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Well, its over. "Insulting people builds character"

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Hey guys.


I quited once, because of insults. Took some time off the game and decided to get back with another class. All the same, insulted over my DPS on an OPEN WORLD boss. (Legendary Facet). Then had to read on map chat the sentence on the title.


"Insulting people builds character".


Sorry, impossible to keep playing after this. Community drove me away from the game.


And that is it.

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28 minutes ago, Marauder.4297 said:

Hey guys.


I quited once, because of insults. Took some time off the game and decided to get back with another class. All the same, insulted over my DPS on an OPEN WORLD boss. (Legendary Facet). Then had to read on map chat the sentence on the title.


"Insulting people builds character".


Sorry, impossible to keep playing after this. Community drove me away from the game.


And that is it.

But...what about all the people who didn't insult you?

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I see you posted a similar farewell in October as well.

I run my fair share of instanced content and events, and it is incredibly rare to see anyone speak out of line.  I see more questionable comments in LA or Divinity's Reach than in any instance or even an open world event.  It is more often the case, in my experience, that players will help those who need it, either understanding mechanics or with builds and gearing, rather than jump directly to insults.

If this does come up, you can always use the in game tools, Report and Block, and then move on to the next thing you want to do.


It is really hard to qualify your experiences without any context, so I will talk in general here not specific to you.

If many people are saying the same thing, such as, 'hey player, you die too much' then regardless of how they say it, they may be making a valid point.  It might be worthwhile to step back a moment and consider what the common issue is and see if it is something one can address.

Edited by Mungo Zen.9364
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1 hour ago, Marauder.4297 said:

Hey guys.


I quited once, because of insults. Took some time off the game and decided to get back with another class. All the same, insulted over my DPS on an OPEN WORLD boss. (Legendary Facet). Then had to read on map chat the sentence on the title.


"Insulting people builds character".


Sorry, impossible to keep playing after this. Community drove me away from the game.


And that is it.

      Whatever game one plays, there are always these absurd people in everywhere. I used to run away from them many times. Now? I just don't give anything to them in return and go on my campaigns as usual(And of course, I play the game whenever I feel alright to it). Let them eat their very preciously crafted insults or anything negative themselves. Running from a problem never solves it. I have been there and done that. 

Edited by Sylvia.4870
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Ignore him and move on. You will find this in every game sadly,  unless you only play single player games.

I had one whisper me after an argument in say chat threatening "I will beat you in PVP".

I just answered "I'm sure you will, I suck".

He didn't really seem to know how to deal with it, not his usual response. 

We actually ended up being friendly when we said our goodbyes 🙂

But it can be quite unpleasant when you get death treats in PVP. Yeah I know there's no danger from angry people in a video game, but it can still be quite shocking that some people are willing to go that far.

Best thing to do is just to ignore/report and move on.

Certainly don't quit the game because of this, then they won.

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1 hour ago, IndigoSundown.5419 said:

FYI, if you don't join a squad at an open world boss, no one will be able to see your DPS.

No one cares in open world, I have never seen anyone in a squad or otherwise complain about some random player's dps.  But definitely don't join a squad if you're worried about it.

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26 minutes ago, jokke.6239 said:


I had one whisper me after an argument in say chat threatening "I will beat you in PVP".

I just answered "I'm sure you will, I suck".

He didn't really seem to know how to deal with it, not his usual response. 

We actually ended up being friendly when we said our goodbyes 🙂

This reminds me of someone who was crowing about downing me and another player 1v2 and laughing about how bad we were. Like you, I agreed that I was terrible, and let them know it was the fifth pvp match I’d ever played. They ended up backpedaling, and by the end of our conversation they were giving me pointers on professions and gameplay.

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1 hour ago, yoni.7015 said:

Because of one sentence? I have never really been insulted ingame. You shouldn’t take it personal. 


Its not because of the sentence itself. Its because the rest of the players kept supporting this kind of behaviour by playing tough guys with the excuse of "maturity". "You re whining about it, grow up", regardless of how wrong people act.


It is totally correct to tell people to go seek reembursement of expansions they bought. It is totally right to say to a player that rope is on discount on nearest hardware store (encouraging suicide). Also it is totally right to say that inuslting people builds character. This is what I feel like, as people keep acting in defense of who says this kind of stuff.


Just sucks the will to play, simple as that. 

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2 minutes ago, Marauder.4297 said:



Its not because of the sentence itself. Its because the rest of the players kept supporting this kind of behaviour by playing tough guys with the excuse of "maturity". "You re whining about it, grow up", regardless of how wrong people act.


