted to it's prior way as well, nobody asked for 4 conditions on a 75 CD and if Warriors really want to assume support, Soldier Rune exist.

On Berserker's behalf, they could DEFINITELY make Cleansing Ire better with it or change the trait to apply Resistance/Ignore/Remove Blindness prior to burst because holy that trait is not worth having while as Berserker and honestly being that Warrior greatest weakness is Blindness as a whole, it'd be nice to have a reliable counter for it.


This seems like a fairly accurate depiction. The odd time I play this game it's usually on warrior and I never feel like damage is the issue, although DT definitely needs a higher value in pvp modes for its trade off. If the past nerfs to might stacks, MMR traits and some other sustain synergies were taken back a bit warrior would be in a far better spot,feel like a good bruiser again. Maybe rework hammer to not be so cc heavy as well, sure it should have a effective cc skill 100% but the weapon would be far better with 2 dps skills (one being a leap gap closer), 1 defensive and 1 cc skill, be far more viable and would see far more use while not promoting cc spam. Imo anyway.

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Anet just needs to revert that stupid " hard CC skills always do no damage" change they did awhile back and just balance each hard CC ability individually.


A big part of warriors identity in pvp was chaining combos of hard CC together with their burst skills. The CC skills themselves used to do a pretty decent amount of damage on their own so your opponent couldn't just facetank your CC skills and stunbreak away to avoid the follow up burst. They actually had to respect both the hard CC skills AND your other attacks.

Hammer is now garbage in pvp when before it used to be a great weapon all because the weapon was designed when damage and hard CC were not mutually exclusive and they never reworked it after that patch

Edited by Kayberz.5346
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5 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Gw2 pvp community is prob the only community I've been in as far as mmo pvp where anytime thee most strait forward, no gimmick, highly telegraphed skilled class is strong its rally'd against to have it nerfed or stay nerfed, while the pvp scene is filled with classes like scourges, core necros, teefs, Mirage,holo, and guards. I really don't get it but then again I stopped trying to understand the community long ago, as I said maybe cuz its a f2p game it draws the playerbase it does I donno but at this point they may as well keep going in the direction the community wants which seems like they are, I mean they handed out mobility like candy over last 5 years and now their handing out teleports for eod lol. Once they bring up the power level of the new specs of the ones mentioned above at the communities requests the game will become even more gimmicky, just as the community wants 🙂


I think I know what you mean but I have a different take on this.


Technically you could describe shroud of core necro as a gimmick. Yet, despite its current impressive impact on the teamfight meta, I find core necro mostly fair to fight. I know clearly what everything does, know how to react, I get some feedback when fighting it, it has some strength and weaknesses. For me this is a mechanic, not a gimmick.

If we talk about core warrior, then I would also define it as a fair build to fight. Just like any profession there are things I do not like but I know what I get into before fighting one.

If we talk about berserker I also know how they usually fight, they have (mostly) clear animations, a rythm, it gives them a strenght and weaknesses. Even if it can be fun I would still rate it gimmicky because of how the current builds can be too much on / off. I see power berserk as a build “ I kill you even if you use your defense or have to run / die” (too high damage but not enough defenses). I think both could be adjusted.

If we talk about spellbreaker then I would 100% rate it gimmick. For me it has too much loaded into one mechanic that you pretty much need to spam to get everything (sustain, damage boost, evade, support stun) and I really do not like it. It became the defining element of any adjustment to warrior.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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19 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

My previous post quite literally stressed the importance of using build templates for build swapping.

Some of you guys, in your zeal, neglect to pay attention to what you're reading before you make posts.

Swap to which build? List another build other than the one you have apparently played in spvp; lets have another laugh.

I can tell you to what I swap - str/tactics/discipline power, in case that incoming thief can actually play well and so that I don't die in half a minute with spellbreaker. For everything else you need spellbreaker boon rip in the current wvw state.

