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Thank you Devs for that great game.


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I just whant to say thank you for that great game.

With my almoste 10k Hours playtime, Ive tried to tryout some other MMOs in the last Months.

But Im always comming back.


in gw2 you just can play together with other people. Its just simple and should be the goal of every MMO.


Things that make gw2 almost unique, and which are important for me

  1. Megaserver: A friend starts to play your game. you can play together. In other MMOs, every of my friends are on different servers. 
  2. story and quests: You play the story, but its to lonely or you are to bad? you can play together. In other MMOs your not on the same queststep, or story-stuff is singleplayer.
  3. questing with randoms: no kill-loot stealing. .. your always happy to see other people. you can just play together. They dont steal your kills or  loot (some heartquests you still can, that makes me sad)
  4. Horizontal progression: Your real-live is getting busy?  You have to stop playing, comming back later. .. since gearlevel has not changed, you can play with your old friends together.
  5. no paytowin: others just cant pay to win the game. so you just can play together and dont be bothered, if the other has more money than you.
  6. Server downtimes: our raid-day is the patch day. If there is a server-maintenance, the old intances are still there for a couple of hours. so you just can play together, until the break fit into you schedule. Other mmos have downtime, queue times. .. very much stuff to hinder the people to play.


I probably can add the list to the endless, I just want to say thankyou for the wonderfull game you have created. And that your value the players time and schedule. and make it easy to play together.

Im looking forward for the next 10k hours.





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Yes megaservers are great, and add to that"All content is relevant".

It's funny to see the "GW2 is dead" memes. Because in fact, GW2 is probably the MMO that feels the most alive. WOW and FFXIV have more players, and that's great for the revenue of the game. But what good is more players when you are split up into different servers anyway. (I do recognize there's some benefits to servers, like server identity, if that's your thing, personally for me megaservers is just insanely more benficial).

The times I've played FFXIV a month or two after an expansion launch, the expansion open world maps have been almost completely empty.

And in GW2 it's not just the expansion maps that always feels alive, it's the entire game. 

Many times when i'm in a core zone and there's suddenly like 50 players around me fighting a boss, I say sarcastically "Guild Wars 2 is so dead" 😆

Edited by jokke.6239
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I think the lack of kill and loot stealing ties into that as well.

Many years ago now I tried a free trial of WoW and on top of the lack of people in starter maps I ran into the problem that when I did finally find someone all they would say is "pls leave" and kept moving away from me if I came close. I later found out it's because they were grinding kills and if I was too close enemies might attack me first and then I'd get all the XP and loot. It felt like the game was actively discouraging us from playing together.

By contrast I've recently been spending a lot of time in GW2's starter maps (making yet another attempt at a permadeath character - gravity is OP!) and I've been surprised at how many people are around and really enjoying the fact that we can all pile into events together without having to worry about that.

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1 hour ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Number 4 is particularly important. I took a large break throughout last year, but my characters did not feel left behind or out of place on return. In fact it was like, no time had past at all.

Everything is intuitive, nothing is outdated

I think that's important even for people who are still playing, because it means you can focus on what you want to do instead of what you have to do to get new equipment.

I'm a casual player and mainly focus on the story and exploring open world maps, in a lot of games that would mean accepting I can't do 'end game' content without hours of preperation. In GW2 I decided to start on the legendary backpack from Fractals and aside from needing to periodically combine the agony infusions which drop and slot them into my armour as I go up the levels I had everything I needed.

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Yes, this was the game's entire design philosophy, and what made it so good. I do feel like they're started slipping with these philosophies lately though, since players are having a harder and harder time playing together in end=game content. Hopefully these issues will finally be fixed in the coming expansion!

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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15 hours ago, maggux.4859 said:

no paytowin: others just cant pay to win the game. so you just can play together and dont be bothered, if the other has more money than you.

tbh, that is mostly because you can't win anything. If you could, the game would definitely be pay2win for allowing you to buy gold for real money 

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2 hours ago, Sarius.9285 said:

tbh, that is mostly because you can't win anything. If you could, the game would definitely be pay2win for allowing you to buy gold for real money 

Pay to win means paying for power. In many particularly grindy games, you pay to win by buying items in the gem store that are more powerful than what you can reasonably expect to get in game.  If you are able to buy power directly, the game is considered pay to win.


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8 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Pay to win means paying for power. In many particularly grindy games, you pay to win by buying items in the gem store that are more powerful than what you can reasonably expect to get in game.  If you are able to buy power directly, the game is considered pay to win.


exactly, and what I wrote is that we can buy gild directly from the developer, so if there was something like that the game would easily be pay2win 

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The game actually is heavily pay to win, you just didn't realise it yet. You can get Guild Wars core game keys for 4 euro. Buy 20 for 80 euro, daily login grants you 20 mystic coins/month or 240/year, on 20 accs that's 4800 mystic coins. Depending on the mystic coin price between 1.5-2g, that's between 7200 and 9600g/year for doing nothing at all.

80 euro, 5mins/day, best farm of the game. Broken to the core. How do you think streamers get their gold for giveaways if it doesn't come from donations? It's just a passive income made of mystic coins to fund everything.