It is totally correct to tell people to go seek reembursement of expansions they bought. It is totally right to say to a player that rope is on discount on nearest hardware store (encouraging suicide). Also it is totally right to say that inuslting people builds character. This is what I feel like, as people keep acting in defense of who says this kind of stuff.


Just sucks the will to play, simple as that. 

Wow, that’s totally not okay.

It’s so far from my experience in this game, even in PvP, that I’m astonished.

Did you report? Verbal abuse is definitely against the TOS.

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I don't want to sound mean or anything but you will get bad experiences like this from MMOs and other games with other people in it. It shouldn't be this way but bad apples are everywhere. As other mentioned try to ignore them, and don't overthink it too much or they win.

I think this is probable the darkest aspect of MMOs and community games. But there is also great people in them try to focus on that.

At the end of the day you should do what makes you happy(without harm others or yourself in the proccess) so if you think the game is not for you try something else, is not like the game is going to move elsewhere. If you change your mind you can always come back. Sometimes we need breaks from people. 

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You are just unlucky to be in a squad with a few rude and nasty trolls. That is all it takes to spoil your day. It happens. Just leave the squad or temporary block them. Don't bother to report them. It's useless.

On the other side, there are also some really nice and helpful players who will go all the way to help you when you needed. Don't quit.

Edited by Mil.3562
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Insulting someone is not ok.


Saying that insults build character is fine. It is an opinion about psychology, not an attack. It happens t o be an opinion with which I disagree, but that doesn't make it an inappropriate opinion. Of course acting on the opinion is a different matter altogether.

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1 hour ago, Marauder.4297 said:



Its not because of the sentence itself. Its because the rest of the players kept supporting this kind of behaviour by playing tough guys with the excuse of "maturity". "You re whining about it, grow up", regardless of how wrong people act.


It is totally correct to tell people to go seek reembursement of expansions they bought. It is totally right to say to a player that rope is on discount on nearest hardware store (encouraging suicide). Also it is totally right to say that inuslting people builds character. This is what I feel like, as people keep acting in defense of who says this kind of stuff.


Just sucks the will to play, simple as that. 

I think you're misinterpreting what people are telling you because you're seeking validation and anything less than shared moral outrage fails to meet that standard.  Consider that the vast majority of players do not condone this behavior.  We're just being pragmatic when we advise growing a thicker skin because the reality is that some people act like angsty teenagers (many of them because that's what they actually are!) and the best response to that is to block, report, and move on.  You are of course welcome to disagree with that outlook and handle it your own way.


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1 hour ago, Gibson.4036 said:

This reminds me of someone who was crowing about downing me and another player 1v2 and laughing about how bad we were. Like you, I agreed that I was terrible, and let them know it was the fifth pvp match I’d ever played. They ended up backpedaling, and by the end of our conversation they were giving me pointers on professions and gameplay.

This is a good anecdote.  Sometimes, especially in competitive play, people get a little heated.  Often I find that if you don't escalate the situation and instead attempt a reasonable conversation, they calm down and respond in kind.  There's no reason at all that you must do this.  You could just block, report, and move on.  It's what they deserve, after all.  But you might be surprised how often this works.  I'll share one of my own just for funsies!

I've never been a big PvP player (only 1 ranked season), but I have done quite a bit of solo roaming in WvW.  So when I do play PvP my fighting skills land me in platinum, but my team play and rotation skills are basically at the level of a new player.

So, I'm playing a match and a teammate starts berating me for my poor rotation choices. The specific things he was criticizing me for made sense.  I just had no idea what I was doing beyond a general sense that I needed to fight enemy players and hold points. 

When I explained this to the player after the match, he calmed down and actually started giving me pointers (I'm still hopeless at rotation and team play, but he tried!).  He even offered to duel with me 1 on 1, which ended up being kind of funny because it turned out he wasn't able to beat me on any of his classes.  We're still friends years later.

I've had similar experiences many times in WvW.  An enemy will hit me with some salt after a tough fight and I'll respond by picking something they did well in the fight and praising them for it.  Often if I offer a duel at this point they'll accept and we end up on each other's friend list.  It's happened too many times to count by this point.

Anyway, again, you don't have to do this.  You can just block, report, and move on.  But it does go to show that not everyone who says unkind things really means what they say and you can often turn a negative into a positive if you dare to try.