Other builds I've seen in half an year of dueling and roaming on war in wvw:

  • bubble bot - actually useful, but only large scale; having even 4 in a squad of 50 will already make the comm go "woah, so many bubbles", compared to like 10 guards and 20 necros. also the only meta build war has in wvw
  • condi berserker/core - laughable compared to actual condi builds that roam, but at least you don't die in a 3 seconds stun; the only thing that makes it work even remotely is condi doing damage even on tanky gear
  • power berserker - props to that one player I've seen play this build well, though I guess they die the second someone bursts them from stealth or range; all other players I've seen on this build were pve players
  • power core - same build I swap to vs thieves, I've seen this only in the duel area; only good against thief and other core warriors. you can kill bad players with it, as long as they are not boon spamming (which is rare)

Of the above, by far, strength spellbreaker (the same build every time) is the most used build by competent war roamers. And even spellbreaker is rare.

There is that other war player (yeah, exactly one) that I see on duel spot on my world. They play spellbreaker with GS+sword+OH daggger. Do you know what that player does when they actually need to kill someone? Switch to power SB GS+sword+warhorn and smogscale.

Don't get me wrong, I fully agree there are some amazing war players. But what does that have to do with the sorry state of warrior? The best spellbreaker duelist I've seen can't beat players of similar skill on meta roamer builds.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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On 12/21/2021 at 2:25 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Now imagine if every skill in the game had some real weird unintuitive drawbacks like this that dealt out punishment in ways that felt like unintended design or even a bug. Do you think that would be quality game design?

And furthermore, the only reason you're saying any of this is 1) Both of you were looking for some kind of adolescent way to argue with me over something that doesn't even have anything to do with the topic of this thread because you can't help yourselves. 2) You know I'm a Ranger main so you will intuitively, in your quest to argue with me no matter what, will disagree with literally anything that I say at all. 3) I am guessing you don't play Ranger at all, otherwise you would realize how dysfunctional all of the passive CC in this game has made Lightning Reflexes, in conjunction with skills like Fear Ring which also funks up its use for so many reasons. What you're not understanding is that Lightning Reflexes comes with great penalties that are becoming too heavy lately, and for all of the wrong reasons. It should be a skill that when you use it, it works, like anything else in the game.

Look man, there are a lot of things that are debatable to change, and then there are things that are flat out stupid that really need to be changed. Things like 300s ICD on War skills, Binding Chains Dwarf Taunt randomly causing about half the stun breaks in the game to not work against it, and Lightning Reflexes dealing 30 damage when you use it for absolutely no reason other than to cancel its use. Some of this stuff is just bad design and it needs to be fixed. WE CAN ARGUE about how a skill should be, what buffs or nerfs it needs, after sheer flat out bad design is corrected.

Removing the 30 damage off LR isn't going to buff Ranger into a meta spec that everyone uses in the MAT, not by a long shot. It's a QoL change man, something that needs to happen. If I wanted to suggest a buff to Ranger to fuel some kind of SUPER SECRET AGENDA to buff my own class, I would definitely do it in different ways, such as suggesting that some Longbow skills should be ammo based or that Druid CA Kit still needs buffing and Ancestral Grace needs its evade frame back.

This is pure class bias. You have one of the best stun breaks in the game that has a few very specific drawbacks and you want it removed because boo hoo it's not literally perfect? The penalties for LR are so unbelievably minor that I can't take this very seriously. It's not a super secret agenda to buff your class, it's an open agenda and you're just not able to see how spoiled you are. 


Fear Ring messes up Riposting Shadows and Roll for Initiative too, the latter having almost double the CD and the trait for Trick skill CDs isn't used and only cleanses one extra condi, funny. Everyone traits Survival Skills so you have a 24 second stun break that evades, cleanses condi, and gives Vigor, yet you're upset a few specific interactions counter or hinder it slightly? 

Pure. Class. Bias. 

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19 hours ago, eksn.7264 said:


  • has more chase and is harder to chase
  • has good range pressure as opposed to none
  • has multihit skills with backloaded damage so you don't have to worry as much about random blinds or aegis
  • has dragonslash, movement skill with good damage that stuns through blinds and blocks
  • overall sustain doesn't rely as much on landing hits
  • trades more efficiently with more things
  • isn't as hard CC dependent to lock down targets because of better range pressure and chase

Not saying it's perfect or that it's better than spellbreaker in all situations but it's pretty clear to me that ANet has some good ideas here. For example I think bladesworn wins vs thief in its current state which is a pretty big deal. I think with proper balance it could be the best pvp option for warrior.

