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Time to remove Steal boon priority


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Ever since they made Swipe Unblockable, it has absolutely no counterplay. 

It will always strip Stab > Protection no matter how many boons you cover it with. I would like it if it functions like almost every other strip that they strip / steal the last applied boons. 

Thief is uninteractive as is, and since you refuse to patch the game. At least do this. 

Edited by Math.5123
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There's other things to check on Thief before considering such change, it's an unique aspect of the profession that doesn't need to be removed, otherwise you have no counter for Stability spam at all in the game.


Stuff like Blind duration is way more of annoyance compared to it. Waiting the condition out is never an option.

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@Crab Fear.1624Nope its actually not


The class mechanic is the variant of dodges how ever

Swipe was meant to be patched to made daredevil balanced. Instead that unblockable for free made that spec even stronger so the result would be to remove it. Or at least made CD higher as result. (Would prefer first idea but made the Ranger a bit larger maybe 900 instead of 600?)

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On 1/27/2022 at 12:56 AM, Math.5123 said:


I'll do you one better, let's nerf to the ground how guardian's can poop stability for 16 years

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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5 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

@Crab Fear.1624Nope its actually not


The class mechanic is the variant of dodges how ever

Swipe was meant to be patched to made daredevil balanced. Instead that unblockable for free made that spec even stronger so the result would be to remove it. Or at least made CD higher as result. (Would prefer first idea but made the Ranger a bit larger maybe 900 instead of 600?)

Actually, Daredevil isn't the only thief type, so just because he is talking about Daredevil, because of swipe, doesn't mean this won't affect all thieves.

Everything lamented the reduction in swipe range, and this guy celebrated, and while neither of those things matter anymore because we have all adapted, the fact remains is that swipe is 600r, half of steal and less than half of mark.

Also, the boons stolen went from 3 down to 2.

It is how it functions, and this was actually confirmed by devs, but you can check the wiki too, as there is boon prioritization.


Kuma already pointed it out as part of counterplay to things, so it's just not gonna change.

Just join the other nerfwagons on thief for now because these have been beat down, it's highly doubtful if the devs plan to make the game more competitive after EOD that they would give res sig for free, when the players are already outraged about the speed of heals and its plain existence.


Edited by Crab Fear.1624
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Could always dodge/invuln it...But I imagine you'll answer that with some variation of 'Steal is instant and failing to land it is just a failing on the thief player's part'. And you'd be right - but how is this different from block beyond a block just delaying for a bit? The thief just uses Steal right after. The range was not-insignificantly more valuable than the unblockable. With how the game is currently designed changing this functionality is a bad idea - classes either vomit out boons or they don't with little (or wildly varying) in between. If boon application was made more...I don't know the word, less feast or famine and and requiring more tactical and strategic usage, then definitely. I'd love more consideration on when to rip/steal boons if my opponent also has to put consideration into when to generate boons, but currently that's just not the case. Boonrip/corrupt/steal has been trimmed unto heck - core necs don't run corrupt boon anymore, steal went from 3->2, spellbreaker is just...sad.


That all said, I **really** want to unhook thief from being so dependent on steal. It's a nice class mechanic but I'm so, so tired of being stuck taking Trickery all the time too. Package steal changes in with a bunch of other boon changes, UI changes to make my eyes bleed less (why is every boon icon so small? Why isn't there an option to have the UI recolor certain boon icons based on personal preference so they're easier to see when someone suddenly explodes with a full set of boons. Grumblegrumble).

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7 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

Question; does anyone know if spell breaker strips have stability priority as well? I never actually looked into this and few stupid for it.

Sadly to strip you need to CC first 🤩


So unless someone runs Break Enchantments, I have a hard time believing they will be allowed to dagger burst in the guardian and follow up with a CC to interrupt Signet.

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11 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

Question; does anyone know if spell breaker strips have stability priority as well? I never actually looked into this and few stupid for it.

At least from wvw dueling, I don't think so. Its very common for dagger burst to not strip the stab on e.g. boon beasts. Same for shortbow rene, dome scrapper.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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6 hours ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Sadly to strip you need to CC first 🤩


So unless someone runs Break Enchantments, I have a hard time believing they will be allowed to dagger burst in the guardian and follow up with a CC to interrupt Signet.

I’ve done it before. A quick breaching strike->disrupting stab is fantastic for interrupting long casts and kittening over supports (if you get the stability). 
It’s actually not difficult to land DPS with dagger without CC imo. The leaps are perfectly paced to follow up after someone’s dodge provided they don’t have super speed (in which case they outrun the leap, which is extremely saddening). 

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2 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

So I tested, and as I thought I was remembering, spellbreaker’s breaching strike can strip non-stability boons first (and seemingly randomly).

Would be nice if all classes have the same priority of boon strip, whether it’s boon priority or random. 

Personally, I think it should be as limited as it is.

If everyone had it, that might be bonkers, and guards would literally be DOA.



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2 hours ago, Crab Fear.1624 said:

Personally, I think it should be as limited as it is.

If everyone had it, that might be bonkers, and guards would literally be DOA.



Seems like a good way to shake up the meta 😈

In all seriousness, a question; why should thief boon strip function in a more beneficial way than other classes? 

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I would not touch swipe. It's been nurf was enough and the follow up dps ain't heavy enough. It's hard to dodge I agree but that feel if u do dodge it is beautiful. Only thing I would add is some animation like a eye above head when used or something so u dodge as soon as u see but to make that work u will need a cast time no matter how small and thf would never get steal of again in higher games. So idk I would leave thf as it is.

Maybe only nurf thf needs is being able to dagger 3 stealth into back stab but at same time would that nurf make back stab useless as to hard to pull off

Edited by Goldilock.2584
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3 hours ago, Goldilock.2584 said:

I would not touch swipe. It's been nurf was enough and the follow up dps ain't heavy enough. It's hard to dodge I agree but that feel if u do dodge it is beautiful. Only thing I would add is some animation like a eye above head when used or something so u dodge as soon as u see but to make that work u will need a cast time no matter how small and thf would never get steal of again in higher games. So idk I would leave thf as it is.

Maybe only nurf thf needs is being able to dagger 3 stealth into back stab but at same time would that nurf make back stab useless as to hard to pull off

The unblockable was a buff, not a nerf. 

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