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2 hours ago, Marauder.4297 said:



Its not because of the sentence itself. Its because the rest of the players kept supporting this kind of behaviour by playing tough guys with the excuse of "maturity". "You re whining about it, grow up", regardless of how wrong people act.


It is totally correct to tell people to go seek reembursement of expansions they bought. It is totally right to say to a player that rope is on discount on nearest hardware store (encouraging suicide). Also it is totally right to say that inuslting people builds character. This is what I feel like, as people keep acting in defense of who says this kind of stuff.


Just sucks the will to play, simple as that. 

It's not right to insult people, but the "rest of the players". How many?  If there are 20 people in the squad, did 20 of them support that guy. It could have been 3 friends in the same guild. Where on line in a community of a million people will you not find 100s of people who are kittens?


If you think the community is bad from your 2 bad experiences, then you don't have enough data points to judge the community. You can only judge those individuals. From my own experience there are far more nice people in the open world community than kittens. You can focus on what you want, but it doesn't change the community.

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What the point of your build. If you are trying to do dps, it should good that people are telling you it is awful so you can improve it. With legendary armory and template this should not be that difficult now.

If the goal is a theme or meme build, you should not care about dps criticism because that is not the point of the build.  For example my ranger wears dwayna embrace and the star of dwayna, two exotic jewelry , because he is a dwayna acolyte themed.  I do not care that he has lower dps because that is his theme.

If it just because you do not care, unfortunately because there is no meaningful way to filter the try hards and the play as i want crowds, it does create alot of animosity. The guy who flame you probably felt he was carrying hard core, while you feel he was too elitist. This is kinda why I no longer do sub t4 fractal, i get frustrated on how awful the other 4 people are.

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18 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

What the point of your build. If you are trying to do dps, it should good that people are telling you it is awful so you can improve it. With legendary armory and template this should not be that difficult now.

If the goal is a theme or meme build, you should not care about dps criticism because that is not the point of the build.  For example my ranger wears dwayna embrace and the star of dwayna, two exotic jewelry , because he is a dwayna acolyte themed.  I do not care that he has lower dps because that is his theme.

If it just because you do not care, unfortunately because there is no meaningful way to filter the try hards and the play as i want crowds, it does create alot of animosity. The guy who flame you probably felt he was carrying hard core, while you feel he was too elitist. This is kinda why I no longer do sub t4 fractal, i get frustrated on how awful the other 4 people are.

We're talking about an event that can be done by a single player here.  If you (general "you", not you personally) think you're pro for carrying, all you need to do is hit up youtube to see that you're actually a scrub and that the reason you talk down to strangers in content that doesn't matter is to validate your own meager skills.  Don't justify it.  There is no way it is welcome or helpful to call other players out for performance in an open world event like this.

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6 hours ago, Marauder.4297 said:

Sorry, impossible to keep playing after this. Community drove me away from the game.

Sorry to hear this was your experience. If the kinds of insults and threats you mention later down the thread indeed happened to you, I'm sorry for that too - I don't think anyone in here finds that kind of behavior acceptable.

You're in for a pretty rough ride though; I can't think of any other gaming environment that is as low-pressure, laid back, and generally friendly as open world PvE in GW2. While the problem might not necessarily be under your control (which I personally think is highly debatable in your case, but that's a different discussion), a number of good solutions to the problem are completely in your hands. You could try

  1. Not joining the squad in open world bosses and events. As others mentioned, nobody knows your dps if you just participate in the event without formally joining the group.
  2. Setting your status to offline whenever you're in a place where you think you'll get nasty whispers (sPvP, WvW duels... and I guess open world bosses, according to your story).
  3. Just getting used to blocking mean folk and moving on. You'll never see anything they say to you in game, ever again.
  4. Don't interact or elicit criticism outside of where you feel safe (guild, among friends, in /say chat in a random place in the world that is already having a very friendly discussion, etc). I find it extremely rare that anyone goes out of their way to talk to you unless you initiate things (asking for feedback, making a comment or a joke, etc).


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There will always be trolls in mmos no matter which one you play. Gw2 is known for their good community but you cannot expect them all to be good. I hope you get a better experience wherever you go next, but if you do give gw2 more time you might see what others have seen. Players helping others in many ways instead of being toxic and rude about things. When you see it’s the exception that ppl are like that it’s easier to ignore them and just focus on the good. Not feeding the trolls. Except for pvp ofc cause that’s where the competition mode kicks in for most ppl. 

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