(And this is just for a minor 80 euro, some people have over a 100 alt accounts)

Edited by evlover.6270
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34 minutes ago, evlover.6270 said:

The game actually is heavily pay to win, you just didn't realise it yet. You can get Guild Wars core game keys for 4 euro. Buy 20 for 80 euro, daily login grants you 20 mystic coins/month or 240/year, on 20 accs that's 4800 mystic coins. Depending on the mystic coin price between 1.5-2g, that's between 7200 and 9600g/year for doing nothing at all.

80 euro, 5mins/day, best farm of the game. Broken to the core. How do you think streamers get their gold for giveaways if it doesn't come from donations? It's just a passive income made of mystic coins to fund everything.

(And this is just for a minor 80 euro, some people have over a 100 alt accounts)

You just stretched the definition of "pay to win" there. I think it may have sprained something.

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58 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

You just stretched the definition of "pay to win" there. I think it may have sprained something.

no, by definition it's true. Mind you, pay2win is extremely common and as long as it's handled like it is in gw2, it doesn't harm the gameplay of the free players, so it's fine 

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How do you improve your gear as a new player? From exotic to ascended to legendary eventually. How do you get those gear/mount skins you want? How do you get your gems for gemstore items if not buying them with real money? It all comes down to gold and the most efficient way to get it is by passive login rewards. If you'd have to buy gems with real money it would cost a lot, but with alts it doesn't cost much and generates an income for all eternity with zero effort. That's why I said it comes down to pay to win. Was better back in the day when you got a mystic coin for doing 3 dailies instead of for logging in because then people at least had to do something for it.

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11 hours ago, evlover.6270 said:

The game actually is heavily pay to win, you just didn't realise it yet. You can get Guild Wars core game keys for 4 euro. Buy 20 for 80 euro, daily login grants you 20 mystic coins/month or 240/year, on 20 accs that's 4800 mystic coins. Depending on the mystic coin price between 1.5-2g, that's between 7200 and 9600g/year for doing nothing at all.

80 euro, 5mins/day, best farm of the game. Broken to the core. How do you think streamers get their gold for giveaways if it doesn't come from donations? It's just a passive income made of mystic coins to fund everything.

(And this is just for a minor 80 euro, some people have over a 100 alt accounts)

Excuse me but how are keys a p2w aspect? They grant ease of use bonuses at best, skins is otherwise the common trend and they are purely cosmetics. Those bonuses alone are also affordable by just playing the game anyway.


I suggest you read what p2w really means, having alt accounts for farming daily logins isn't p2w, that's just typical of any game, with your logic that would mean anything out there is p2w.


You can say that people buy legendaries on the market, but those still have to be crafted by players that can benefit from those buying them with liquid gold. It's not like only Anet benefits from it. The features aren't exclusively locked behind a microtransaction paywall that people have to forcefully dish out money for, they can work for it.


Someone buying the game is liable to have all the features within gameplay time which is a b2p model at it's truest form.

Edited by Shao.7236
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1 hour ago, evlover.6270 said:

How do you improve your gear as a new player? 

I used leveling rewards on the way to 80. My first characters at 80 got geared up in exotic temple armor from Orr using karma and ascended trinkets using laurels.

Nowadays I craft my own exotic armor using mats I've gathered and get ascended trinkets with LW3 currencies.

Is gearing up "winning"?

1 hour ago, evlover.6270 said:

How do you get those gear/mount skins you want? 

Wait, having a shiny mount skin is "winning"? I haven't bought any mount skins. Guess I'm a GW2 loser.

1 hour ago, evlover.6270 said:

 How do you get your gems for gemstore items if not buying them with real money? 

My copper fed salvage o matic is "winning"? Or my shared inventory slots? My increased mat storage space?

I've changed my mind. You aren't stretching the definition of "Pay to Win", you're stretching the definition of "win".

Edited by Gibson.4036
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On 2/15/2022 at 5:22 PM, jokke.6239 said:

Yes megaservers are great, and add to that"All content is relevant".

It's funny to see the "GW2 is dead" memes. Because in fact, GW2 is probably the MMO that feels the most alive. WOW and FFXIV have more players, and that's great for the revenue of the game. But what good is more players when you are split up into different servers anyway. (I do recognize there's some benefits to servers, like server identity, if that's your thing, personally for me megaservers is just insanely more benficial).

The times I've played FFXIV a month or two after an expansion launch, the expansion open world maps have been almost completely empty.

And in GW2 it's not just the expansion maps that always feels alive, it's the entire game. 

Many times when i'm in a core zone and there's suddenly like 50 players around me fighting a boss, I say sarcastically "Guild Wars 2 is so dead" 😆

I am sure I speak for many when I say we don't want to see "GW2 alive".

We want to see it thriving. This is the reason for people's qualms and complaints. Some people are satisfied with what they have, and that's fine. But just imagine the amount of content and updates you, too could be having if the game was going stronger.

Someone wins, everyone wins. Sounds familiar, doesn't it.

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13 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

Honestly, most of these positives are from vanilla GW2, which was received very well... but the newer features are kind of blah and only held up by the fact that it's still built on top of core GW2.

Crazy talk!  I'm exactly the opposite perspective. All the good stuff came in the later game.

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