Sorry to be that guy:

- more chase = 1 new 450 range in break step? I hope you dont include your 300 range teleport on F2 in this, since ,well, you cant move in that situation.

- there is a difference between midrange and range. Ds3 and gunsaber 3, did I miss something here? Not to mention the amazing hitbox of your burst projectile which makes every class wet their pants.

- The gunsaber damage skills are laughably weak, not like any class gives a kitten if they get poked for a quarter of their health after bladesworn unloaded everything.

- Good damage on dragonslash in competitive? Literally 90+% of the community says otherwise, even non warrior players. Also the already mentioned hitbox issues. Do you enjoy people jumping your unblockable attacks?

- Ah yes, assuming you always play strength/tactics with fgj and sio (for max healing with shouts). So whats your sustain without (its just core stuff, nothing from bladesworn except your elite)? Great variety next to the strength/discipline spb I must say. I leave it at that.

- Really? Like what? 

- I disagree, see points above about range and chase.

And just how long are you planning to fight that thief? A few minutes?

I mean I envy your optimism but dont be satisfied with a kit that gets delivered mostly because it looks decent.

Edited by anbujackson.9564
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24 minutes ago, anbujackson.9564 said:

Sorry to be that guy:

- more chase = 1 new 450 range in break step? I hope you dont include your 300 range teleport on F2 in this, since ,well, you cant move in that situation.

- there is a difference between midrange and range. Ds3 and gunsaber 3, did I miss something here? Not to mention the amazing hitbox of your burst projectile which makes every class wet their pants.

- The gunsaber damage skills are laughably weak, not like any class gives a kitten if they get poked for a quarter of their health after bladesworn unloaded everything.

- Good damage on dragonslash in competitive? Literally 90+% of the community says otherwise, even non warrior players. Also the already mentioned hitbox issues. Do you enjoy people jumping your unblockable attacks?

- Ah yes, assuming you always play strength/tactics with fgj and sio (for max healing with shouts). So whats your sustain without (its just core stuff, nothing from bladesworn except your elite)? Great variety next to the strength/discipline spb I must say. I leave it at that.

- Really? Like what? 

- I disagree, see points above about range and chase.

And just how long are you planning to fight that thief? A few minutes?

I mean I envy your optimism but dont be satisfied with a kit that gets delivered mostly because it looks decent.

-Chasing isn't just about range.

-Gunsaber 4 is also range, and axe/pistol works really well so that's additional range.

-Gunsaber 3 will easily crit for 3-4k per hit, if you also run axe it's some pretty kitten good range pressure. Gunsaber 4 in melee hits very hard too.

-Dragonslash absolutely does very acceptable damage for an ability that you can spam this much that stuns, is unblockable, ignores blind and closes gap. With the charge time buff you can squeeze even more damage out of it. I guarantee you 90% of the community has no idea how to play this spec or barely tried it.

-Sustain is more than pure healing or blocks or invulns. Being able to trade more efficiently also counts. Bladesworn has an easier time trading damage and not letting the other person get a ton of free pressure before you can. You have to consider how the kit plays as a whole.

-Dragonslash allows you to ignore a lot of defenses that would cause problems for other warrior specs like blinds and aegis. Warrior isn't actually very good at trading in melee range without landing a CC. In melee, guard can passively blind and block while pressuring you, thief can blind spam and stay on top of you, holo and rev outtrade you. Bladesworn has a few things that really help with that, very few things will trade with pistol 4 + 5 because it does massive damage and gives a free block, the multihits counter blind spam and the pushback gets you out of their melee pressure. Gunsaber 2 does something similar but lower damage. You get more range pressure which means people can't kite you for free and the gap close on dragonslash is really hard to deal with.

-It's not about how long you fight the thief, it's that thief won't be able to farm you.

I'm not completely satisfied with the kit at all and while it solves some problems, it exacerbates others. Like the reliance on discipline and strength but also not running tactics is a ton of value lost. It's just clear that the community judges things without proper testing or without knowing what they're talking about. If you ask actual good players they'll tell you how bladesworn is actually one of the better beta spec in PvP.

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8 minutes ago, eksn.7264 said:

 Bladesworn has an easier time trading damage and not letting the other person get a ton of free pressure before you can.

Its burst is a relinquishing of all combat pressure though. The strike may be unblocksble and ignore blind, but it has the most visible telegraph in the game, and has to hit before traits tied to landing burst are enabled. 

They attempted to solve the problems you noted with bladesworn, but were unsuccessful. 

> You have to consider how the kit plays as a whole

Gunblade has no mitigation skills either,  and you're forced to take it.

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4 hours ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Anet just needs to revert that stupid " hard CC skills always do no damage" change they did awhile back and just balance each hard CC ability individually.


A big part of warriors identity in pvp was chaining combos of hard CC together with their burst skills. The CC skills themselves used to do a pretty decent amount of damage on their own so your opponent couldn't just facetank your CC skills and stunbreak away to avoid the follow up burst. They actually had to respect both the hard CC skills AND your other attacks.

Hammer is now garbage in pvp when before it used to be a great weapon all because the weapon was designed when damage and hard CC were not mutually exclusive and they never reworked it after that patch

Hammer was rarely used even before the patch, what Warrior needs is a trait that works like Lightning Rod so that CC isn't wasted.


Body Blow could probably add bonus damage on top of the Bleeding.


Hard CC not dealing damage took care of a lot of spam that needed to go and it's better off this way, improving on it is what we need.

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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Its burst is a relinquishing of all combat pressure though. The strike may be unblocksble and ignore blind, but it has the most visible telegraph in the game, and has to hit before traits tied to landing burst are enabled. 

It's very spammable and you can mindgame people by holding it longer, or even bait a reaction dodge by doing the teleport first.

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On 12/20/2021 at 9:35 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

^ This

I'm kind of tired of hearing it tbh. Well played Spellbreakers are still strong as hell.

I'm not saying it's OP like Core Necro right now, but it's definitely not bad or nearly as weak as people claim it to be.

Pretty sure people just get confused because they compare it to the current performance of something like Core Necro, which is able to literally go ham and spam skills in any order right off of CD and be effective, along with having too much easy disengage. Whereas War/Berserker/Spellbreaker is a precision class that requires knowledge & experience to understand how to wield, waiting for counter-offensive plays and knowing which skills to use in those exact moments. Pretty sure people who think War is bad, are people who aren't understanding the difference between high skill cap play and low skill floor easy entry.

Furthermore, I don't think some people are realizing that Spellbreaker isn't meant to be a side node anymore unless someone is exceptionally talented at it like Vaans as example. If they played their Spellbreaker as DPS oriented and played as a Roamer for +ing, they'd do alright. Spellbreaker is an exceptionally dangerous + imo. I personally feel like Spellbreaker is one of the most dangerous +s in terms of its ability to assist someone in actually killing you, because of the ridiculously large amount of CC that it pumps out. 

Even I do alright on a Spellbreaker when playing Roam and I'm maybe a bottom plat 1 Spellbreaker at best.

All i got to say is you don't know the game,  nor warrior. 

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1 hour ago, Shao.7236 said:

Hammer was rarely used even before the patch, what Warrior needs is a trait that works like Lightning Rod so that CC isn't wasted.


Body Blow could probably add bonus damage on top of the Bleeding.


Hard CC not dealing damage took care of a lot of spam that needed to go and it's better off this way, improving on it is what we need.

Hammer had its use in WvW, imo Keep the Hard CC no damage changes in Spvp then since it's balanced around lesser and glassy stats. However It doesn't belong in wvw where everyone is running tankier stats, pocket supports, and boat loads of stability. Body blow buff with LR type damage, it'll be competative with the choices in that line but I expect if its any sort of decent people are going to whine about it. 

Edited by Lucentfir.7430
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1 hour ago, lightDestroyer.1265 said:

All i got to say is you don't know the game,  nor warrior. 

Naw Trevor knows the game really well, more than I do to be honest haha and I've been casually playing for a long time, though I do disagree with his assessment of warrior.

I think in most circles it's a pretty accepted argument that warrior is definitely in need of some love, especially in the sustain dept, imo anyway.

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4 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

Hammer was rarely used even before the patch, what Warrior needs is a trait that works like Lightning Rod so that CC isn't wasted.


Body Blow could probably add bonus damage on top of the Bleeding.


Hard CC not dealing damage took care of a lot of spam that needed to go and it's better off this way, improving on it is what we need.

This is something that the warrior forums, me in particular, have been pushing. It makes complete sense to swap the bleed on BB to an equivalent amount of power damage (so 1k damage on glass stats). The way that BB works is that if the foe has stability BB will not proc, so stability would still protect against the bonus damage for counter play. Let it do 1k power damage with a Berserker amulet, let it crit.

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On 12/22/2021 at 11:28 AM, felix.2386 said:

yes we have down syndrome and autism, since every time warrior goes underpowered, it lasts with years as measurement

and whenever it is playable it is nerfed to underpower in less then 3 months

since 2012


Quite the opposite felix... warrior mains in-game tend to have one of the best game ethic (very very few whine, or afk, or insult)...maybe coz too busy to type, haha. I've always liked warrior mains and the title of this thread is a sly backhanded compliment to all that main this class. 


Not sure what region you play in but around 2013 when I started to pvp, I used follow around a warrior in NA named Tarcis from the guild Apex Prime. He was esports material but was of college school age and put in education first. He was my inspiration. 


 I put it many hours on the class back then. Recently, I've played it exclusively for a week and when I began playing on my mains, I simply couldn't die. 

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Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and feedback on the class. No, I don't go to the warrior subforum because I get sad and feel somewhat hopeless that the devs abandoned this class in favor of the Revenant. I want to be wrong. 


HOWEVER... for entertainment purposes, I frequent the NECRO subforum though I never participate in the discussions. 

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On 12/22/2021 at 1:39 AM, Shao.7236 said:

Warrior is in dire need of reverting some CD's to their original states. Balanced Stance, Shake It Off and Dolyak Signet really, same for Elementalist with Arcane Shield and Armor of Earth.


Ranger never had theirs changed which still baffles me to this day for how low they are. That's just one thing in the pile of exceptions it keeps getting.


Revenant had it's energy increased which I always agree'd with while most hated me for even agreeing but Riposting Shadows was stupid OP.


Then there's Poison just being plain overpowered because Resistance/Resolution doesn't stop Healing debuff, currently as it's stand being the only condition that has only cleansing as a counter.


Yes thank you for the feedback. I've noticed that most of your posts tend to be rather intelligent and unbiased. 

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8 hours ago, eksn.7264 said:

It's very spammable and you can mindgame people by holding it longer, or even bait a reaction dodge by doing the teleport first.

I...it's not spammable.

cd is 8 seconds, assuming you pay the flow cost, plus up to 5 additional seconds just to charge it.That's already worse than, say, arcing slice. 

Nobody worth their salt is going to reaction dodge flicker step, theyll be looking for the sword animation. That animation is now easier to dodge since the warrior's speed has been reduced, because people in a desperate bid to have fun with bladesworn competitively were using it to fly into keeps instead of struggling in hitting people on the ground. 

And all of this assumes the target won't just move away from you and wait for you to waste your flow for no reason. That is the same issue warrior always had, except now they play an active part in helping their opponent counter them. 

I'd love to be proven wrong. I would adore it. But, I think just a cursory look at what dragon trigger requires of you, coupled with a little bit of understanding about pvp and how people tend to not stand where they can be damaged would tell you there's some big issues there. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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11 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I...it's not spammable.

cd is 8 seconds, assuming you pay the flow cost, plus up to 5 additional seconds just to charge it.That's already worse than, say, arcing slice. 

It's more spammable in the sense that it's usable in more situations, whereas with arcing slice you have to be in melee and susceptible to getting kited if you don't have a CC or miss one.

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